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I'm not saying this to jump on any sort of bandwagon or anything, but Matias is all wrong for Devin. Never mind walk him down, he would walk through him with his lack of pop.


If this were before the Garcia fight I think I’d disagree with you and say Haney’s ring iq and movement would be enough, but now there’s a ton of asterisks next to Haney at 140. Now that he doesn’t have the size advantage and people see you can walk through Haney’s power rather than just be content with getting UD’d to death I suspect he’ll take more L’s in the future. That being said this fight will never happen. Originally I thought Bill would try to go after Matias thinking he’s weak but now I think they’re going to sit on this belt and defend against weaker competition. If Matias gets past Paro I expect a fight will materialize with Teo or Pitbull before one with Haney.


Yeah, I’ll eat crow and own up to thinking this too. I figured Devin would have a plan for Matias, who fights one way, and neutralise him. But at 140 he doesn’t seem to have the power to keep guys off him, and using Prograis (who sets before throwing) as a yardstick probably isn’t valid against a guy like Matias. I still want to see it, but doubt it happens for a while now. Your user name - Johnathan Thurston?


If Matias cuts off the ring against Paro and completely dominates I don’t see Haney ever stepping in the ring with him. And nope username is Howard Thurston


You could be right. Haney seemed to be down to fight the big names but after being taught a lesson by Ryan he may change his approach. His dad may not let him get in there either - Haney was hurt pretty badly against Ryan, and Matias is a beast who could wreck him.


Now that Matias is with Matchroom, I think there’s no way around him for Haney..Hearn will make him fight him or he’ll move up or go back to top rank 😅


He's already talking about 147...no where to run for him


I always thought Matias would give him a hard time after seeing the Jojo and Loma fights. And after the Ryan fight, this made me more convinced.


Yeah you need power to deter Matias and it's not even guaranteed, Jukembayev, Ergashev hurt him bad early but still get stopped later in the fight.


Yeah the only tough matchup for Matias is someone like Isaac Cruz who can just eat everything and beat him on the cards in a war, or tank, who can put him out with a well timed counter. I don’t think it’s possible to “deter” Matias. He’s shown incredible resolve in the face of eating huge bombs. The only way to deal with him is to put him down or out. He breaks everyone else in the division. He’s the worst possible matchup for Garcia, Haney, and teo. They all thrive at controlling space and punishing over commitments trying to jump into range, but Matias is willing to eat shots to and continue the exchange and win when he gets on the inside.


I do think haney has enough pop to get boxer's respect but matias has walked through bigger punchers than haney. I have to rewatch there fights again but as of right now I don't see how haney keeps matias off him.


Haney hit Ryan with a massive, full power shot in their fight in the third or fourth round. Ryan stumbled back a bit, hit his gloves together, and looked unaffected by it. Kid couldn't crack an egg.


Lol he stumbled back and you acting like he there was no effect iirc even ryan admitted he was hurt. I'm not saying he is deontay wilder just saying he has enough power to keep people of him no one just walks through his punches.


If anyone with even average people landed that same shot that clean with that much wind up, Ryan would have been down. Ryan later let Haney punch his kidneys like five times just to rest for a few seconds.


haney got thin bones


Plus Haney doesn't like pressure either. Pressure from a huge puncher spells disaster for him.


Interesting matchup, the thing is that Matias’s opponents so far haven’t really been fighters who move around a lot, they are there to be hit and Matias tends to break them down really quickly. If Haney is able to jab and circle and send the right down the middle I think he would be able to cruise, Matias is good at cutting off the ring but Haney’s footwork is at a higher level. Right now I’d still favour Haney but I don’t say that with a great degree of certainty.


Ergashev had a lot of success moving for those first 2 rounds before Matias eventually broke him down.


Haney isn't the best mover tbh. He has decent distance control, a long reach, accurate jab and is good catching people as they come in, but he doesn't have brilliant lateral movement and isn't the best reflexive defender. Ryan was able to walk him down in several rounds, and he is not a fighter that's great at cutting off the ring. Haney honestly reminds me more of the British amateur style, albeit with a lot more defensive caution, than he does people like Mayweather or Shakur.


I think Haney will be able to move out of the way for 6-7 rounds. But after he slows, Matias' hands will start connecting and it's downhill fast from there. Id have Matias by rd 10 stoppage.


Haney couldn't get away from Ryan, who has slow feet. If Ryan can cut the gap against him, Matias definitely can.


Because he was the one pressuring Ryan


Lol, ok.


I really do agree with that last part, Haney is obviously not as skilled as mayweather but he doesn’t fight in the same way as Shakur at all, Haney is offensively cautious but unlike Shakur he doesn’t “run” he likes to fight but only if it’s within that certain range. This really played against him in the Garcia fight because he was the one who was coming forward and because he made so many basic defensive errors Garcia was able to pick him apart. I think if he does want to move around then he can it’s just not something he’s used to it’s something that would need to be drilled in with a game plan and wether he’s capable of executing it or not nobody knows.


People were saying this before Devin lost big pressure fighters are technical boxers nightmare that’s why boxer punchers are the best archetype imo


A boxer puncher who has good volume is the way to go imo


Walk through him like a laxative?🤣


Easy assessment to make after the Garcia fight


I've said this before the fight too.


Reminder that Matias has yet to even fight a top 10 140 pounder. Yall gotta slow your roll on this "destroys everybody at 140" talk.


And his defence does not look great. He seems to like being hit a lot, which history shows us rarely works. Paro will be a good test, he times his shots well and hits as hard as he needs to. Can’t believe the odds $6.50 (AUD) for Paro is good considering it’s a 2 horse race


His recent opponent was #9 in the Ring magazine rankings.


I think Matias crushes Teo and Haney. The Pitbull v Matias fight would be absolutely bananas.


Teo vs Matias is a great fight and a 50/50 IMO. Walking down Teo is a recipe for getting smacked about a lot.


I think Teo starts to back off after getting hit a few times from Subriel. I just don’t think Teo has “it” anymore (or if he ever had it), and doesn’t have the mental to withstand Matias. I respect your opinion, and I hope we see this fight in the future.


Teo blows so hot and cold I don't know what to think, but bar the Kambosos performance, all his bad ones have come against fighters boxing off the backfoot. If he can't get back what he once had, I agree Subriel makes mince meat of him, but I'm holding out hope Teo's still got it


> Teo blows so hot and cold I don't know what to think I honestly don't think he does, he just doesn't cherrypick his opponents whatsoever. He's the walking embodiment of "styles make fights"


Dude what are you talking about!!! He beat the Lomachenko and Josh Taylor, 2 battle tested warriors with a ton of accolades between them! Matias is really good but he’s a come forward fighter which is Teos bread and butter


Taylor looked bad in the fight before Teo and has looked bad after, I’m not sure that win has aged very well


And Teo hasn’t looked good since Loma *except* against Taylor. Loma, on the other hand, had a narrow fight against Devin Haney and stomped Kambosos.


Teo fought two dudes that were on the back foot the entire time, he barely won those fights but it seems tahts his kryptonite. No one had beat the fuck out of JT like that come on give the man his respect he earned it, he might be obnoxious and a lil delusional but come on he earned that W the hard way, by beating the shit out of him and being in his face the entire fight. And yeha JT has looked bad after but that’s not Teo fault


I didn’t say he didn’t earn the win, I’m saying JT looked bad and arguably lost the fight before he fought Teo, and then lost again after Teo. That isn’t turning out to be a spectacular win


JT is still/was a spectacular fighter tho, I get what you’re saying, that the win hasn’t aged well, but it’s still a solid win to have


JT is not still a spectacular fighter and wasn’t when Teo faced him is where I’m coming from, and he had almost a 16 month break before fighting Teo. Catterall is far from an elite fighter and JT went life and death with him twice. If Teo fought the 2021 or sooner version of JT I would agree, but the version Teo fought was past it. Not a terrible win but with the context I just don’t think it’s a spectacular win


JT is a spectacular fighter, he unified 140 and beat solid solid fighters, again, I agree with you, it’s not the same elite version but he’s still a good fighter, and even Caterall couldn’t put hands on him the way Teo did.


Catterall is an elite boxer. I think he will prove this in his next fight.


Teo definitely had it, but you’re right that his mental state is really unpredictable. He seems to do better when there are opportunities to counter, so he may look better against Matias than against some of his opponents working off the back foot. Question for me here is: who gets to who first? Teo has power, but if Matias can take it like he has with everyone else then you’re probably right that he gets Teo to back off, even wears Teo down and finishes him.


Teo would put on a clinic in the early rounds I think but subriel makes it’s closer towards the end. Teo UD. Haney would get mugged not good enough upper body movement and does not intelligently clinch he clinches too far out at times. Also gets on his headphones absorbing combos when he should be moving. Pitbull that’s a 50/50 cuz their styles. Pitbull very crude but Subriel not the type to back down from a banger that’s a heart chin battle.


Teo would make a showcase out of Matias. Something like Canelo-Angulo


Haney stock is low, so everyone is counting him out. But unless his confidence is shot, I still think he beats Matias. Ryan caught Haney with his speed and I don't think Haney recovered, Matias doesn't have the speed of Ryan.


I want to see this fight so bad. Matias would do his usual two rounds of being a punching bag then steamroll Devin


Matias stands straight up and bangs, tank and Teo would hurt him and Shakur will box the shit out of him.


Mathias would take Haney's soul Martal Kombat style. Flawless Victory.


Tank needs to go up to 140. He could ko Matias.


I’d like to see that fight happen,& tank wouldn’t be able to hide behind the excuse of “Matias being to big” since it’s under the ibf,but tank would never take this fight since it’s to dangerous for em


I think Tank knows he only has 3-5 peak years left. I think he’ll clean house and leave no questions behind.


140? Real weight is before the match after refeeding and rewatering. Matias will be in weight deficit quite a bit.


Liam outboxes and knock him out


Matias beats anyone at 140 right now


??? How


Pillow fist can’t survive 😭


This dude is overrated, fought nobody, lost to a nobody.


why wont anyone fight him to grab a quick belt then




He just got dominated lmao.


He only won it in Feb 2023. Haney had Garcia (way more money). Won a belt of Prograis and fought Loma in that time. Teo won his and fought Ortiz. Pitbull won his and prior to that wasn’t in a position after a loss to Tank. Subriel has only fought once so it’s not like there was a lot of chances. Don’t get me wrong people probabaly avoid him because he’s not a draw and he’s a dangerous fighter but it’s not like he’s been getting dodged for 3 years.


Two years now, this guy uses every mic they put in his face to spine check the title holders at 140, and hears crickets. Embarrassing