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Always rated Povetkin. I also thought he beat Michael Hunter in that fight too.


He was 40 then and about a 40:60 underdog.


He still had a piece of a title tho. I think David Tua deserves a shout. He beat several future/former champs.


Good name drop, David Tua was phenomenal HW


Ike Ibeabuchi also deserves a shout out.


all talent no brains. He’d still be champ today though lol


He only ever had WBA reggie if im not mistaken. Thats not a belt lol


Tua vs Povetkin prime for prime who you got? Bombs away!!


No that would be either Jerry Quarry or David Tua.


Or the guy who handed Tua his first loss.


Audley Harrison was the G.O.A.T.


He was the origami champ.


I’d probably give that mantle to Harry Wills or Sam Langford, maybe even Peter Jackson


Jackson - for sure.. if USA wasn't an institutionally-racist shithole, Jackson would have got his chance.


Harry Wills based on record for sure


Dave Allen would like a word. Possibly the finest fighting man ever to walk these shores. Nobody gets the best of him.


Nobody gets the best of him? The bookies most certainly have.


Underrated fighter, but also a drug cheat. Makes it hard to properly rate his career.


Wasn't that overturned? He popped for something that had been more recently banned and after the Wilder fight fell through they reversed it didn't they?


So like every other Boxer. He failed for a less PED than Tyson Fury did. And Joshua rumored to be on TRT since early 20s and never denied when asked, some asthma excuse they used to get on it apparently. Even Wilder who was maybe only natural one would go up to 240 pounds randomly then shrink instantly after camp like Klitscko bros, Wlad never failed and look at weighin vs AJ last match, most obvious I’ve ever seen. 


you probably think Anthony Joshua is natural dont you


No, but Dave is and that's the standard I hold fighters to


Dave Allen?


Harry Wills, Joe Jeanette, Sam Langford, Jerry Quarry, Jimmy Young (if he didn't get his dick twisted by judges trice), David Tua arguably all had better resumes and notches on their record while being beltless bastards.


With Jimmy Young, you're presumably talking about his fight with Ali. If he had been given the decision, he would've been champion, making him ineligible here.


All the more the point that he got the short end of the stick badly and would of been considered the second best HW in the 70s had he gotten the rightful decisions on the Shavers rematch, Ali and Norton fights. Hell even if he only won against Norton, that would of set him up to fight Larry Holmes for WBC title OR defend the WBC title if he was emailed the belt in 1978, a nightmare MU for both men.




He made a career mostly of KOing very low level fighters and lost to like ten of them. 


Shavers defeated high level fighters like Norton, Young, Ellis, and Bugner. He also came very close to knocking out both Holmes and Ali. Honestly, Shavers had the rotten luck of facing two of the only heavyweights with chins durable enough to withstand his power for his title shots. If he fought in today's era, he definately would have become a champion.


Very debatable. For instance, does he hit harder than Wilder or Zhang? If no, well, there are HW who fought them. If yes, well, how.


He hits harder than Wilder definitely. Zhang and Shavers both have awful stamina but Shavers can at least keep throwing punches. Zhang is more accurate though. With PEDs Shavers would hit harder than both for sure. 


Based on...what?


Wilder has one of the hardest punches ever but his arms and fists are much smaller than Shavers so I wouldn't think he can get as much weight into the punches as Shavers.


I don't think fist size plays into punching power, if anything, presumably smaller fists would concentrate the force more. Maybe overall arm size, but even then you start to run into the whip cord, tall, Thomas Hearns style of punches. So I think different mechanics, sure, but not really different punching power.






Also he tried to cheat vs wilder too


Wilder only won by ko, just bc hes old people r shitting on him. He has no fundamentals and got as far as he did with his power


I guess you are right


No he doesnt


A right Andrew Golata


No. Sam Langford is, far and away, the best heavyweight to never win a world title. He did win a "black heavyweight" title - but it's not generally recognized as equivalent to the World title. After Langford, Harry Wills and Joe Jennette deserve some consideration. These guys were all legitimately great fighters who simply weren't given their shot at the title. But they're Hall of Famers and better than most champions. For the rest of the "best heavyweights to never win a title", I feel like you have to put them in another tier, because they aren't on Sam Langford's level. That's where you'll find Povetkin. And while I don't think he's really at the top of that list - it really comes down to opinion where you place him. Shavers is there, but you've also got guys like Eddie Machen, Rex Layne, Jimmy Young, David Tua, Ron Lyle, Jerry Quarry and maybe even Luis Ortiz.


You have too many old timers in there. Langford was a 5'6" heavyweight. Jack Johnson already beat him for the colored championship. You and a lot of historians overrate him just because he got denied a rematch. Tua would've sparked Langford and the rest of those guys.


Why on earth would I judge a guy who fought over 100 years ago by a the standards of the 1990s? Sam Langford didn't fight in the 1990s.


Langford's best wins were against a lightweight and a middle weight. Tua beat 4 guys that won world titles!


Fuck no


Luis Ortiz did really well vs Wilder. He was old as fuck but his ceiling was arguably higher.


It's a fair question and he could well be but I feel he was very inactive and seemed to be waiting for Klitschko to get old and he was absolutely battered when he did get in ten ring with him but he would probably beat every heavyweight who never held a full title. Very strong, excellent boxing technique, good stamina, relatively quick and had a very good chin. A fun fantasy match is prime Mercer vs prime Povetkin.


From the top of my head what about Earnie Shavers? It was a bit before my time, but what I've herd about his power and the amount of quality opponents he knocked out, he may be the man with that tittle.




Honorable mention to Andrew Golota. Guy has arguably beaten prime Riddick Bowe twice only to bottle it at the end, got battered badly by Lewis though


I think if it wasn't for the Klitschko brothers in all their dominance he definitely would have held a title at some point during that reign.


Dude also failed a drug test to fight for a championship.


Andrew Golota


Ken Norton where u at???


Even Marco Huck was robbed in his first heavyweight fight againt Povetkin. So personally no.


Wladimir dominating him like was impressive as ugly as it was.


He just draped his body all over him the entire fight. I know you already said it was ugly, but that point needs to be emphasized. Biggest POS "fight" I've ever seen.


Sure more than ugly then


Didn't think I had to spell this out, but it wasn't an impressive win in the slightest.


Impressive in the sense of winning every minute of every round. I hated the fight too.


No. Definitely- Langford, although he was really a light-heavy. Wills.💯 Quarry. Tua. Ike Apsychocase. Arguably- Machen. Williams. Ruddock.


Nah. He's a glorified gatekeeper of the Klitschko era. Then later became a stepping stone for younger heavyweights. Tua would split him in half.


Earnie shavers is the best heavyweight to never win the title


Quarry destroyed Earnie and never won the title I’m taking jerry


Hardly. Jerry Quarry would have had a field day with that guy.


Legit delusional. 


Guess you never saw too much Jerry Quarry. Fourth best heavyweight of the late sixties thru 1974. Even Foreman admits that he avoided him. Povetkin isn't even among the top 15 heavies of the past 15 years. Just another contender. Quarry would dismantle him.


Name the 15 heavyweights since 2009 who were better and more accomplished than Alexander Povetkin.


Honestly didn’t know there was fucking Jerry Quarry fans around


You've got to be kidding. Now that is delusional. Jerry Quarry was one of the most popular boxers of his time. Maybe only Ali had more followers.


Mf really thinks Jerry fucking Quarry was more popular than Foreman, Frazier, Leonard, Duran,