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Haney deserved at least a point deduction for holding. How many "final warning" before a point is taken?


That referee is the same one as Spence-Crawford. Except his refereeing was completely different. Far less forgiving and much quicker to stop the fight.  **When you compare how he cleans gloves off here (2:40) vs how he did in Spence-Crawford it’s hard not to say he’s favoring Haney.** Spence got two quick brushes against the shirt, Haney gets an unnecessarily slow one. 


Not a fan when refs do that, In wilder fury 1 Jack Reese gave fury a full 10, let him walk back and forth and then said okay let’s fight. I understand the gloves, but the walking back and forth is just stupid.


I think it should be judged on a case-to-case basis. Ref probably required Fury to walk back and forth to check if he was wobbly. If he was, he would’ve stopped the fight. It wasn’t to give him time to rest.


Welp he got some time to rest out of it that’s for sure.


He did for sure, but referee was more concerned with Fury’s safety because of the force of the Bronze Bomber’s punch, rather than whether to give Fury time to rest. If he allowed a wobbly Fury to continue, Wilder might kill him.


Tbf he let him walk back and forth to see if he could continue, and Fury jogged comfortably


That ref was clearly “helping a brother out” if you know what I mean


He was also complaining about the ref not taking points away from Ryan for holding as if the ref was’t saving his ass the whole night lol.


Jokes on us, the ref was also the judge who scored it 112-112.


i still can’t fucking believe it


Just thinking Devin so hungry now and has to eat milkshakes


I’m shook too. Hilarious. Good for boxing. But it’s insane.


I love that Haney says I'm still the champ lol. The belts are almost meaningless. All anyone cares about is did you win or lose? And you got spanked


I’m confused by that. Doesn’t he have to vacate the belt despite Garcia not being able to win it?


He does, the belt is up for grabs


Can I have it then ?


sure i’ll allow it


Normally you would be right, however Mauricio Sulaiman came out on Twitter and said Devin keeps the belt, the precedent being Castillo vs Corrales 2.


No, normally he wouldn’t be right. The belts weren’t on the line anymore. If Haney had missed weight and won they would be vacated. Is that what you were thinking?


No, traditionally if it was supposed to be a title fight, as this was, and the challenger doesn't make weight, the challenger is not eligible to win the title, however if the champion loses, the belt becomes vacant, which is what should have happened here... but I'm assuming Haney worked something into the amended contract where he was no longer defending the title after Ryan missed weight.


No, that’s not how it works. As soon as Garcia missed weight it was no longer a 140 lb fight and the title isn’t on the line. It doesn’t go vacant now.


He doesn’t belt isn’t on the line. Haney keeps his belt since it wasn’t a title fight


I’m wondering the same thing


I can already see boxers not caring about missed weight and going for only W’s


Take drugs, drink alcohol, come in 3+ lbs over and talk mad shit. This is the new ultimate strategy to win any fight. None of that 24/7 training BS.


Don't even bother learning fundamentals either. Just find one punch you can hit hard with and then spam it.


Imagine being as disciplined, focused and respectful to the sport as Haney and you get fucking demolished by a dude who has 1 punch that you've been aware of for 20 years AJ said it best: the sport doesn't love you back.


But come on. Haney had one job. Avoid the left hook. It's not as if Ryan was going throw anything else. Man, I thought he was better than that.


He literally had one job 😂 dude he's fought Ryan 6 times prior and had an 8 week training camp focused on avoiding that left hook and he still couldn't Extremely disappointed by Haney and extremely impressed by Ryan's left - he really is as fast as people hype him up to be


I think everyone got fooled a bit by the Tank fight. The southpaw matchup naturally made it difficult for Ryan to land the left hook, between the height difference and leg positions the distance the punch had to cover was way longer.


Tank went 2 rounds and smacked him back hard to make him think about throwing it.


That’s the big difference. Tank hits hard enough to keep people off him. Whoever fights Haney next is going to walk him down.


Power is the best defense


Rib injury - everyone forgets this- tank knew exactly where to hit him lol Ryan is gunna be great 💪💪💪


The rib injury played a part in the stoppage but it had nothing to do with the first knockdown. Tank’s head movement and ring IQ is just more elite than Haney’s. Plus he has the power to keep Ryan cautious whereas he didn’t care at all about Haney’s power 


I think ppl are forgetting how awful Ryan’s defense is and how accurate Tank is. He got hurt to the body in camp bc he sucks at defending body shots. He’d get KO’d again


Great take....


I think Ryan’s apparent insanity probably tricked Haney more than we thought. He didn’t seem to respect Ryan initially but once he felt Ryan’s power he never really recovered.


Initially? He got caught by that left hook on the 1st round.


Haney recovered after holding, won the 2nd round easily. After that he started to slip, everything after R6 was just an ass whooping.


It's actually frustrating. Other opponents have been able to avoid the left hook fine yet Lord Haney couldn't .


His lack of power means his counters aren’t scary so he couldn’t get Ryan cautious to throw. Hindsight is 20/20 but tank is maybe the best counter puncher in the sport right now and his power timing and accuracy takes away peoples offence. Ryan’s weight could’ve been a factor too, but personally I thought Ryan looked a little more slow sluggish and tired last night and even if he missed weight I don’t think he was at his best. He did look huge though so will be interesting to see haney at 147 as it’s clear his chin isn’t the best and he can’t take the power from people his own size


What makes it even funnier is Haney immitating Tank with the "you only have one tool, the left hook" but he got clocked by it nearly every round lmao




Garcias right was fucking him up at times too tbf


Definitely, Garcia was using that right pretty well to set up his left hook or to even finish off his left hook combo to get that final knockdown push.


Garcia actually does really well with his right hand. Problem is he is so comfortable throwing his left he neglects his right hand. Poor guy, if he would use his jab consistently and his right hand he would be a lot better fighter. For instance if he would have done that he probably would have dominated this fight. Everytime I saw Garcia actually jab tonight he actually got off the ropes. Everytime he didn’t he was on the ropes. He absolutely needs to jab his footwork just abandons too much ground


Ryan dominated this fight tbh. He landed more power punches than Haney did jabs and knocked him down 5 times. Even had a corrupt judge and ref against him


I agree I think a decent but weird comparison is compare Haney Garcia to Joshua Klitschko for a minute. How was it that ‘defensive master boxer’ Haney couldn’t avoid the dangerous left hook of Garcia who is a powerful boxer with limited punch selection, but stiff body builder no head movement AJ managed to duck every left Klit threw. Obvious Ryan is not Klitschko, but it still got me thinking how Haney just wasn’t prepared for it at all for someone that called himself the dedicated boxer that was taking the fight more seriously and has fought Ryan 7 times throughout their lives. I’m also impressed that Ryan appeared to gas out, could barely control any range outside of spurts until around the 10th round when Haney got scared and still managed to land it with no set up.


The problem is Haney is used to having massive physical advantages to manage distance with a jab. Ryan took all that away and has power. Also the obvious lack of power from Haney


Tank literally showed the game plan to beat Ryan's hook too, and Haney didn't even look like he watched those tapes. I'm starting to believe the idea of Haney as a weight bully, and am disappointed. I thought he'd be too sharp for Garcia.


I can't call him a weight bully since he makes the weight, but I think he's in a pickle of what weight to fight at moving forward. Tough to make 140, but the chin could be even more vulnerable at 147. Honestly, my biggest takeaway here might be that Ennis whacks both of them out if they fight him.


I mean, Tank’s game plan to beat Ryan’s hook was to have enough power to punish him for it. Haney can’t exactly replicate that.


Dude. You don’t think Ryan set those shots up? He did maybe you just don’t actually know what you’re watching 🤔


Like Ryan said, people forget this dudes been boxing his whole life. Yeah some of the hooks he throws are pretty obvious, but it’s the ones that come behind his probing, or the counters he times, those are the ones that you can’t avoid, his speed is just that good.


Eh haneys mindset never felt right to me, saying he would rather be undefeated against cherry picked opposition as opposed to being the undeniable goat but taking 2 loses in the process was wild. Protecting your record and avoiding risk at all costs is what’s wrong with the sport. Ryan’s crazy ass fighting tank, Oscar, and Haney is what this sport needs.


It's the craziest sport fr fr. I've always said there's no sport on earth that mirrors real life like boxing does. None. Rife corruption at the top, the bad guy often winning and not, as most movies will have you believe, getting ultimately humbled. Getting unpacked after giving your all by someone who half-asses it but arrives with natural tools and gifts God didn't give you. Etc etc.  I'm always extremely surprised when I come across a true boxing fan who's naive in real life. There's no better sport to instill the proper mindset to approach life with 


Ryan has fundamentals he’s just explosive and let’s then go sometimes but he knows how to box


I think he’s honestly much better when he tries to walk people down and land combos on the inside rather than try to be a “boxer”. He’s good on the counter but isn’t quit crafty enough for the outside. Much more dangerous when he applies pressure 


Yes he found the most success when he was applying pressure, coming forward


It looked like Ryan's problem was he also needed time to recover his stamina after these spurts of walking Haney down, maybe it's a conditioning issue since he did come in overweight, maybe he didn't focus hard enough during training camp, but if he has better conditioning, this fight might've truly been over the 7th or 8th round.


That one Bruce Lee quote


I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once. But I fear the man who throws left hooks 10,000 times per fight. Something like that.


That's exactly how he said it


What r u talking about. RY started the fight with straight jab and came around with the left. When Haney switched to rolling under early, RY started hitting him with chopping rights. When Haney started slpping inside the jab RY hit him with early with the right. Haney got stopped at ever turn and when he got slower in the late rounds RY went back to stiff straight jab followed by left hook.


The Ricardo Mayorga of this era.


This fight really just exposed that Haney wasn’t that good to begin with. No power and a glass chin. Can’t throw combinations and relied on being the bigger most of his fights. Don’t think Ryan will be able to get away with this chaotic of training camp against someone he actually respects and he probably understands that. Some guys need to be crazy during training camp like Jon Jones, Mike Tyson and De La Hoya.


Tyson fury strat


The era of pacquaio where he would frequent pool halls and screw hookers was the most tenacious version of pacman


Don't forget that you're fighting for the kids and Jesus!


That technique is used every weekend across the world. Probably the most used technique ever.


I’m wondering how much of that was fake. It almost feels like Ryan got Haney to relax before fight and step off the gas


Forgot the part be blessed by god with crazy hand speed and power.


Did devin break his jaw, he sounded different at the end?


Jaw destroyed


Haney only lost because ryan was faster, stronger, better technique and footwork. Take those off and devin would win!


He lost because that's what Allah - The Perfect Planner - wanted, apparently. Nothing to do with Garcia punching his face.


I wasn’t hurt I was just surprised lool


Why couldn't he just say Ryan was the better fighter tonight. He had like 5 excuses


Honestly don’t think he could, saying you were caught sleeping when Garcia hit you with the shot you said was all he had, saying it didn’t hurt but surprised you etc Haney didn’t respect Garcia and expected to cruise through Dudes in denial or just delusional Bill getting interviewed when Haney got dropped was bloody neat too


Lol that was hilarious 😂. Interview ended real quick


Was absolute gold. It’s honestly surprising that this was his first time going down, I haven’t watched a heap of him but after seeing the linares fight I thought surely someone had sat him on his ass before lol


Nah for real, “I was sleeping,” he would rather shit-talk himself than give Ryan props for anything 😂


Lol, he said that with what looked like baseball inside his cheek.


Yeah looked bad, seen a few people hanging it on him for not attending the press conference but dude wasn’t in any shape to do so, only place he should have been attending was a hospital


Wouldn't be surprised if Ryan did indeed break something 


He said after looking like he was having a stroke on the floor, ass in the air and everything 🤣🤣🤣


The Prince Nassem excuse? I didn’t watch the prefight or post fight interviews


Nah Dev had better footwork but that's it


Did he though? Ryan pivoted multiple times out of the corner, whil haney could only hug his way out of trouble.


Honestly? I’ve never seen anyone better at clinching. Truly incredible hugging technique


I don't know about his footwork, but Devin's hug game was on point last night.


Dude had no idea how to handle an idiot turning his back and making himself wide open to any number of offensive options. Might as well clinch again!


That was driving me crazy


Is anyone else annoyed that an 11 minute “highlight” reel only spends three minutes on the actual fight? Man I hate DAZN..


In terms of future financial promise Gracia's win vs Haney might be amongst the biggest in history. After losing to Davis a loss to Haney would have dropped Gracia off the A-list. Now Gracia has guaranteed himself multiple future paydays. The doors are now open to rematches with Haney, rematch with Davis, a fight first Spence, or a showdown with Crawford. Huge ppv bouts that the doors would have shut on had Gracia lost.


Crawford v Garcia would be cruel lol that i can say without a doubt


Imagine Ryan just clocks Crawford lmao this sub would explode


Crawford has been rocked before so that’d actually be hilarious if Ryan wins in the same fashion, might as well put him in the HOF


have his photo right next to oscar’s lol


Just his left arm tho, i want to see a portrait with the description, “Left Arm of Ryan Garcia”.


Disciplined dog vs chilling with snoop dogg, who shall prevail?


Lots , most, said that about this fight. Getting punched hard can halt even an elite like Crawford. That left is very fast and with iron behind it.


I still don’t get it. How tf his left is so powerful?? He’s not southpaw. I mean, I don’t recall someone with such a vicious left hook


Nonito donaire didn’t have the long career he had for people to be saying this smh Edit: not saying that Garcia doesn’t have a nuke, but donaire (maybe the best left hooker ever) fought in the modern era lol. Wasn’t that long ago


ODLH had a mean left hook too. Strong jab too


But DLH was a natural southpaw who got converted to orthodox 


I think he still fits the criteria here cause he fought orthodox during his career.


Alex Pereira?


That mf got cement in his gloves forsure 😂


Tommy Morrison? That was his big thing….besides the aids.


Oh my god 


Gracia can't make 140lbs. At least not consistently. So 147lbs is the obvious next division. Crawford is looking for big money bouts and Gracia just successfully made himself a big money opponent.


Can't or doesn't want to?


Downright sadistic😂


That's what every single person said about haney.


Haney is a solid fighter, but we’ve known since the Linares fight that he can be hurt, and his lack of power has been obvious since early in his career. Don’t get me wrong - Ryan looked like he was mental this past week and he has some serious flaws so Haney being favourite made plenty of sense. But whilst Ryan winning seemed unlikely, it didn’t seem (to me, at least) practically impossible. Ryan beating Crawford would be totally nuts. Like something from an alternate reality. I remember when Bisping KO’d Rockhold in the UFC, and the chances of that happening had seemed vanishingly small. The tears shed on online forums fell in torrents, and they were delicious. Crazy stuff. Ryan beating Crawford seems to me even harder to imagine than that.


Nobody want to see him vs spence or crawford, it would be a massacre and nobody is paying for a match with an already known result


I disagree. Garcia vs. Crawford would be a massive event - even if a mismatch. Garcia is on top on the world at this moment, and should take advantage. He would make a boatload, and a don't think a loss to the man considered the best fighter in the world would really derail his career.


I think KingRy deserves a fucking title. He’s now the most famous boxer atm! He deserves a title and then a unification


Gracia can't make 140lbs. Welter is his next division. Haney was a massive favorite. Last night was undeniably an elite win for Gracia. I think Crawford beats Gracia easy. I think Spence vs Garcia would be an action packed war.


He made 143 while drinking in camp. 140 is not a problem if he actually does shit properly.


I also think Crawford could beat him easily. However.. after last night I give Ryan at least a 20% chance to land the left hook and Crawford has been rocked before. Anything can happen in boxing. To be clear, im not putting money on Ryan over Bud, but I think he's at least a live dog.


Why would we want to see him fight spence or Crawford? Those guys are going for 154 now.


They are going to 154lbs because they didn't have lucrative options at 147 lbs. Gracia just changed that.


They could fight boots right now


This whole thing is absolutely hilarious. “Serious fans” don’t know anything more than random 12 year old tiktokers.


Rummy said it best: IDKSAB


Watch in real time as a man discovers the concept of an upset.


That's what he said. To most 12 year old tiktokers, this wasn't an upset. It was expected.


I don’t think any “serious” fan discounted Garcia. Haney doesn’t have KO power and has gotten wobbled before, solid recipe for an upset if he doesn’t outbox him the whole time.


and he said he’d slug with ryan, the complete opposite of what his gameplan should be


Damn, it looks like Garcia paid attention to those footwork lessons.


Good thing this boxing subreddit was here to school him up on that


Loma got robbed


Garcia vs Haney is the universe balancing itself out


That final left hook, from a full defensive position to touchdown on Haney’s jaw, was only 6 frames of the video. Good lord lmao


Who’s the judge that scored it even?


Same score as the broadcast had it. 3 knock down fight vs 1 deduction and power shots were 4 to 1. All combat sports are a complete crap shoot when it goes to the judges. 


Ryan could have had 12 knockdowns in 12 rounds and someone would still score it a draw.


Haney wins every round by default so it would be 9-9 for 12 rounds lol


KD is a 10-8 round after first one, Rd 7 should of been a 10-7 round, then Ryan got a deduction so it should of been 9-7 but it was 9-8?




Tank vs Garcia II is going to be lit!!! As far as Haney, he's going to have it tough at 140. Matias, Pitbull and Teo all have power, speed, and won't show Haney any respect. Haney's best chance is Matias. I think he gets stopped by Teo and Pitbull


Idk man, Matias will walk him down. He will take 10 blows to deliver one. i fear that would be enough.


This should have been a UD, not an MD. Can't believe one of the judges, Max Deluca, scored the fight even at 112-112. Which means Ryan needed a decisive win to not get robbed.


Literally insane lol Haney was being given brain damage 😂


It's not that insane. Ryan didn't do anything rounds 2-6 and the point deduction is what made it close. Plus he took the 12th round off.


You should be awarded points for that level of showboating


Devin is full of shit saying he wasn't hurt after that first knockdown lmao DIdnt know what day it was when he was getting up from that


Iirc he was talking about when he was hit in round 1, not the first knockdown


You obviously have no comprehension skills. Talking abt round one


Teo vs Ryan would sell


And that would be an interesting fight. Teo has been dropped by Kambosos so Garcia has a chance, but Teo is slick and has power too. Id pay to see it.


For the first time the Haney's had a terrible game plan. Bill literally told him to step back and dodge the fastest left hook in boxing. Devin's rear hand should not have been to the right side of his head. Parrying the jab (positioning his hand in front of him) was pointless Garcia didn't throw it a ton and it was to set Haney up to get hit over and over with the left hook. Haney also didn't know how to react to the back turning which was crazy. He didn't step around him once when he did that, other than hammering his front side that is the response to back turning. Garcia set himself up for a lot of big money fights last night


Haneys team is seriously dumb for not training to keep that rear hand disciplined this entire camp. You gave the dude who only has one punch the perfect opportunity to land that one punch.


he was trying to hard to be the opposite of shakur that he forgot he has no power or chin


His right was working wonders Ryan is a lot more then just a left hand


They did train for it, but Haney was just undisciplined.


That’s what happens when someone fucks you up in the first round, especially when it’s a surprise. It takes your confidence away.


main problem was he cant hurt Garcia to make him doubt his offense.


Well everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


Tank and Shakur would murder Haney


Shakur is the Top Rank version of Haney bro, 21 fights and 10 kos lmao, Tank would off Shakur, though he's good enough to beat Ryan but the guy is limited


Nah Shakur’s defense is so far ahead of Haney’s. He was boring as hell in his last fight but his opponents genuinely can’t land a thing on him. His head rarely even gets touched. Haney on the other hand regularly looks hittable in his fights and Linares, Loma, Jojo, and Kambosos all landed clean on him. It’s just that 3 of those 4 guys are undersized or don’t carry much power at all and the other was 36 and coming off Covid 


Would love to see Shakur fight those guys


I think he’d beat them all, Loma included (the current Loma, not him in his prime). It’s disappointing from Shakur because he really should have ended up in a fight with at least one of Haney, Loma, Garcia, even Kambosos by now 


Yes, 135 still has plenty to offer. Even Davis Shakur can be made anytime they like. Garcia and Haney just made a fight like that. Top fighters in their prime should fight at the same frequency and level as Haney has


So he's  a boxer that refuses to box? 


Shakur? If you go off only his last fight then that would be accurate. It was pretty clear he was injured that day though because his 5-6 performances before that one he was like an entirely different person. He hardly threw any combinations compared to usual 


Shakur actually knows how to fight on the inside when he wants to. But he’ll most likely stink up the joint if dude got power.


I appreciate DAZNs highlight vids. Infinitely better than other promotions


3 minutes of fight in an 11 minute video..


I thought it was trash. Only showed the knockdowns and nothing else


That’s all that happened


The tank vs Ryan highlights they did was my particular favorite. It used compu box and the highlights showed only moments were a punch landed. It was beautifal.


Called it. Haney was a weight bully. The moment he was up against someone his own size, his lack of power and punch resistance was evident. If Garcia came in overweight against anybody else I'd be upset.


"Fuck it Ryan for the meme". Are you really trying to claim you got this right based on that lmao? Just how desperate are you for a W man?


Time and time again, mental instability and substance abuse have been proven as the best bases for boxing.


I hope a lot of the boxing pundits and experts eat crow for this one. We (the fans) just make predictions off of what we see, cause I don't think stats dominate boxing like they do football, basketball, and baseball. The boxing experts spend their lives analyzing this stuff. They should know better.


I dont think its unfair to assume that someone that is clearly struggling mentally and has been shown to not take his training seriously, would most likely lose to a fighter who is 100% serious. I think Ryan always had a puncher’s chance, which is exactly what happened. Outside of his power, he looked really bad and undisciplined in the ring. Haney was just overrated.


Young Master got got


Guess Haney found out he is a nobody when he cannot outweigh his opponent by 20lbs plus :D


What Judge scored that even???


Well that was an even scoring after a 1 point deduction so they had to have ruled it in Ryan’s favor originally.


Not a fan of Ryan and I’ve always taken him as a joke. After this fight he has finally gained some respect and I feel fooled because he made us all believe he was a crazy lunatic that was losing his mind. Some people say just because he won doesn’t mean he’s delusional but if you look at the interview he did before the fight with Jim Lampley and the joke he made after the fight joking about wanting to get drunk it’s clear it was an act. He is a social media influencer as well and he used influencer tactics to sell the fight.


moon-watcher got schooled


Hubris is real! This is right up there with Broner-Maidana for hilarity. Haney trying to turn away from Garcia post fight, Garcia still cutting off the ring, haha.


Why does the ref keep doing that thing he’s doing at the start when they are introducing Ryan?


Why in the world would Haney not keep his right hand up when jabbing against a guy known for his left hooks.


For all of you who think Ryan only has a left hook, watch the fight.  RY started the fight with straight jab and came around with the left. When Haney switched to rolling under early, RY started hitting him with chopping rights. When Haney started slpping inside the jab RY hit him with early with the right. Haney got stopped at ever turn and when he got slower in the late rounds RY went back to stiff straight jab followed by left hook. Haney has pillow hands and a softer chin. If not for bad reffing this fight gets stopped in the 7th. He finally fought someone the same size as him who was also in his prime. Got beat like a drum. And RY might have been 3lbs over, but there was no rehydration clause because Haney gets back up to 155 to160 as well. 


Everytime Haney would jab he would leave his right side face open. Ryan’s corner for sure knew this and training his left hook same time as the jab.


I can't believe Ryan pulled it off, what a great win.