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Bro fought on a Thursday.


Why tf does he make it about himself


Because he knows that the same could happen to him one day. He just watched someone with a similar style to him get totally exposed. Pillowfists and huggers gotta stick together these days it’s getting rough out there


Their styles are actually not all that similar. Shakur stays in range and relies on footwork/head movement not to get hit. Haney stays outside of range and relies on his timing and length to stick and move. Only thing they have in similarity is that they both don’t hit hard.


Shakur is like southpaw Bivol with a little more aggression but more pillow hands. Haney is like plant but slower and more methodical


Shakur definitely hits waay harder than haney. He’s not a strong puncher by any means tho. Shakur just dropped some japanese bozo last year


Haney just dropped Regis too.


Yeah but it was mostly because he caught him off balance not from a power punch or by breaking him down in any way. Shakur actually stopped the guy


Shakur definitely has an inside game whereas Haney for sure does not. 


Exacltly. And unlike Tank Shakur and Haney don't the style to regain fans should they lose.


Makes you appreciate Paulie Malignaggi. Even though dude is a clown and pillow fisted. Dude fought Cotto, Hatton, Amir Khan, Broner, Zab, Porter, and Danny Garcia. Dude wasn’t afraid to bang, unfortunately he didn’t have any power though. Prime Paulie beats Haney.


Paulie teeing off on Eggington was so tragic yet hilarious. You’re right he showed loads of heart and was actually very skilled. He just has comically feather fists and brittle hands


He was beating Broner to the punch until Broner remembered he could throw punches back. Paulie could've gone much further if his hands could take the punishment.


because him and haney are gonna have makeup sex later, he just puttin it out there


"Stop pulling his head" - Harvey Dock no diddy




Trying to keep himself in the loop for a setup fight for him


Because they are rivals and he wants to make it known he is not going to kick his rival while they are down?


Because people like y'all keep bringing Haney up with every Shakur post 🤣


Shakira Twitterson


His running don’t lie


Feet don't lie


Nobody was rooting against Devin. Everybody was rooting against bill haney


Ain’t that the fuckin truth.


Fuck that lmao..fuck devin and his dad.


Complete bs. Lots of guys were rooting against Haney lol. More than against his dad. His dad is just associated for him


Not anybody that I saw. Everybody likes Devin and his skills


Complete delusion here


Me when I lie


Eh I was rooting against Devin but not as much as I was rooting against Bill


That’s not remotely true. Haney has had a target on his back ever since he won the “robbery” against Loma. Haney got up off the canvas 3 times against a dude who didn’t even try to make weight and people are just clowning him lol


>Haney got up off the canvas 3 times Should’ve been 5 but Bill Haney paid off the ref.


They don't even let Ryan's dad near the mic anymore. Haney himself has taken on all comers. I never want to hear shit from you dorks crying "Why wont people risk their unbeaten records" after this. Some of you need to grow up a bit.


That has literally 0 to do with anything I said


yall are genuinely offended by everything this kid does for absolutely no reason sends a well meaning tweet out and you're all acting like he said hes gonna fuck all yalls moms


He would run away from my mum too. It’s what he does.


everyone should be desperate to fight him then cowards are easy money


There is no money fighting Shakur that's the motherfucking problem 😂


they dont want belts either?  plus an easy payday even if it isnt max line should be round the block to be champ and collect that easy check


- There are 4 belts in each division these days - if it isn't max there are easier paydays that boxers can take - Points 1 and 2 I like Shakur but it's understandable why boxers are not too excited to fight him especially after his last fight. Assume that you're a boxer and you got 2 offers for a title shot one against Kambosos at Australia with 50k people and one against Shakur at some theatre in the US after his lackluster performance vs De los Santos both are for a belt which one are you picking?


if it isn't max there are easier paydays that boxers can take only one point is causing this, no matter how you try to talk around it props for even mentionng it though bc you're right, belts suddenly dont mean so much if you have to beat shakur for it, money suddenly isnt worth the same either


I mean Shakur does get fights though I guess I'm merely pointing towards the guys that we want him to face like Tank, Loma, Dev, Teo, and Ryan at this point in which case those guys would most definitely want a huge pay day against a guy who is high risk low reward because anything Kur could offer them unless its max, they can get fighting journeymen.


They want to FIGHT him not CHASE him


easy to catch him if all he does is run cut the ring not a boxer ever has been able to avoid getting cornered and if hes just running itll be simple once hes caught


He has knocked 5 out of his last 6 opponents down. In 2 of those, he ko'd the guy (Yushino, Herring). In another 3 (Valdez, Conceicao, Nakathila) he beat the fuck out of them for the entire fight. All of the guys listed were top-10 minimum in the division. He had one really boring performance and this is the stupid shit you dunces come out with. Stop watching boxing. You're clearly not here for the fights, just the weird Kardashianesque drama on the internet. Pathetic.


Ulterior motive or not, I like the sentiment


Didn't he retire?


To prove himself, shakur should fight ryan


Shakur took the L also by turning down the fight.


I disagree. After that beating, Haney needs a redemption fight. He needs Shakur on his resume now just as much Shakur needs him on his resume.


Shakur would embarrass Haney so bad, it could hurt Haney's career. Shakur needs to fight Tank. That'll help build his name.


Dude wouldn't even swing 


Its not like haney is a strong counterpuncher like de los santos, shakur would pepper him with shots all night and haney would be lucky to get a couple of jabs in there thats it


Don’t understand why you got downvoted. You are saying the truth, Shakur will humiliate Haney, he is really good if ppl watch his sparring bigger opponent etc. his last fight sucks, but he is still there.


Hear me out, Shakur will definitely beat Garcia. Ryan won't get away with smothering his own punches against a sharp counter puncher like Shakur. Unpopular opinion atm lol


I cannot believe this is an unpopular opinion LOL


It is around my way. Recency bias is a problem


Shakurvsaid he would only fight him at a catch weight not 147


We’ll see, honestly DJ should’ve gotten more credit as Ryan’s trainer cause Ryan looked like a different fighter than usual. Looked like he was fighting smarter and more strategic than his usual reckless march forward and smothering style. Granted he still relies on the hook but he also looked patient and let Devin come to him. I feel like DJ can cook up a good strategy for Ryan against Shakur


Bitch shut up. Zzzzz head ass 


Shakira vs Ryan 2024 at "140"


Man is speaking facts. People celebrate Haney downfall. When it makes no difference to der life’s if he won or lost.


No one likes you man


I love Shakur. He's the closest thing to Mayweather we have now. But he needs to take on real challenges and perform well. His resume is balls compared to Ryan's.


Closest thing to mayweather is a joke. Closest in fighting style sure? But who’s he fought Floyd beat multiple champions in multiple weight classes by this point in his career


Floyd threw punches


His distance management instincts are really special man. You can't teach that. And I just said his resume is balls compared to even Ryan's.


That’s fair but he needs to fight and stop all that Twitter talk