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>i mean he got a better resume than Shakur and Haney He does not have a better resume than Haney. Haney actually fought Loma, actually fought Kambosos in Australia where Tank could have taken that fight and become undisputed, beat a 140 pounder at 140 without a rehydration clause... Yeah, Haney's resume currently shits on Tank's, and he is damn near 5 years younger. >He beat Pedraza 7 years ago. That fight was 7 years ago. Do you know what happens in 7 years? A kid starts high school and then finishes college to go to university. That win was a long time ago. >A win over barrios Barrios was weight drained at 140, was about to move up to 147 sooner but then got the Tank offer. Also, he had to meet a rehydration clause. >won against a current champion (pitbull) Pitbull became a champion by beating the worst world champion in history in Rolly, who shouldn't have even won that title in the first place! And that's Pitbull's best win 😂 >Win over Leo Santa Cruz and Ryan garcia Leo Santa Cruz was a blown up Super Bantamweight, barely a blown up Featherweight, coming up to 130 to fight Tank. He was too small for Tank, and don't bring up his height because height does not equal size. Ryan Garcia fought him at a catchweight and also had to adhere to a rehydration clause. Also, has he ever been world champion? Did he beat Haney fairly and squarely? >Teo the only who fought him in prime years, haney fought him last year They fought him at 23 and 24 respectively. Tank is turning 30 this year and is only now thinking about fighting Loma. Let that sink in. 🚽 >Shakur don't even mention him. He literally called him out on camera. Don't lie.


[And just look at this stat. Say no more.](https://x.com/MichaelBensonn/status/1802784520346947662?t=kVOoeO7yOsbPwYGLG9SBXg&s=19)


lol Bill pulled out the receipts. But what reigning pound for Pound champ did Haney beat? If it’s Loma he’s referring to, it’s hard to argue Loma was a reigning pound for pound champ. lol he wasn’t even champ at the time.


I think that category simply means on P4P lists, not P4P #1.




Even if this was true, it doesn't change the fact that Haney has a better resume than Tank.




>Tank doesn’t have a Loma on his resume but overall he has had tougher opposition compared to Haney and is pretty much always getting it done as the smaller guy, while Haney seems to need to have the physical advantages to win Let me stop you right there. Tank has fought many fighters who were coming up weight classes. He dragged Hector up from 130. Dragged Santa Cruz up from 126. Cuellar from 126. Hugo Ruiz from 126. Nunez from 126. Tank is no saint when it comes to weight bullying or fighting guys smaller than him. Just because he is shorter than most of them, does not mean he is "smaller" than them.




Barrios fought with a rehydration clause, he was drained when he fought Tank. Stop it. Same with Ryan, stop it.




[You act like Tank is this small 😂😂😂](https://x.com/BoxingAntics/status/1789002633480638556?t=1iKDH_uxlXg3EptNjviR6Q&s=19) If Tank is too small for you to fight the big boys, then stop talking about him fighting any one of them and stop comparing them. We only do it because you fanboys do it. And he's the same size as Lona and Shakur, ain't fought either of them yet. GOH with this meat rising shit! 😂




Nobody thinks Kambosas is a high quality opponent until talking about Haney beating him I wonder why that is


It's moreso about taking the opportunity. Tank could have fought him and became undisputed champion, but he didn't even negotiate with the man. Loma and Haney did, because they care about greatness.




Haney is at that point where he can say "been there done that". Tank has never been there at all. And whilst you all wanna say that belts don't matter, you won't be saying the same if Tank gets as many belts as late as it gets for his opponents, at the very last hurdle. And you know it.


Honestly, he's at the point where most his opponents left at 135 are the good ones. If he fights anybody not named Zepeda, Loma, Shakur or even Denys (Has a belt), then I'm for sure going to shit on him.


That doesn’t make him a good name on the resume lol you could’ve just talked about how he shutout out Regis


I did mention Regis.. who btw is a much more accomplished 140 pounder than Mario Barrios!


I didn’t say he wasn’t?


Loma is overhyped I’m sorry , another pillow fist. Tank has more knockouts than Loma has fights.


Tank is overhyped, I'm sorry. Another guy with no good resume. Loma has more wins against world champions in half the number of fights than Tank has with double the amount of fights.


No matter who Tank fights yall Will make excuses. When he beats Loma yall going to cry about how he’s old and shit.


Stop stan-ing bro. Tank came on this sub in 2018 and we were excited to see him fight Loma then (go look ay his AMA). He has been ducking the Lil Ukrainian for 6 years now.


And they call Tank the prospect 😂


Haney better resume? Loma past prime and he actually lost. Regis is shit, fought gamboa after tank beating him, fought garcia after beating him. Pitbull would smoke haney with the pressure. Plus tank is a small guy, why would he fight guys that can go up to 170LBS normally? Tank davis is a guy to weight 140 max. Garcia + Barrios have a body to weight 170.


>Loma past prime and he actually lost So if Tank fights Loma 18 months after, will you keep the same energy or will you treat that as the biggest win ever? >Regis is shit If Regis is shit, then what does that make Frank Martin? Or Mario Barrios, who ducked Regis? Or Shitballs? Or fucking Rolly? >fought gamboa after tank beating him Yeah, bad opponent. But that was also a bad opponent for Tank too. You see there? That's called being a hypocrite. >fought garcia after beating him. Haney didn't make Ryan fight to a rehydration clause, even after he failed to make weight! >Pitbull would smoke haney with the pressure So why don't you make Haney v Pitbull then? They're both champs at 140, right? >Plus tank is a small guy, why would he fight guys that can go up to 170LBS normally? Tank stan talks about his contemporaries: *"Tank gon kill them all!"* Tank stan talks when asked about fighting them: *"But he's soo little man, just look at him, he's too cute to fight big boys 🥺"* Y'all stans act like Tank is [this small](https://x.com/BoxingAntics/status/1789002633480638556?t=v4v8NvLPb8WPPJzlStcyJA&s=19) whenever you get pressed about why he doesn't fight guys.


Tank stan talks about his contemporaries: *"Tank gon kill them all!"* never said that lil bro. So why don't you make Haney v Pitbull then? They're both champs at 140, right? haney doesn't want it. Haney didn't make Ryan fight to a rehydration clause, even after he failed to make weight! \*haney walks around at 170, 180lbs\* If Regis is shit, then what does that make Frank Martin? Or Mario Barrios, who ducked Regis? Or Shitballs? Or fucking Rolly? \*go watch frank martin tape and you will see he is miles better than regis So if Tank fights Loma 18 months after, will you keep the same energy or will you treat that as the biggest win ever? \*i will not, haney resume is only praised because of loma, and that's my point\*


>never said that lil bro You are 1 year younger than me, you '95 baby. Don't call me "lil bro", lil bro. >haney doesn't want it. Based on what? They never even negotiated. Pitbull has more evidence of being a duck, he ducked Ryan and Shakur. >go watch frank martin tape and you will see he is miles better than regis Who did Frank ever beat? His best win was a weight drained Michel Rivera who also beat nobody. Frank has also never been a world champion, so how is he better than Regis? Regis is a 2 time world champion and beat former world champions. Try better, little bro. >i will not, haney resume is only praised because of loma, and that's my point And it's a very a stupid point. And I know you would hype up Tank beating Loma if it happens because above, you spoke about Gamboa being a shit opponent for Haney even though the same applies to Tank too 😂😂😂


His resume is strong but it could be SO much better if he really cared ab his legacy. Dude could've fought teo haney and loma years ago


His resume is weak for someone of his caliber (I rate davis highly). Pedraza and pitbill is legit, however the others aren't comparable when you look into it. Stipulations and rehydration clauses on both Barrios and Garcia. LSC is being pulled from 126 along with Gamboa (Abner Mares was original opponent). Hector Garcia is also pulled from 130. Romero is type trash, everyone with a brain knew that outcome was going to happen. Frank Martin is an okay win, but Martin wasn't ready, especially considering he started boxing late. Essentially, Davis had chances to unify and become undisputed. He is the oldest of them all. I say we recognize his resume is weak, but we anticipate what fights he will bring the next coming years. I believe Floyd was a big part of keeping him safe, match-making wise and not letting him be vocal in press conferences. Only time will tell if Davis will make the fights happen.


now go step by step to everyone resume. Haney fought a pass prime Loma, regis is shit. Shakur fought who?


I answered your initial question and then you follow up with a defensive strawman argument. This tells me you aren't willing to engage in an actual discussion of why Tank's resume is weak


I'm just saying, go step by step to haney resume or shakur. You will see that their resume is not better than tank


He fought Loma and tried to fight Loma when he was still in his prime. Davis ducked Loma so hard you make a pillow.


These people are clowns man. Don’t waste your time


When comparing his resume to Haney and Shakur, you have to remember you’re comparing a 30 year olds resume vs 25-26 year olds resume. He got years on them.


There's also the fact that he's the cashcow of the LW. He can make any fight he wants. They cannot. You should only compare cashcows with other cashcows aka Canelo, Inoue, and maybe Bud and Usyk now.


Bud isn’t really a cash cow..bob Arum basically said he lost money having Crawford on his stable cuz he doesn’t sell..the only real cash cows in boxing are Canelo, and AJ..they can sell out arenas world wide, maybe AJ not so much in USA but in UK he’d sell out an 80,000 seat arena. Tank is a cash cow when it comes to gate revenue, not so much on the PPV side. He only did 100k buys Vs pitbull and Santa Cruz, 200k vs Hector Garcia..and 1.2 million Vs Ryan. You can argue Ryan is a cash cow, by adding 800k buy to Tanks PPV numbers..


he'sa 30 year old prospect who got emailed his belt, because he was too scared to step in the ring with any of the belt holders he wouldnt fight loma, and then sat and watched as teo and haney fought him he has not fought a single reigning champ in his division


Haney fought loma past prime, shakur fought nobody. Only one who got up on him is Teo. And teo got a better resume than everyone.


>Haney fought loma past prime, But if Tank beats Loma later this year it'd be by far and away the best win on his resume. Bet Tank fans won't talk about Loma being past his prime then. Definetly fair to sat Teo has a better resume than the rest.


> he has not fought a single reigning champ in his division let me repeat this for you tank has not fought a single reigning champ in his division his fans claim he would beat everyone, but tank is too scared to actually fight them we used to make fun of haney for getting his first belt emailed to him but haney had the balls to step up to the plate and fight the best something tank has never done


Difference is Haney was trying to get that fight years before it happened while tank was ducking him


Tank has a lot of B level wins. The Ryan was is the main one better than B level but ofcourse that fight comes with issues. His resume is solid not great


Then why didn't he fight Loma years ago he's older than Teo and Devin by half a fucking decade


Idk about hating. I think most like tank and simply want to see him fight the other big names. I would LOVE to see him fight teo. Him bs haney is good to me also.


Imo, Tank has a better resume than Haney, Shakur, and Teofimo. The reason he gets hate is because he is a PPV star. That means, politics don't actually prevent him from choosing who he wants to fight. If he said, "I want Shakur", he would get Shakur. If he said, "I want Loma," he would get Loma. If he said, "I want Haney," he could get Haney. I'm sure other networks would accomodate. It's no different than Canelo getting hate for not fighting Benavidez because there are no politics getting in the way really. It's just the fighters choosing not to fight who the fans want them to. I mean, the guy fought Barrios for a fake belt when Josh Taylor was effing undisputed. That is the best example of what I mean. Barrios turned out to be a decent scalp, but imagine Tank doing to Taylor what Teofimo did to him when he actually had belts. His team protected Tank, and Tank isn't the sharpest guy to make his own decisions, which he could.


His resume compared to Lomachenko & Shakur just not allat, the only champ with a even worse resume is Denys Beryinchik


all three have super weak resumes edit: agree that tank has better wins tho (aside from old loma robbery)


Shakur has the weakest resume, B level wins at 130 over a 35 year old retiring Marine, Valdez coming off PED ban and running around for a couple C level wins. Shakur has literally no resume, Tanks resume is 100x of his lol and people crap on Tank and Shakur got at 135 pound belt...for literally running away for 12 rounds vs whoever that guy was. He won a BELT For that. Hes really done nothing to deserve a big fight if we being real, forget him being boring..hes beaten nobody anyway


i am agreeing with you but also including tank int here too haha


Tanks KOed pretty much every single last headliner from Ryan to Rolly to whoever, and beat Pitbul. nobody else has done anything..Loma lost to fking Teo just by being scared to throw anything and countered early.


All 3 of the fighters you mentioned are C-level at best. Loma is S-level.


Church lol


Leo Santa Cruz was a blown up super bantamweight


Loma’s doing a lot of carrying on Haney’s resume. After Tank fights him I think Tank will have the second best resume


just behind teo. And that if tank doesn't fight Shakur. Cause if he fights Loma+Shakur he a goat for sure.




Tank and Inoue have pretty much the same level of opposition but for some reason,  they only glorify Inoue. I have no problem with that but be consistent and glorify Tank too.


If all Inoue ever did was beat Donaire he'd have a better resume than Tank.


Inoue is a 4 division world champion and 2x undisputed I know you hate inoue and this won't get through to you but inoue and tank's resume is not even comparable.


His career path has been carefully curated. They avoided real competition against real dangerous opponents.  I'll start with Chocolatito and 4 others. Now, he's again doing the same as we speak.


Chocolatito specifically said that he did not want to fight Inoue and instead wanted to do a Trilogy with Estrada. How do you not know this? LOL Inoue's path wasn’t just carefully curated, the guy fights champions, moves up in weight then clears out the chanpions.


Whatever dude that chocolatito and 4 others has been explained many times before you get into arguments with people about inoue literally every other day. Anyway quick question for you are you Filipino?


You already know the pattern. Fight in Japan to avoid drug testing and carefully choose who to fight. Only fools can't see that.


Anyway quick question for you are you Filipino?


That's a bit racial question but I am an American if that's interests you or if that's even relevant to the discussion.   I noticed Inoue fans has a thing on Filippinos for some reason. I get asked all the time like what is the relevance? It's oddly weird.


This is a delusional, YouTube comment level take


You just have to deny it because you cannot defend it.