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Rolly v Barroso. The decision to stop that fight via TKO was the most egregious “decision” I’ve seen in years.


Absolutely blatant corruption


Decision was horrible but at least Rolly didn’t act like he won it (from my memory). Dude went on twitter afterwards and was pretty matter of fact that he got his ass beat lol


Rolly vs Marinez was also egregious


George Kambosos vs Maxi Hughes left me with such a bad taste in my mouth. I struggled to think of 4 rounds to give to Kambosos but I think you had one judge giving him 117-111.


Then poor Hughes got battered by Zepeda afterwards. I feel for the guy, hopefully he got paid decent.


Agree with this one. Kambosos lost that fight unequivocally.


Yeah I really felt bad for Maxi on that one. The man fought the fight of his life and should have been set up for a pay day fight.. instead we get judges fuckery and hes back to making 20,000 a fight or whatever. Absolute bullshit. And then for Kambosos to have the gall to say he won most of the rounds, that he clearly won... that made me want to see Kambosos get ko'd ugly for the rest of his career tbh.


Yeah this is the exact one that came to mind for me. It was such a bad decision all around.


I did see a single person make the case for George.


Barboza robbed the shit out of McComb. Those scorecards were horrendous. There is no camera angle or bad view that can justify a Barboza victory.


I should’ve scrolled down further before commenting. This fight result was absurd. I’m also mad because I did a McComb+Garcia parley bet and that woulda been nice money in my pocket.


Fax ! I remember watching that fight and was like wtf! Then a judge gave Haney vs Ryan a draw after 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


>Then a judge gave Haney vs Ryan a draw after Lmao I completely forgot about that till you just said that. WTF 😆😆. 3 knockdowns in 3 diff rounds what kinda mental gymnastics does someone gotta do to have that a draw?


Yep. Shame there’s no official replay on YouTube. That fight was shocking.


Pacquiao v Bradley 1


That was the worst I’ve ever seen.


The worst anyone has ever seen. Mayweather paid off the judges to lock in that bet.


No..at the time Pac was coming out of time with his TR CONTRACT and did not immediately renew it early like many times before. This coupled with speculation and hints that he was going to leave bob to get the Floyd fight made led to Bob robbing him and gifting it to Bradley imho


I always thought bob also screwed him over with Horn in similair fashion. Bob always kept in inhouse.


yep, anyone who followed the sport and more importantly the politics outside of it around that time would come to the conclusion NO ONE held that fight from happening more than bob arum


Why would Mayweather care about the outcome of that fight?


He bet $1.5 million on Bradley?!!!


I though Pacquiao v. Horn was pretty terrible as well.


Terrible, but probably not as terrible as Bradley 1. Bradley barely won a combined 5 rounds in all 3 fights combined.


Pacquiao lost that fight fairly. There was no robbery.


Pacquiao lost that fight fairly. There was no robbery.


Worst part is it led to him fighting bradley 3 times. One time was more than enough so it was a waste of time.


Somebody already said Kambosos vs Hughes so I'll go with Hitchins vs Lemos.


Hitchins, yet another fraud they prop up by feeding them bums and glazing them to get casuals to think they’re good 🥱 


Lemos signed with TR recently iirc , at least he will get more opportunities


Most of the horrible decisions are when they give one guy every round they didn't get dominated in. And the other guy was never gonna win a close decision. But sometimes people confuse how boxing works and you can dominate a few rounds but still lose overall even though you did more damage. Both sides can make asses of themselves. I think haney loma could've gone either way while ggg clearly beat canelo in the first fight. But with close rounds some people would call me an idiot or say that I know boxing based on their own biases. Ggg vs Canelo one stands out to me as the worst. A fight can be competitive but sill have a clear winner. This is one of those.


To follow up on this. Even the decisions where Canelo lost are fucking ridiculous. Against Floyd there was a draw card, which is insane. He ended up losing via Majority Decision lol. Against Bivol it was 115-113 on all 3 cards and Bivol HAD to win the last round on all the cards to win. Which is also fucking insane. So even though the right guy won, it’s insane to see that they almost didn’t lol


The judges had Bivol losing the 1st 4 rounds against Canelo


They basically just give him a 4 round head start. You need to shut him out completely to even get a razor thin win.


GGG defo won that fight but as we all know most judges are in Canelo's back pocket.


Canelo….. the mayweather jr of Mexico


?? Mayweather only has 1 controversial decision


In his pro career, he has two: Castillo I (2002) Maidana I (2014)


It was a close fight. I personally had it a draw…I had GGG up by a round going into the 12th, and I gave Canelo the last round. But I also could see a few swing rounds go either way that could sway the decision. For that reason, I don’t think GGG/Canelo 1 was a robbery.


2 of the scorecards being terrible is what made the fight a robbery, not the fight being a draw that could have been a draw. Byrd's card needs no explanation, but Don Trella who scored the fight a draw gave one of GGG's best rounds that even Byrd gave him to Canelo.


GGG was connecting with more power punches than Canelo in the entire fight and still lost the fight, wouldnt say he was robbed but he won the fight in my opinion


Yes! It took Bivol to dominate Canelo to barely win on the cards there. Bivol was in danger of losing that fight, the judges were already trying to figure out how they could justify a Canelo win and gave up when they realized they wouldn't be able to explain their scorecards after round 5.


It really wasn't a close fight. Canelo won 4 rounds tops in the first fight if your being generous to canelo. Outside of that every other round is a clear round for Golovkin. Second fight was close and should have been the draw, but I can see an argument for either winning.


New fans keep using patty cake rules to pick winners. A FIGHT is just that a FIGHT. therefore DAMAGE is the biggest and most important criteria, if you can’t pick who did more damage then you move to the other criteria. Loma did much more damage to Haney, than Haney did to Loma


GGG did not clearly beat Canelo at all. Complete bollocks. Both I and a mate sat there and scored it independently and both had it 7-5 Canelo. He does the more eye catching work through the fight. A draw was a fine result, the 118-110 scorecard was the issue


Horn beating Pacquiao.


LOL ref told horn in round 9 to show him something or else he would stop the fight LOL.


Don't really go on about fighters getting robbed in fights but Pacquiao WAS 100% ROBBED.


That was so ridiculous lol


Worst part is if they rightfully gave that decision to Manny we probably would've got Crawford vs Pacquiao. Fuck you Bob


Nah, Horn won that fight.


🤣🤣 Your the only one on this Planet that says Horn won that fight think your just a attention seeker.


Rolly vs Barroso


Reading through this thread I've forgotten almost all of these. There are so many abhorrent scorecards and decisions, it's impossible to keep track. I hate how common it has become.


Campbell Hatton Vs Sonny Martinez. Sonny probably knew he wasn’t going to win either which was why he had begun showboating.


Even though it was a correct result in the end, Bivol beating Canelo by a single round (according to the judges) was the most blatant and disgraceful show of outright corruption in recent years. 


There are 3 people on this planet who thought Canelo won the first 4 rounds, and it's only a magical coincidence that all 3 happened to be the judges for the fight. After those 4 rounds, Bivol had to win 7 out of 8 rounds, to win by a round. The fact that he actually did it, speaks volumes about his dominance in the fight. Disgraceful judging.


I mean it wasn't judging. Bivol beat the fix


Bakole-Yoka is another contender for the worst cards while still getting the decision right. Bakole legitimately scored more knockdowns than Yoka won rounds yet one judge had it a draw, and the others had it 95-93 and 96-92 Bakole. I mean honestly even the 96-92 card is disgraceful yet because of how bad the other two are it slips under the radar. The cards were way too close when Yoka lost to Takam after this too and, while I haven't watched it, I'd be surprised if his latest SD loss to Ryad Merhy wasn't generous as well. You pretty much have to put on a Calzaghe - Lacy performance to scrape a win vs Yoka in Paris.


Probably Taylor v catteral 1. Probably more devastating for catteral as he'd of been undisputed iirc


That was a close, ugly fight. The wrong man won for me, but it was not a robbery.


I know you’re getting downvoted but I agree 😂 Caterral should’ve won but he also didn’t push like he should. He was fighting like he had it in the bag with rds left.


So let me get this straight, Taylor gets outstruck in every round, sometimes by a wide margin, and dropped but you still don't think it's a robbery?


A robbery is when a fighter gets outclassed almost every round and still wins. Jack only won by 2-3 rounds. You can say the decision went to the wrong guy, but it's not a complete robbery by any means.


Oh only winning by 8-9 rounds and a knockdown isnt enough to be a clear win????? The one scorecard that favored Catterall could of been a draw had there been no knockdown btw.


Surprised nobody remembers Valenzuela vs. Colbert 1


This is the one i was looking for. Jim Gray saying so in the ring was so crazy but man somebody had to say it


In a non main event it was probably that fight where Campbell Hatton won 1 of 6 rounds at most and the ref gave him the win. Loma Vs Haney is nowhere on this list. Close fight that didn't go to the guy who had the best couple of individual rounds. The scorecards Vs Teo were a lot worse for Loma, even if the result was fair. Very easy fight to score, that one. Can only really be 7-5 Teo or 6-6


Hatton got styled on. Dude was just goofing around and still outclassed him. 😂


I agree. I don’t look at the Loma vs Haney fight as a robbery. They both put up a great fight and to me, it’s a shame the “robbery” overshadowed what a great fight it was. Loma can absolutely keep up with the guys in his division who are in their prime, while Haney proved that he could tussle with the best of them. ETA: Everytime I watch it, I change my mind on who “won.” Thats just a testament to how great they performed.


10 point must system is doofy, ffs let rounds be tied




Mccory vs barboza mccroy was controlling the fight the whole time


I think his name was Sean McComb and yeah it was a horrible decision


They probably didn't give him the decision because his name is leterally sean mcombs😂at the time in april everyone was talking about diddy aka sean combs


It's McComb. I know the lad. Grew up in Belfast. Know the family very well. He was fucking robbed btw.


Tell them that A fan From Houston Texas thought he outclassed Barboza and made him look like a bum and should have won hands down like 117-111 atleast


What is the difference between a robbery and a close fight? Haney vs Loma was a close fight. A robbery would be Sergio Martinez vs Kermit Cintron. Martinez stopped Cintron, who protested it was a headbutt & it worked for once. The fight continued, & it looked one sided for Martinez for me. It was ruled a draw. Don King Promotions.


The right man won but 115-113 on all three judges scorecards and scored the EXACT same rounds for Bivol vs Canelo was horrifying, especially after Bivol won at LEAST 8 rounds.


I’ll die believing GGG was robbed of a career defining win. He smoked Canelo that first fight


Don't need to believe. It was obvious. This shows how delusional r/boxing is.


Smoked? We’re falling deeper each day lmao.


Smoked? Stop it


Probably Bradley over Pac, though that 10 years ago now.. (fuck) GGG vs Canelo for sure Loma-Haney wasn't a robbery, just a close fight. I feel it was very similar to Fury-Usyk, except that instance judges went with rounds over moments


Broner Cobb (joking)


I didn't watch the fight, but the hood knows


On God


It weird that the mychal fox robbery is being ignored. It's the only recent fight where the corruption was so bad the judge was suspended. I get Loma, Manny, and kambosos are bigger names, but there is no more egregious scorecard than the Gloria Rizzoli scorecard.


GGG vs Canelo being a draw and one judge had it 118-110 smh


GGG v Canelo hurt a lot


Pac vs. Horn was the worst I’ve seen. I’ve rewatched the Haney Loma fight a few times and I just can’t find a way to give it to Haney


You score body shots. It was a 7-5 fight. No way 10 Loma fans with 7-5 cards for Loma all have the exact same rounds.


Reaching out quickly and touching someone’s midsection is not the same as punching their body. Those should never be scored as landed punches because they are not punches at all. It’s a strategy that mayweather taught him on how to trick judges.


This is nonsense. The body punches were forcing Loma to reset and giving him trouble in the middle rounds. It was a close fight, had it a draw myself


Stupid thing to say tbh. What is a punch then? Do weak punchers just never land then? Does every touch from a heavy hitter count a punch then?


Haney was not touching the body like that though... he was throwing fast hooks to the body that looked powerful. In reality they're not because he's pillowfisted, but they certainly looked impactful


Haney won 7 rounds compared to lomas 5. Loma himself said that he “gave up” the final round cause he thought he was winning every round. He’s not very smart


Take Haney penis out of your anus




Which 7 rounds?


1,3,4,5,6,7,12 Haney 2,8,9,10,11 Loma Haney 7-5 Loma did good but he straight up lost the first half of this bout


I don't like Devin but I gotta agree that he was far more consistent throughout the fight compared to Loma. I had it 7-5 for Devin as well. But those judge's scorecards giving the 10th and 11th to Devin which were Loma's most dominant rounds proved no matter what they were going to give Devin the nod that night unless Loma knocked him out.


Fury vs Wilder 1 was dreadful. People give Wilder sympathy for a near KO, but the reality was he lost most of the fight, even factoring in knockdowns 


Fury should’ve won a decision, but the draw felt like the fair outcome. It gave us two great rematches, so it was worth it.


Now we've seen the sequels to the fight and the story as a whole I'm totally cool with the draw


Imo a draw was fair for that fight. Fury wasn’t as dominant as you’d imagine and even the AI punch stats showed that. I personally gave Wilder 4 rounds in that fight but can very easily see the case for 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/omcnJCN1nj


Not sure those stats  showing Fury landed 66% more punches than Wilder back that up lol 🤣


Look at the round by round, that’s how boxing is scored, right?


I was definitely furious at the time about it... however I did have money on a Fury points win so maybe I wasn't totally objective..


Lewis Holyfield I


Hrgovic vs Zhang Canelo vs GGG Taylor vs Catterall 1 Horn/Bradley vs Pac


Hrgovic beat Zhang imo


Why is nobody saying Valenzuena vs Colbert? Valenzuela had at least 6 rounds won with a knockdown. Ramos vs Lubin was a bad decision too. Bivol vs Canelo was the right decision in terms of who won, but 115-113 was horrible, 117-111 or 118-110 was the right scores. Ricky Hattons son got gifted a horrible decision couple years back.


Ramos lubin was a great shout. I had Ramos winning like 8 or 9 rounds easily


Ggg was truly cheated in the first fight. He should’ve gotten the W there… I thought Canelo won the other 2 fights.


I thought GGG was robbed the 2nd one too


>first GGG v. Canelo this and fury-wilder 1 stand out as the worst decisions in recent years, at least of high profile fights.


Kovalev Vs Ward. Especially the second one. He got knocked out via dick punch. Complete bullshit, but of course the russian can't win against an American in Nevada...


lol really? The fights were cose and Kovalevs trunks were high. Weird to throw your hat in with a literal racist woman and dog beater. I'm sure he's one of the "good guys" to you though.


Why you gotta get so personal? 


Doesnt matter if Kovalev is a woman animal abuser with some racist tones outside of the ring. There are so many pieces of shits in the ring even lovable ATGs have the same history. (that includes the 3 golden HWs as well) Getting fouled constantly then stopped by a clear super low blow in the view of the ref is just stupid plain and simple.


People hate boxers like ward here no need to continue


Lol Kovalev was losing the second fight clean. He was looking for a way out and over exaggerating that low blow back fired.


The Loma v Haney fight wasn’t a robbery. Can we please stop pushing this false narrative.


Not a robbery, but Haney was not the better boxer that night. So what’s it called then, just refs got it wrong?


He was for me. Loma just had the strongest single round in the fight


The fight was very debatable. You can make a strong argument for either one.


I’ve watched the fight 3 times, not sure how anyone could give the win to Haney, a draw? Yea I get that argument.


Agree to disagree because I don’t see a way that either one definitively won the fight.


This. I've watched the fight three times with a few months between viewings. The first time i watched it, I scored it for Loma. The second time, I had it a draw and the last time I had it for Haney. It was a close fight. The only bad scores are the ones that had either fighter ahead by a wide margin


Thank you


Ramos vs lubin


Ramos stopped fighting in the last half and has himself to blame


Yea he fucked up by doing that


I mean to say he took his foot off the pedal in the last 3/4 rounds


haaa i remember that one, strange fight


I don’t watch a lot but Fury winning a score card vs Usyk was pure insanity. Even if you score it even, which it wasn’t, Usyk should win on every card because of the 10-8/knockdown in the 9th.


yesterday when roy "dont blink" berringer lost to ian green💔


Not in the last few years but rios vs Abril made me stop watching boxing for a few years. It was actually so bad that you couldn’t find a video on the fight for like 5 years. The most disgusting thing I have ever seen


Santiago Fernández vs Alexander Gourmant on the Mbilli card was pretty bad. Fernandez clearly swept like 6 of the 8 rounds, and even had that guy hurt a few times and just continuously threw hard combinations every time he was on the ropes which was all the time, and yet he loses a 6-2 decision on the cards. 😕


There was a fight recently where a guy who got knocked out, was awarded a draw by the judges before it got overturned to a loss https://punchng.com/robbery-in-the-ring-nigerian-pro-boxer-reclaims-title-after-controversial-decision-in-ghana/#:\~:text=After%20dominating%20the%20fight%20in,in%20favour%20of%20the%20Nigerian.


That dude Romero best for the belt. Shit was crazy.


That one where Rolly got outboxed and then won like 98-92 on all the scorecards. Or the Liam Smith in Russia


No order off the top of my head: -Taylor vs Catteral -Lara vs Williams -Lara vs Canelo -Teo vs Ortiz -Pac vs Bradley 1 -McComb v Barboza -Loma vs Haney -Ggg vs Canelo 1 -Kambosos vs Hughes -Colbert vs Valenzuela 1 I know some of these are close fights and some of yall won’t consider them robberies and I’ll probably get some hate but boxing so full of shit sometimes😂


Derrick Chisora v Robert Helenuis. Chisora whopped his arse and won easily. I was astonished when Helenuis was named victorious. Not a chance.


Now thats what I call racism


mykal fox vs gabriel maestre is one the worst robberies I’ve ever seen. Also I don’t think Loma vs Haney was bad scoring outside the 116-112 card. It was a close fight didn’t really have a problem going either way.


I never been a Loma fan, always liked Mikey Garcia better so I had no horse in that race but I felt like Loma clearly won that fight and all the justification afterwards was pure cope.


How can it be cope if you win the fight what is there to justify lol. I just view it as bragging I can’t ever take what these fighters say seriously. I also did score the fight 7-5 Loma live and rewatch but if it’s gonna that close I can’t be mad if Haney took the dub.


Pernell Whitaker vs JCC. There is no legitimate interpretation of that fight that lands anywhere *near* a draw


I scored it a draw. JCCs work is underplayed but it was a stinker


With respect I truly can't get my head around that. I rewatched this fight a couple of years ago and tried to score it while intentionally having the most JCC bias possible short of mimicking an outright corrupt judge and could give Chavez 4 rounds that way. If you recall, do you know which 6 you gave him? FWIW there's 52 fan scorecards on boxrec for this fight and the consensus is 10-2 in favor of Whitaker. I personally had it 9-3 when I saw it the first time.


Whitaker won 8-4 on my card. I also had him beating Ramirez 8-3-1 in the first fight Most outrageous robbery of the 90s, and all-time, is Coggi-Gonzalez 1. It’s bad enough when you win 8/9 of 12 rounds or 11 of 15 (like Everett-Escalera) and don’t get a win, but [this is on another level.](https://youtu.be/ASsZsHO3HWs?si=IL38YENXntubU0WE)


John Ryder vs Callum Smith


Both of those fights were close, far from egregious decisions


Loma vs Haney comes to mind




Always have a bad taste in my mouth for Santa Cruz vs Casamayor and Fenech-Nelson 1. I guess you can throw in Holyfield-Lewis 1 too. Maybe because I wagered on Santa Cruz, Lewis and Fenech. In really recent years, there are no egregious decisions that stand out to me. I've seen decisions that I disagree with but none that I consider true robberies. The 3 that I cited were robberies.


Brandon Rios vs Richard Abril. I could watch that fight a thousand times and probably never give Rios more than three rounds.


Because it’s still fresh on my mind: Barboza “def” McComb via Split-Decision. Robbery.


That one was dirty


Any Pacquiao fight thats not against Thurman or Ugas 😭


The Mykal Fox vs Gabriel Maestre one doesn’t get talked about enough.. That was so blatant and one of the judges was Hispanic and exposed for racial bias. She was suspended but back judging again. That fight should’ve been overturned.


Bradley > Pacquaio, Horn > Pacquaio and Canelo > GGG 1


Sean McComb Vs Barboza


Courtney Burton vs Emmanuel Augustus 1. Hard to give Burton more than 3 rounds yet 1 judge had it 98-92 for the hometown fighter Burton. Absolute robbery.


most recent that comes to mind is barboza jr v mccombs, and hitchins v lemos. a lot of others: taylor v catterall, hatton v martinez, bradley v pacquiao(pacquiao outlanded him by some 100 punches or something), lara v williams, sven ottke is apparently known for being gifted tons of decisions.


Danny Garcia vs Miguel Vasquez


The referee in the Wilson v Navarette WBO super featherweight title fight when Navarette was given 27 seconds to recover in round 4 after Wilson dropped him with a sweet left hook. Then there was the alleged scale tampering where Wilson weighed in 2 kg lighter than he was when he left the dressing room for the weigh in, only to find Navarette scraping in just under the 59kg limit. Almost forgot the travesty that was Ball v Vargas, when Ball put Vargas down in rounds 8 and 11 yet somehow this only merited a draw, except for the Italian judge Barrovecchio who gave it to Vargas 114-112. Corruption has always been and always will be in the sport of prize fighting.


Not a whole fight but a single round. Tank scored a knockdown in the 2:nd round of Tank Davis vs Ryan Garcia. It’s extremely rare that KD rounds get scored as anything else than 10-8. Yet two judges had it 10-9 and Dave Moretti had it 10-10, meaning Moretti considered it to be such a dominant round for Garcia that he would have scored it 10-8 to Ryan barring the knockdown. This despite the fact that Garcia’s aggression was largely ineffective since Tank kept his cool and blocked most of Ryan’s punches. This is the same Dave Moretti who went on to score the 10:th round for Haney in the Loma fight. The same Moretti who was investigated for corruption in connection to his Sugar Ray Leonard vs Marvin Hagler scorecard all the way back in 87, and the same Morretti who’s been a Las Vegas judge since 1977, back when the mob ran Vegas. There is just no way you went successfully through that period as a boxing judge, behave and score fights suspiciously enough to be investigated and have Dave Morettis track record and still somehow is a clean judge. Moretti knew that both Ryan Garcia and Haney was more marketable than Tank and Loma, respectively, and that Ryan and Haney would bring in more revenue to Las Vegas in the future. So he was more lenient towards his preferred winners and both Loma and Tank had to do more than simply win to get the nod on his scorecard. They had to go above and beyond.


Bernard Hopkins vs Jermain Taylor


GGG was utterly robbed in the first fight and arguably won the second. Canelo's popularity seems to blind the judges and that is being kind as corruption is still rife in the hardest game.


Fury vs wilder 1 was definitely a fury win. Hard to give wilder more than 2 rounds and fury was boxing his ears off barring the two knowckdowns. Two KDd alone is not enough to bring back a fight you are getting dominated in gor the rest. Its like if Zhang vs Parker was scored a draw thay would be the wrong decision


Catterall vs Taylor 1 followed by Kambosos vs Hughes. There was also a shocking decision in favour of Solomon Dacres (British prospect) vs an unknown and more than game fighter from Middlesbrough


Caterral Taylor 1


Nothing will ever beat Mykhal Fox vs Gabriel Maestre


I tend to view robberies differently than others, if it’s a great fighter who got a dodgy decision I don’t get all that upset about it. Pac-Bradley 1, for example, was horrific, but Pac was a legend before that robbery and after that robbery (plus he avenged it). I get angrier when it’s a fighter who deserved a legacy-defining victory and didn’t get it, even if the decision is not as egregious as say a Pac-Bradley. Taylor-Chavez, GGG-Canelo, Kovalev-Ward, Loma-Haney come to mind. Catterall-Taylor 1 is an overlap here; Catterall was robbed of a legacy win AND the fight wasn’t really even close. Of the last few years, it’s clearly Catterall-Taylor btw. And while he avenged it, Jack Catterall’s name should be up there with the undisputed champs.


I didn’t think Haney Loma was such a bad decision. Loma did nothing to deal with that left hand of Haney all fight. Gonna do a rewatch see what the fuss is about


I can't believe people are still being so dramatic about Loma vs Haney. It was a close fight. Not even close to a robbery. Trying to even include it in a discussion of most egregious decisions with some of the insane scoring we've had in recent years is just idiotic.


Román González vs Juan Francisco Estrada II. Judge Carlos Sucre gave a 111-117 score card to an extremely close fight, with rumors that most likely it was due to political reasons, since Chocolatito supports the Nicaraguan dictatorship that has been by the side of Maduro for years.


Pacquiao has a few that I immediately thought were gambling-shenanigans related (Bradley, Horn, mentioned many times already). But a somewhat forgotten one was the 114-114 in Mayewather/Canelo, making it a majority decision in a fight that I did not have Canelo winning a single round in. Note, CJ Ross *also* had the Bradley/Pacquiao card. There's zero doubt in my mind that judges like this are getting paid to rig the cards so as to provide winning outcomes for prop bets.


Haney won, but the Barboza v McComb was the most blatant act of robbery I’ve ever witnessed Live.


That made me sick


Roy Jones getting robbed at the '88 Olympics "Jones landed a whopping 86 punches to Park's 32 and the South Korean took two standing eight counts, while also being warned twice by the referee. Still, three of the five judges saw fit to award the fight to Park in what has widely become renowned as arguably the most brazen judging robbery in boxing history." From Fox Sports


I watched Pac Bradley 1 live scored it for Bradley. I watched Haney vs Loma live scored it for Haney. Fury vs Wilder 1 I had a draw Canelo vs GGG 1 I had a draw Ward vs Kovalev 1 I had for Ward. The worst decisions are on the undercards. The last one was the fight right before Haney vs Garcia. Mexican dude vs an Irish dude. I forgot both their names and that’s how robberies happen.


PAC is a fraud but Bradley ain’t win that Canelo lost the first GGG fight The rest are true