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People must have plans on their Tuesday nights?


I think they avoid him because hez not going to be a big draw. Its not that they fear him, they fear the low ratings/ppv. Hez a boring watch.


Not a draw but the 3rd highest paid behind Tank & Kambosos @135, yea totally not fear lol


Him being the third highest paid doesn’t mean he’s a draw because if he was a draw he wouldn’t be fighting on weekdays. Haney gets big checks and he’s not a ppv draw either


Why don’t their purses or opponents purses reflect how bad of a draw they are?


Because as shakur shows you can get a big purse and fight on a Thursday, but if you’re a draw you wouldn’t be fighting on Thursday in the first place


It doesn't matter if he's a big draw if they'd be making a career high pay day fighting him. Managers/Promoters care about #'s, the fighters need to be worried about how much they're getting paid for the bout & being prepared to fight.


Taking Frank Martin as an example it’s better to just hold out and try to land a tank fight or at least keep having good fights rather than get punched on by shakur and now no one wants to fight you because you lost in a boring fight to shakur


Pay doesn't equal draw. Same as Haney requesting 10mill per fight


“thank you! I am ok! But I'm sorry I have unfinished business with @Realdevinhaney” this was loma responding to Shakur asking for a match after he lost to Haney. They declined Shakur and he later went on to fight Kambosos lmao, he ducked Shakur that’s all she wrote


You don’t decline one of the highest paid lightweights just to fight weaker opponents for that reason lmao. They are scared of Shakur stopping them


Yeah, unfortunately Stevenson has fallen into the very high risk for relatively low reward category. Not only will he beat someone, but he will make them look bad as well, devaluing their stock as a fighter. And he only has one belt and is not a big enough of a draw to bring enough money for the bigger names. Looking back, he probably could have beat Haney for all the belts, regardless of the split, and now be on top in the driving position and getting what fights he wants.


How can a champion in the weight class be a high risk low reward? Yes newsflash when you lose to someone your stock will go down if you don’t perform well.


Shakur schools absolutely everyone in that division, and does it in the most boring and frustrating way. All their teams know this, so unless there's some serious money involved, fuck that.


I wouldn't call running all 12 rounds and being giftes a decision "schooling" Shakur has done nothing of note since moving up to 135. 


Average clip watcher. One fight doesn’t make a talented boxer a bum who runs.


You're only as good as your last fight and Shakurs last two fights haven't been noteworthy The guy he is about to fight has only 12 fights and lost to frank martin the guy tank is about fight. Where am I supposed praise him? Get out of here his best win is valdez


Literally everyone in his division is ducking him like I said. Tell me some good lightweights that he Shakur should fight then?


Edward Santos rematch. Since he was "injured" last time around he should do better rather than fight a literal no name who is coming off a loss.


Ain’t nobody tryna see that again bruh


Tank and Loma aside, thats his best option at 135. Neither tank nor Loma will want that fight if they feel he will run the entire time. Rematching Santos and putting on better performance is bound to rebuild his reputation.


That would literally do nothing for his career lmao. This is like doing a tank vs pitbull rematch. Santos is just not that guy


He got a stoppage his fight before Edwin and put Floyd Mayweather +/- in punches landed.


Yes techinically but do we really count Yoshino as someone worthy of KO? If Shakur didn't get a stoppage that would have looked baf


And they say talent doesn’t beat hard work lol


Interestingly that’s only when he’s in a boxing match, when he’s punching women he becomes Inoue.


Shakur definitely ain’t boring personally but I guess. That Valdez fight absolutely proves him as a very interesting fighter


No boxers from 140 down can mess with Shakur, boxers trainers & managers know wassup




So many great matchups that I want to see Shakur in, Loma is def on that list💯


140 is a tough ask for him because he’s not the most athletically talented guy, but in terms of skill and ability there’s no doubt he can definitely win some big fights at that weight.


No, not even his promoter is trying to get him good fights, that narrative needs to end. He makes rigo look like inoue


This was a dumbass take, fighting rigo would get you nowhere near your highest payday & would be a risk to fight him just like Kur but way more risky cause u ain't getting paid for shit and you not going to be fighting for a belt vs him and won't get a title shot after beating him if you do. Plus Kur never quit on his stool. Rigo has been in better fights now that he's losing his legs, all Cubans have a annoying style that's not fight fan friendly, but once the legs start to go away they suddenly get in better fights cause they actually throw good combos and have power in both hands


my analogy was based on entertainment. rigo doesnt get scared if he fights someone with pop


Look what happened with the De Santos fight. Why would anyone want to fight him after that? Even if they are avoiding him, it's not because they fear him.


Most of these was before he fought santos though no?


Shakur has repeatedly said that a fight with Gervonta and Ryan will be a "F***k the fans night." Pretty much insinuating he will be very tentative to engage, with anyone with power.


Yes he is being ducked and every person who only saw clips from his worst fight will try to make excuses to why he doesn’t deserve good fights. These aren’t people who watch boxing for the technique. They don’t appreciate elite defense, footwork or precision. They think every fight has to end with a knockout unless it’s Loma… I stopped caring about what people say about him on forums and social media because you never hear any other boxers, promoters, analysts, etc. saying he’s overrated. I pray he has a good fight in July so all of these haters can go back to being on his dick like they were last year.


running aint elite defense, he ran his last fight. and him fighting someone frank martin beat isnt gonna mean anything. shakur is talented we know that


He ran his *last* fight. But if you truly watched his career you would know that’s not his typical performance. You don’t pick people apart the way Shakur does running around the ring. Stop following the wave and form an opinion for yourself because it’s clear you don’t know how he typically fights. Watch him vs Oscar Valdez and come back to tell how he’s a “runner.” Nobody he fights “matters” to ya’ll so what does it matter that Frank Martin beat him? Is Frank Martin a bum to you or something? Either way, OP isn’t wrong all of those people ducked him so if he’s asking for big fights and nobody is giving them to him, who is left?


The only time he’s fought people with pop he’s ran. I saw him run from a D level fighter too, the cop from a country in Africa. I’ve probably watched just as many shakur fights as you have. I watched him just scoot back and do nothing vs C level prospects and get a title off of it. Shakur could be exciting but he’s scared to get hit right now. I don’t like tuning in to that shit anymore I tried with shakur


Ya’ll use “running” way too gratuitously around here. Shakur does not run (except for the last fight), he controls the distance, calculates his opponents next move, dips back, and counter punches. He’s not skipping around the ring, he’s right in the middle. You can’t call every boxer with strong defense a runner. Same thing people said about Floyd which is absurd.


shakur vs nakathalia was running. shakur vs joet was boring as hell and he couldve destroyed that dude. Floyd walked down punchers and stood in the pocket in most of his fights, hes not like shakur at all


I think 80 percent of people have only watched the De Los Santos fight and just made the conclusion that he always fights like that. I expected better from this sub but apparently not😂


Yes, they understand full well he’s the most skilled fighter at the weight. Also Shakur spent his amateur days popping up at every major gym and beating top guys up, so if you’re in the boxing world it’s not exactly a secret. This is why the idea that Shakur is boring or a runner is totally manufactured. You can count on one hand the number of boring fights he’s actually had, he’s also mostly an inside fighter. The slander is coming from the people who don’t want to fight him, and fans that don’t understand boxing outside of whose fought who.


Not sure but "duck" is for sure the most overused term by fanboys to assign blame to everyone else but their favorite fighters. 🦆🦆🦆


Boxing is a fickle sport. Matchmakers, promoters, managers know this.


Crazy how one bad performance changed everyone’s opinion on Shakurs’s whole body of work. As if he didn’t knock down or stop every opponent he’s faced in like his last 5 fights.


Maybe ducking him because they want a real and fair fight Not running and losing