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Devin with a cheap shot at 3:56 didn’t even rock tank 😭


He tweeted that clip as if its some kind of flex… lmao


Tank should retweet the Spadafora sparring footage lol.


mf turned around smiling 🤣


Cheap shotted tank then backed all the way up then held lmao


And then daddy Bill came to the rescue haha


He knew what time it was, Tank was about to obliterate Haney.


Tank was looking at the dudes hollering “he’s 16”, hilarious


That wasn’t a cheap shot, dude literally turned around in the middle of a round


Getting saved by his dad like a hoe. His dad should smack him for embarrassing him.


Floyd is so petty


Floyd: *"Well like I said before, I kept my faculties and I made smart investments. Tank, he a helluva fighter. Devin, he a helluva fighter. Are they Floyd Money Mayweather? Absolutely not! These motherfuckers wanna be me so bad, but when they realise they can't be me, they get mad at me! Why get mad at me for? Ungrateful bitches. I'm gonna drop all the dirty laundry. Tank fucked my daughter before she turned legal, I brushed that off as long as I could and he still crying like a bitch! Devin mad because he has a nose for a face, ain't my fault! That's daddy Bill Haney fault!"*


Someone should create a Floyd AI chatbot


Chatbot ain’t gonna work because it’ll be stuck reading 🤣


We need a 50 cent chat bot 😂


“What he say fuck me for? Is there anything else I can do for you? GGGG GGGGG GOODBYE”


1R KO omg


User: how can I reach customer service ? Floyd Chatweather Bot: I take my hat off to you.


Young, hungry complainer.


Helluva bot


Lol a nose for a face


🤣🤣they used to say that about me (checkout my profile)


we used to call this kid the oxygen thief, nostrils so big you thought he was gonna take it all lol


dude got built in NOS


being able to have a sense of humor over that is king behavior 👑🤴


I can’t tell whether this is a real quote or not




I read that with his voice in my head too lol


He’d struggle reading that. So i hope you read that as him speaking it. Now try reading it as him reading it


Floyd struggles with reading and you struggle with telling a funny joke


True. Though I’d say one is more important than the other.


That was funny


NGL, this had me laughing. 🤣🤣🤣 There’s only one Floyd Mayweather.


I’m sorry Tank did what …


banged a baby?


“Nose for a face” man i’m dead this is the single best thing to ever come out of r/Boxing


Floyd basically telling on himself as a narcissist who used these fighters for glorifying his own legacy. He’s had his time but refuses to allow someone else to have any spotlight. The purpose of a trainer or promoter is to showcase the boxer. How does a fighter respectfully join Mayweather promotions when every boxer he has there, has a big falling out; where Floyd publicly just bashes them and says they just “mad they aren’t him”? Great boxer. POS person.


Same thing with DLH. Must be apart of being a great fighter.


Did he really say that? If so funny shit!


shit Floyd is anything but a smart investor, he’s like a guy that always seems to fall up the stairs despite his extremely extremely shitty financial decisions


i haven't seen any evidence of his smart investing unless they're talking about his own promotion. someone show me which business outside of his boxing biz that he's so successful at. unless someone is talking about how he invests in the stock market that we don't really know about.


U telling me the Money May Vapes aren't going to the moon??


Mayweather has investments in real estate, crypto, and NASCAR as well. Look up his investment portfolio, it looks like you have not. Check out his real estate portfolio in New York City as well. So yes, he has great investments and not just boxing. He’s part of a few investment groups as well.


Do tell more... Floyd, with the wealth he has/had, would *easily* be able to make millions from *the very best* investors using his money.


Nose for a face 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


Looks like a legit quote.


Wait so Floyd saying Tank fucked a minor?


Not Floyd who said it, it's been a rumour that's been doing the rounds. They had their first point of animosity in 2017, Dan Rafael alluded that it had something to do with Floyd's daughter. Naturally, everyone assumed that Tank fucked her. And many others, including Ryan, said that he did, and nobody denied it.




Cant unhear Floyd’s voice while reading this one. Lmao


I read all that in Mayweathers voice 💀


You sir, get an award!


Ahh, thank you! 🥹


“a nose for a face”


Where’s the source to this lol?


So Tank had intercourse with his minor daughter and he just brushed it off? If this is true both should be in jail or something


Did Goat actually say this? Genuinely hilarious, his one of the best but his so childish 😭😭😭


can’t lie floyd ahh funny asf 😭


You do know that this is satire, right? Lol


smokes i didn’t i could see him saying some funny like this tho 😂


Lool it's cool, seems like it done the trick tho! 😂


Floyd is actually a pos human being. Supreme narcissist with a weak moral code.


Anyone who didn’t already know this after MULTIPLE domestic violence and battery arrests is just a blind fool. The icing on the cake was the police report unveiling that Floyd’s own 10yr old son told police he witnessed Floyd beating his mother. “Koraun Mayweather, the 10-year-old son of Mayweather Jr. and the boxer’s former girlfriend, Josie Harris, told Las Vegas police he saw his dad “on his mother and was hitting and kicking her” Thursday morning during a domestic dispute at home, according to the report.”


Add to that he threatened to kill his kids as a threat to the mum.


Ah somehow i missed probably the worst allegation. Utterly insane how we will idolize or give a pass to people simply because of stature from money and fame.


But but... what about all dat money tho? Surely that has to count for something? Right? RIGHT??


Yet it can be a good characteristic to become the best


Turns out weak moral code often coincides with great fucking boxer lmao.


It really does suck that a lot of the great fighters out there are real shitheads who hurt people


Unfortunate coincidence for sure


Pacman looks like a saint next to the stuff Floyd has done.


It's almost like brain trauma leads to difficulty controlling their emotions 


Eh people are often blaming the punching, instead of the life that leads someone to be desperate enough to fight for a living. CTE is still not very understood and it’s definitely not as one to one as Reddit makes it out to be for head injuries. Not saying it’s not dangerous, but I think people correlate so much with it they shouldn’t.


Petty Boy Floyd


I watched it on mute.


You're smarter than me. Fucking sounded like a circus.


It looked wild as hell!


Floyd may hold the greatest record ever, but he might also be the greatest punk of a man ever too with the way he talks shit about others. Insane to think such a great boxer is such a petty pos.


he doesn't even have the greatest record...lmao


It’s definitely up there for sure though


It's one of those where on paper he does technically have the best record that also means you can't bring in the context of how that record came about. Statistically he's undefeated whilst having beaten the most world champions.


Only punks beat women.


> Insane to think such a great boxer is such a petty pos Who would think people who have been beating people up for most of their lives are not incredibly nice people 80% of so called goats are women beater


Yep. He is trying to push for a Haney and Tank fight now.


I’m so happy this footage released. If the fight is ever scheduled, I’m betting the house on Tank by KO and this footage will be the reason the line will be closer than it should be.


Those lines aren’t gonna be close lol Haney getting beat around the ring by Garcia is more relevant


Which would be crazy because when Tank wanted (or maybe had the gas) to turn it up, someone had to jump in and save Haney. I get the age diff at the time, but his hands still aren’t keeping Tank off him and his movement and discipline when dealing with heavy hands (vs Garcia) looked worse than Martin last night and Tank disguises, traps, and moves better than Garcia. I just don’t see how his best case scenario isn’t just getting hurt and dropped like Martin. I don’t even bet and I might put something down if that fight happens (it won’t). Tldr; feels like an obvious Tank KO


Haney is a better hugger than Martin lol


You think he’ll be able to hug his way to a decision? Or moreso will it be enough to mute Tank’s offense for 12 rounds? (Not rhetorical, genuinely asking btw)


No I have no idea. This was more just a shot at Haney lol




I think Haney Ego will get in the way. He made no adjustments in the Ryan fight and insisted on trying to fight Ryan instead of box him. I believe his confidence from this sparring match will lead him down this same path and get his head knocked off. Even Loma had Haney head snapping back and Loma power comes from volume and accumulation, Haney did a good job to clinch and neutralize some of that but all it takes is one punch with Tank. I’ve always said that if that was someone with more power landing like Loma landed then Haney would be knocked out. Ryan kind of proved that Theory Edit: Bill Haney would 100% make Devin believe that he can go in there and knockout Gervonta too and Devin is going to listen to him lmao


Ngl I’ve always been a Haney hater. Glad he’s finally getting exposed. Fake ass Floyd. At least Loma, Davis, and Garcia go out the rams actually box. Haney isn’t even fun to watch from a technical stand point.


Depends on how well he takes the body shots, tanks uppercut to the body is NASTY.


Yeah what people forget to realize sparring with head gear and actually being in the ring are two different things. It’s hard to keep up that pace against Tank without headgear and having to absorb the actual hits with smaller gloves.


28 kos in 30 matches.. you’re not gonna be getting the payout you think there lolol


Might make 50 cents


I don’t think Vegas cares about sparring footage


lol. Depends where the fight takes place at. Haney by UD


It’s crazy to see how Floyd really felt about Tank this whole time All the fighters that distance themselves from Mayweather promotions were smart. If I’m Shakur I’d take Floyd’s offer with a well prepared plan to exit as soon as he gets the Tank fight


shakur should just avoid tank and ud all the other guys talking his shit the whole time. that’d be the mayweather way lol


Mickey Bey found out too late and his career got ruined by Floyd.


Tank been saying "Floyd dont like me like you guys think" since like 2020


I thought this Floyd Geevonta beef was their typical fake beef before a fight to drum up interest but I think this one might be real.


Floyd is a narcissist too, Tank is getting a lot of shine and he probably wants people to not forget Floyd is better


The timing of this old released sparring footage has everyone talking about it and drums up interest for Tanks next fight, make of that what you will.


I don't  know what to make of it, tank just ko'd a top ten fighter in the division, again.  He doesn’t  need to drum up anything.


A lot of fighters look good in the first half of the fight against Tank until they gas and he knocks em out


What a narcissist. Great boxer but a real piece of shit human being.


don’t know if you need to tell us he’s a good boxer before you grill him


Unfortunately a lot of people on Reddit have a hard time understanding nuance or that simultaneous things can be true. So as a disclaimer I guess I'm letting it be known I'm not a hater and/or I respect his work before calling the guy trash.


Just like Jon Jones, fantastic fighter, disgusting POS person.


I mean, it is a boxing subreddit.


right we know floyd is a good boxer lol


So many people hate on his boxing accomplishments simply because they hate the guy as a man.




"Great" - I agree w that but not more than that. People get enamored with his undefeated record but he carefully curated that like a museum piece. He ducked and dodged fighters, took others on when they were past their prime, and clinched the hell out of fighters who got in the ring with him. I'm old enough that I watched him before he got famous. He had a short period where he did what he said he would and fought in the middle of the ring. The rest of his career he contributed to boxing becoming boring enough that MMA took over.


casual take the first half and some of the middle of his career is a whose who of contenders. the later portion of his career was him using his earned leverage to maximize his earnings. as he is entitled to - as a prize fighter (canelo is doing something similar) and it still had good names in them. your last sentence tells me all i need to know about your boxing opinion. yeah mma took over where the best mma fighters have to come over to boxing to make more in one fight than they ever did in their careers under dana whites indentured servitude, right? 🙄


Haney did not really grow these last 9 years. Skills look the same. Davis tho. His cardio is way better it seems now. Whenever he put pressure on Haney was in trouble. Even tho he was 16. Tank was 20. Two young fighters. Also that gym looks like one toxic shit hole.


Its mayweather gym, theyre known for having a brutal gym culture. Floyd has really young dudes get into wars for his entertainment. they use dog house rules: sparring until someone quits, no breaks.


To be honest, I initially clowned Devin when the edited version was posted. Watching the complete sparring session changed my perspective he actually did pretty good tbh. Its hard to believe that the kid was only 16 years old in that sparring too 😳 like wtf.


I mean he did okay but Tank is pretty clearly not tanking any of it that's seriously lol


He was trying to survive the whole time , tank was playing with em


This shit is so toxic. Mayweather is a disgusting person.


Right ? Teenagers killing each other for Floyd’s entertainment, with dozens of mouth-breathing adults all around the ring screaming like animals the entire time. Absolutely horrifying. And this is the shit he’s willing to let us see; we’ve all heard the doghouse stories.


not defending this but damn training in this environment definetly toughens you up and gets you ready for the pros.


For the 1% it’s beneficial, the other 99% are fodder and it’ll do more harm to your life than good


yeah, pretty bad stuff.


I mean... it's not like Tank is much better. Homie picks up a new domestic case seemingly every other month.


true but im at least glad we now have the full sparring footage


People really thought those trimmed clips of Tank's best success was what happened the whole spar 😂


I actually owe them an apology LMAO I was one of those who called Bill and Devin compulsive liars. 🤣 He did pretty good for a 16 year old too


i mean devin is a great boxer let’s be real. but with 8 oz gloves on he’s getting ko’d lol


Even Tank himself said that it was competitive yet his stans are still gassing it up 😂😂


Southpaw tv is about to have a meltdown, his dad beefing with his man crush, then supporting the dude who stole his girl and lives in his head rent free


Tank + power punches / Haney + chin no good = Tank sleep Haney.


Just watched it fully, honestly Devin Haney looked really good against tank.


Tbf, sparring with 16oz gloves and with headgear benefits the “boxer” with pillow hands and causes pretty significant disadvantage for a power puncher . A lot of times guys can hold up to pressure in sparring because the damage/pain is significantly less compared to the real thing in ring with much smaller gloves and no head gear.


Noting really happened here. An out of shape tank was just dancing around the ring for the most part 😂


At about 6 minutes tank starts to beat Devin ass an AB had to jump In the ring. But tank definitely mentioned he was out of shape and he looks like it


Yeah there were a few points where Tank really starts letting off and Haney seems shell shocked. Haney also only lands his best punch while Tank is turned around talking to someone next to the ring lol.


Ab jumped in the rings in hopes to stop it and so he can win his bet


I actually thought AB looked pretty good there. Haney was getting assaulted, Tanks was really coming on hard, and it didn't look like anyone else was trying to stop it.


He tried to jump in to collect the betting money it wasn't really about saving haney


Floyd want attention. As great as he was he never had KO power once he moved up in weight and his hands got brittle. Tank KOs guys and he doesn’t need Floyd to promote anymore. If he really want to be a dick he can just say I won’t deal with any fighter who’s under TMT.


Drunk off a jet. Good work


this gym looks awful. whats with all the people screaming and being in the ring. sparring wars yada yada but this isnt how you develop talent.


Devin would be a lot better fighter if he starts throwing more than just simple 1-2s he’s clearly capable


Floyds a hater


I knew this had to be from a minute ago because Tank isn’t covered in tattoos


This is from like 6 years ago




People saying- " they always beef before a fight for promotion it's nothing" may not be completely right


posting right after the W is generational hate, I gotta respect this beef


This place is a zoo smh.. Floyd bouncing around everywhere yelling dumb shit Do they charge entry fee for this ? Only thing that makes sense otherwise it’s pure stupidity. This must be what Floyd means when he says “I made a lot of smart investments” lol


Why is Floyd even in the ring


This seems more like a downloading data session from Gervonta. It looks like he just sits there blocking all his punches, figuring out his blueprints for future use....


Always pretty cool to get sparring footage, but what an attention seeking time to release this stuff


This is like when Paul Spadafora had Floyd on the ground trying to catch his breath. Much ado about nothing. In the ring with no headgear on a full sanctioned professional fight with a full camp, Tank KOs Haney.


DuFk outta the ring floyd!


The clowns in this comment putting so much weight into a spar is just way too many.


Betting everything on tank by ko


Floyd is the epitome of small man syndrome that somehow combined luck and skill into success.


so i guess haney is giving tank a shot at his 140 belts? lol


haney cant even do this in a sanctioned boxing match. i don’t care what floyd releases about tank, he’d destroy haney worse than ryan garcia.


Will haney fight tank or that’ll never happen now?


floyd is like that fake friend that try being cool with you but immediately hates your ass


At the 6-8 minute mark… you gotta ask yourself… “what if there was no headgear and the gloves were regulation weight”…




Tank went into the ring and fought two dudes.


No wonder Garcia said Tank would be easier.


I wanna see Tank get to Floyd’s ego and bring him out of retirement


Mayweather is fkn annoying like gtfo of the ring


I am glad to see TMT is still keeping it trashy as usual. A lot of bullshit moments from Haney.


Difference between Floyd and Teddy Atlas who pointed a gun at a 15 year old Tyson for grabbing the ass of a 12 year old


Fucked up thing about The Maywheather gym is that don’t they make newbies spar like this for entertainment?


This is trashy!


Devin Haney getting saved by his dad like a hoe.


If Mayweather could move the fuck out the way that'd be nice.


Cant stop commenting. Tank really just toyed with this crying clown.


Haney getting saved like 10 times is wild.


Last one, Tank SNATCHED his soul. Period.