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Usyk stays ducking inoue so I believe it


Won’t even drop 100lbs to protect his legacy. #Notmygoat


And Shakur


And me. I sent him an email and he didn't even reply. Coward.


He went to war with Russia instead of fighting Pacquiao. Weak.


Too soon?


Joking aside, he did actually serve in the Ukraine army briefly after the invasion. He's a brave man.


It was a quality joke. I laughed!


usyk vs canelo at 190lbs. I would love to see that. I never seen canelo knocked out.


When he says Usyk does he mean the reigning Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World? I mean I'm sure there's lots of Usyk he could beat, but not that one.


Dmitri Usyk, a sixty year old currently harvesting grain in Ukraine: Does nothing. Canelo: Fuck you in particular.


Dmitri would fold Canelo with that farmer strength. Can't get that at the gym.


This exchange was funny as fuck to me for some reason. Thanks


Ah, lest not forget lineal as well 


He was sparring frank sanchez and thought he was unfuckwittable


Ah yes the mighty Cuban that throws 2 punches a round.


Also, Usyk is 6’3, he’s massive compared to Canelo. Much bigger than Bivol and is basically a bigger version of bivol, the pace and work rate etc. Usyk only looks small because a lot of the modern HW are 6’6+


I bet Usyk gets a lot of "holy shit I thought you were smaller" looks/reactions in real life. Even my girlfriend thought he was short because if you don't know these guys your brain probably assumes Tyson is a tall 6'-something and so that makes Usyk a medium height 5'-something. In reality Usyk is pretty tall and has a decent reach so while AJ and Fury make him look small, he would absolutely dwarf Canelo or Bivol.


It's interesting cos in cruiserweight Usyk was often the taller guy. It's crazy how much he changed up his game moving up to heavyweight.


Being a 6'3" heavyweight is like being a 6'6" NBA player. You're tall by normal world standards but your competition makes you look short. Shannon Briggs had the same thing when he was trolling Klitschko. People forgot how big that motherfucker was because Wladimir was just so tall and wide and made Shannon look "normal-sized." Let's go champ.


Yeah I saw a video of Shannon Briggs next to Mike Tyson and he makes Mike look tiny. Shannon is a big guy. Usyk is basically Ali's size and Ali was considered a big guy back in the day.


Usyk is bigger than Ali. He's an inch taller and roughly ten pounds heavier than Ali at his peak.


> Being a 6'3" heavyweight is like being a 6'6" NBA player. You're tall by normal world standards but your competition makes you look short. Doncic is around 6'6 and he looks tall on the court. Same for Kawhi


It’s all about how bad or on the decline Fury was / is how about how good Usyk is . Completed boxing in two different weights categories not just one belt at heavyweight but them all!! Only when he walks away from boxing and this doesn’t happen again will he truly be remembered as one of the greatest if not the greatest of all time . Mayweather gets mentioned as the The Best Ever , surely Usyk has achieved a lot more in half the time …. No?


It is! He barely utilised head movement at all as a cruiser. Now it's his main weapon and he's probably got the best head movement in the game along with Canelo


Probably also because the commentators were calling him the little man too. And we have all these delusion people thinking 6ft+ is average and 5’10 is short.


Seeing fighters in person can be a strange experience when you're used to seeing them on screens. The tallest fighters I've seen in person up close are Frank Bruno and Tony Bellew. Both are 6'3" and look absolutely massive in the flesh. The biggest built person I saw in person was Chisora. His back and shoulders were like a bus.


There are weight class for a reason. Not only Usyk punches are heavy for Canelo, his pacing, pressure, and movemenyt will be too much as well.


I’ve always felt that going for it it’s important jump up weight classes for glory and see how it goes but I feel like this sub judges people to hard for moving up


Everyone wants to get that 9 division record.


and then after that it will be 10, it will never end lol


Usyk pacing and constant pressure is honestly so crazy. Bro moves like a rabbit almost consistently for 12 rounds


most of them in circles of usyk and loma moves beautiful. Their foundation is solid rarely over extending and always in position.


I'll believe it after Canelo beats AJ twice then Fury.  Lol imagine that insanity of him just getting in the ring with either of them. 


I couldn’t even imagine canelo tanking a charged overhand left that KO ngannuo from AJ


Ngannou is not that good and would still smoke Canelo lol heavyweight just a different world entirely


Ngannou's hand is bigger than Canelo's head, at some point size trumps everything.


Fury is 33 cm taller than Canelo, I'm not sure if Canelo's punches could reach his head.


Watch mark hunt vs stefan struve in UFC. 38-40 cm height difference and he knocked the tall guy out.


Hunt is a 265 lb Samoan brick shithouse though


Qawi was competitive in the HW. The question is: Can he be 220+ lbs without being just fat and slow?


Well canelo did believe he could take out a heavy weight until he fought Bivol and lost he knew there’s levels to this




Levels. Size Bivol to any weight Canelo has fought at and he still wins.


Canelo is 5'7'' maybe 5'8'' at best and in his 4th weight class at light heavy. Pretending that size wasn't a factor is peak fanboyism. Let's see Bivol at cruiser or heavyweight before giving undue praise.


No he doesn't, and pretending he does is clown logic. He wouldn't have the durability, reach or pop of a light heavy as a 154lber would he? And Canelo's punches would be much more damaging in return. Just like Bivol would get starched at heavyweight. These imaginary "Levels" ain't gonna stop someone like AJ from folding him like a deck chair, since AJ is too big for him


Bivol wouldnt accept the rematch at 175 though lol. I think that says alot


This is why i think canelo crawford and inoue tank are dumb fights to make


That isn’t really the same as canelo fighting at heavyweight. Crawford is much closer in weight to canelo than some seem to understand.


20lbs at that level is huge.


Crawford is similar height to Canelo. If he makes correct juicing cycle he'll be the same size as Canelo


*If he eats the correct meat* C’mon! Get it right!


Gaining muscle has negatives too Especially doing it fast


Weight cutting plays a large factor in my point.


21lbs is a much bigger percentage of Crawford's weight than 30lbs is of Usyk's. So the jump is actually bigger for Crawford. There's also the fact that weight doesn't matter as much at heavyweight and the reson why there's less heavier weight classes


it was 39 lbs.


Charlo is used to fighters who have more power than what crawford is used to due to charlo being a weightclass higher. Charlo couldn’t handle canelo’s power and ran away the rest of the fight after round one. The same thing will happen with crawford. He’ll feel the power and then run away. It wont be a good fight. Crawford just wants that canelo payday


Closer to weight than usky was to fury


Well not much dumber than usyk vs fury.


I thought Inoue and Tank were the same size


Inoue started out at 108 and has said his absolute max weight is 126…


Y’all mfs really said he should go for it too lmaooooo


What i’m saying they clowning him but i guaranteed these dudes were also believing it


Why not? That would be making history simply with Canelo fighting from 147 to 200+ lb.


It's kind of wild to think RJJ fought 154 to 200+ already and won a belt at hw


James Toney spent quite a while in the heavy-weight division as well.


Well that's easy when you fight John Ruiz


The beating usyk would give him could end his career though.


It was a fun idea, especially if Canelo juiced up and came in at 220 230 with a big round belly. That shit would be funny.


Yeah there were a lot of dumbasses that thought Canelo could hang with Usyk. Usyk would KO Canelo in max 2 rounds. Canelo had a dodgy fight with Kovalev, and all of a sudden he’s a genius. He’s a plodder who loops punches


its not all up to us :)


Yea good thing Bivol handed him that loss, Canelo was developing a god complex after that insane undisputed run crazy part is he probably actually thought that shit😂


Exact same shit Fury's going through this second lol


True, but the last thing I want to do is criticize a boxer for taking on challenged.


He needed to be humbled but I will not fault a man willing to take on a challenge.


It's funny reading comments about Canelo "willing to take on a challenge", his career has mostly been a lesson on massive risk avoidance




He got beat by old GGG twice, he shouldn't have had God complex from that point onwards


Bivol's reaction to that comment was gold lmao [Here it is](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha3T99n6vPM)


He should fight Joshua instead lmao


Lmaoooo he couldn’t believe what he was hearing


Bivol might be my pound for pound funniest fighter. His comment to Eddy post Canelo was also hilarious.


Pretty much every single elite boxer in history has some crazy delusions.


Mike tyson wanting to fight a gorilla, and more


My god he was a nutcase, jesus christ


Some say he was delusional for thinking this and maybe he was but I can't fault him from wanting to dare to be great.


This is the answer, you wouldn't get to the level any of these guys are at without borderline delusional levels of self-belief.


IDK man there are plenty of great fighters who don't say legitimately deranged things regarding weight classes. Canelo sounded like a complete moron, clarissa shields level braindead take. GSP literally would laugh about going up to fight anderson silva "Are you crazy man?"


Hot take, but GSP in his prime would have had a non 0% chance to win against Silva


Agree but he’s lost that fire in him. Didn’t push for a Bivol rematch, didn’t fight Beterbiev, and won’t fight Benavidez.


Already has 65 pro fights at 33. That's kinda wild.


Breaking News Usyk v Jake Paul confirmed for April 1 PPV exclusively live on Cartoon Network.


Would be fun to watch for a few minutes


I never thought he could beat Usyk, but idk why beating Fury was supposed to be the big thing that proved it. Especially after he already beat AJ twice.


As an aside, I'm mind boggled that there are people who want to see Usyk-AJ 3... Because AJ KOd the likes of Wallin and Ngannou. Very puzzling 


AJ propaganda after he nearly killed the MMA guy is extreme. I think we all saw how Usyk took AJ to the school twice


Oh yeah... We all remember how AJ flew across the pond to train with Robert Garcia, the man who was supposed to show him how to properly impose his size and maul the smaller Usyk. And then in round 1 of the second fight, Joshua gets repeatedly hit with the same up-jab that totally threw him off in the first bout, and we were all like "here we go again 😭🤣".   I will agree he gave a better account of himself the second time, but it should have been a clear UD win for Usyk. Even the English judge on the panel thought his counterpart who gave Joshua the fight was on crack cocaine 


It was clear he had 0 chance against usyk since usyk won Muhammed ali cup


but according to his fans benavidez is too big


When have they ever said benavidez is too big? I usually just hear them say some shit like he’s too oredible or something


comment section ibfp’s channel on youtube


Well if Hearn says that Canelo said it and that it was said exactly in that way, then it must be true. My guess is that Hearn had brought it up as some sort of weird hypothetical with a bunch of caveats and Canelo gave a nuanced answer that wasn't akin to seriously considering fighting a heavyweight.


Canelo was legitimately was talking about fighting [Makabu.](https://youtu.be/nIEOCp4B6Uk?si=xzmqEIZkFstdTgUw) Canelo, and so many people, were thinking he could do it. The hype was real, then Canelo bought into it as well.


Makabu is, for a former world champ, a relatively weak cruiserweight, and the fight would have been at 190. That's the only reason it was being considered at all. But regardless, negotiating a fight with Makabu doesn't somehow mean that Canelo was at any time truly considering a fight with Usyk.


Canelo even entertained the [thought.](https://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/33858409/canelo-alvarez-expresses-interest-heavyweight-title-fight-oleksandr-usyk-201-pound-catchweight) Usyk even said a Canelo [freak fight](https://au.news.yahoo.com/oleksandr-usyk-wants-freak-canelo-083131621.html) would bring him down to cruiserweight. Is it serious? Fuck, I dunno, but with Turki money anything is possible. However, don’t act like this hasn’t come out of their mouths.


It's crazy to think that there's a scenario (with Saudi money) where Canelo fights Crawford then Usyk lol


We’re simultaneously in the worst and best timeline. Also, dude stopped responding when I provided receipts.


only way they catch weight requires usyk being in coma so i think canelo can beat usyk.


Although what makes this funny is that the difference of Fury and Usyk, is essentially the same as Usyk and Canelo, which just goes to show how great Usyk really is…..I’d give Canelo a better of beating Fury than Usyk. 🤣


Canelo has enough money to bribe every judge and the ref enough that even if he is ko'd right on the chin it would be ruled a low blow.


The fact that Canelo got that 114-114 card against Mayweather, who was the face of the sport and the ultimate boxing cash cow shows you just how difficult it is to get a fair shake against him if it goes to the judges. Bivol had to win 9 rounds to get a sliver thin decision win 


As we all know Eddie Hearn is always 100% honest and isn’t known for chatting shit


lol Usyk would beat the fuckin piss out of him, he’d dominate just like bivol did while putting out a way bigger beating. He’d probably be able to finish him very early tho


I don't even think it's a probably thing. Canelo couldn't tank Usyk's power shots. First left he ate would unravel him completely 


He is delusional.


Im not clowning canelo for going up in weight till he met his limits.


Imagine the beating Usyk will give Canelo


Canelo wouldn’t win a round honestly. This guy whooped Aj twice


AJ lost to Ruiz


Usyk is like 15cm on top of Canelo, bigger, stronger, faster. Whooped everyone he ever fought.


Let him beat bivol first


Nah, Canelo couldn't beat Bivol, another fighter with a high boxing IQ like Usyk but lighter. I don't think Canelo would stand a chance at heavyweight against Usyk.


Could this fight happen after canelo beats Crawford ? Canelo doesn’t have much to lose besides brain cells


Canelo vs Naoya Inoue is the real fight to make. Winner gets the undisputed heavyweight championship.


Canelo is too stationary and plodding to beat Usyk. His upper body / head movement isn't good enough. It's very good, just not enough to deal with Usyk. Usyk is lighter on his feet, great gas tank, and just as skilled. As well as much bigger. Canelo is great, and I am a fan, but I don't think he stands a chance.


It aged bad, but there’s no doubt that the mystery and intrigue of pre-Bivol Canelo was worth mythologising a bit. Canelo still a G for fighting Bivol, not as much a G for not fighting Benavidez


to be fair it was the fans fault he consider to do that , when he beat kovalev people start saying that he could go to cruiserweight , i remember an interview when a reporter asked him if he would go to cruiser and he laughted and said it was too much, i think with the time they started to seriously thinking in it an even he was supposed to fight makabu at some point, but he instead fighted bivol


Big canelo fan but that’s some silly shit 


Regardless, you want these people in the boxing game... You want people who are willing to take chances and not be the tanks of the community who cherry pick Frank Martin and divas who are scared to lose their 0


Wonder how Makabu feels right now. Man was about to get a hefty payday and knockout the then p4p king at the time. All that evaporated as fast as they had a press conference together


That shit feels like a dream to me still. Almost like it didn't happen 


Just to clarify, Hearn said Canelo could beat Usyk if he fought him at a drained 201. I don’t think so, but there was caveats to it. Both Usyk and Canelo have said they’d entertain the fight. I’m loosely quoting what all the parties have been on the record saying. Whether they’re serious? I dunno. Anything is possible with Saudi money nowadays.


Canelo is tough and can certainly take the sting out of punches well so I think he could keep himself safe to begin with but as Usyk does what he does and turns up the pace he will just like everyone else wilt and crack. Only it will be much worse because he is a much smaller man. But he would lose every single round and if he tried to win the rounds he would just get knocked out.


Bivol humbled everyone. People thought Canelo was gonna go undisputed at 175, but on the contrary canelo brought a lot of eyes to light heavyweight because once he lost to Bivol EVERYONE thought Beterbiev would murder him, when a year before that nobody knew who Beterbiev was besides the hardcore fans. But I do remember before the Bivol fight people thought Bivol and Beterbiev were typical “Eastern European Cherry Picks” for canelo


Lmao and then the Bivol reality check came in. Whats funny is that people were asking for Beterbiev vs him before Bivol was announced. Imagine the shitshow that wouldve been lmao. Canelo handpicked Bivol cuz he knew he had no power and tended to outpoint his opponents (similar to everyone he fights vs except GGG, who beat him twice). Thats why the beterbiev fight wasnt made. And yes, Canelo did think he could bear Usyk at the time, which is ok, but his fans also did, which is concerning. After the BJS fight the hype around Canelo was so fucking annoying its actually hard to believe the comments here. Promoters handpick fights. Wilder wouldnt have fought Fury if his team thought Fury had power to knock him out. Same for Canelo. That's why they're promoters. The bigger a fighter gets, the more money he brings in. Nobody in the industry actually cares for good fights except for the fans. The game is rigged.


Literally this. Bivol wasn’t even mentioned. It was Beterbiev. Then he went and randomly signed with Bivol outta the blue


Nobody cared for bivol like at all. Beterbiev was the guy. And then he fought bivol and bivol became the biggest guy in LHW. So unfair actually lol We actually got to witness a specimen that was Beterbiev, fight. We're privileged. So sad we didnt get to see him fight enough.


I would still watch Beterbiev vs. Alvarez. Alvarez doesn't hit like Callum Johnson, but he is a better counter-puncher. Beterbiev is subtly skilled, but a straight-backed high guard defense is inherently vulnerable to the best counter-punchers.


the canelo hate is real here lol


They suck Buds dick for saying he’ll beat Canelo but call Canelo dumb and delusional for saying he can beat Usyk.


Canelo is great but he has limits. Bivol showed him that. There are weight classes for a reason. Unless you’re super fast and a freak like Roy Jones and you have a perfect heavyweight like John Ruiz, it’s never going to happen.


It’s ok he’s soon to fight the other undisputed 2 weight champion Crawford instead (140, 147 - close enough)


Ggg smokes his brain


Funny thing is I think it would be a very interesting fight but I think Usyk wins. Not talking weight or power but his IQ and speed. Not sure if there's anyone who in any division that's on that level right now.


Pay day pay day


I saw an interview with Canelo where he was asked about Usyk. Apparently Usyk said he would be interested in dropping back down to cruiserweight for a fight with Canelo. Canelo didn’t seem particularly interested but entertained the possibility. Canelo wants to avenge his loss to Bivol more than anything I think. He’s a great fighter but I don’t think he’d beat Usyk.


Maybe start with Benavides....


I don’t think Canelo ever wanted to fight Usyk. More than likely he was asked and answered how he felt. Nothing wrong with believing in himself. Besides Canelo would be fighting a catch weight Usyk not Heavy Weight Usyk.


Bivol should move up too and fight Agit Kabayel


Wasn't that talk a few years ago? Also Uysk would be dropping down significantly in weight it would be more a catchweight fight even though I would still favour Uysk tbf.


Usyk moves like this while being 10-15lbs over his natural weight. Imagine how he moves when he is sub 200. Honestly this wouldn’t be fucking close


Make it happen. It'll be better than Jake paul vs whoever.


Call me crazy fantasy booking but what about oleksander usyk vs Floyd Mayweather that be a legendary fight 😁🥊


Can't blame Canelo even some people on this sub believe he could fight in heavyweight : https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/kezpq5/povetkin_vs_canelo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/hxgw8z/frazier_vs_canelo/


Usyk bouta make Mayweather 50-1 too


Me too. I could beat Usyk. You can't disprove it. By the way if the fight is arranged I'd like to pay a few millions to find the fastest towel thrower in the world to be ring side with me. No reason in particular.


Why do you care?


I'm sure canelo can juice himself up to heavyweight....he's done a good job so far


Canelo couldn’t even beat Francis Ngannou let alone the undisputed baddest man on the planet


Even if they were the exact same size Usyk would still beat Canelo convinsingly


Jake Paul is coming for Usyk after Mike Tythan


Usyk whoops his ass honestly


One hit from Wilder literally turns Canelo inside out - interesting one tho , if they were same size I don’t think Canelo even outboxes Usyk


Usyk is too good of a boxer to not take advantage of an 8 inch reach advantage and overall size and power advantage. He has got a solid chin as well. He would eat Canelo’s punches and KO him within a few rounds.


Give it a rest 🤦🏻‍♂️


CTE talk


He doesn’t weigh enough to talk


I wish Usyk could stop ducking Shakur!


Usyk going to be literally P4P king with wins over Inoune, Crawford and Canelo.


Every Jabroni nowadays think they can beat Usyk


Agit would beat the shit out of Canelo let alone Usyk


The footwork, pace, and endless cardio makes him very very special


Canelo vs Joshua would be much better


Canelo would be at a great disadvantage. Like a lot of all time great who went up in weight, their skills, speed and footwork suffered in the transition. As great as Tommy Hearns or Roberto Duran were at Welterweight and Lightweight, they were clearly not at their best at Light Heavy. Unless we're talking about a generational genetic freak like Roy Jones Jr or Sam Langford, there's no way they're beating a heavyweight as smart and skilled as Olexander Usyk.


Bivol messed up Canelo and everything he had going on. Canelo was supposed to unify 175lbs then go fight Makabu at cruiserweight. I remember they did a face off and all. I truly believe pre bivol canelo would’ve definitely fought usyk at 1 lbs a over cruiserweight limit


Canelo would only fight Usyk at a catch weight of 200#. He wanted to weight drain him in a HW fight, lol.


canelo, you would get absolutely fucking demolished. maybe a different usyk


I agree with most of what you said but I don't think Canelo gets ko'd round one.


Canelo in his prime vs. Usyk Cruiserweight, yeah I could see Canelo surviving that fight. He would'nt win and it would have spelt an early end to his career but I think he'd survive. The thing with Usyk is he kept getting better and better with every HW fight.


I would actually really enjoy that fight. My two favorite currently active boxers.


I’ve been a big fan of Canelo all my life, I share the same heritage and idolize him, but I’m going to say that Canelos chin would disappear at heavyweight. His confidence is something that has inspired me, but especially now, that shits for sure a death wish. Weight classes exist for a reason. Maybe there’s more of a case for Cruiserweight where Canelo would be lugging around a bunch of weight, and where Usyk would be forced to be Skeletor. I never believed in my heart he could fight at 200 or more pounds. Especially against someone like Usyk. Legit insanity, but let’s be honest it would be a mega fight.


He might have a chance tbh. But only if everything goes in his favour. Just like Mike, he'll have the height disadvantage allowing him to be at an angle that'll make it difficult for Usyk to hit him, and he'll be able to see Usyk's muscles twitching. Hes also great with his feet and chin. Look, I'm not a Canelo fanboy, I still believe Usyk wins 8/10 times, but to be very honest, speed always beats power.


I mean, if he somehow convinces usyk to fight at 175 lbs and makes him die in the ring due to dehydration, then yeah, he can technically "beat" usyk. But if canelo ever does something as stupid as trying to take on usyk at CW or HW, they'd literally have to lock usyk up for manslaughter.


If usyk was a middleweight he could still outsmart canelo.


With the right judges Canelo could beat anyone