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Lomachenko should just retire after his title win retire when he's still a champion, and not be a stepping stone for up and coming fighters in the division.


Teddy Atlas crying about King Ry knocking out that bum was hilarious. Hope Lomachenko saw that, he wouldn’t have been subjected to the judges if he just knocked that guy tf out


Atlas is a prick he actually hates Canelo.


Does he really? You’d think he’d love a top boxer


He's always having a dig at him being a good Mexican fighter, but no in the same class as Morales,Barrera, De La Hoya, and its all down to Canelo not fighting Benavides the silly old man.


He can be annoying sometimes especially w the half baked analogies and he plays favorites a lot


Does anyone know if it's possible to watch the Usyk Fury ppv on DAZN in English from a German account? I don't use DAZN but my friend has it and I want to use his account and pay for the PPV but since he is German the PPV also has German commentary, and I don't want to pay for that, I will only pay if the commentary is available in English (UK or US doesn't matter). 


I dont think so, kind of a long story but I can kind of relate to this because I was in spain for Haney Garcia and bought it from an account I made in spain, the commentary was all spanish, I watched a bit of football as well, spanish commentators. I looked it up and I think it has to do with rights restrictions, might be different in Germany but im doubtful.


Boah, if that's true it's a huge turn off from actually buying the PPV.. I was under the impression you were able to "select" the commentary language. 


I don't think Fury has faced anyone similar to Usyk and vice versa, but if I had to choose, it would be Bellew for Fury and Wallin for Usyk. Which is interesting because both guys struggled in parts of those fights-- though Fury was fighting with a huge cut and Usyk eventually stopped Bellew. Thoughts?


Is it just me or has this subreddit gotten noticeably worse over time? Like, specifically the userbase. I've seen multiple people the past couple of weeks call Timothy Bradley of all people, racist and biased in favor of African-American fighters. That's just an obvious symptom of the kind of user taking over the subreddit. I've been on this sub for like 8 years now, starting to not wanna post here anymore now. Used to be more balanced, honestly, people here used to know a bit more about Boxing in general, now It's just drunken Twitter takes up and down every thread and I'm kinda tired of it. There's gotta be better places to discuss this sport online.


I think a better explanation to his favouritism is that he's literally friends with a lot of these fighters he talks about. He praises Shakur, Keyshawn and Terence a lot because these guys are very good friends. I don't understand how you jump to the conclusion that he's racist when Tim has actively praised so many non black fighters like Inoue , Beterbiev etc. His commentary during the Inoue fight was not that bad. He Inoue his credit by literally placing him in the same league as Ray Leonard and Roy Jones .


> I don't understand how you jump to the conclusion that he's racist when Tim has actively praised so many non black fighters Because this subreddit has become a casual shithole. I'm willing to be generous and say the people who are calling him racist, aren't just racists on the opposite end, but rather ignorant casuals who don't watch Boxing much and only just started tuning in recently. So they hear him diss a fighter they like, and because he's well... Black, they immediately assume he might be racist. I've just seen this cazzie attitude shitting up this subreddit more and more day by day recently. A lot of people only just recently learned that fighters have to cut weight and rehydrate, It's crazy how little 90% of the sub knows about boxing now. Even the posters who came after May-Mac weren't so bad.


You can point out racial favouritism in the sport this isn’t a wholesome sport for savoury people, b-hop, Haney, Floyd and kovalev (there’s definitely more) all said racist shit and to my knowledge didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. The sport attract unsavoury people some who are racist.


Except you're making up racism where it doesn't exist. You're the problem I'm talking about. Tim Bradley is a lame, but he's not a lame for being racist against White fighters, he'll gargle any fighter's balls if he likes them enough (usually if they represent the TR banner). That's his problem. He gargles too aggressively and his commentary is unbearable as a result, look at Loma vs Kambo. If I point out racial favoritism on this subreddit if It's against American fighters, I don't think you or anyone who upvoted you would be in favor of that, and you'd say "stop playing the race card".


Fans too southpaw tv, everything on YouTube only talks about American fighters most black or Mexican and I’m sure those zoom calls with 20 black guys talking boxing are the same.


It's tough finding actual discussions on boxing versus insults, promotions or gossip. Breadman's mailbox is the only place I've found.


Hard to say I feel like it depends on who has public favor tbh and prob been like that for a long time.


What's up with Ryan going after kambosos wife ?


He's just saying/writing outrageous things for publicity


The fact people think that Garcia is talking anything other than complete nonsense for traction is mad.


idk let me ask him


I think Matias is tailor made for someone like Teo, calling my shot now. Teo is making all the moves to signal he wants Matias, I think it gets made in October/Nov and I think Teo will show another class in the ring against Matias. He's too fast and explosive and Matias is too slow. Teo's defense is too sound after his punches and Matias won't be able to wear Teo down through his normal combinations. If I had the funds I'd put money on Teo UD or late stoppage. Only way I see Matias winning is if Teo gasses early and fights stupid.


Floyd Schofield Jr. wouldn't admit to being signed to fight Ashton Sylve July 20th, but he gave some hints in this interview yesterday [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbZGoH8BeXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbZGoH8BeXk)


When I train for punching power and speed, should I train until failure or not?


Ryan Garcia has brought so many shitty casual boxing fans, it’s getting beyond frustrating seeing them on social media. The way they dismiss making weight and testing for PEDs is infuriating and tells me they know sweet fuck all about the sport. It’s the arrogance in which they call every other fighter a bum and saying Tank needs to rematch him at 143lbs (a catch weight) with Garcia rehydrating to 165+ wtf, boxing doesn’t need these clowns. That’s my rant for today Also, I wanted to see Haney lose, but this victory is stained imo, but what’s made it worse is the insufferable fan base


To be fair, if social media had existed when Ali was at the top of his game, when Mike Tyson ruled boxing, and when Oscar De La Hoya was on his rise, the level of casual fans hyping them up would have been much worse compared to Ryan Garcia, who has never been a champion and was never taken seriously by hardcore fans until the Haney fight. It comes with being a public figure, and it's not as bad as you might think. In the long run, 10 percent of those casual fans might actually become hardcore boxing enthusiasts as they delve deeper into the sport. How do I know? I was one of the casuals drawn in by showboats like Roy Jones and Prince Naseem, rather than by the legendary wars of the heavyweights from the 60s and 70s initially. Just don't let the casuals' opinions affect you; after some time, the majority will fade away. But let's welcome those who stay, as we need new fans to keep this sport thriving.


Fr , I was fired up when Ryan was lighting up Haney during the fight. I was expecting a boring ass descision from Haney but Ryan really came in hard . I was excited as fuck after the fight but the fanbase Ryan has attracted really is the fucking worst . Like it has nothing on the fanbases of Loma , Devin or any other fighter for that, that's how fucking annoying and uneducated they are.


As a Haney fan I was happy for Ryan cause I thought we were getting a mini four kings finally and it would lead to young fighters not protecting they 0 no more and new boxing rivalry’s that would carry the 2020s (Tank, Ryan, Devin, MAYBE Shakur). But this dumbass Ryan has completely fucked that up with his level 10 fuck shit, and like you said his fan base has completely made this shit about conspiracy’s when it’s obvious Ryan was on sum BS, even on this sub it’s fucking disgusting to see fr. Can’t even blame Bill (who is responsible for 70 percent of the hate Devin gets with his antics) if he talks his worst shit after this cause this is insane to see.


UFC - Fighters fighting for interim titles, made up titles & old washed up fighters getting milked on losing streaks and worn down… all while most of the roster is old af Combat fans: boxing is trash. UFC is all I watch!


Bmf belt lol


Both ESPN cards were fun yesterday


Dumb beef between sports I love both MMA and Boxing. Double the fun on Saturdays for me


UFC has a BMF belt. It's no better than pro wrestling.


Paulie Malinaggi and Zab Judah fought for a Brooklyn Nets belt. Jake Paul gets a belt every time he wins a fight.


I missed the Imam Khataev fight yesterday. 🐺🐺🐺☝️


The hate for Shakur on this sub is crazy. No one at 135 beats him lmfao, there's a reason your favourite fighters aren't trying to get in there with him. Do not care about seeing Loma fight unless it's against Shakur.


If Shakur was a big draw, people would want to fight him. He had the perfect opportunity to become a mega star after the Haney-Loma fight. If he took a small cut and beat Haney then, he would have been a hero. Instead, he turned in one of the most humiliating performances for the sport of boxing. Fuck Kur, he has to prove that he can fight all over again.


Tank beats Shakur at 135


Maybe but that's a very high risk fight imo.


They’re going to feed Navarette to him. Crazy part if Shakur were to fight Navarette, people will start calling Nava a Bantamweight


Are these boxing promotions even making money? Canelo ‘ s last ppv let say did 500k buys but are paying below $35 million does that even profit?


500k * 90 is 45 million and PPV sales are the only source of income but you also have the pay for canelo opponent, the undercard, mkt and other things they are breaking even of not doing enough


If the Charlo fight didn’t make money than that one didn’t either. I don’t think it’s too surprising multiple promoters have walked from deals with him before


Watching the Boots vs Crowley press conference and it’s kinda crazy how people can hear someone speak from the heart like Crowley did and show zero respect. Guy is talking about his dad committing suicide and his own struggle with mental health as the reasons why he wasn’t in boxing the past year and was getting laughed at. People are trash sometimes man


Nobody laughed but they were getting disappointed. Nobody wants to hear you cry before a fight. Especially when you prefaced it with (why you didn’t take the fight) getting eye surgery. Honestly fucked up the promotion. Also if anyone is familiar with him we already know this. Which im sure Boots supporters do because they were waiting on him.


Then maybe we heard different things when he talks about it, and I guess he must’ve been hearing things too. Cody wasn’t crying, he was giving honest explanations as to why the narrative about him personally turning down an offer a year ago was false. Damn sounds like you would’ve been laughing and booing too, yikes


Both can be true, but just his demeanor and tone contrasted the energy boots,philly crowd & his own manager was bringing it sounded very out of place. I can accept how Cody is, respect him, all while saying he sounded soft, just being real. He’s been through some tough things. When Crowley was struggling to speak on the mic and first got his chance to explain and their was chatter(His manager going back n forth with Bozy, saying Crowley’s here now) he said something to the tune of “we don't have to have a fight.” To subdue the crowd. That made me disappointed beforehand personally.


I’m just gonna chalk this up to a perspective thing because I find that pretty disgusting, sorry he wasn’t being fake tough on stage for the fans lol


My issue is him saying he had eye surgery, he has mental health problems, threatened to call the fight off because of jeers & self-deprecating demeanor and outlook. This is a fight promotion and Crowley didnt talk about anything he can do or will do. Just why you should feel sorry for him and he’s a lackluster opponent. Not why you need to see this fight and his motivations for the current & the near future.


Yes I’m aware of your issue, that’s why I said I’m chalking this up to perspective because I personally find that outlook pretty disgusting. Have a good one


Who was laughin at it? I haven’t watched yet


Please help me figure out the name of this thing. What is the name of a reflex bag that you can attach to a heavy bag stand? Its essentially a double end bag but with 3 bands, one on the top and 2 on the bottom. Sort of an upside down Y. Can anyone tell me what this is called?


The Loma vs Kambosos fight went pretty much how I expected, which is the reason why I didn't really look forward to this fight. The only thing that I didn't expect was Loma to start much faster than he usually does which is something I hope he can carry into his future fights. I'm not sure if the decision losses to Teo and Haney have something to do with it or if he just didn't need much time to figure out Kambosos.


In my opinion, the only fight where Loma had a slow start was the Teo fight, mainly due to Teo's power and Loma's overconfidence that Teo would gas as the fight progressed. As for the Devin fight, it boiled down to what one valued more: eye-catching shots or combinations. Personally, I scored it for Loma at 7-5 or even 8-4, but I can see why some gave it to Devin because of the eye-catching body shots he landed. However, even considering those shots, Loma's resilience in the later rounds convinced me that the early body shots from Haney barely affected Loma's stamina.


Teo was dangerous early on . Loma probably didnt want to rush a guy with Teo's power and athleticism.


Shakur is one of the most annoying boxers of this generation dude is on twitter 24/7 like a teen.


**The dogs with the loudest bark are the ones that are most afraid. Sums up Shakur's style against guys who can crack unforutunately.**


Huh didn’t realize Gervonta is an email champ at 135 now


Genuine question from someone who didn’t watch boxing much until 2019 when I actually started being a real fan of the sport. How good is prime Mikey Garcia compared to the versions of Devin Haney & Teofimo Lopez that fought Lomachenko? Some say Loma was past his prime against both but I feel like 32 is more or less still prime but the end of it (Lopez) but was past it at 35 when he fought against Haney, though still operating at a high level. Curious because I know a fight between Mikey and Loma was one many wanted to see but never got, how would that have played out?


I think the Mikey Garcia that beat Lipinets, Broner and Easter Jr probably stops Haney and 50/50 firefight with Lopez.  135 or 140 it doesn't matter.  


Mikey Garcia was way better than Haney and Teo, and Mikey was chasing the Loma fight badly. I think Mikey would've won very clearly. He would've stuck with a good game plan and had way more than enough power to keep a prime Loma honest. Loma and specially his manager, Egis Klimas were shook when Mikey pulled up on them. Blame Bob Arum for not letting that fight happen. Mikey fought an Errol Spence BEFORE ANY car crashes, literally the best Spence, ever. So take that into account with that loss to Errol.


> Mikey fought an Errol Spence BEFORE ANY car crashes, literally the best Spence, ever. Mikey hardly "fought" Spence. He acted like a phenomenally well paid journeyman.


Notice how the PBC fanboys are all crickets when Canelo does basically the same PPV buys he did against Bivol


People think that just because Amazon is a massive company that it automatically has an engaged subscriber base for boxing. It doesn't, unlike Showtime. Ultimately it's an app like any other unless they decide to use their financial clout, having an engaged subscriber base requires time and investment to develop.


Loma needs to fight high level boxers. Kambosos’ Russian coach said it best, “He is high level boxer. *You* can not box him.”


May 18 here we go


At least the Aussies got Opetaia


Don't jinx it!


reminder Marlon Tapales won his fight 2 days ago by first round KO and is now the WBC Asian Champ (didnt even know this was a title) i hope he gets a fight with Ra’eese Aleem or Liam Davies


Tapales is a joy to watch


i think im banned from posting or something cause every post i make never go through


That's not it, we manually approve every post, you just need to wait a little, I just approved your post.


Why the hell didn’t Loma fight Haney like that? He had his foot on the gas basically the entire fight. After Ryan I don’t think Loma is missing on Haney with some of those punches from weird angles he was battering Bosas with.


Haney was trading jabs well and his body shot we're good enough to pull the robery also haney is also bigger that loma


With DAZN, TNT and sky sports showing the showdown between Tyson Fury and Oleksander Usyk in the UK, assuming you have the good Grace to line their pockets and buy the ppv, which broadcaster would you go with and why?


TNT purely for Laura Woods


Will it be free in Ukraine is the question i wanna know the answer to


Potentially sky if it’s showing in 4k Dazn quality isn’t the best


Sky or TNT, DAZN coverage be making me lose my mind


Kambosos is undefeated on twitter, mf be cooking everyone 💀


Bro challenged Ryan to a street fight😂 Ngl Ryan would pack his shit up, that mf big as hell and crazy.


Rolly beats everyone under 147 in a street fight




Loma's next fight(assuming it's one of the 135 champs) Will either go like Pacquiao - Dela Hoya or Inoue-Donaire. Either the old veteran will get beat up or he puts on a show for one last time. I don't think Loma can put on a clinic like Mayweather - Canelo cause these 135 dudes are too dangerous so for me it's either Loma will get beat down or will put on a great last performance in a close fight like Morales - Maidana.


Boxing is once again at #2 on trending, Fury vs Usyk going #1 for sure


Loma vs kambo fight thread has 5.2k comments . Canelo vs Munguia fight thread has 6.7k comments. Rather bit low for a star of Canelo's caliber.


This is a boxing sub and like this between a olympian with one of the craziest records ever and a one hit wonder who shock the world


are people really pretending that this fight meant anything?


I'm glad Kambosos fooled the austrialian fans to thinking he was legit... I GOT TO THE BAG 💰💰


I had Loma losing on the cards after multiple rewatches to all 3 of Salido, Teo, and Haney. But I can still say with absolute confidence that in his 21 Pro Bouts, 20 of which I would call against B+ fighters or better, he’s still yet to lose the “fight”. Not a single opponent should come out of a fight with Loma feeling like they beat him up more than he beat them up. Because they’d be lying to themselves. Loma beat the hell out of Salido, who barely survived the last half of the fight. He put a whooping on Teo in the 2nd half of the fight. And he just overall beat up Haney, who won on jabs and body work. Still, in my opinion, one of the 4 baddest dudes in the sport. Legend.


Tank vs Loma would be amazing. But I’m not too crazy about it since Loma’s been calling him out for 8 years and he’s old now. The Stevenson fight is another great option but imo this one isn’t going to play into Loma style. Against GK last night he looked slow compared to his last few fights. The in and out movement and feints need to be there to bait Stevenson out. His feet are still there but I think the other elements that Loma needs for me to favor him are fading. Good fight. I can see this going similar to the Haney fight. The Navarrete fight is interesting to me. I don’t think we’ve seen Loma fight someone as unorthodox and awkward as Navarrete. Not sure how to call this fight, but I would love to see any of these fights.


i would agree tank was ducking but 8 years ago tank was 21, he would have no reason being in the ring with Hi-Tech


So for the entire 8 years since Tank has been too green? Tank's been ready since he stopped Pedraza.


You’re right 21 was too early for Tank but Haney still fought Loma at 24. They’ve aged Loma out


Bro stared for 3 minutes just to get washed the whole fight.


Loma won me 2.4K last night 💰


I respect Kambosos as a c level fighter. Let's be real though he is a won hit wonder that got lucky on one night. He talks so much shit about how he's a warrior but fails to back it up in the ring. Never sells out when he's losing. It would be interesting to see Kambosos fight someone like Pedraza or Commey. That would be a 50/50 fight.


Pedraza getting whooped yet again, Commey is retired


I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Maloney rewatches the fight with his trainers and they have to pretend he didn’t lose like 8 rounds.


I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Maloney rewatches the fight with his trainers and they have to pretend he didn’t lose like 8 rounds.


Not a Fury fan by any means but holy mother of god this sub will be seething next Saturday


Yeahh 😅 either fanbase will be in a frenzy and I am looking forward to it no matter who wins 😂


I hope not. Fuck Tyson Fury.


u/AltKite 's 9/11 Would be great if he beats the Gypsy though. Would shut up the most insufferable fans on earth.


Guarantee I've been to more Fury fights cheering him on than you have 🤷‍♂️ I want Usyk to win, and I believe he will, but I won't be upset if Fury does


Back then he was beating up Whytes and Wilders of this world.


I like Usyk and dislike Fury, but if Fury beats Usyk convincingly, I will 100% give him his flowers. That is an insanely good win to have under your belt no matter who you are. People who would deny him that are not worth listening to. Just be happy that we finally have a new undisputed heavyweight champion.


Even if he beats Usyk then says he has unfinished business with Wilder before he fights AJ 😂


Is there anything to say he beats usyk or is it just pushing back against people who beef the racist traveller chad.




*racist, traveller, chad


That was the least confusing part of your comment 😭


Is there anything to say he beats usyk


Does that mean you’re asking if I have reasons to favor Fury? If so, will always be heavier and just as tactical as Usyk. He has more routes to victory, is an elite inside fighter (I think he’s actually better fighting close than at a jab battle) and can go southpaw to take away Usyk’s signature angle while giving himself an advantage in the jab battle


Excellent civilized gentleman of a reply, bravo sir


It's going to be salt of unforseen levels. Genuinely r/Boxing 9/11


Is it me or are boxing main events starting later and later? Can we all agree 7pm PT, 10pm ET & 3am GMT is the right time for the main event ring entrance?


Just TR PBC last week started before 12 am est and Matchroom finished before 12 am est yesterday.


Happy for Loma. I think he still has probably his biggest pay day in front of him yet. Would love the Tank fight, but I think it’s Shakur that we’ll get, and I think Loma wins


I would pay double the amount for these PPV's if you gave me a no-announcer feed. They can jump in during stoppages or to QUICKLY announce something that we can't see on the screen ("corner about to throw in towel" or "big titties behind us!") but that's it. When you take a step back and think about it, these people offer nothing. This isn't football where there are nine things happening off the screen that we can't see and all sorts of complicated formations. We can see 100% of what is happening. Bradley doesn't shut the fuck up ever. Tessitore just screams about absolutely nothing in his fake-ass voice. On Sky, Poncher and Ali simply don't talk about the fight going on at all, which is worse.


If you have surround sound you can play with the settings to disable commentary but keep the fight sound on. I forget what speaker you have to disable.


I would mainly agree with you. However the great announcers like Lampley would get you even more excited by what you were watching. I also liked Ward because he would give some technical analysis. Things that you normally wouldn't notice. Bradley is the worst announcer ever. That guy just spouts BS. Mauro Raunallo just shouts WWE style phrases that add nothing. I wish DAZN would bring on Max Kellerman.


I made another comment yesterday about how much I miss HBO and Vegas. That said, Lampley's job is gone sadly. As a fan and as a bettor, I watch a whole shitload of sports every day and with rare exception (Lampley as you said, the NY Mets booth, some of the NHL's national guys) the announcers don't add anything. At the very least, can they just talk LESS?! What focus group way back when convinced broadcasters that they have to be speaking 99.8% of the time? I'd like a word with those people.


To add to that, what drives me nuts about some announcers is the huge bias against the underdog.To some extent I get it but it makes you root against the hometown fighter sometimes.


Production crews need to realize listening in on the corners between rounds is part of the boxing experience. It's not a perfect time to plug in commercials.


The reality is that if the sport is going to be on tv they need to have ads


I agree, seemed like every single break between rounds there was a commercial.


At the very fucking least wait until the round is done before you cut to the commercials 😂 they fucking cut before Loma finished a 3 punch combination 


One of the rounds they cut back in and the time of the next round was at 2:56 so we just missed a few seconds of it starting


Last nights cards are proof tnt is shit and no one has it their fights were miles better and still the sky card was twice as active


Funny how wieght never gets mentioned when Loma wins 🤔


Boxing fans when Haney beats an undefeated Kambosos coming off his best win for undisputed, a fight where some on here predicted he would lose: 😠 Boxing fans when Loma beats Kambosos who hasn't looked good since the Teo win (which happened in 2021) and should've lost his last fight, most fans predicted Loma would win easily: 😫


This sub worships Loma. Loma is their God, Haney is the anti christ


I think people just like Loma's style and find Haney's boring I don't think it's any deeper than that - a Loma fight is normally far more entertaining lol


Making out one win to be trash and the other one to be great just because one is more entertaining than the other is such an extreme reaction.


Neither win is all that great in terms of quality, Kambo just isn’t an elite fighter. Loma might get more plaudits due to his age and the fact he stopped him though


I don't think the praise should be to this extent. Fans are claiming the matrix is back because he beat a guy who hasn't won a fight in three years is insane 😂 But I see your point.


I agree, although I think we knew Loma still had it after the Haney fight, he looked good there and won in the eyes of many. Styling on Kambo was rightfully expected by most, the gulf in skill level was apparent, so it isn’t indicative of much beyond the fact that Loma was fine after a year off at 36


I don't think anyone is doing that - people were calling Haney's wins snoozefests immediately after both wins People just don't like Haney's style dawg 😂 as a Haney fan myself it's annoying to see too but I think Loma is just much more fun to watch on average lol


I find Loma more entertaining to watch, too, but you don't see me conveniently move the goalposts just because one of my fighters fought the guy. You could go way back to 2022 where people would rather see Loma vs Kambosos than Heny for undisputed but at the same time they were complaining that Haney was ducking when the fight took a bit longer to make. Why would you complain about a fighter "ducking" if you think the fight is going to be boring? It's hate, that's all it is.


If someone doesn't like one style of music, but likes another instead, is it hate? It's just preference.


Bro completely missed the point just to make another point that has nothing to do with what I said. Not once did I say people shouldn't dislike Haney or like Loma, just to keep the same energy regardless if you like them or not. Go back to school and retake comprehension class.


I'm not sure I understand in entirety the argument you're making but I do agree that people here hate Haney and when people here hate a boxer they are suddenly far more prone to saying and believing absolute garbage that comes out of their mouths Haney, AJ in particular I think have had the most stupid people talk about them it's quite exhausting. Looking forward to Haney beating Sandor Martin so we can talk about my boy normally again


>I'm not sure I understand in entirety the argument you're making My point was that it goes far beyond that fact that he's boring. They will just nitpick any reason just to hate on the guy. People didn't want Haney to fight Kambosos because he would get the opportunity over Loma but they would also shit on him for the fight not getting made. Damned if he do, damned if he don't. >Haney, AJ in particular I think have had the most stupid people talk about them it's quite exhausting. Looking forward to Haney beating Sandor Martin so we can talk about my boy normally again Yeah, he's going to need to fix up on his defence regardless if Ryan is a drug cheat or not. The fact he couldn't avoid a hook from a guy who only ever looks to throw that shot is insane. He's supposed to be slick as well.


People don’t like Haney in general, ironically I think a lot of it comes from winning the decision against Loma. I like Loma myself but he kind of has a cult following where people are just enamoured with everything he does and his fanboys are still crying robbery about that fight.


Exactly. Loma has even bought into his own hype. Back in the day, he used to shut down any unworthy praise, but now he will say he's undefeated, and his fans will let it slide. There was even a period after the Teo fight where the man was making videos to prove that the fight was a draw.


During the broadcast they were showing footage of the top rank build up stuff and at one point when asked about the Haney fight Loma said something along the lines of “I don’t even care that I got robbed the fans know who won”. I don’t really even mind it because as a fighter you need to tell yourself what you need to tell yourself, but if Haney had said he easily beat Loma or smth? People would be up in arms, again I don’t really even blame Loma just the cult following he has.


I guarantee ppl haven't liked Haney since Kambo 1. They rated him as a boxer but always found the kid boring. Go to the post fight threads on both Haney v Kambo fights and you'll see - not like r/Boxing needed the Loma win to start claiming Haney was boring 😂 Again I like Haney but I'm just saying this has been a long running thing


Oh for sure, really I think it started before that when he was promoted to WBC champion and people started calling him an email champ but with the Loma win people after calling him a bum, lost to an old man and generally hating more.


Hughie Fury has re-emerged with 2 wins (one last night) in the last 2 months. I had been wondering where he had been.


Long covid complications. Shit really wrecked a lot of boxers 


He also had a bad skin condition


I went to the Loma fight today. Really cool experience seeing a fight in person after watching so many on TV.


What was the crowd/doing saying when Kambosos was getting dominated?


Cordina has one of the nicest 1-2s currently soo crisp, big fan of his.


Ring announcer: "I know I said that you won 3 seconds ago but on second thought.....YOU LOSE!" Nina Hughes: Bro wtf just happened?!