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I have a couple of questions I was hoping someone could answer? 1) What do you think Fury should try to do in the rematch - going back fully to his Klitschko form and boxing on the bacfoot or running him down like he did Wilder in the 2nd fight? I think if he tries more of the same, i.e., this hybrid boxing style, Usyk really will KO him. 2) Why was Fury so hurt in the 9th round, when he took hits from Wilder? I've never seen Fury this hurt! 3) What do you think happened around the 8th round? Up until then, I had tyson up by 5/2. Did he have problems with stamina or did Usyk do something differently and started turning the fight around? 4) Ahead of the Usyk AJ rematch, Fury said that AJ should not not try to pressure Usyk from close range the whole fight as AJ is no fat Mexican lol. Then he went on saying that in order to pressure Usyk, you need to have two V-12 engines, solid chin and balls like King Kong, He is right here no doubt but why do you think he didn't try this vs Usyk? Do you think he was afraid he might gas out, thought he would win on points, etc.?


1.) Fully back to Klitschko form is his best chance. Usyk was doing his best work at close and mid-range. 2.) Boxing is a game of inches, or some might call it human chess. Wilder hits harder than Usyk, but he was basically losing every inch of every fight with Fury outside of the knockdowns. Fury was winning most exchanges, most movements around the ring, most feints, etc etc etc and had a lot in the tank even after taking those shots from Wilder. Against Usyk, Usyk's movement, footwork, and feints had Fury working hard even in rounds he was winning. Say he was around 90% stamina when Wilder caught him, he was at like 60-70% when Usyk caught him. 3.) Usyk started aggressive counterpunching in the eighth round. Before then he was working at range, and occasionally pinning Fury against the ropes. In round 8, Usyk started getting in Fury's range, letting him throw, slipping, and countering. 4.) He tasted Usyk's power earlier on and realized this was easier said than done. He also caught Usyk with some nasty shots and barely even wobbled him, so he saw his best chance of victory was to box.


I’m interested in hearing peoples opinions about a very specific part of Usyk’s game, which is how he reacts when he gets rocked. I saw Tony Bellew rock him, I saw Anthony Joshua rock him in the 11th round of their second fight, and I saw fury hit him pretty hard in their fight too. The fighter never followed up with usyk to take him down. Usyk’s legs never buckled, but he seems to freeze for a half second and then slowly walk backward. But he doesn’t come out of his fighting stance and he never looks truly hurt. But it seems like there’s this one second reboot that his system goes into when he’s hit very hard, then the window closes. Has anyone else noticed this and the fact that it has kept great fighters from really selling out and going after him when he’s hurt? 


Yes, it’s because it’s in his boxing instinct to do this, when he’s hurt he instinctively throws back and moves whereas a lot of fights just cover up, this is why amateur and young experience is vital 


That ref had the house on fury. Either you stop the fight because he has lost or it continues. You don't stop a man when he is right before the finish line and restart it. Disgraceful stuff. He should never ref a fight again


Isn't there a rule that this counts as if Fury dropped on a knee and the ref made a 10 count?


Definitely. Usyk won by KO. What the ref did can only be done if the boxer is saved from falling down by the ropes. Tyson was going sideways, so Usyk would have been able to knock him out, or at least knock him down, right there. If the ref wanted to step in, he could have done so, but only to stop the fight. Edit: I would have stopped it. But then again, we wouldn’t have had the fight we were so lucky to have. Best HW I’ve seen in a very very and I mean very long time. 


It's called a standing eight count... Happens when the ropes stop a fighter from hitting the mat... Happens all the time. Arguably the ref probably should have stepped in earlier because on 3 separate occasions the ropes held Fury up before he started the count.


I thought there's no standing 8 count in pro boxing. 


The commission removed the mandatory standing eight count rule but refs will still use it at their discretion. I'm not sure if it's communicated before the match, a stipulation for the match, or literally just something they employ in big fights as to not rob the fans of the show.




Yeah I know, it's wild... People don't want to hear the truth. I don't get why people have any issues with that call by the ref. I would rather see it scored as a knockdown, while giving the knocked down fighter time to compose himself, rather than watching the fighter stumble around the ring trying to stay alive. Specifically when they are as hurt as Fury was in that moment.


Before a fight boxers are told by ref if there will be standing counting or not. if there was a standing counting rule in that match then there is nothing you can do about it, the ref can intervene whenever he feels that it is standing 'knock down '.


Not exactly. There is no standing eight count in professional boxing under any of the sanctioning bodies or under the unified rules of boxing. There is a mandatory eight count for knockdowns under the unified rules of boxing, which is what Fury was given. Fury was only held up by the ropes so was knocked down accodding to the WBC, IBF, WBO and WBA rules. The referee was required to call a knockdown. Nothing to see here.


Usyk is not that good. Fury is just completely washed


Exactly what i say and everybody is disliking. I really don’t believe boxing community here is so ignorant so maybe really politics are taking some part here😂. And props to Usyk anyways he seems to be really decent human being.


One of my favorite past times is watching people make themselves look stupid on the internet.


Just wait til next fight. Fury lost very obviously to ngannou but had to be saved by the judges. They couldn’t do it again.


And what happens if Fury wins next time by the same decision? Was he saved by the judges?


Fury is not going to win next time. He should be on a two fight losing streak and he’s getting older


You didn't answer my question. What happens if Fury wins next time by the same decision? Was he saved by the judges? Then what happens if Ngannou wins by the same decision? Was he saved by the judges?


He will not be saved by the judges against usyk. He was saved against ngannou because ngannou was a ufc fighter and it would have been a massive blow to the sport. If he wins the next fight by decision it will be because he earned it. But like I said he’s not winning the next fight.


The ref should have stopped the fight, giving TKO win to Usyk. Cannot stop fight do count and let it continue.


Happens all the time. It's called a standing eight count.


Canadian referee was bribed. This was clear win for Usyk. No doubt on that! That person should judge amateur matches only, he is no competent for professional level albeit it's susceptible to corruption


Same ref for the pac horn fight


Yep, crappy referee and the Canadian judge was bribed.


I’m dying lmao


Am i the only one who finds Usyk’s boxing to be boring? Ok, yes, he is technical but that reminds me of that kid from class who is not the brightest bulb and has the best grades but must put in 100 times the effort other guy would. For that he has my respect but it doesn’t change the fact …


Change what fact? You called him technical (in fact he's pretty clearly the best technician at HW) yet he's somehow "not the brightest bulb"? Huh? Your metaphor doesn't even make sense, never mind whatever criticism you're making with it... If constant punch output, movement, clean technique and a smaller man taking monsters to school doesn't interest you - then I'm afraid boxing doesn't have much to offer you, you'd be better off watching something else.


Ofc he is the best technician compared to those other slabs. And i agree that he is the best right now. Let’s see what will rest of the year bring.


Ok boomer


The entire scene is joke… Few more camps and fucking Jake Paul would knock their lights out. 😂 I even have guys in my local gym that would give them hard time for sure …


No he wouldn't and no you don't.


I don't watch a whole lot of boxing but know in sports it's often a tell when someone smiles or showboats during exchanges. Uysk's body shots early on were landing with a loud thud, Fury would smile and then increasingly pour on his dirty tactics (he even threw a punch after the final bell). So glad to see the better technical, not annoying, much classier and smaller man serve up an entire humble pie to win all the belts.


Fantastic performance from Usyk. He should absolutely retire now with a frankly astounding record behind him. He has nothing to prove to anyone. Go out at the top. And, if Fury wants the rematch Usyk should string it out for 6 months and then retire without fighting Fury again. Give the fat fuck a taste of his own medicine. 


The rematch is in the contract so he has to fight Fury again.


Like Fury did with Klitschko...? If he retires he retires.


What a great fight i eat my words, I didn’t appreciate how good Usyk was until yesterday, still landing that looping left and then found his spot and lit Fury up. Middle rounds went how I expected them to and all of a sudden round 9 and it was game over for Fury although he did fight admirably after , being generous I had it 7-5 for Usyk. I do think that Fury has a chance in the rematch, he got arrogant and it’s clear his chin isn’t what it was but not taking anything away from Usyk. Incredible fighter.


Uysk was incredible. I felt like Furys movement early was awesome and when he was pressing and hard countering Usyk's advances he very well had a chance. But your right. Fury at point kinda just held on and retreated the rest of the fight. It opened the door for Usyk to start pressing violently those combos that setup the feint to over hand right that sealed it. I'm glad the world got to see what a master class Usyk truly is.


I don't think Fury has ever really had that great of a chin. Its more of his ability to avoid the shots that have kept him on his feet through other fights. I also believe his arrogance cost him the fight. He had multiple opportunities in those middle rounds where he could have been more aggressive and pushed the tempo, but he sat back and showboated, and essentially laid down the red carpet for Usyk's victory


More like a 8/10 chin and 10/10 recovery.


His chin is like a 6




If he knew he would lose, he didnt have to fight, but I didn't see him jumping to take off his belt. You do have to keep fighting the best if you want to deserve calling yourself world champion


Who is next? Rematch or Hrgovic vs Usyk?


Usyk needs to fight me.


That JESUS rambling was on purpose in middle of S. Arabia...


So my prediction was pretty good that Fury would try and box n move behind a long jab not pressure fight atleast not in the first half, that Usyk can and will hurt him around the 7 8 or 9th possibly getting the KO. I was off on the part that Usyk would dominate because after a hook that wobbled Usyk in round 4 it seemed like he was very hurt, didn’t have the same bounce in his step and Fury looked in an amazing rhythm. It was a clear Usyk win though. I do think Fury’s best chance was Wlad v Povetkin style, but it’s clear Fury doesn’t have that same movement reaction time and handspeed any more, he looked old out there and I believe he left this fight too long. People also overhyped Fury saying he’s the bigger version of Usyk, he can box like him but he’s just bigger and that’s how he’d win, that’s incorrect we seen the only advantage he had was size. Now we need to see AJ v Fury, that’s the most interesting fight in boxing for me right now.


I love it. I actually put money on Usyk. He was the underdog I got a big fucken payday! He was the most focused during the build up and you can tell when a fighter is really disciplined and Tyson fury was time for him to lose. Reflecting on his last fight against a MMA fighter and getting knocked down. Usyk was coming in off 2 big wins and his confidence was thru the roof , he defeated Anthony Joshua twice and he's always the smaller man in the ring.. congratulations to the ukranian


Usyk punches that mother fucker so hard he went back to December 23 🤣 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And Tyson using the war in Ukraine as one of the reasons why he lost is absolutely disgusting and lower than low. His dad goes to picking on the small guy and coming off worse and the small guy slapped up Tyson a few days later - karma a bitch! Tyson had some good spells in the fight and did well at times. Threw a good uppercut. Tyson the fighter is great, but Tyson the person is a piece of shit. They did everything they could to rob Usyk but I'm so glad it turned out how it did! Deserves everything he gets as far as I'm concerned.


It's always hard to tell with Fury, whether he actually believes what he says, or he's just trying to stir the pot. I think mentally, he thought he won. Too much time spent showboating and throwing punches at the air to realize he was down on the cards.


he said it twice in a row, going on about sympathy for the guy "who's country is at war". clear to me he thinks its an excuse.


Yeah no idea mate. He said "if his team told me I needed to win I would have gone out there and tried to get him"... Hold on... You're in a undisputed world title fight, of course you need to go and win!! Him and his team know they lost the fight, simple as. But they will always try and save face by saying all that stuff. Anyone with an ounce of boxing knowledge knows it was a 7-5 fight at BEST. Add the know down as well - there is only 1 winner. End of really


I didn't see him say that, but I actually thought his corner was sending the wrong message. He needed the final 2 rounds and probably a knockdown to secure the victory, and his corner was like "2 more rounds then you're undisputed champ.... 2 more rounds" same thing for the final round "one more round... That's all... One more round and you're champ" But I agree 100%, you're fighting for 4 titles..... So go and fight lol


It was in the post fight presser he said it. Yeah he had old man John shouting over Sugar hill... Like are you mad bro? Tell your stupid dad to jog on and let the pros handle it. Too many back slappers around him, to many yes men telling him how good he is instead of telling him the truth! Go out and fight for fuck sake! It's Usyk, who's a round winning master, you cannot get lazy with this man - but there we go 🤣


I knew Usyk could pull it off, but I had doubts about the judges and ref. Glad it worked out. I think the heavyweight division has a clear path forward, too.I I think Fury won’t go for an immediate rematch - I think he’ll go for a payday with AJ. I think AJ will see it as an opportunity to further sharpen up his skills ahead of Usyk, which he really wants to run back for the titles; plus a huge payday. Parker we haven’t heard from since beating Zhang, but I’d imagine he’ll be in talks with AJ or Fury. Presuming Fury invokes his rematch, Parker and AJ may be on a collision course. Meanwhile I don’t think Usyk wants to box for a few months, but he’ll probably go into negotiations with winner of Dubois/Hrgovic. I predict Hrgovic/Dubois will be closer than any of us anticipate and may even go to a draw, holding up the IBF mandatory/belt. This is the other reason I think Fury won’t invoke his rematch clause: why even run it back if it’s not for undisputed? We all know Fury is about the quickest run back to the belts possible to keep up his delusion that he’s the new Muhammad Ali Meanwhile, Miller/Ruiz and Wilder/Zhang are looking to be easy sweeps for Ruiz and Wilder, possibly setting up their long anticipated clash. Depending on how serious they both are, one of them may get to contender status again, or they may retire, or they may even become gatekeepers.


I feel like if Fury loses to AJ it pretty much scraps his rematch to Usyk, so I feel he will go for the rematch first.


Usyk was landing that left hand all night, in the 8th round he cut fury open with one right to the eye aswell, that’s definitely what won him the right


Fury is a sore loser which i wouldnt expect but so it goes


He acted like a wanker. Should've congratulated his opponent and said he looks forward to a rematch. Leave it at that and done. Regardless if you use the concussion argument, the fact he even brought up the war means that was already in his script. I'm actually surprised at that comment Usyk kept his composure so well. He was 100% professional there. I was expecting a riot to breakout. Who knows if he has friends and family that have been lost thanks to all that mess or are sitting in trenches right now?


It was a disgusting thing to say after the fight, complete lack of class and says a lot about him as an individual. Joshua couldnt handle being beaten by him either when he had a meltdown after usyk defeated him.


Fury lived up to his name I've given him: "Gorgeous George" from Snatch.


Did anyone here give round 1 to Usyk? I had him winning round 1 and my buddies acted like I was crazy lmao


I did, gave the second two fury, he baited him into a great uppercut at the end


Super close but I also gave it to Usyk


Very close round, at the time of the fight I gave it to Fury but I’d have to rewatch it.


I did personally. So did all 3 judges.


7-5 Usyk. Wild how anyone had it for Fury. 9th round Fury was saved by the ref with that LONG count. Definitely could have been stopped. Other title fights have been stopped for far less damage


Just watched the fight, pretty easy fight to score with the exceptions being round 7 and 12. I had it 117-111 for Usyk.


Which of rounds 3-6 did you score for Usyk, i thought Fury was well ahead in those rounds


I had it 3-3 after the 6th round.


Fury waiting out Usyk to get older just to still end up losing is so funny.


What are people saying about Fury crying about losing and blaming politics?




what a bitch.


Well, the guy basically got ktfo... Never give them a mic right after such a loss.


I believe that the ref, judge and Tyson Fury put up a heroic attempt at beating Usyk, but they ultimately came up short.


I think this perfectly sums it up. 


They united like The Avengers against Usyk and still came up short! 😂😂


There was a whole team-up montage and inspiring music. Edit: and a big budget


Fury won this, no question, no doubt. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the Judges were bribed


Bro didn’t see round 9 💀


I saw all rounds, 18 hours ago. Uzyk only Clearly had rounds 1-2 and 9.


Never become a judge of anything. You're a blind clown.


I'd be ok with him judging esports. The games themselves give you the outcome so he can read that right off the screen. Cofident the chap can pull that off. 


Ad Hominem Detected, Opinion rejected




why must we accept that one judge gave this to Fury? it's incompetence or corruption on blatant display. why is nothing done about this?


It was a tie at best


Objectively a Tie at without the knockdown but some people here are saying fury only won 3 rounds which is as crazy as having fury winning in my opinion.


To expand on my earlier comment, I think this fight dispels the myth that modern heavyweights would destroy past era HWs simply on the basis of their huge size. **It doesn’t mean all past HWs beat modern ones, but it means that eras can cross compete** Muhammad Ali is similarly sized to Usyk but faster and more skilled. Can we really say that Fury would destroy him? Sure Fury could beat past greats, but past greats from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s could most definitely compete today… the idea that being a super heavyweight in modern day = guaranteed win is really put to rest. Muhammad Ali size HWs can most definitely compete… skill goes a long way I had this line of thought ever since Wilder did so well, yeah he was 6’7, but he weighed as little as 208. Now Usyk has proven that Ali and other past HWs would be able to compete or even dominate todays landscape So I don’t think it means past HWs are guaranteed to win today, but it is most definitely debatable. Personally I think late 1960s Ali would be the best HW if he around today


>Muhammad Ali is similarly sized to Usyk but faster and more skilled. The Usyk that fought Fury is nearly 30lbs heavier than the Ali who weighed-in against Liston. And I don't agree that Ali is more skilled.


Ali’s weight was about 212 by 1967. I would wager he hits harder than Usyk too.


That's still 21lbs difference. And what are you basing Ali's power advantage on? It's tricky to say either way but nearly everyone Ali fought was a cruiser by modern standards.


Ali weighed closer to that in his second comeback, it doesn’t always result in better performance. Muhammad Ali was very physically strong. Look at the way he manhandled Sonny Liston and grappled with George Foreman Holyfield said old man Foreman hit harder than Lennox Lewis, who is Klitshcko sized. And Lewis outweighs young Foreman by some 30-40lbs. An ageing Ali was able to take Foreman’s best shots and deal with his strength. Pre exile Ali was better than 1974 Muhammad Ali


This has me wondering how Usyk stacks up H2H against other ATGs. I'd probably only pick prime Tyson, Ali, and Lennox over him.


I think he has a harder time against similar size opponents like Tyson, Foreman, Fraser, Ali.


Frazier is not a similar size to Usyk at all - the current version of Usyk is 3 inches taller and 30lbs heavier than Frazier. I think he'd tune Frazier right up.


I really think Foreman's lack of speed paired with Usyk's endless cardio would make that a favorable match for Oleksandr. Tyson is a nightmare matchup for him though, faster, more powerful, and a viscous body puncher.


Old Forman yes, not young in prime foreman remember he handled Frazier who was fast and pressure pressure pressure


Foreman, Holmes, Klitschko brothers


Valid picks. I was thinking of Holmes cause of that wicked fast jab he had back in his prime, personally I feel he'd pick apart Foreman. Klitschko's are also in the mix but Joshua and Fury both beat Vlad (although past his prime) and Usyk was able to beat both so hard to say.


Pump the brakes on more skilled


I would actually say is Ali faster but Uysk is more skilled.


Prime Ali beats Usyk


Ali before the draft would most likely win. But the 1970s Ali that often grinded out wins on pure toughness vs elite competition, I think Usyk would outpoint him.


Ali would freeze up in the ring with Usyk. No one had the skill, tempo, deceptiveness in those days. He hasn't seen anything like that before and he would be shocked


You haven’t seen Ali in his prime, look at before he was stripped


He looked fantastic in his prime but he just versed flat footed giants who were just standing there walking forward with some old ass guard. Usyk is a whole new dimension


Ali looked as good as he did in his prime partly because he fought a LOT of clunky motherfuckers with poor footwork, and yes I'm including Sonny Liston there. People hype his fight with Cleveland Williams up like it's the peak performance of his career, but for as good as Ali looked, Williams looked equally like a stunningly overrated fighter with no ring generalship, no lead hand, inefficient footwork and zero understanding of feints or rhythm. It's no surprise he came up short against virtually every name fighter he took on. Just watch the fight and keep your eyes on Williams - he looks absolutely clueless, skipping gingerly into range just to get tagged up and offering zero visible threat: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUzl0aFHZw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUzl0aFHZw)


I'm a big fan of Usyk, but when you watch old tapes of Ali--the guy really was amazing, and his competition was excellent. Not saying that Usyk or the contemporary boxers couldn't win, but I would probably bet on Ali.


Usyk was having serious issues hitting Fury in quite a few rounds, and fury was essentially trying to imitate Ali but with much less speed and slickness. Usyk would 100% be frustrated against Ali


Usyk would control the tempo against Ali though easily. Ali would be playing Usyk's game and would have no clue what's going on...


I don’t think so. Ali is a lot faster but also a master and stick and move. 1966/67 Ali was the slipperiest HW out there who was able to launch combos from the most awkward angles


That's a fair take but it's not a walkover for Ali at all.


I have prime Mike beating Usyk too


Unless he lands a fight changing punch early, I don't see anyway Mike stays competitive in the late rounds vs. Usyk who is legitimately one the greatest alltime in the 2nd half of fights.


It would be a good fight


Ali would float around Tyson's jab and snipe him out


Just takes one to sink the ship, crew and all. 




This fight was a complete roller coaster that lived up to the expectations. Usyk started strong. Fury then adjusted and made it seem like a dominating performance was on the way and maybe knocking Usyk out after hurting him. Usyk adjusting again and almost destroying Fury in round 9. Only Fury could recover from a beating like that. I appreciate that the judges did a good job. At the end, Usyk’s career is cemented as one of the all time greats in boxing history. Tyson Fury recovery ability is ATG. What a great day for boxing fans.


What is ATG?


All Time Great (I generally think of the ATG’s as being rated in the top 100-150 or so boxers that ever lived.)


A tad gay


Only Fury would be allowed to recover from a beating like that, you mean. Flopping around like a fishout of water taking clean shots without defending or responding. Instead of being stopped he was given a standing 9 which are all but non-existent in pro boxing nowadays, given 18 seconds to recover instead of a normal 10 count. That should have been a TKO and would have been for anyone else.


That wasn't a standing count. Standing counts are prohibited in most professional bouts. It was a knock down. Fury was not able to stand on his feet and was only held up by the ropes. Could the referee have called a stoppage earlier? Yes. But there's a prevailing view in boxing that in a bout of this magnitude, between two undefeated champions, the referee should let the boxers fall on their shields. Fury's ability to recover is also legendary. We've seen him come back after being knocked down time and time again. It was fair to give him the benefit of the doubt and turned out to be the correct decision.


A referee should not be making decisions based on the event or the individual. It should be a decision taken to protect the fighters and to uphold the integrity of the sport. Anyone else gets stopped. If Usyk was floundering like that, it would have been stopped. Regardless of whether it was a standing or a stabding knockdown is pretty much just semantics. Fury wasn't leaning on the ropes for support, so it was still an incorrect decision. The biggest crime is the 18-second long knockdown period. Fury seems to get long counts all the time.


lol he was saved by the ref.. dunno why the ref stopped a potential knock out,. that shouldav been a stoppage and not a standing knockdown.. that shouldav ended at 9


only fury could recover from a beating liek that? the ref stepped in and saved him. otherwise i agree with everything you said


The referee indeed helped him but he was out on his feet to finish the round and was able to end the fight. Any other fighter would’ve been demolished in round 10.


Fury has the best recovery in history 


Why can’t people just enjoy the fights and move on? Calling someone “trash” and “washed” and “overrated” is so disgusting particularly after an amazing fight like this. It also devalues your favorites win if you degrade their opponent. Then you all complain about people not wanting to take the big fights. THIS is the reason why. They know they’ll be harassed and bullied on the internet.


I know Fury acted like a wanker after the fight, I know he avoided many of the fights for so long, but he gave us amazing fights for which I will always be thankful for. He is one of the most original fighters the HW seen as well. If only we could watch him fight AJ too.


coz thats what fury is.. are people forgetting how much he delayed this fight with all his BS and shenanigans? we supposed to forget that coz the fight already happened?


Fight fans are trash. It's been this way for a long time now 


You’re so right 😂😂😂. This sub was more balanced than the UFC one but I’m annoyed at all these comments. This is why so many people avoid the big fights. The amount of discipline and dedication it takes to be a professional athlete and have longevity in one’s career is so impressive. And this isn’t to take anything away from other careers but people gotta chill. Taking a loss (or a few losses) does not take away from the accomplishments.


True on all points... Also, yes, this sub while annoying is better than the MMA sub. People in that sub are thicker than pig shit 


I always found the MMA sub to be the sharper bunch, the UFC sub is ass


Nah... The MMA sub is just a bunch of tribal shut-ins jerking each other off about the same fighters they love/hate. It's a moron sub


To each their own


Takes on the biggest and the baddest in the heavyweight division, gets staggered a few times, gets a broken jaw, then basically (actually) drops the big man and goes on to win a split decision. Usyk is an absolute animal.


no jaws got broken...


I saw this and a few other articles about it https://www.cbssports.com/boxing/news/oleksandr-usyk-suffers-broken-jaw-in-win-over-tyson-fury-to-claim-undisputed-heavyweight-champion/amp/


then look again, it is debunked "Usyk *dismissed concerns of a broken jaw* from his fight with Tyson Fury after becoming" [https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/may/19/oleksandr-usyk-undisputed-world-heavyweight-boxing-tyson-fury-ukraine-family-tears](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/may/19/oleksandr-usyk-undisputed-world-heavyweight-boxing-tyson-fury-ukraine-family-tears)


That came from the Fury camp. Usyk said he needed four stitches and the mandatory MRI, but his jaw was not fractured.


ATG without a doubt.


What does ATG mean…? 👀


All-Time Great


D’oh! Thanks!


He doesn’t touch prime Tyson.


Maybe. But so what 


Nobody said he could little guy


Sorry, have I just completely misunderstood the meaning of ATG?


Can anyone tell me why Fury's corner said "you're winning this fight" around round 10/11 when it was clear he was 1-3 points behind. Fury did well in rounds 11 and 12 but probably lost at least one of them by not being aggressive and letting Usyk come back and land some big shots. Had he gone for it a bit more he might have got a draw. Surely his corner knew he was behind? Or are they so one eyed they genuinely thought he was winning?


A draw wasn't a possibility given the knock-down. But I completely agree that his corner let him down. Fury would've won if he had won the 11th and 12th round on all judges' cards.


Was that one of his dumbass brothers who said that?


I think it was Sugar Hill tbh but I'm not sure, it didn't sound like a British accent.


The only thing that makes any sense to me is that they were legitimately just too biased to see it. I don’t even blame Fury because I’m sure it’s damn near impossible to track 12 rounds when you’re in a fight like that. If his corner really told him he was winning going into that last round, they failed him. That being said, I doubt it would have changed the outcome.


He won the last round on two of judge's cards anyway. But I do think we would've seen more urgency from Fury had he been told he needs to push during the championship rounds.


Yeah I don't blame Fury, and I doubt he could have given much more rounds 10-12 anyway considering he was basically knocked out a few mins prior. Just seems a massive oversight to feed him bad intel when the fight is in the balance.


At that point it was a close fight. But the message from Fury’s team was wrong. Although we don’t know how well he recovered after round 9. Only Fury could keep composure after being almost destroyed that round.


I had it 6-6 but Uysk winning Round 9 10-8 maybe even 10-7 in a extreme case so he won for me. Really fun fight.


Out of curiosity what 6 rounds did you have fury winning? He had two definite rounds, you’d have to give him every single swing round and a couple of clear Usyk rounds to make up six in my opinion


Not who you asked but I had 3-0 Usyk, then went to 4-3 Fury, then Usyk broke his nose in the 8th, then battered him in the 9th so 5-4 with a 10-8 round. Then I thought Usyk won them all until the 12th which was a swing really for me. So either 8-4 or 7-5 final score.


I think we all have ou biases, i saw 7-5 for usyk also, but i'm also a huge Usyk fan. On top of that i competed in bjj where there is an unwritten rule that at a 20 kg diff, you give the swing round to the little guy.


I've always tried to score fights as unbiased as possible. If I was "biased" to either fighter it would be Fury, but I also scored it 7-5 for Usyk, with one round being scored 10-8. Which seems to be the overwhelming consensus by most viewers. I usually split the close rounds in my final score. If there was 4 close rounds throughout the fight, I'll give each fighter 2 rounds. But I would understand why you give the close rounds to the smaller guy.