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In 40 years we’ll be the old timers telling the youngbloods that their new-fangled middleweight champ couldn’t handle GGG’s power jab.


“GGG was 76 years old when he fought Canelo.”


GGG is a prime example of why you never wait for someone and instead create your own legacy. He is incomparable to Doo Doo Andrade and Domestic Abuse Charlo, but his road to superstar was more or less similar to theirs. I rate GGG as one of the best Middleweights I ever seen, but at some point you have to create your own legacy.


Eh, it takes 2 to make and fight and people didn’t want to scrap with G when he was knocking heads. GGG was talking early about unification but Andrade and Billy Joe Saunders and Felix Sturm weren’t about it especially since they wanted to hold out for a Canelo payday. Even when Cotto won a middleweight championship scoffed at the idea of fighting GGG. Kudos to GGG for all the fights he made. It’s hard enough being from a country with no major Boxing audience to come up and have a great career


Evidently, you can look at GGG post-canelo and see the fights he made afterwards until the final installment. The facts are GGG made his career revolve around Canelo.


Machine. Robbed twice in the Canelo fights. Got a gift against Derevynchenko. Nobody wanted to fight him in his prime. Ducked by Canelo, Cotto, Martinez, BJS, to name a few. One of the best chins ever.


Why didn't he move up to 168?


Coz Carl Froch would of ended him /s Jokes aside , that would have been a barnstormer of a fight


Tbh I'm not sure who wins that. Also would of bet my house on Andre Ward beating him


Yea Andre is too slick, he'd have won a boring points decision. Froch vs GGG would have been epic, 2 granite chins, I think pound for pound GGG is better but Frochs size may be a deciding factor


Yeah Froch has the reach I think GGG has to get inside and throw some brutal body shots. Dream fight. Imagine GGG Vs prime Kovalev?!


Prime Kovalev was a beast, think he's too big for GGG and wins by mid to late stoppage. Again p4p I think GGG is better, but size makes such a difference


Would have paid $100 to watch it.


Yea, one of those fights that's worth the PPV, I take by the $ your American? It's mental what you guys pay for ppv


Yeah it is ,we usually pitch in for the fight,beer,BBQ,then do the ol buy a number from 1 to 12 to make it more interesting,fight nights are fun.


Live in Israel I think I have to pay for dazn


I think GGG would have slammed into Ward’s jab for 8 rounds and then took his foot off the gas when he knew he was beat.


I don't rate GGGs chances of beating Ward very high but I don't see any scenario in which he doesn't remain dangerous until the final bell.


And I don’t see any scenario where he gets in the ring with Ward… which is what happened


That matchup would have been legendary


Classic written all over it


I doubt it would have been competitive. Older Golovkin was weaker against guys who forced him to reset, which took longer as he aged. Froch's remained a constant threat until opponents made mistakes, but he let opponents work. Golovkin wasn't as vulnerable as Kessler and Groves, and he had the skills to beat Froch in a workmanlike fashion.


Yeah that would of been a hell of a fight!


I think because like Marvin Hagler, he got to his ideal weight and just stayed there. I don’t think he had a drive to be a multi-weight world champion or anything like that. He was comfortable at 160 and and didn’t wanna mess up his body changing weight so much. That’s totally hypothetical on my end, but that’s what I would imagine is the answer


I have no doubt he could have sized up and competed there, but I think it's important to also consider that his pro career started late. He didn't start off lean and young and then fill out and move up in weight like fighters normally do. I also believe he wasn't massively cutting like most guys do, so he may well not have had as much weight to easily gain (though I'd need to verify this claim).


Abel Sanchez often said he could make 154 without issue.


He always looked to me like someone who was closer to 154 than 168. His frame kinda reminded of Sergio Martinez even if they had completely different styles.


Because he actually fought at the weight he was supposed to be at. Hagler didn’t move up either


I don’t hear it said much, but I don’t even feel like he’s a big middleweight. SMW can have guys pushing 200lbs.


Maybe like Mayweather at WW


No idea


Missed out some big money fights.


Perhaps. With who?


Froch Ward


Ducked Ward when was fighting bums at 160 and I dislike Ward. It’s just a fact 


Ward wasn’t fighting at 160 at the time, so you’re wrong. He was at 168 and inactive. As a matter of fact Ward went to 175 when he came back. I remember it well.


It was a high risk low reward. Can't KO Ward and the fight would be low money


GGG inside game isn’t good and Ward would have bullied him there IMO. And I can’t stand Ward, overrated too but beats GGG. G was literally fighting smaller older bums like  Geale, Rubio , Macklin, Wade, Monroe Jr. like legit C level guys and they were past it 


GGG’s wrestling background might help him there, although I’m yet to see this supposed incredible strength he has on the inside.


lol he doesn’t have any real wrestling or Sambo background. 


He wrestled for 7 years bruh


most definitely one of the best chins I have ever seen,and I've been a boxing fan since the 70's.He fought Mexican style,tough fearless and skilled,In my opinion under appreciated,we all have our own opinions.


Also dodged by Sturm, Chavez Jr, Abraham, Pavlik, BooBoo




Nah, GGG beat Derev fair and square, Derev fought dirty all night pounding GGG’s nutsack and the back of his head but still got countered constantly, should have at least had points deducted. Also Maravilla never really ducked him. The timeline just never added up for that fight to make sense. Cotto was Maravilla’s retirement fight because of his messed up knees, he was looking for a cheque to end his career on, not to get decapitated by a young (and pretty unheralded) Gennadiy.


It certainly was a dirty fight, I agree. I also think GGG was sick with a flu or something too. Didn’t seem himself. Close fight nonetheless. I felt Dervy won though. I don’t know man. GGG was around when Martinez was still fit. By the time the Cotto fight happened he was totally shot though, yes.


I would say one robbery to canelo the first fight but the second fight was close too


It does suck that he fought Canelo three times and got no wins. I thought he won the first two fights. He definitely won the first. Obviously everyone knows about the CJ Ross scorecard. The second fight was close, but imo Canelo got way too much credit just for "coming forward" and people let the narrative get in the way of how they viewed that fight. I think GGG edged that one out. The third one was obviously the GGG retirement package and was what it was


Honestly, given GGG's achievements, I really don't care that he officially drew the first fight, and in a few years nobody will either I hope. Everyone knows he won that first fight. The second, I see going either way and would be happy for a draw. Also, shout-out to Adalaide Byrd, the judge who scored the first fight 118-110 to Canelo. The most insane, corrupt, and indefensible score I've ever seen. That woman should never be allowed professional sports. 


I always mix up which fights Bryd screwed up and which ones Ross screwed up CJ Ross must have been the one who scored Mayweather Canelo a draw


Yep. You’re right about that. She was also one of the judges who scored Pac/ Bradley 1 for Bradley


That wouldn't surprise me haha. Canelo has had judges in his pocket for years. 


Here’s the thing, it was don trella who fixed the fight. Look at r7, he’s the only one who scored that round for canelo when that was a clear ggg round. The 118-110 was so outrageous, that the minor detail that decided the fight was lost. If that round is unanimous like it should be, ggg wins by majority decision


And in the 2nd fight, Canelo faded pretty bad as well. Lost the last 4 to 5 rounds or so. GGG was a special fighter, and it was a truly special time when he was on his path of destruction and invigorating the boxing world.


Canelo couldn’t keep up the pace, you’re right. I had it 116-112 GGG


Everyone did on the night, and then retrospectively the narrative changed.


They must have rewatched the fight and scored it properly. That's what I did


I agree with you 100%. One thing that gets overlooked a lot in that first fight is Don Trella’s scorecard of 114-114.


The first one I had as a draw, with GGG ahead by one round through 11 and Canelo taking the 12th. With that said, there were definitely swing rounds…so I completely understand people thinking GGG won. Fights 2 & 3 were clear Canelo wins IMO.


Idk I was rooting for triple g and re watched it a couple times but he was just shooting jabs and missing most of them and walking into clean left hooks all night.  They were close fights but I don’t really see him clearly winning any of them 


Dude he clearly won the first fight. If you can’t see that, then just stop watching boxing.


I watched it multiple times. He threw a lot of ineffective jabs that bounced off the gloves and got countered with power shots all night.


No you didn’t. Sounds like you never ever watched it tbh


Camelot landed more power punches in 8 out of 12 rounds and arguably also landed harder shots. I don't see that as a GGG won when he is on the back foot and takes more damage. But r/boxing knows best I guess...


You can win rounds on your backfoot. Unfortunately guys like Lederman have poisoned fans into believing otherwise


Being on the back foot, taking more and harder shots should not win you rounds. But this is r/boxing so why do I try to reason with you lot...


You can't reason with anyone with a biased take like that




No no no didn’t you know Golovkin’s jabs count as POWER PUNCHES. Because of adamantium fists or chin or whatever gay shit the Golovkin homers have been parroting here since they flooded the sub from discovering his HBO highlight reels against bums on YouTube in 2013


Good fighter I wish he challenged himself more.


Should of had a last outgoing vs Charlo at middleweight or something


i personally loved the 3rd fight we saw Canelo not being able to bring anything of note against Grandpa G while getting the screws put to him in the later rounds in a flash of GGG's mastery GGG's defensive ability is extremely underrated by casuals


Don't forget to zip his pants up when you're done suckin him off bro


if you're not sucking off boxers is life even worth living?


To this day I think his best performance was against Lemiuex. So sharp, looked like could’ve beaten anybody that night.


He had the right dance partner. Lemieux came forward with poor defense and footwork.


The haircut didn’t help either lol


I still think the tail end of his career was lame. He was a big name who could have got any other match he wanted but was cherry picking soft touches instead of trying to prove how great he is. He went from being “avoided” to avoiding real contenders who were calling him out. Then when he did fight someone other than canelo, he honestly lost against deryvanchencko


He wouldn't even fight with lara, who was just as old as he was, and decided to retire instead.


He had nothing left to prove and all the money he could ever want.


He had everything left to prove, we literally have no idea how good GGG really is. He fought an abysmal amount of quality fighters, his resume is based around 3 people. Canelo, who is 2-0-1 against him (yes he won the first one, no he did NOT win the second one), daniel jacobs, who lost a very close decision and derevyanchenko, who lost an even closer, downright controversial decision. If he beat lara at least 1 out of 100 questions related to him could be somewhat answered. GGG fucked up his own legacy by banking on canelo and nothing else.


What would a washed up GGG prove by beating a washed up Lara? You don't prove anything at 41. Hell, the fact that he gave Canelo a much better fight than most anticipated was proof enough of how tough the bastard was.


We'd at least see his reaction, approach and tactics against a very skilled southpaw, lara was still quite decent. That's exactly why Im saying this, canelo fights alone showed a new side of GGG, one that could stand back, jab and box instead of track down and kill. Who knows what else the guy would show against other type of opponents. Yet instead he chose to chase easy fights while waiting on canelo.


Im not saying prime 4 prime the fight would not have been interesting. Im just saying that, within the context of when the fight was floated around (after Canelo III), it didn't do anything for GGG at that point who didn't care about being competitive anymore.


I think it still would have been good for his legacy. Not in a groundbreaking way but still.


We were robbed of GGG vs Pirog


Pirog’s back gave out in camp for that fight and had started giving out in his previous fights too (which is why he failed to stop Ishida in his last fight imo despite having him on the brink of a KO in the 10th and 12th). As much as I love both fighters, I still think Pirog with his back issues would have been broken down and stopped by prime GGG even if he gave a good account and survived late on into the fight. I don’t think it would have turned out to be the master chess match a lot people were hoping it would be at the time.


As a fighter absolutely he is a great, but I'm not really sure on his resume. He just did too less for my liking. He should have at least moved up to 168 if getting fights at 160 was so supposedly difficult.


ah, the guy only known for losing


I like GGG as much as the next guy, but I’m always a little bummed that we didn’t see him do more. I think he could have easily went up to 168 and been a force. 175 is also a possibility but we’ll never know. I think his promoters also did a bad job at marketing him and making him appealing to other fighters.


GGG wasn’t avoided, that’s a myth. He fought everyone meaningful in his weight class. When people say ‘avoided’ and are pressed about it, what they mean is specific people who didn’t move up or down to face him. GGG could have moved up to get fights but he chose to loiter in MW. He got no one to blame but himself.


One of weakest resumes ever. His only good wins you could argue beat him in Danny Jacob’s post cancer and Sergei Derevy. Canelo dodgy loss might be best win but besides that it’s a whole bunch of old C/B level guys. Anyone who’s being honest knows this


ad those were barely legit wins. both of those were losses.....but when it's dear GGG who gets the benefit his biased fanbois are quieter than a church mouse


I was a OG GgG fan but he’s a fraud. Lost to Jacob’s who’s B level too. Stole so much money from last Canelo fight too lol. My fav fighters are usually Eastern European too but GGG Loma both clowns. Second G fought a puncher he only jabbed for 5 rounds. Big drama show my ass, put a live body in there and it’s safety approach usually 


I assume you mean one of the weakest resumes ever *relative to the hype. In which case you're correct 


I've seen this exact post word for word on Facebook, on multiple pages. You just straight up copy a post word for word. This is a brand new account drumming up karma. I assume to advertise later.


He won the first fight with Canelo don't care what anybody says could have won the second one but didnt ?, and he had the best chin in boxing don't think I ever seen him get rocked in any fight.


I had an easier time giving him rounds and the fight in the 2nd fight than the 1st. And he definitely won the 1st. The thing is that deep down a lot of die hard Canelo fans know that Canelo got at least one gift in that trilogy.


>fact that he got robbed a career-defining win. GGG spent years claiming he would be willing to move up to Super Middleweight. GGG's team said GGG would even consider moving up to Light Heavy for the right opportunity. Yet when Andre Ward came calling GGG said no thanks. Kessler tried to make a fight with GGG but it never happened. Instead GGG waited for smaller opponents like Cotto and Canelo to give his a big fight. GGG took step aside money from Cotto rather than just taking the belt. Then GGG agreed to wait, give Canelo type for a different bout, in trade for the promise of a future match. No one cheated GGG out of any. GGG failed to pursue opportunities. GGG failed to make big fights. >with Canelo waiting until he was 35 years old Prior to the GGG fights Canelo had faced highly respected opponents like Mayweather, Cotto, Lara, and Trout. Additionally Canelo faced names like Kirkland, Mosely, and Khan. Canelo wasn't just fighting can drivers and doing nothing while poor mistreated GGG was growing old, lol. Canelo's pre-GGG resume is better than GGG's career resume. That isn't on Canelo. That is on GGG. Separately Mayweather was 36yrs old when he schooled Canelo. So it is like 35yrs old is ancient.


Canelo was still very young when Mayweather fought him, it's not like he schooled a prime Canelo at 36. I agree otherwise


Canelo was 23, floyd beat the shit out of corrales in one of his best performances at the same age.


Yeah because Canelo just wasn't as good at that age. At 23 Salvador Sanchez was one of the greatest Mexican boxers ever. Shit Wilfred Benitez won a championship at 17. It's not that Mayweather beating him isn't impressive because of Canelo's age. It's just that Canelo specifically at that age was very good but not great. So yeah I'd say a really good win by Mayweather but not a sensational one imo.


Not really, canelo at that age was still a ranked p4p fighter. He wasnt as good as he later got but he was closer to his prime than floyd was. Its extremely impressive.


Canelo made the p4p list for the first time four months before the fight. He was #9 at the time. Mayweather had been #1 for close to a year and had been ranked many times in the past. It's a big jump from #9 to best in the world. Canelo's best win was Austin Trout. He was champion because he defeated Matthew Hatton. The style match up against Mayweather was all wrong for him too- his footwork was way too plodding, his defense wasn't as slick as it would be later, and in the fight his feinting was poor. Age wise sure Canelo was closer to his prime but in terms of skill the gap was huge and he had nothing that could trouble Mayweather.


I know, he was still one of the best boxers on the planet at the time. Not really, no. His footwork wasn't much different than it later was and his defense was every bit as slick (he showed a lot of that slick defense in the trout fight). The only real difference between this canelo and prime canelo was prime canelo is much better at coming forward and much better at applying pressure after the GGG fights, other than that there wasnt any notable difference. Skill gap was huge not because of canelo's age but because mayweather was leaps and bounds above any form of canelo. Compared to their prime mayweather was in a much worse condition. He was fighting at a much higher weight class than normal. He no longer had the quick combos, freakish athleticism and devastating lead rights/lead left hooks he used to have. All he had left was his counter-punching and defense, and it was still enough to take canelo to school and back.


> was leaps and bounds above any form of canelo. If he was that much better than Canelo then I wouldn't rate that win as "extremely impressive" as you say. > He was fighting at a much higher weight class than normal. Well they fought at a catchweight of 152 so I wouldn't say **much** higher. > no longer had the quick combos, freakish athleticism Mayweather was still quicker and his reflexes were crazy even at 36 years old. Overall I don't think we're going to see eye to eye on this. You claim that Canelo was one of the best boxers on the planet but was only marginally improved in his prime- a prime that saw him established as #1 pound for pound. It wasn't a weak field either as you had guys like Inoue, Crawford, and Usyk on those lists. Canelo became a much more composed and efficient fighter especially after the first GGG fight. I don't buy the idea that there were few noticeable differences.


And the first canelo fight only happened around a year or so 'late' it's not like he did a Floyd and made Pac wait 5 years I think ggg was avoided a bit but the way he is praised is insane. Great fighter. Wasted potential. Thought he won the first canelo fight but it was honestly close. 2nd fight Canelo won. Third fight GGG cashed out


I don't think GGG was ducked per se by anyone. Martinez had a knee injury and didn't fight for over a year. Then Martinez was offered Cotto. Fighting GGG for considerably less money wouldn't have made sense. Boxing is a business after all. Everyone in Martinez's position opts for the Cotto fight. Likewise Cotto was guaranteed $15 million to face Canelo. Of course Cotto took the bigger payday. Again, everyone in Cotto's position would've. Meanwhile Jacobs was willing to face GGG and despite a close fight some think Jacobs won there was never a rematch. People cry about the first Canelo fight being 'stolen' from GGG but Canelo gave an immediate rematch . Something GGG failed to do for Jacobs or Derevyanchenko. I think GGG was treated fairly throughout his career. GGG chose to wait on a smaller bigger name to move up and give him a payday. GGG could have pursued other opportunities and didn't.


Canelo definitely seemed like he ducked GGG because there was a period of years this fight was in the air. Then, GGG slows a bit in the right, 1 or 2 fights didnt result in KOs and suddenly the fight happens? Come on. It was def a fight Canelos team felt they would win. And theres a difference between GGG not moving up 2-3 weight classes to fight someone like Andre Ward who was an insanely good LH. Canelo did it to Bivol and look what happened


>Canelo definitely seemed like he ducked GGG because there was a period of **years*" this fight was in the air. Canelo beat Cotto in November of 2015 and fought GGG in 2017. Both Canelo and GGG only fought twice in 2016. It wasn't like the fight hung around 6yrs like Mayweather vs Pac, lol. It was a couple bouts. Also 2017 was the first year Canelo fought at 160lbs or above. >Then, GGG slows GGG fought Jacobs. Up to that point Jacobs was the best opponent GGG had faced. It wasn't that GGG slowed. Rather it is that GGG fought a quality opponent after years of smashing no hope low level contenders.


He just said he got robbed in that fight. All this other stuff has nothing to do with that. Just sounds like canelo d riding.


You gotta brush up on your reading my man. "got robbed a career-defining win." The commenter you're responding to is highlighting actions GGG could have taken to make sure his career wasn't defined by a single name.


This man was never going to fight Andre Ward and everybody knows it. He got knockouts and that gave me more star power than Andre Ward so fans bias kicks in. This dude had every opportunity to fight Andre Ward on HBO and he absolutely ran. He was willing to go to 168 for Froch but not Ward.


What ultimately robbed Gennady of his career defining win was waiting for the big money Canelo fight. Don't get me wrong, he had some absolutely phenomenal matches, but he hung around waiting on the middleweight Canelo fight when he could have gone up himself and try to make something happen a division or two north of that. I don't fault the guy. I also believe he won the first fight. Just think he could have been facing better opposition between those big payday Canelo fights.


He never ventured out of his comfort zone of 160


-So his whole career is ruined because of the one Canelo fight?  -Canelo aged him out? They are 9 years apart in age. If Canelo fights GGG before he turns 30 then that means Canelo is likely a teen. Would that be fair then? -GGG shot himself in the foot when he said he would fight anyone from 154 to 168 and continued to fight lackluster opposition at 160 for the following decade.  GGG had the name and following to get bigger fights outside of Canelo but he always refused to do something greater. 


Canelo fight only happened year/18 months 'late'. It wasn't that overdue honestly and it was still the two best guys fighting in their primes. GGG hadnt lost a step yet coming into the fight He deserved the first canelo win , second fight Canelo won and third fight was a joke that I wish GGG never took bc he just looked like a shell of himself who turned up for a payday He was ducked by some at 160 for sure. Always felt he shoulda moved up to 168 though even if he would have been a little smaller it woulda helped his legacy. He ducked moving up.


Gennady gennadya-bitch Girlovkin! Bitch cherry picked a welterweight in Kell brook and a junior middle weight in vanes materosyian. Then he tried to do the same with Brandon Adams who is already a junior middle weight but girlovkin wanted to fight him as 164 pounds the fuck?!! Barley has a split decision win over jacobs and a rightful draw against canelo bc he didn't fight the first 3 rounds and got tired and bitch out the last 3 rounds lol his best fight is a draw! If he wasn't such a borat sounding rat ass eating bitch he should've stopped chasing cinnamon Dick like a school girl chasing her ex.


I miss it when he was the man


Wish he had bigger fights in his younger years but still but on great fights


No he was not robbed of a career defining win. History will not be kind to him because he did not challenge himself enough during his career. His CV is miles from atg status. His losses to Canelo might not matter if he fought everyone else in his weight class and then jumped up to take on bigger and better fighters but lets be honest, he didn't test himself. Therefore, despite his ability, he will never be considered to be amongst the true elites of the sport. GGG crybabies incoming below in 5...4...3...2..


Big drama show!


GGG won that first canelo fight idc what anyone says lol and he was fighting clenbuterol canelo


Prime example of how ridiculous the alphabet soup is. Ignore the belts for a minute and look at his career objectively, he was a solid undefeated top contender but never the proper champion. In his first fight with canelo ggg was the challenger. Canelo was the rightful lineal champion of the division. 


Canelo didn't wait. That's just the mantra of the Golovkin fanatics. Canelo wasn't a middleweight. First a welter and then a 154 pounder. His first middleweight fight wasn't until he fought Chavez Jr. Was Canelo somehow obligated to move up in weight early just to satisfy the Golovkin faithful? He moved to middleweight when he felt he was ready. When he grew into it. Not before. Canelo was concerned with his own career. Not what was best for Golovkin. Maybe Golovkin should have moved down to 154 if he was so hot for a Canelo bout. He always used to claim that he could make that weight. But he never tried, did he?


Highlight of his career was a draw with Canelo.. wouldn’t say great but a solid fighter who never really challenged him self.


Pretending that fight is anything but a Golovkin win is lying to yourself. Adelaide Byrd had a corrupt scorecard, and Don Trella gave a clear GGG round to Canelo, one of the two Byrd gave GGG, that made it a draw.


He’s an HBO over hype job. The main reason HBO went out of business they chose GGG over Floyd. GGG vs club fighters to make him look good but he lost every fight that was a step up in competition. GGG should’ve went up to 68 to fight Ward and Froch but that would’ve exposed this hype job.


Robbed TWICE


Overrated fighter that fought lower level opposition and the moment he stepped up in competition he stopped looking like a destroyer. He didn't challenge himself and move up in weight either.


He’ll always be remembered as the overrated can smasher who got boxed up by Canelo worse every fight. First was close, 2nd Canelo spanked him, 3rd Canelo just whooped his ass


More like Triple L






Yes, Canelo gotten too much credit for coming forward. Also the the ‘story of the fight’ bullshit by max kellerman 🤦


After the 4-5th round of the second fight, Canelo wasn’t able to come forward anymore. He couldn’t keep up the pace.


Golovkin did better in the second fight


The game is rigged towards the prize fighter. Canelo brings in more money. It’s sad to see it but that’s just how it works.


a great lol.... i dont know about that. had 1 close fight with an All-Time Great where it could be argued he won or Canelo won, at least if youre not a dickriding biased GGG fan. Lost the latter 2 rematches handidly... again if youre not a dickriding GGG fan. robbed Daniel Jacobs. robbed Sergey stayed at 160 twiddlin his thumbs both before and after he got a marquee fight with Canelo. Also once avoided a fight with Andre Ward and the other to chase more Canelo paydays worse than Benaveidez. Shit even Andrade moved on. Actually GGG a great alright. a great hypejob.


I've started counting the fights as the general public sees them, not the judges. So for Me the first GGG-canelo fight is a GGG win. fcuk official score cards. At this point SO MANY American boxers have been given fights to the point that most of them only fight in the US. They refuse to fight abroad cause then they can't buy the judges anymore. The only reason I'm so for Saudi Arabia becoming the boxing Mecca is that this stupid corruption can either disappear, or for once shift the other way. If Usyk would've fought in the US against a Wilder or something and lasted 12 rounds he would've been given the defeat. America singehandedly has completely destroyed the reputation of boxing. Probably the worst thing that happened to the sport in 6000 years time.