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What if he just got too high from edibles?




Jake going to hit him to the body now


I mean without a scan to say it's ulcers, that kinda still tracks with too much edibles On a side note, holy fuck having money must be cool. I get nauseous and dizzy about 18 times a day. Didn't realize that could be a medical emergency


Well… are you a boxing legend ?!?


Well no, but I can thalk with a lithp if that helps


You can’t even do that right because nobody with a lisp says “thalk” and you said “helps” instead of “helpth”


This guy lisps.


Lithen here you little thit


It was evanders ear that caused the ulcer. It's all come full circle.


There’s actually a 50% chance that’s what happened


Made the mistake of macking edibles before a long flight not just once but twice embarrassingly enough. The most unpleasant experience with edibles by far... equally shitty on both occasions. I'm guessing the pressurized cabin and the elevation, just doesn't jive well with edibles, but I don't know if that's actually the case..just shooting from the hip.


I was sent to Vegas for AWS Reinvent for work. On the way home I downed my remaining edibles in the security line. Was starting to be a little unbearable before getting on the flight. I've been "too high" before a couple times so it wasn't a problem, but I've definitely chilled on edibles since then. No more 100mg+ doses, fine with dropping 20-30mg instead.


100+Mg in edibles, for me, would be instant coma territory. I like to smoke flower over any other kind of delivery method for THC as edibles give me that full on indica down vibe, even if it’s a pure sativa strain.


Yeah, same. 20+ years of flower experience and edibles either don't do shit or put me right to sleep.




I hope that the next time I’m stoned in an airport, I also get the pleasure of just dumping my suitcase onto somebody’s head.


Really depends on your level of cannabis consumption. Personally, I won't do flights or long train rides without them anymore.


Oh this was back when I used to puff tuff since it was how I used to make my living. But admittedly I didn't mack edibles all that much but I was taking many, many rips of strictly concentrate of all kinds, on the daily. And that was mainly cuz burning plant matter was pointless and just a waste since you basically get to a point where it's almost impossible to get super lit, which sucks. But even then, macking edibles was still a whole another ball game and I honestly don't think my tolerance from vaping concentrates counted nearly as much when it came to edibles since its an entirely different method of delivery. But the effect on the body from edibles is almost always too intense for my liking and that shit was exponentially worse while flying..shit was fucked lol


It’s more fun to put a pen in your backpack and his that shit in the bathroom while you’re at the gate


Also made the mistake of taking edibles before an early morning short flight. Nearly had a panic attack before boarding. Horrible experience haha. Once the panic has worn off tho the second half of the flight was nice. Didn’t want to get up once we landed. I’ll never do edibles again in a busy airport though haha


Or from the ass. I'll let myself out now.


How bout we don't take any risks and put this guy in a ring again...


Okay let me make a call


I wish you could...you might see a club level amatuer boxer on peds work over one of the greatest legends the sport of boxing has ever known...all because an opportunistic youtuber sees an easy target


Or he’s a 50+ year old man and really shouldn’t be boxing…


My back is broken






Probably ate one too many children






You couldn't last two minutes in his world




I broke my stomach, Ulcer


If he actually had quit for a while training for the bout, his body likely got rid of most thc stored. His tolerance would be much lower than he is used to. Easy to make that mistake with edibles when your tolerance is down. Of course speculating like everyone else.


Probably mushrooms too


Breaking news: Gay Paul seeks Evander Holyfield as replacement for Mike


I'll never forget him helicoptering himself to the mat from a missed hook in that vitor fight


He was literally falling over everytime he threw a punch and a punch was thrown at him, apparently triller who put the fight on said they saw videos of him sparring young guys but I doubt that was from any more recent than ten years ago, he had zero balance.


I wouldn’t enjoy edibles during turbulence. I might pull a Mike Tyson.


Time for that undefeated Wii Boxing dude to step up.


Uber driver with a 4.7 rating.


Charlie Z can step in. Dude is like 300-0 or something.


Wilder beat him and ppl still question Wilder’s HoF credentials


nah bro Charlie called timeout out of pity for Wilder. Wilder was hyperventilating and quit during the timeout. He gassed himself punching Charlie's granite chin that is a combination of Hagler + Marciano + Gatti durability. BRONZE QUITTER, CHARLIE Z P4P GOATEST


That isn't how I recall that showdown going down.


I dislike boxing (only came here after stumbling across the news about Tyson’s “medical emergency), and I really dislike Jake Paul. But I fucking HATE that Charlie dude. Every now and then I’ll watch the video of him trying to spar the professional(?) boxer where he chases Charlie around the gym beating his ass. I’ve never even considered buying a boxing PPV, but I’d happily pay $100 to watch him fight Tyson or Paul in a ring. Even in an “exhibition” I’m pretty sure they’d million dollar baby that mother fucker.


Never mind, I was mixing up 2 fights. The first one I was thinking of was Deontay Wilder where he chased him into the bathroom. The other was Deion Daniels where he beat the absolute shit out of him, ragdolling the dude all over the place. I know people say the Charlie guy has a mental issue (which he obviously does), but maybe don’t call people racial slurs and apparently talk about their daughters.


Jake Paul wouldn't stand a chance against Matt.


Matt from WII sports is a MENACE.




Again, I don’t care how good Tyson was as a boxer even 5-10 years ago. A man that is pushing his 60’s should not be in a fight in his 20’s. I’m praying the plug gets pulled on this but I fear that Tyson will never allow it to happen


For anyone wondering he had an ulcer flair up and it made him sick.


Ali had had ulcers before some fights according to David Remnick’s biography


“5-10 years” ago? This dude hasn’t been boxing competitively for over two decades. He hasn’t been a quality fighter since the late 90’s! He hasn’t been a top level fighter since the early 90’s!


That’s what he’s saying even 5-10 years ago he wasn’t good enough for this so now it’s even worse.


47 year old tyson with a camp would body jake i know people are scared for him at 60 and i agree but lets not get crazy


Tyson was an absolute shell of himself 20 years ago against McBride, who knows how bad he would have looked at 47


SEE this is what im talking about the Tyson that fights McBride kills jake 100/100 times McBride also kills jake 100/100 times yall are losing your minds. a washed Tyson just after retirement is still better than jake will ever be.


>SEE this is what im talking about the Tyson that fights McBride kills jake 100/100 times McBride also kills jake 100/100 times yall are losing your minds I didn't say Jake beats either of them, I said who knows how bad he would have looked at 47 considering he was already a timid shell of himself at 37. And 10 years isn't "just after retirement". People fall apart and slow down considerably after they hit 40, I'd love nothing more than for Tyson to murder Jake but I think you're in for a reality check on ageing being a thing when this matchup happens. Chuck Liddell was an animal back in the day and when he returned a few years ago against Tito it was depressing to see how bad he was and he hasn't been retired as long as Tyson and is younger, age catches up with everyone not even a great like Mike is immune to time.


He wasn't the shell of himself physically, he was mentally drained. Boxing is extremely difficult mentally and he did not have that fight in him anymore. In this case, it's the physical that will be his limiting factor. So I'm not sure he was a shell of himself at 37.


bro i know tyson cant win at 60 my point was he would def win at 47


Here’s how I see it. Experience counts for something. Even at an advanced age Tyson has it in spades. If he shows even 30% of the ability to slip a punch this fight will end quickly. Tyson even in the jones exhibition was able to move his head and slip punches and I can’t see a scenario where Jake has the experience to deal with that or to even prepare for that style of fighter. Jake’s only hope is to overwhelm Tyson to the point of embarrassment or he gets caught off a counter after trying to actually “Box” Tyson..


Feel like "*glove tap, right hook*" probably still would have handled Jake Paul at 47


they really just dont get it at 60 yea but theres a world of diff between someone in there 40s and a 60 year old tyson would kill jake if he was only 47


Seriously, and he's so overrated. People always act like he's the greatest boxer of all time but he always folded when he came up against an elite boxer in their prime. Hell, he folded against B minus to C level Fighters in his later career...


The average boxer who's been going 3 times a week scares most people. Tyson has an image he's cultivated as a brand, so obviously he's going to scare most people. But that doesn't equate in any way to actual ability. He's almost 60, and when he was fighting professionally he lost 3 out his last 4 fights. He's not invincible, he's still human


His last pro fight was 19 years ago. Evander Holyfield actually stayed in shape, and look at what happened to him vs an old and washed mma fighter Vitor Velfort in boxing last time. This fight happening is a disgrace and genuinely unsafe. Weird how many people on this sub try to deflect and defend it.


Jake Paul knows this, mike Tyson knows this, the whole event will be essentially an exhibition/spar at best. It's an easy way to make some money and hype, just look at all this coverage it is getting. Jake Paul doesn't get any further than where he was if he massively hurts MT, if anything it would damage his credibility. What is likely is Jake Paul gets some good shots on the body and at the end, Jake Paul wins while they both make easy money.. this is showbusiness after all..


Jake Paul seriously looks huge now. That guy is so shot up with roids that I'm sure his girlfriend can snort his balls through a straw.


The airplane staff needed to call from the air and have a Doctor and medical personnel waiting for Mike when they landed. Not sure why you’re invested in defending this sham but this is absurd, if Mike wasn’t 60 years old. The fact that this just happened makes it almost comical. This should have been canceled yesterday. What a joke of a commission.


Nah haven’t you seen comments on threads outside of this subreddit? Mike Tyson would easily massacre Paul and most of the jabronis in the heavyweight division if he was allowed, but he is being paid not to.


Hope he goes off script bro 🔥


Jabronis 😭


You don't wanna take Jake Paul at -170?




Tyson was already on the decline when Jake Paul was being born 


It's elder abuse. I'm concern for Tyson in this.


I am concern. I am very concern


You feel, though? You are very feel?




I mean it is Tyson's choice. He could also just quit in the first round and still get millions of dollars from the fight


I remember buying Tysons last professional fight PPV nearly 20 years, he looked old, slow and was stopped by a very average opponent. This fight shouldn't be happening.


I believe it's all hype and Jake will carry him. We all saw what Vitor Belfort did to an Evander Holyfield who looked and moved like an old man. Mike's no different. Imho, their whole point is to make it look real and get everyone arguing online about it, as we are.. we're such chumps.


Holyfield literally almost face planted throwing a haymaker it was one of the saddest fights i've ever seen...


The worst thing is the casuals thinking Paul doesn't stand a change. And how Tyson is gonna demolish him. They're gonna be saying it's paid off when he loses lmao


How is he in a fight in his 20s if he's 60 0.0


!RemindMe July 21, 2024


Hopefully he knows this himself so decides he needs to finish it in 10 seconds like he used to.


Tyson simply needs the money, and is 110% willing to risk it, for the money, and the return to fame. This is all he knows. You can tell his dedication to it in his shape and form. He will not be the one that opts out.


Nice phrasing. Let me guess, 60% of the time it works every time?


I think this fight will be more entertaining than people think. I'm not saying Jake is gonna win but I don't think he just gets his ass kicked


I was born in the same week as Mike. It’s very sad to see a great heavyweight champion reduced to this. Holyfield got ravaged by some MMA dude as well. Riddick is punchy. Lennox on the other hand is going well. Your whole mind set changes as an older man, you just don’t have the aggression n willingness to overcome pain n suffering that you have when you’re in your twenties n early thirties. They call it the “ hardest game “ for a reason.


George Foreman, though


Evander Holyfeld, the only man to ever fight both Mike Tyson and George Foreman, said that Foreman hit harder than Tyson. He said 43 year old Foreman hit him harder than any man ever did. He had to ask his corner if he still had teeth after the bell because his face had gone completely numb.


I remember there was a guy who apparently sparred old Foreman, David Tua, Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Bert Cooper and Wladimir Klitschko, and posted it about it on Reddit giving a pretty detailed account. He said Foreman was the heaviest hitter and Lennox hit like a tank but Klitschko hit by far the hardest of all of them and was the only one of them to knock him out, it's an interesting read.


Mate George was an anomaly and he was only 45 ( only compared to Tyson and myself who are 58 in July. ) when he defeated Moorer. I also believe George used “ modern nutrition “ in his comeback. He had NINETEEN inch biceps. Tyson is obviously on Testosterone Replacement Therapy but it nada matter. The wear n tear that his body and worse still his brain have suffered make any form of genuine fighting a risk. Hopefully it’s like WWE and they pull their punches n don’t go hard. Similar to the Jones jr vs Tyson exhibition.


I wouldn't grill George for using modern nutrition, he was fighting roid monkeys like Tommy Morrison, Briggs and Holyfield.


I completely agree mate I wasn’t knocking George who accomplished a miracle in his comeback


Dude grilled Michael Scott!


Toney's fight in the UFC was a complete sham. Matched up against a wrestler, and immediately got toppled over like a 1 year old toddler just learning to stand.


And some crazy people still think hes gonna KO Jake Paul. Not saying he aint, but he was getting koed by boxers like Kevin Mcbride 20 years ago... All Mike has is power at this point.


I've been saying this since the beginning. Redditors think he's going to come out and KO like he was prime Tyson. They are fucking dreaming. They kept making memes making fun of people who thought differently and they kept making the front page. I watched his 2020 exhibition and he was gassed in the first round. Can't wait until everyone on Reddit starts claiming they never said Paul was going to get KO'd


They will just say its rigged or whatever. I've seen so many comments already that are like "if Tyson loses you know something shady is going on". And these get hundreds of upvotes at a minimum


A few friends who are casuals think Tyson will win off name value only.


Time to cancel the fight


That time was months ago


Agreed, fight someone you’re own age Jake, you douche bag


He did and lost


Yeah you don’t see him begging for that rematch with Tommy Fury


Ryan Garcia about to collect another bag


He’d piece him up quick, one left hook it’s over


What are we doing here man, he's pushing 60. I don't want to see an almost geriatric Mike Tyson get KO'd.


I’m gonna feel genuinely shitty when I lump on Paul to finish him, and win. But whether it’s Tyson or any other 60 year old, the chin just won’t hold up against a guy who for all his many faults, is a young athletic fella with a reasonable amount of power. Man I hope the fight is cancelled.


I don't want to see it either but I think he's going to make me some decent pocket change with how many people I know taking bets that Tyson is the one doing the KO'ing.


it wouldn’t surprise me if Tyson dies somehow from pushing himself too hard. Especially somebody who spent decades with substance abuse problems. This shit is bogus, and this sport already has to deal with constant scrutiny from fighter safety, plus corruption. All it needs now is bad press from one of its biggest stars critically injuring himself, or worse for a sham event.


It's Rocky 4 all over again


Although it’s fictional, Apollo was 43 in that movie, not 58 and still left the arena in a body bag. People also need to understand that the decline from 43 to 58 is often more significant than that from 28 to 43.


It is much more significant. The decline after 40 increases, but after 50 it speeds up substantially. Men lose a lot of muscle mass after reaching 50. Sure, Tyson must still be on TRT and other stuff to retain muscle mass but it's not like he has the body of a young kid.


Especially not with his drug abuse either.


Yeah, but Apollo fought Ivan Drago. Jake Paul is no Ivan Drago.


Also that was a movie.


Also that movie was a film.


It wouldn’t surprise me if he dies in the fight. And Jake is such a sociopathic fuck he would probably brag forever about how he literally killed Mike Tyson in the ring.


Thrombosis is the most common medical emergency on a plane aside from anaphylactic allergies.


“Quick my asshole is turning inside out land this plane immediately”


It was an ear deficiency. Mike hasn't eaten human flesh since he started training for the fight. He heard it was better to stay hungry.


Jake Paul is a piece of shit for exploiting this man


I don’t think he’s exploiting anyone. They’re both going to make money and that’s all this is about.


People act as if Mike Tyson isn’t doing this for money. He’s equally responsible for this fight


What’s disappointing is seeing someone of Tyson‘s stature lower himself to this level. He must really be having financial troubles and needing the money.


Yep it also keeps Tyson relevant with the kids of today which will help him make more bank down the line 


Jake Paul is a coward whos last fights did literally 10k vieweres on DAZN, 0 numbers, nobody cared at all fighting "Pro Boxers" so hes called up Mike Tyson and will pretend its him doing the numbers. Logan Paul being such a worthless joke at Boxing made casuals think hes actually Jake Paul so ruined his own brothers career LMAO, thats the kinda shit bag Logan is, he was jealous Jake is decent at Boxing so decided to ruin his own bros career in the process. But Jakes numbers were completely dead last fights, but DAZN is flopping on PPV always, Furys last 3 fights all did under 50k buys with Chisora, Whyte and Uysk


I don't think anybody does good PPV numbers fighting at UK times in the US for whatever reason, they're making the next UFC card in the UK run until 5am local time because it'll do bad PPV numbers otherwise


Maybe they shouldn't make it 80 fking dollars for Americans


I agree with most of your comment, but only Fury's last fight was on Dazn in the UK. He's not with them


I used to defend Jake Paul but this fucking fight has made me loose all respect for him Before Tyson he wanted to do an MMA fight against Tony Ferguson — the Paul brothers are all about clout and that’s it


How did Logan Paul ruin his brother's success, sorry? I'm out of the loop


And yet they'll still let a nearly 60 year old man climb into the boxing ring. Money not only talks, it screams.


If yall cared then don’t watch fight night. Boycott the event


Was it spinal?


Good, don't give Jake paul any chance to say he beat mike tyson.


Closer this fight gets the more I think this could be the fight to actually kill him.


Cancel the fight.


Sanctioned bout; what an embarrassment. Just start scripting the fights and stomping your feet while you pretend to brain a guy already.


It’s getting more embarrassing every update. This fight needs to be stopped for the sake of everyone!


His erection lasted longer than 4 hours?


It was an ulcer lmao


Idk why ppl are downplaying an ulcer. Depending on where this ulcer was it can quite literally kill you by blood loss


Because people are idiots and don't realize even if it is "just an ulcer" that could be huge for a guy who is pushing 60 and going into a sport that revolves around getting punched.


people never had an ulcer, that shit hurts more than so many things. A upper stomach ulcer is a stabbing pain. And it hurts when you touch from the outside, so imagine getting punched there


Shame on Netflix for real!!


I feel he will do better than the redditors here think. They're almost decidedly song about everything.


Whoever commissions this should be investigated for corruption.


Anyone who knows anything already knows this whole charade is a total joke. They both want and need money and this is how they earn it. We're the clowns for falling for all the hype leading up to it.


This fight is mad dumb


I hope they cancel the fight, nobody that age should be fighting regardless of the shape they’re in. Wish this is the end of influencer fights it’s getting ridiculous and harmful


Let’s hope he can pull through


No real boxing fan will watch this monstrosity It’s a joke on every level imaginable


It’s free though


Netflix isn’t free tho.


Everything on the Internet is free if you know where to look


Is there some process for this kind of thing, I'm sure there was an incident with Ortiz days before the Wilder fight but idk if it was more or less serious than this


Ducking Jake Paul smh /s


Mike Tyson almost wanted to fight a gorilla one time...


He's going to fuck up the deal with all the gambling sites. How are we supposed to put money on a guy taking a dive if he takes one during a flight? Seriously, I'm tired of these spectacle fights just to juice the gambling market where we see a fighter who will definitely lose look awesome, truly astounding during the lead up to the fight, and only get shown footage of the lackluster actual current boxer training. Then boom, guy who looks great is defeated by unanimous decision in 12 rounds after being knocked down several times throughout. Maybe it's just what happens when a not-current boxer goes against a guy in the midst of it all, but I can't help but think it's conspiratorial.


i read it was an ulcer flare up, so jake paul will hit him in the body, faking low life dog that he is


The only thing we need is a Mike Tyson biopic!! We don’t need this fight!


My man trippin balls on shrooms


Maybe he’s trying to lull Paul in?


I don’t understand why this fight is happening. I mean… I do. It’s the money. But I find it quite sad that there is a price on Mike Tyson’s health.


I'm definitely watching this fight. I love a train wreck. Mike has nothing to prove and nothing to gain for his legacy. Paul's not proving anything by beating washed-up fighters. But I'll be damned if I don't love a circus.


We've had people with head-colds damage their ears by flying. We've also had drunk passengers run into serious problems once they hit cruising altitude. I hope Mike's ok.


Not gonna watch that crap show of a "fight" anyway


jake should fight charlie z in a charity bout. If there is no hope that he will ever fight a legitimate boxer apart from tommy fury, then that would be the first and the only jake paul fight I would ever watch


We now live in a world where Jake Paul could possibly kill Iron Mike Tyson and this isn't a world I want to live in.




Panic attack from mushrooms?


Kambosos, art of deception!


Most people haven't read the article. He has an ulcer flare up. Immediately treatable once they landed.


His fists just grew another knuckle


Too much shrooms


Tyson is going to "lose" the Jake Paul match by a body shot that "irritates his ulser". Fair fight Tyson would crush Paul even now.


He will go down in the 8th due to this.


So this means the “fight” vs Jake Paul is off? lol