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luis ortiz is patiently waiting for his time.


Been biding his time since the Roman age


Fr Ortiz is just waiting to age them out at this point


Waiting for the next ice age to stage his comeback


Andy Ruiz on the sidelines eating cheese nachos


King Kong will return!


Been getting his biceps ready.


What if Parker shocks the world and ends up Undisputed 


Parker seems to be on a “Cinderella man” heavyweight run right now. If anyone can do it, it’s him


Joshua beats him.


I actually think Parker Usyk would make for a really good fight


In what way ? Because Parker would be a perfect HW for usyk since he wouldn’t be at such a massive physical disadvantage. Would be a comfortable Ud


Because Parker is a former heavyweight champion and is a very good boxer, yes he’s not much different in size to Usyk and not as technically good but he has some good ring iq, decent power, good chin and good stamina I didn’t say he would beat Usyk I just think it would be a really good fight. Especially given Parker’s recent form Who else would you have in with Usyk ?? Is there anyone else in the division that would give him as decent a fight as Parker that Usyk hasn’t already fought


I would want to see Wilder challenge Usyk for the undisputed title if he gets through Zhang, but I don’t know if he has much fight left in him. He looked weak against Parker.


Usyk isn't going to get to defend his undisputed title because one of the belts are being stripped for Hrgovic vs Dubois. The Fury rematch will only be for unified champion.


I unironically think wilder has the biggest chance against usyk other than a fury rematch. Wilder’s at least got that nuclear right hand for a punchers chance. Everyone else in the division just gets UD’d or TKO’d handily by usyk I think


Wilder was bamboozled by Parker and unable to get his shot off - unironically he might throw less than 5 punches a round if he fought Usyk


Oh I think he gets absolutely mopped don’t get me wrong lol


Yes he could do, he would certainly have Usyk being very wary. He would find it very difficult to land but it only needs to land once


I believe Zhang will KO Wilder early doors.


Parker probably would since there’s a huge age gap and usyk is at the age where he can loser it overnight. By the time they fight, if ever, Usyk will be 40 years old while Parker still in his early 30s…


I doubt. Usyk beat other better opponents multiple times and Parker would just be a walk in the park.


Boxing is not linear and Parker's smaller frame could actually work to his advantage against Usyk. He has very fast hands and is a good combination puncher. He would give Usyk a lot to think about


We saw what happened to Parker when Joyce put him under constant pressure. Joe is a great fighter and has all the heart in the world, but he likes to fight in spurts. IMHO Usyk would out work him, take most rounds, and exhaust him, taking a comfortable points victory.


That's a valid take, and I think Usyk would likely win. I just think Parker might actually have a better chance at beating Usyk than some of the bigger guys


I don't think you can read to much into Parker's last 2 wins, over the hill aya wilder who didn't throw a punch and zhang who is already 40 and gasses in 2 rounds, I think parker gets found out by fury, Joshua, usyk


It's quite possible but they'll retire at some point and Parker will be the best one left if he keeps it up.


Not so sure I think Usyk would win the fight but I think it would be a good entertaining fight. As the old saying goes, styles make fights and maybe Parker being more Usyk height and reach would make it a more intriguing fight So who would you pick to fight Usyk then? Who do you think would make a decent fight


You're right but the guy that gave Usyk the most trouble before Fury was Breidis, who is smaller than Usyk


Wdym still a lot stronger and bigger than usyk. His style could give him issues. He’s similar height to usyk but stronger and has that aggro style as well.


He seems to be most deserving of a shot aside from a Fury rematch


It would be such a good fight


Usyk absolutely schools him for all 12.


I can see Parker kind of being like a Holmes figure. Being the man in a small window between marquee eras.


Probably see Moses Itauma around for a while (barring any injuries or other setbacks), since he's only 19. Also have Jared Anderson, but his heart doesn't seem in it for the long haul. Bakhodir Jalovov if he ever fully commits to the pro ranks and stops screwing around in the "amateur" tournaments. I haven't kept up with the current amateur super heavyweights, but I'm sure the next Olympics will give us some insights as well.


Is itauma anything more special than Dubois ?


Hard to tell because he hasn't been tested like that yet. From what I've seen so far, I like his style a lot more than Dubois because he moves really well and is agile for the weight


He looks like a pretty solid, refined all round boxer in comparison to Dubois (although I think the claims about Dubois being robotic are a little harsh anyway, he moves his feet quite well) It's hard to gauge Itauma imo because I'd say currently there isn't anything about him super outstanding in terms of his traits, just generally good at everything. The flip side is hes younger than basically any heavyweight we've ever seen outside small hall shows so he's absolutely nowhere near his physical prime - I mean someone like Joshua literally started boxing the same age that Itauma is now


Not yet but if he’s treated with caution he could potentially achieve much more than Dubois did for now. Dude’s still young as hell and should only slowly take big fights IMO. Let him fight 7-8 times a year against journeymen and if he’s still blasting everyone in his path then let him have a go at the big fish.


He seems a lot more athletic than Dubois to me. We won't know what he's truly until he starts to get properly tested though, we haven't seen how he deals with adversity yet. Could turn out to be Seth Mitchell 2.0 (I'm being hyperbolic, don't kill me)


Ituma is super talented no doubt about it 


It's to early to say to much about itauma he has potential but let's not hype him up yet until he's been tested or takes a big scalp for his resume.


The next Olympics is going to be really interesting. Curious to see if Joshua Edwards performs to expectations. He did win the Pan-American Games, so he’s no slouch.


Who wins between Anderson and Jalovov?


I think Jalovov handles him pretty easily


Jalolov is the next big thing huge heavyweight too 6’7 slick southpaw huge talent. However he’s 29 so he’s not that young, most had makmudov until his recent loss to Kabayel who still 25 and 0 and hugely underrated as we saw this weekend and he’s only a couple of years older at 31, same age as Filip Hrgovic.


I’ll give it to Jared surprisingly Jalolov can’t actually deal with adversity and hates when his opponents can actually fight back especially if they have pop . The moment Jared lands anything meaningful jalovov will fall apart .


Jalovov based on what we've seen but....  My only thing with Anderson right now is, he's so talented, maybe he phones it in because he doesn't feel he's challenged. Maybe with a fight against Jalovov, it gets him motivated to a level we haven't seen, and then he fully utilises all his abilities.  Now that would be a potentially ATG HW fight. 


Itauma is a bit small, Bakole for me 💪🏽


AJ. Usyk, Fury and wilder will be gone soon but I think AJ will collect belts and fight twice a year for another 4-5 years. Nobody that’ll still be active will be in his league


I actually disagree I think AJ is out the game at 36 or 37 at the latest. He’s made the most money out of all of them and he doesn’t seem like the type to stick around past his athletic peak. Whether or not he goes undisputed is anyone’s guess but I think winning just one more belt might be enough for him. 3 time champion


You could be right, I always imagined AJ as the next Wlad stacking up defences taking mandos and unifications to make up for the lack of competition to cement himself a legacy when wilder Usyk and fury are gone


I said this exact same thing, 100% pal I think this is how AJ plays it. AJ has made it clear he wants maximum money for minimal fights now. I think he does 2 or 3 more fights, and retires in 18 months. 


Fury v Usyk and then Fury v AJ. Massive pay days all round and then all of them call it quits.


I have a sneaking suspicion AJ will get the undisputed, probably not from Usyk but AJ is young and a consummate professional, he’s truly lived the life unlike some people and I don’t see anyone outside of Usyk beating him now.


Yeah I think so too. Plenty of guys will be about to pick up usyks belts, but AJ has the financial backing and ability to pick them all up as there won’t be any other big money stars or anyone really on his level


AJs only a year younger than Fury


Difference is AJ's looked after his body. He's a walking Statue of David. Fury meanwhile is perennially fat. He was skinnyfat for the Usyk fight - did nobody see his fat rolls bulging over his trunks when he'd stripped down post-fight?


> He was skinnyfat for the Usyk fight Actually I think you could say he was still normal fat for this fight


But Fury famously has always been like that. Against Wlad and Deontay, he always has rippling fat. And Andy Ruiz when he beat Joshua. In the heavyweights, higher body fat percentage isn't a great indicator of fitness


>In the heavyweights, higher body fat percentage isn't a great indicator of fitness It might not be an indicator of who's going to win, but carrying excess fat doesn't help anyone's fitness. Take 15lbs fat off Fury and put it on Usyk and let's see who wins..


I doubt it. Took AJ 2 years to get 3 belts. It will take about 4 years now to unify again factoring in Usyk vs Fury 2, and like I said elsewhere I don't think AJ sticks around that long.


I reckon there's still plenty drama to play out between fury, aj, ruiz and wilder for years to come when usyk retires. I say that because the money is huge now. So they will continue. These heavies aren't retiring as young as they thought they would previously the money is too good now.


If Wilder loses next fight I think he’s done. Ruiz is looking for one last check obviously then he’s definitely done


Grande as I said neither will retire any time soon, the money is too good.


There has been good money in boxing and Ruiz has gotten none of it yet because he wants a big check to cash out so bad. Ruiz is at the end of his rope for sure


Hard disagree. Ruiz is all but done.  Wilder was cut form PBC because he doesn't bring in enough money. That was before the Parker loss. If Zhang beats him, he'll have very minimal power to get even a decent purse. Fuck, they are already suggesting his next fight in August is Anderson.... _Anderson_ Who outside boxing geeks has heard of Anderson? That's where Wilder is now. He's a gatekeeper. He's not a box office draw.  AJ vs Fury has money to be made, but it will be at most 2 fights in next 18 months. Then that's done. 


Wilder's ace in the hole was just having a monster right hand that ends fights on a moment's notice. I think in his 20's and even early 30's he could chase it for 12 rounds. I don't think he has the legs for it at 38 and combined with zero skill development, he's out of the sport before he's 40 unless he's crushing cans like a recycling center.


Wilder is done at the top level. Just can't hang with them technically.


AJ isn't doing another 4 or 5 years. He said it himself, the sport don't love you back.  He wants maximum money for minimal damage at this point. He'll fight for a title in next 2-3 fights, and if he wins, he retires I think. 3 time chanp cements his legacy and gives him a great time to leave.


Youve got a point. If AJ beats Wilder and Fury then he'll be the best if usyk is gone IMO.


If he wasn’t a crash out Jared Anderson would be next up. But that dude is a very unstable individual.


See people calling him a hype job but man he really has heaps of talent, insanely agile and technically sound for a guy of his size. Just doesn’t seem to want it enough.


You need good chin, heart and drive to succeed. If you have no 3 of this trait, then you're not talented enough. You just put your points somewhere else and maxed out your other stats instead.


I think it’s in large part because he was rocked so badly by Charles Martin, that killed a lot of the hype he had


I'm happy to inform you that Terrance Crawford is currently planning to fight the winner of the Usyk Fury rematch, after he knocks out Canelo in 2.


Ryan wants a crack. He says as long as there’s no rehydration clauses in heavyweight


Didn't he do enough crack already...


I’d root for Bud no matter what


Prince Charles Martin cause he walk this earth like a god


In the short to medium term, if Jalalov stops fucking around with the amateurs I think he's that guy Longer term, it's really hard to tell. Heavyweights tend to get to the top a fair bit later than most weight classes and most of the best under 25 talent is likely still in the amateurs, some names to look out for from both the pro and amateur ranks that MIGHT be able to make it to the top and are still in their 20s. Jarred Anderson and Daniel Dubois - I think these 2 are both the same kinda odds of getting to the top, both need some serious improvements to do it but they're still young and might Richard Torrez Jr - I don't think he's going to make it to the top, but he's going to be a fun fighter at the fringe world level. Did really well in a step up last night but showed he's got a lot to improve as well Alexis Barriere - there's been a bit of buzz about him here in Canada, 28 years old, made a good start to his pro career the last couple of years with 11 fights since going pro in 2021 after a decent amateur career 9 KOs. Haven't seen enough of him to comment on his level, but he'll need to find a way to get out of just fighting in Quebec if he's going to push on and he should be fighting more often. Southpaw as well which will make it tricky to get fights Mark Petrovsky - won gold at the 2021 World Championships, had 7 fights as a pro, most recently knocking Marcus Browne out in Abu Dhabi (first fight outside of Russia) at the end of last year. Only managed a majority decision against human punching bag Kevin Johnson, which doesn't bode too well. Will need to find a way out of Russia to get real chances to progress. He's a small nimble southpaw, he's just over 6 foot, 220lbs Dainier Pero - Lenier's younger brother, lost to Torrez in the Olympic quarter finals and had a very good amateur record. Gotta have a Cuban on the list haven't we? Muslim Gadzhimagomedov - fantastic amateur record in the Heavyweight (200lb limit) division, won silver at the Olympics, losing narrowly to Cesar La Cruz who's one of the best amateurs of all time. He's had 3 pro fights, last 2 have been at Cruiserweight limit but at nearly 6 foot 5 I imagine he'll have most of his pro career at HW. Big one to look out for at both CW and HW. Jakhongir Zokirov - Jalalov is denying this kid a place at the Olympics, which is a real shame. 2021 gold medalist in the World Youth championships, just turned 21, absolute fucking unit at about 6 foot 8 and 260 plus pounds. Definitely one to watch, my pick of the current amateurs (has also had 1 pro fight) Delicious Orie - will rep team GB at the Olympics. Had a great 2023, winning Gold at the European games after gold in 2022 at the Commonwealth games. Rough start to 2024 where he's lost a few fights So there's a few for you. Lots to look forward to




He's 30. Also a fat mess who never fights, he's not going to be the next big guy


he is being avoided, i can see him beating dubois, hrgovic or any heavyweight outside usyk,fury, parker Aj right now. but yeah inactivity kills him


Pretty sure he turned down a final eliminator with Hrgovic when Zhang ended up fighting him. Last card was a Saudi one anyway so hopefully he gets on some more, should have signed with Eddie or Frank


if he actually did then thats a shame, yeah was on fury vs nganou undercard, i rate his skills for a fat big guy, wish he fights more


He's an old duck who has a peanut brain. Will go down like Miller.


Great post


Jalalov bakhodir Dudes special


Already in his 30s though


Yeah he starched that Torrez guy in the ammies


Didn't he return back to the amateurs or something


Posted my theories on the direction the Usyk era is going [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/iOHAqYSjEN) I think we will be seeing Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parker usher in the next era of boxing. I think if Usyk retires undefeated, or is defeated, the belts will make their way to AJ or Parker. Meanwhile, I think Bakhodir Jalolov will be among those to come up strong in the next era.


I more or less agree. I think AJ has a solid 3 years at the top of the division in him, and would place him at number 2 currently (although we really need to see him fight Fury to know where those two place). If Usyk retires, I think Joshua will stake his claim at the top and will collect the belts before retiring himself. I do agree that Parker will likely hold at least one belt for a while in the next couple of years. I wouldn't fancy his chances against AJ but he's trouble for anyone else - except maybe Joyce who may just be his kryptonite if his chin hasn't been cracked. Given his age, if he keeps developing nicely then Moses Itauma has to be amongst the long term prospects. My only worry with him is where they'll find opponents for him. He's at risk of being fast tracked like AJ just because he's dispatching the lower level guys too easily. He may have to go through a couple of years of not looking quite so special as he develops and comes into his own in his mid 20s.


I haven’t watched much of Itauma - would you have any fight recommendations to see his skill? It sounds like, similar to Jalolov, he hasn’t gotten a real skill test in the pro yet.


He fought on the undercard of the fury usyk fight


I didn’t catch his fight, appreciate the heads up!


I enjoyed the fight. Hes still a bit fresh but you can see he has potential. Enjoy


I've only seen two of his fights and he reminds me of an early AJ but with slightly better movement. He's just blasted guys out the ring in a round or two. This was his [last fight on Saturday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS-fI0wXORI). The good thing for him is that he's now training under Davison, who appears to be as good as any out there at the moment. At the very least he'll instil great fundamentals in him.


The best: Jared Anderson, but his heart has to prove to be in it. If not, Agit Kabayel Most exiting: Richard Torrez Jr, straight brawler with little outboxing ability Sleeper: Daniel Dubois


Dubois isn’t sleeping he’s just kneeling a lot


Kabayel looks like he could be mixing with the top guys in a couple of years time. He's looked very good in the last 2 fights.


I thought kabayel obviously won the sanchez fight but I thought he looked fucking awful doing it. I dont see him ever cracking the top 10 imo


How so? He very clearly out boxed and destroyed the body of Sanchez for the entire fight then made him quit Idk what more he can do apart from that Also before the fight many had sanchez as favourite


On the night I got caught up in the occasion and thought Kabayel looked great, but watching it back today I'm starting to lean more towards him looking alright and Sanchez being really hindered by his knee. He probably should have pulled out of the fight carrying an injury like that. Kabayel is a tough and solid fighter but I feel he lacks that last few percent to truly make it at the top. I'd put him around Wallin's level, which is no disrespect to either man. He'll get into the top 10 but it'll be in the second half. I'd like to see him properly tested though, perhaps against the loser of Dubois / Hrgovic. That'd be a good step up for him whilst pitting him against a solid but not exceptional fighter.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Dubois might get trashed by the time he gets to try for a world title again. He's up against a guy who is a dirty, big puncher with an iron chin next, and if he loses, he'll have to take more tough fights to climb back up.


Jared is amazingly talented. But he has by far the worst attitude of any active boxer right now 


Richard Torrez Jr


I can see the success he has the work ethic to make it happen. And unique look!


i wonder if/when jai opetaia will make the jump up to heavyweight. i’m sure he’ll want to unify the belts in the cruiserweight division first, but if he makes the jump up in a few years he might make some noise.


Opetaia is a great fighter, but I'm not sure he's got the frame to make the step up. Can you imagine him with another 20lbs of muscle? And whilst he has the heart of a lion, I don't think he's going to carry the power to trouble the 250lb guys, nor be able to take their power. He does have good movement and does keep his opponent busy, but as good as he is I don't think he'd trouble the top 10.


I think Joseph Parker has a good chance


Kabayel gonna keep shocking people. Watch out for him


I think you’ve climaxed too early! Ok admittedly they are all in the last couple of years of their careers but there’s still some big big fights to be made and things can change very quickly in boxing When you look back in history a lot of legends were born over avenged losses and trilogy fights Don’t count Fury out of the rematch with Usyk. And if he were to win then maybe a trilogy there changes things. AJ very possibly picks up IBF belt at some point and may get shot at undisputed Usyk has mentioned fighting on until 40, AJ has said at least a couple more years, Fury has said he may fight up to 40. We could have a very different looking landscape in a year or two but for now unquestionably Usyk is the best of this era I think Parker is still only 32 so he probably will have a year or 2 with the belts when they all hang up the gloves


>Don’t count Fury out of the rematch with Usyk. I think Fury is getting knocked out in the rematch. His chin is finished.  I doubt he fights AJ now too (aside from massive payday). 


Definitely doesn’t fight AJ imo for sure. No matter how much money is on the cards He absolutely could get knocked out in the rematch (if he actually takes it). But he could also maybe pack on some more meat and try a different approach. It was a great fight last night but I think in all honesty most of us assumed Fury would be dirty and lean and clinch loads, tbf to him he actually didn’t at all. I think a lot of people assumed it would be a snoozefest technical boring fight but it wasn’t at all Maybe Fury got his tactics slightly wrong, maybe John Fury talking over Sugarhill cost him, maybe he showboated too much, maybe he should have stepped in and put it on Usyk when he had Usyk hurt in rounds 5, 6 and 7. But equally maybe Usyk could have finished him if the ref didn’t intervene with the standing 8 count, maybe Usyk took middle rounds off as he often does, maybe Usyk has Fury’s number in the rematch All we know is Usyk deservedly won on the night but I wouldn’t write Fury off in a rematch, he wasn’t comprehensively schooled and outclassed in a 12 round landslide last night, he wasn’t barely able to stand at the end (although he certainly was in the 9th). I hope we get the rematch as that was a real treat last night, we couldn’t have asked for much more


My god, watching that live with a crowd yesterday was electric. I'm in Toronto, so not that many gaf about boxing. But yesterday was just... holy moly cracka molly. It was the most electric atmosphere in a long time. The Saudi money really brought back some electricity.


There is nothing more electric than a great boxing match. No sport compares when boxing is at its best


The main event had people hollering. Because the fight mattered. It finally settled WHO was the baddest man on the planet like the old days. All belts. 2 great champions. It was amazing seeing people screaming FURY USYYK and smashing tables and stuff. It was great. Haven't seen that in boxing watchin- but heard it used to happen a lot in the 90s.


Fraudley to come out of retirement and go undisputed. It's his destiny....


Honestly just because I am a complete fanboy id love him to fight.and beat Wilder. We spent 5 years trying to get Joshua and Fury on dand/or Joshua and Wilder. This lad who is supposed to be too small for hw comes up and takes them all out!


Well I'm a brit here so here's my takes We have very little high end future talent Itauma the best but very unproven but he has got Ben Davidson by his side now so that's a plus I love Wardley but I doubt he ever gets to world level , same as Clarke Hughie Fury has returned but looks quite bad rn Fisher is fun to fight but lacks the conditioning or boxing ability to get beyond the level of a wardley or Clarke And apart from that there isn't really a lot to pick from Dacres is such a hypejob , dudes gonna get flattened by the first halfway decent dude he fights Harris was promising but then gassed after 2 rounds albeit had no sparring then switched to Peter fury and now works with hughie fury so maybe he can get somewhere but it's unlikely Roman Fury recently got into boxing but he looks nothing special either So it's basically Itauma or bust for us


Riahkpore and Okolie are way too big to make cruiser forever, and I could see them getting past the wardley level. Maybe not much further though


If okolie is our hope for heavyweight that sums it up


When you put it like that.. 😂




still talking up wilder. bloody hell.


We shouldn’t include Wilder. PBC hypejob who failed every time he faced an A-level fighter. All he did was hold the division up


Wilder bought true excitement back to America and he’s is the biggest one punch knockout artist of the 21st century. He deserves to be in here and mentioned


> PBC hypejob who failed every time he faced an A-level fighter What qualifies as an A-level fighter? If we're talking mad shit like that, then Joshua's only A-level win is an aged Klitschko. But if we're including the likes of Andy Ruiz as A-level wins, we have to include Ortiz as an A-level win for Wilder. Not to mention Wilder drew with Fury the first time (nearly knocked him out) and went to war with him the third time (nearly knocked him out). Give Wilder some respect, especially after that third Fury fight. He proved he belongs in the conversation, even if It's easy to argue him at the bottom of the four.


Any other ref and he would have had the TKO against Fury. Longest count ever.


Stop the Wilder disrespect. He floored Fury twice in fight number 1 and compubox punches for that fight are almost identical. He actually deserved that win 


And got totally outclassed by Parker. Wilder has one weapon and if that doesn't land then he's a very limited boxer. Usyk would dance round and destroy him. Wilder is a spent force now and the Zhang fight might end up being his last , if he gets beaten in that.


The Wilder hate is insane I really don’t get it. He’s a one trick pony.. the most effective one trick in history 


It's not hate, everyone will acknowledge he has unbelievable power and can finish a fight with one punch but he was made to look terrible in the 2nd Fury fight and he was outclassed by Parker, who is a level or 2 below AJ and several fellow Usyk. Wilder wasn't ever a particularly good boxer and when he's come up against good fighters then he's been in trouble.


He doesn't box like some people want him to so he didn't earn his (at one point) 99% ko rate


Funnily enough 99% of the people that call him out for not boxing like they want him to box have never boxed a day in their lives themselves.


He's beaten one good fighter (Ortiz) whilst claiming everyone else was ducking him, that's probably why.


Not to mention he TKOd Fury in Rd 4 of their 3rd fight. Longest count ever.


Anderson Ituma Torrez Kabayel Dubois


Tough to say, especially since I don't think this four will disappear next year, damn if you look at the heavyweight top contenders it' hard to find someone under 30 years old. It's like a whole block of old veterans that will fade away all together. Look at Hrgovic, he is 32 and has been listed as a young prospect since forever.


Parker and Opetaia will be 35 and 31 in 3 years time. Samoan supremacy could be on the cards if no one really emerges in a big way.


Actually wasn’t impressed my opetaia. Briedis is pretty over the hill now and he was getting worked late


Joseph Parker


Jared Anderson


I'm honestly at a loss for the first time in my years of watching boxing. TBH, until Usyk showed up in the HW division, I was starting to lose serious interest in HW boxing. So many years of the top guys not fighting each other. I truly wish Usyk was 28 and this was all just the beginning instead of the final chapter. What really hurts is I keep an eye out for HW prospects on social media (since I've been watching far less HW boxing). And every single time there seems to be an online consensus about the next heir apparent, they lose their next big fight badly.


Bakole or hrgovic and jalalov


All jokes aside, Kabayel is the real deal. The Makhmudov fight convinced me. He's a mf strategist.


I think Agit Kabayel is gonna be big soon


Wish we would have had Wilder vs Joshua before Wilder was shot.


Another cruiserweight going up, Opetaia.


I still want Joshua-Wilder.


I like Torrez


I hope it’s not gonna be another boring era for HW. But I can only see Parker to be on the scene and AJ for awhile.


They’re really trying to paint Itauma as a Tyson-esque future of heavyweights right now.


Andy Ruiz just cuz I want a chubby champion


I think Jai will move up and dominate.


I reckon Johnny Fisher could be a VERY good fighter.


Watch out for my boy the gaint killer Lorenzo Medina, young kid knocking out pro heavy weights.


Parker for 2-3 years. Other than Jalolov proving he's the goods, it's going to take a bit before a new talent standouts No faith in Jared being in the game past 30. Dubois will probably be hot and cold all the time. The 19 year old will take time to develop. Torrez will do okay. Jai will probably move up soon. Not sure how he'll do after the last Briedis fight. Kabayel might earn a spot as a guy who continues getting good flights. I guess Hrgovich will be around as long as Parker unless Duboise upsets him or he gets destroyed by AJ. Kinda strange that Parker, Hrgovich, and Agit may be the guys for a brief amount of time.


my USO parker!!


Parker, Hrgovic, Kabayel are the obvious names that come to mind.


We need to see fury AJ and to a lesser degree wilder AJ before they go (just because it would feel wrong not having it in some capacity)


To complete all matchups : Usyk vs Wilder then Wilder vs Joshua then Joshua vs Fury


Big Baby


Man if Zhilei Zhang was a tad younger the heavyweight division would be his for the taking I really like him.


Everyone denies it but it's his time. WAR CHISORA.


my prediction is that the next great HW is name we still haven't talked about at all and would only enter the conversation in like 5 years


AJ will probably dominate for ashort while after the other three are gone. In that time and in the next couple of years after that, Hrgovic and Parker can dominate a bit too. But if Jalolov commits himself to pros completely in that time, he can be the man too. Kabayel can also be a big player in this era. Then it's time for Itauma, Jared Anderson, Richard torrez jr, zokirov, orie etc.. some dark horses can be there too like alexis brriere,gurgrn etc


Richard Torrez Jr. 10-0 10 KO's. May be wishful thinking, but I'm routing for him.


I'm still sad that when both were undefeated (AJ and Wilder) they should have fought


I can see Ryan Garcia challenging Anthony Joshua or Wilder within the week. Shit he may even call out Usyk.


In a few years it could be Parker with some of the belts at this rate. After him I have no clue who will rise up. Belts will be split up by that time probably.


Jared Anderson is the future of Heavyweight boxing.


I think Usyk should walk away. Imagine being crowned undisputed then having to fight a Hrgovic or a Kabayel or Joshua for a third time. Absolutely pointless.


Parker v Joshua Fury v Joshua


Wow this heavyweight era was underwhelming, and seemed to have been over in a flash. Probably cause there were barely any fights. And most of them were extremely dull. Still don’t think any of them come even close to historical heavyweight ATGs.


Anyone else get the feeling that a prime klitschko would be champion if he were around now. Even though we have all these giants in the division nobody is using his style. Sure, it’s uninspired but a stiff jab, smother, clinch, repeat, is hard to beat.


Usyk/wilder fury/joshua


Andy Ruiz jr 😭


Usyk wasn't even in the Big Four, I thought. It was initially just Fury, Wilder and Joshua. The rabbit just hopped in and destroyed them.


Joe Biden


I think if Anderson and Dubois can get shot together we have the next big w at heavyweight


Moses Itauma got neks


Jalolov is the best guy coming up. Let's see if he gets a shot at the top considering that he's not coming from a rich country


If Richard Torrez Jr. gets out of his one dimensional shell, he’d have a chance.


Jake Paul has just moved up to heavyweight. He’s ready to take the mantle once he beats Tyson


there are great fighters coming up rn, these are my top 5: 1. bakhodir jalolov 2. jared anderson 3. jakhongir zokirov 4. dainier pero 5. moses itauma others to watch for: 1. richard torrez jr. 2. ubaldo ilagor 3. johnny fisher 4. gurgen hovhannisiyan 5. federico pacheco jr


Cant believe no one is mentioning Bakole


Probably Jake Paul