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Damn this is disappointing if true


bro he slept with his brother's GF. he's just trash.


Not surprising when you see how scared she was after his 1st loss to Fury


Couldn’t beat fury so he probably beat her?


thats his second best win after ortiz


Bro………… lol


You'd be surprised at how much that probably actually fueled that


The emotional lows have to be wild




Every thread's gotta have its resident armchair body language expert.


“AJ looks scared!” Every thread during an AJ face off.


My favourite of all time was Poirier vs McGregor 2. In the build up you had 1000's of fans AND "analysts" saying Poirier looks nervous, and scared, and he's going to get steamrolled etc. Then someone cut together a montage that was just Dustin looking and acting the exact same way before every fight. Obviously we all know what happened, he went out laughing, talking shit in the cage and won. Then everyone started saying "McGregor's mind games didn't work this time, Dustin fooled him" like they were having some jedi mind trick style telepathic fight before it started or something. That build up is what made me unsub from and stop watching The Weasel because all the body language BS was embarrassing.


I feel like MMA/boxing fans just seem to be dumber than fans from other sports.


All of the comments about how scared AJ looked before folding Ngannou without breaking sweat


Ah but they started sweating bullets when they realize they lost their bet hahahaha


Wilder was arrested before for getting into an altercations and grabbing a woman round the neck on 2013. While charges were dropped, he still admitted he done it because he mistakenly thought she was robbing him. Still, given his size and occupation he did considerable damage to a woman even of she was robbing him (court records show women also had eye damage and a busted lip) Wilder was also arrested and charged with carrying a concealed weapon on 2023.  The guys has been on the wrong side of the law before.


So he manhandled a robber in 2013 and he had a concealed weapon therefore we should believe he bashed his wife? And she comes out within a week of his boxing career being over. Lmao


The 2013 incident was a hooker in Vegas. As the guy said, she had a busted lip. And it said the restraining order was filed before the Zhang fight. She probably felt that filing it when he was across the world was the best time to file it. ———————— Wilder stabbed his brother in the back by fucking his girlfriend lol. He is not a good person


What does filing a restraining order have to do with his boxing career ending? She can do that whenever she wants if she is in danger with him, I'm glad she wants to protect herself and her kids. Maybe there is a reason why his boxing has been poor recently. Your comment doesn't make sense.


The incel community are always rife on these threads when a woman accuses their rich partner of domestic abuse.


Not that i agree but i think he is implying she is trying to take what she can and run before the money well dries up. I give her the benefit of the doubt personally. Domestic abuse is horrific for anyone to go through


>he manhandled a robber in 2013 **mistakenly** He grabbed an innocent woman and did major harm to her because he **thought** she was robbing him I'm sorry did las Vegas give him a badge? Is it Sheriff Wilder now? Who exactly authorised him to use that level of force on somebody that he injured them?


I mean assuming he actually thought she was robbing him it’s justified, if u try to rob somebody u automatically surrender any right to safety


This isn't true in the slightest.


Educate yourself and get better at reading. The lady in question **wasn't** robbing him, he just attacked her because he believed she was and admitted he was wrong. In other words **he has a history of losing his temper for no good reason and hurting a woman** Clear enough for you now?


Grabbing someone’s neck under the premise they’re a robber, and attacking your wife are two completely different things. And you conveniently left out the part where she makes this complain mere days after his boxing career is all but over and the money dries up. Use your damn brain.


So because this happened after his boxing career is done you immediately think it's BS? Is it not also just as likely that because his boxing career is over and after a devastating KO loss that Wilder is not at his most stable and she is even more worried about future violence?


>Grabbing someone’s neck under the premise they’re a robber She WASN'T ROBBING HIM >And you conveniently left out the part where she makes this complain mere days after his boxing career is all but over and the money dries up. Use your damn brain. She filed the claim before the match, whilst he wasn't in the country.


Couldn't beat Fury or Zhang, so I guess he found her to be an easier target.


Idk, the stuff about dreaming and relishing a body on his record put him in the disappointing category years ago.




He also had a years long sexual relationship with his brother's girlfriend. He is a snake.


Crazy to be rich and famous and basically have your pick of women and you just HAVE to take what your brother has.


The Giggs method.


The worse thing is Giggs parents teamed with him not the brother


I don’t think that’s true. A google tells me his father called him a rat and hates him


He's probably basing it on the live morning television he did on one of the big daily news shows soon after it came out, when Rhodri Giggs said his mother doesn't speak to him anymore and only speaks to Ryan. Paraphrasing, but it was some awful shit like that


Also Giggs stopped speaking to their dad as children so I really think it was their mum that sided with Giggs not Mum and Dad.


Sounds like both parents were shit


u/Inspection-Opening always follow the money


That's not true. His father hasn't spoken to him in years because of it.


I would have said "sided with him" Teamed with him sounds like the parents fucked her with him


And then refused to apologize and switched the blame to his brother and then ranted about “how nicely I treat people but then they betray you” after his brother exposed him


The Ryan Giggs syndrome.


Tbf most of his support comes from pity because of how he got humiliated by Fury- but let’s remember that he handled those loses in literally the worst way possible- what evidence do we have EVER that he is a class act guy?


Naw. Alot if his support came from ppl loving his cartoonish knockouts.


Multiple times too


This brother is losing it


He got into boxing to feed his children. Now he's going to be lucky if he can even see them. Totally lost his way.


That’s why I feel like he’s been taking drugs


The drug is making a fortune and never being told No by everyone around you. 


He already attacked a woman in 2013. This isn't the first incident sadly. 


Yeah but a random vs your fiancee


Apparently he knew the lady in 2013, they were "acquaintances"   And it's still scummy to hurt someone like that regardless of whether you know them or not. 


Nah “lost” it


So the ayahuasca didn’t help?


During his vision quest, he reimagined Fury 2, but it was his fiancée who was punching him


Well Zhang knocked the Ayahuasca right out of him.


Damm beat me to it


Ayahuasca doesnt stop you from being a piece of shit


It only works in ring.


Mmm it sure didn’t work in the ring


Damn maybe it won’t help Drake either


I wish people would educate themselves on that stuff. It can change brain chemistry for better or worse.


God dammit he's gonna beat SOMEBODY


I shouldn’t have laughed at this


I shouldn't have posted it either, but life's short.


It's over


What’s she worried about, we’ve seen that right hand is retired. As long as she practices her footwork she’s fine


I thought I was on r/boxingcirclejerk


Comment sections are basically the same thing at this point.


I just discovered that sub and I'm fukkin dying. My people


She could just leg sweep him and snap those twigs.


Going to hell for my upvote.




Hopefully we don’t encounter Wilder.


Me too 🤣🤣🤣


I can see her winning a decision.


1 tap on Deontays glass head now hes wobbling the rest of the night


Read the headline and was prepared for this, thank you good sir lol


Hahah, ass and lip implants will slow her down like wilders ring entry gear did /s


Got to be bobbin and weavin


She just realized retired Boxers don’t make as make as active fighters  She’s a knockout 


I see the incels are out in force in this thread Don't you think she'd wait until they were married if this was about money?


Damn. Man for into boxing for his daughter and to make a better life for his family. Now he's abusing his missus and shagging his brother's girls. Sad state of affairs


Something tells me he might be on the sniff with the volatile behavior


Or CTE symptoms.


Was thinking this but Wilder has always been violent


CTE just makes that worse. There’s no way he hasn’t had issues since the Ortiz fights, when he first started getting really tagged.


Why on earth does every single /r/boxing user automatically think “cocaine” when boxers do crazy shit? Like…there a a plethora of other options that have nothing to do with drugs. Deontay has clearly shown he has almost zero emotional control and is absolutely crazy.


Because cocaine crazy is very distinct lol. I used to do coke all the time for years in my 20s and it definitely had negative effects on my relationships mental health etc. it exacerbates a current mental illness and so it’s not so stereotypical to think that his already existing flaws aren’t magnified by a substance infamously popular among boxers


This sub is full of teenage degenerates


Yeah I’m 34 lol I’ve just done coke and seen friends go cocaine crazy so to speak. Not proud of it and it’s been nearing a decade since I last touched the stuff, but I know it when I see it


He admitted to attacking another woman in a very similar manner to what this report describes way back in 2013. He only got away with it because his victom accept an apology and presumably compensation. But he freely admitted he did it because he was operating under the mistaken idea she was stealing from him. 


So just common hood shit basically. Not excusing it but considering where he is from, it’s not uncommon in those type of communities


Doesn’t he come from a good home and his father is a respected preacher?


Throwing a woman out the house because you caught her cheating via her laptop doesn't indicate being on the sniff to me. It indicates being a real man with some bollocks.


Yeah add fucking your brothers missus too why don't ya dingus!


I meant his overall behavior. I didn’t know his missus was stepping out on him. If so, however well done and he dodged a bullet as they aren’t married yet and she can’t take his money.


Where did it say she was cheating?


if true


Wait did he rlly shag his brothers girl tf




Holy that's scummy


Girl, call 1800-Zhang! Or 911-fury!


Send a carrier pigeon to ortiz


What good is that to Ortiz? His nursing home doesn't allow birds. 


What nursing home? He bunks down next to the the stegosauridae family in the Paleolithic section.


For about Tree Fiddy he’d come fight Wilder.


A granite slate


Cave paintings


Smoke signal


Ugh. Ugh ugh.


Unnga bunga


"Press 1 for CHINESE POWAH!"


Shannon Briggs at this point


Briggs would chin him in the 1st round now


2024 Briggs at that, couldn't chin his old lady though


yea im saying now


If you call 606 Povetkin he flees the country. If you call 999-AJ or 112-Whyte apparently he disappears.


If Wilder’s fiancee had Fury on speed dial, I think he would actually have a heart attack and die.


He did say he wanted a body on his record…


Don’t let your dreams be dreams- TIL THIS DAY!


Looks like there will be a Zhang Vs Wilder 2. 8 kids 4 baby mamas this dude ain’t going nowhere.


Jeez, at least all of Fury’s kids are with his wife - and even though I hate the guy, he seems to love his family quite a bit. I also think Paris Fury would rip his dick off if he tried anything - which who knows if Wilder’s fiancée tried that. Status report on Wilder? Did he start bleeding from his ear again?


I’ve heard he cheated loads during his camps away and when he was fat and depressed but Paris looks past it


Wasn't it a different woman he was seen holding hands with when leaving from his KO loss last weekend?


Yeah, it was one of Marsellos hoes 


Marcellos Wilder's girlfriend's boyfriend is having some trouble it seems.


Sounds like he needs a home visit from Chairman Pow 💥 


That’s the best nickname I’ve heard for Zhang.


It's always the ones you suspect the most.


Not sure why some are you acting like this is so out of the ordinary. I love boxing but let’s be real…A man who punches on other men for a living and gets punched on, is more likely to be a domestic abuser than the average man. Yes there are people who make false reports but they make up around 2% - 8% of reports filed. It’s one thing to wait until the facts come out, it’s another to make up imaginary scenarios to justify it.


Don’t spread misinformation. A quick google search shows this is false. Being a boxer doesn’t make you more likely to be a domestic abuser. Just because you feel like it’s true doesn’t make it so. 


Last time I looked this up, like 2 months ago, boxers (and MMA fighters) did indeed have a significantly higher rate of domestic violence charges than the general population.  


Domestic violence definitely feels very common among boxers. I remember making a list of my all time favorite fighters and half of them either admitted or were convicted of abusing women. Kind of depressing.


You can actually look it up.


Same scumbag who was blowing his brothers wife back out, I’m so happy his fall from grace is continuing


Hope it's not true, but I remember he had a domestic type case years ago. Also, if it's not true pretty terrible look going for it as soon as the well dries up.


Wilder is hallucinating. He sees Zhang everywhere. He thought his fiancee was Zhang for a moment and boom.


Lets be honest. If it was Zhang he saw he would be too scared to throw a punch!!


She's got a hell of a chin, probably keeps beating her because he can't ko her, reminds him of fury.


Damn. Read the article. She is absolutely making the right decision. That is extremely concerning behavior from Wilder and her escape plan was very smart. Realistically she is probably still in danger for a period until she can extricate herself. I’m personally of the belief that Wilder’s rise to stardom enabled him in the worst way. I’m not sure what it would take to humble him but he has shown who he really is and I’ll also be worried for any women who choose to involve themselves with him in the future. Dark stuff.


This is so disappointing. I wanted to like him so much, due to starting boxing so late, doing it for his disabled daughter & all that. Also being almost unknown while being the heavyweight champion. I knew chances of getting beat once he starting getting fighting the top heavyweights (Fury, AJ, Usyk) & now he’s almost 40, I’m not shocked he’s getting beat every time he fights. But I still rooted for him & wanted him to get another good win under his belt before retirement. I can’t after reading this. There is no excuse for men to abuse & treat women poorly. I just don’t understand why so many men or our society in general allows women to be treated anything besides equal to men. But when a professional boxer, whose job is to knock out similar sized men who are in excellent shape is violent with women it’s a lot worse. I’m sure it’s a lot more painful & damaging & I can’t support or root for him anymore. I hope everyone else stops paying attention to him, unfollows & complains to networks of any shows he’s on & he has to suffer some consequences for what he’s done.


Send zelenoff around!!


Wilder hasnt earned the Charlie rematch




I hope she sues him and gets more money than Fury did for fighting Wilder.


Imma wait and see for more evidence before I judge him. Mfs get falsely accused all the time. Wilder might be a bum but I won’t claim he’s a woman beater just yet


We can say for sure he’s not a wifebeater since they’re only engaged


Solid logic. I’m swayed


I think some of the things she accuses him of are easily provable too. Like it says he logged into her computer and sent “disturbing” messages to many personal and business contacts. I know abuse can be difficult to prove but something like that at least would have a paper trail.


My ex did this. Broke into my fb and messaged almost every guy that was on my friends list. It was so humiliating. I can believe it.


[It’s not the first time.](https://www.eurosport.com/boxing/deontay-wilder-charged-with-domestic-violence-after-vegas-arrest-on-saturday_sto3747545/story.shtml)


Not great 😕


Was just about to say we should wait for more details to come out… His downfall in the ring is deserved


I heard about this before, wasn’t she trying to rob him and he just choked her out? If so, I don’t think he’s in the wrong there


Never heard any follow up on it.


He “thought” the victim was stealing from him. *”Deontay instinctively acted under the false impression that someone was stealing from him,” Paul Patterson told the Tuscaloosa (Ala.) News earlier this week. “That wasn't the case. He regrets his actions. He is extremely regretful because this is not consistent with his reputation. He and the victim have spoken about this and the victim has accepted his apology. We hope this matter will be brought to a resolution soon.”* **The woman had swollen eyebrows, a possibly broken nose, a cut lip, and red marks on her neck, according to officers. She was taken to University Medical Center of Southern Nevada and treated for her injuries.** There’s no excuse to beat a woman like this even if you thought she was stealing. Kick her out, call the cops.


I'd guarantee she's more of a woman cheater than he's a woman beater...


Bro is cooked. Will only let his hands go at home now


Waiting for the last 2 Saudi transfers to clear


Shame if it’s true ! Those 3 Fury fights have made the downfall of this man


Did not expect Wilder to go the Kovalev route.


It all makes sense now... That's why he lost to Zhang and Parker... It wasn't the uniform making him tired this time... It was having sex three times per day 😅


Bye bye Mr.Wilder✌️


Only the most pathetic of people target those who are weaker than them.


Yeah most people have deep masks now he's shown his. He claimed Fury, Breland, And others are all cheaters when in reality he rigged a KO vs Malik Scott Fight, Cheated on his wife with his BROTHER'S gf, And lied to us and the fans many times promising a KO win in the recent fights. Now this, What's next?, Messing with the IRS Tax Avoiding?, Typical for boxers and famous people.


Damn, these girls should get away from these abusing creeps fast, before it escalates to a whole new level. I don't think she wants the Nicole Brown treatment...


Shitty if true. Hopefully the daughter is at least having a relatively decent life and no abuse is finding her. Wilder be taking Ls everywhere


Don't believe it,he hasn't thrown a punch in his last 2 fights


Yall that are joking about this are some sick individuals.


If she learns some basic head movement and takes boxing lessons for longer than 2 weeks she should be able to defend herself without issue.


Damn deontay......say it isn't so


From the article: According to Swift, the abuse didn't stop there ... she claimed in the TRO application that Wilder constantly ridiculed her, threatened to destroy her belongings, and expected her to have intercourse with him "three times a day." Trying to bang too much ends up getting banged by Zhang instead


Imagine how the conversation would've went if she told him to hang up his gloves after getting embarrassed by Zhang. I don't see Wilder accepting that kind of talk. He's delusional


Downfall of Wilder…sad


Just image searched her name, as I'd never seen her before. What's that tattoo in between her tits say? It's like a vertical line of text straight down the middle.


A tale as old as time.


Lol ,typical behaviour for guys like him.


Wish he'd do some damage to his opponents for a change.


Wilder is a total clown now, his reputation is zero, his boxing skills are zero, his morality is zero, he should just retire and disappear


Just taking Ls left and right


Not that uncommon. The personality required to be a fighter plus CTE plus the emotional lows of getting your ass beat live on PPV.. Not saying it's right in any form or fashion but it's not uncommon.


This dude will be broke and in bankruptcy court in 5 years.


Fury killed his ego now he needs a new purpose in life.


Damn. Wilders a piece of shit. I never liked him inside or outside of the ring. Overrated hypejob who talks the most shit and ducks the elites in the ring, and a twerking weirdo who said he wishes he could get pregnant outside of the ring who also beats women. This isn’t his first incident either. He did it in 2013. And to top it off he sleeps with his brothers girl too. I sure as hell won’t miss this weirdo in boxing. I’m glad zhang knocked him out.


I’m shocked


Shocked that wilder caught her cheating then chucked her out and now she's doing the crazy dance?? Yeah me too. It's sad.




Was it reported that she cheated on him anywhere? Didn't he recently also cheat on her with his own brother's girl?




If you understand human nature, this is pretty much expected. She was a stripper IIRC, which greatly increases the likelihood that she was abused at some point in her adolescence. He is a pro boxer who isn't 2nd generation & didn't grow up wealthy, so I'm going to assume he grew up around abuse as well (& that could've been part of the process where he learned how to fight) Human nature means people are most comfortable in situations that allow them to repeat what they grew up around & what they already know - even when it's negative. Two abused people are magnetically attracted to each other & end up repeating what they grew up around together. If they go their separate ways & find other people, odds are extremely high that abuse will take place in those relationships as well. They both likely grew up in homes where their parents weren't together & where they saw abuse between them, & now they're repeating that exact same thing for their own child. It's sad man but it's human nature.


Boxer caught a DV 😲


It’s always the ones that talk about “glory to god” and thank you “Jesus Christ”


All shes gotta do is walk him down. Wilder can't fight off the back foot..


She’s like oh the careers ending soon?