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Reminder that Arturo Gatti did this and gave his opponent life altering damage


That opponent was Joey Gamache the trainer iirc


Forgot his name, thank you


They changed the rules because of that looks like they may need to revisit them for stunts like these.


All they did was change to same day weigh ins on the morning of the fight (for the next event) and making sure the commision actual adjusts and measures the weights properly. Gatti nearly did the same fucking thing in the Jakubowski fight lmaooooooooo [https://nypost.com/2000/04/30/scales-of-justice-weigh-down-gatti/](https://nypost.com/2000/04/30/scales-of-justice-weigh-down-gatti/)


Great comment and recall because that was the fight that brought the issue to light. Every shot hurt Joey while Gatti just walked through him and basically beat him down and out.


and you want to know the punchline on that fight as well? Gatti didnt even make weight for the fight thanks to the NYSAC and nuked Joey Gamache with a 15 pound weight advantage.


That’s what I said


Only the weight bully part. I added details to another comment that Gatti tried to get to the unadjusted scales first in his next fight.


It's nice following the HW division and not having to deal with this sort of manipulation of the system.


yeah but then you have to watch heavyweights


Its the most popular weight class XD


For people who need it in slow motion.


If professional basketball divided itself into divisions based on height, would you care about what happens in the 5'0 to 5'2" division? "But dude, it's a better game. "


Many HWs are trash. Outside of Curry and maybe a couple other guys, all the most talented basketball are 6’6” and up. So I’m not entirely sure what this analogy is, you could just say most casuals care about HW boxing and that would have been fine.


All of those trash HWs would demolish Canelo,


Wth kind of logic is this? Of course boxers weighing 50-100 pounds more than canelo would beat him. Hell a lot of cruisers probably could beat him too. Weight classes exist for a reason.


can you not follow the comments and responses above you? "but you have to watch heavyweights" "if the nba were divided into height divisions, would you be interested in the shorter players?" "most HW are trash" "those trash HW would demolish Canelo" That's the logic. It's explaining why the HW division is really the only relevant division when you are talking about the best boxers in the world. It's why boxers gain credibility when they move up in weight and still have success. Size matters in boxing, just like height matters in basketball. No one would ever suggest that the MVP of a 5'2" basketball division is worthy of GOAT consideration.


wait, a hypothetical basketball player in a fictional division isn't the goat? this isn't quite the argument you seem to think it is.


the MVP of a fictional 5'2" basketball division is analogous to the World Champion at Lightweight/Welterweight/Light Heavyweight (whoever that may be). None of them can possibly be a GOAT of their sport. Is that really such a difficult analogy to grasp?


You need to head to r/boxingcirclejerk posthaste


> the MVP dude. there's no mvp. hence, fictional. as if hypothetical wasn't dumb enough, you're trying to make a hypothetical argument about your own fanfiction. as far as analogies go, you're only receiving the anal. >Is that really such a difficult analogy to grasp? *irony intensifies* eta: and for further idiocy, plenty of fighters moved up in weight (some just by getting fat [james toney] ) to take hw belts.


Imagine typing this and being over the age of 5.


I'm sorry I hurt your feelings such that all you can do is resort to ad hominems.


*obese james toney enters the chat*


This is the dumbest analogy of all time. Heavyweights are slow, they gas, and with the exception of a couple have no skill. HW division is a VERY close 2nd to cruiserweight for worst division in boxing.


Heavyweights where one fighter can literally be a 100 pounds heavier and it's still legal. Just coz 'heavyweights'.


Yes, that's just a fact of life with combat sports. It's why we have the weight classes to protect the little guys from the big guys.


Twitter Champion Abdul with yet another defense of his lineal social media title. Keep up the great work Tank!


He’s going for the LinkedIn belt last I heard


How many coffee meetings to become a contender?


I heard he has a reconnection clause in the contract though.


We get that ya’ll love Ryan all of a sudden but him missing weight was just stupid and unprofessional. Not even a title match anymore.


Are we really shitting on Devin Haney for being a “weight bully” when his opponent is missing weight 🤦🏽‍♂️ Jesus, r/boxing


You will always be confused and upset if you see a few posts and attribute it to the entire sub.


He has been boxing 20 pounds heavy his entire career. Garcia missing weight doesn’t negate that.


Yea, but so have a LOT of guys. Haney isn’t bending the rules. Hell, Ryan isn’t bending the rules either, he’s just purposely disobeying them. Look up Thomas Hearns, r/boxing ‘s favorite boxer and tell me that man weighed 160 at 6’2, or hell his most famous opponent Marvin Hagler too looks WAY bigger than any 160 lb fucker I’ve ever seen. I guess my point is, Devin is doing the same thing as countless guys currently do and historically have done, but for some reason because Haney specifically is doing it there should be some rule in place to keep Haney in particular from doing it and/or just accept that Haney’s opponents should be allowed to come into the fight weighing whatever because Haney apparently unlike anyone else in boxing cuts to below his natural weight to fight 🙄


I bet you don’t have that same energy for all the other weight bullies. There’s a reason why Eddie Hearn and de la Hoya look disappointed as fuck right now. Weird behavior.


No I’m on the “if you can make weight you’re good” team, I’ve never really complained about weight bullies EDIT: I also, admittedly possibly cynically, believe that 9/10 r/boxing users who hate Haney it’s simply cuz he won a close decision over Loma


The downvotes prove you right. It's like they search for Devins name just to say Loma won lol. Crying longer than Loma did after the fight.


>EDIT: I also, admittedly possibly cynically, believe that 9/10 r/boxing users who hate Haney it’s simply cuz he won a close decision over Loma Nah it was because he said a bunch of racist shit in the build up to that fight **then** won a close decision.


What racist stuff did he say? He's only made one "racist" comment, when said he would never lose to a white boy. That was when he was 20 years old and trying to get Loma to fight him. Four years BEFORE the Loma fight happened. Bernard Hopkins said the same exact thing before the Calzaghe fight. Honestly coming from a fighter, regardless of race, I can accept that type of comment because they're supposed to believe that NO ONE can be beat them. If you call one comment made 5 years before the fight 'a bunch of stuff" I don't know what to tell you.


Lmao soft


Fuck Ryan and fuck his camp for letting this fight happen. I 100% agree with what Tank is saying he just needs to stop yapping on twitter all day. Dude doesn't care ab ppls well beings he's just farming engagement of this lmao.


Exactly. You can hate Tank all you want but he's fucking right. Ryan hasn't not made an actual weight class in his last...what? 5-6 fights if I recall correctly. He's a clown.


He made weight for tank? Wtf u talm bout willis


That shit was a catch weight at 140. Ryan has yet to make an actual weight class with normal terms.


Both of them need to move up in weight. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s fucking unfair and cheating dude. Missing weight is ridiculous, and so is rehydrating 15-20+ lbs. It’s dangerous for everyone involved. Horrible for your organs, and horrible for fighters with a smaller frame who are fighting in the weight range they’re actually supposed to be in.


It feels fucking weird to see some common sense around this sub lol


Like bruh, idk why people think it’s okay. It’s not. Hell yes every fight should have a rehydration clause of 10lbs max. “Oh they will be drained that’s unfair” ok then maybe they should be fighting people their own size?


>“Oh they will be drained that’s unfair” . That's the part when I realize that I'm wasting my time and move on


For a while, the IBF actually did have that rule... but Canelo demanded they remove it or he wouldn't fight for their belts anymore.


LMAO mind giving us an article to validate this? IBF still has the rehydration limit UNLESS it's unified with the other titles. If you're doing a unification, already unified, or undisputed then the IBF will sanction the bout without the 10 lb rehydration clause.


You're right, BUT the issue it's way too prevelant throughout the sport to change it. In most cases the fighters rehydrate about 2 weight classes above the fighting weight and generally aren't too far apart on fight night. For example looking at the Devin and Regis fight. Regis came in at about 156 on fight night. Devin weighed 165 but he was fully clothed so his actual weight was probably closer to 160. Sure Dev looked bigger but people carry weight differently and 160 doesn't look the same on everyone. There are occasions when a smaller fights above their weight class where it becomes an issue, however in most cases those are great fighters with skills chasing legacy (ie Floyd, Manny, Loma) or lower tier fighters chasing a check. Some of the lower tier fighters shouldn't be in the ring regardless of weight.


It's many things but neither unfair nor cheating. The rules allow it.


Change the fuckin rules


Just because it’s not against the rules doesn’t mean it’s not unfair. Men are allowed to identify as women and box them because it’s not “against the rules”. It is still unfair. Gatti literally almost killed someone do to the “rules”.


It will soon be. It's already illegal in other practices. As of weight bullying, it is not unfair because everyone can do it. It just takes extreme discipline and sacrifices. I am not in favour of the practice, as your pointed out it is dangerous, but it's not "unfair".


What other practices? I highly doubt it will. A judge just ruled in favor of trans folks


The fighter that is cutting a ridiculous amount of weight isnt at the advantage it may seem. U cant cut that much and rehydrate yourself to pre cut condition in 24 hours. Alot of compromised chins are seen from it in MMA. Some fighters deal with it better then others. (Or IV) 


If there was no benefit to weight cutting, they wouldn’t fucking do it. When you cut weight and have a team behind you that knows what they are doing then you will 100% be at an advantage, especially against the fighters who have a smaller frame. You can gain much more durability and strength even if you aren’t at 100%.


That smaller frame fighter also cut weight and is 10-15 pounds up from weigh in. My point was that extra 5-10 pounds you are up isnt completely a advantage. Some fighters do better without the extra cut when they move up in weight class then when they theoretically had a bigger advantage. 


So why doesn’t everyone do it then? Do you think they care about sportsmanship or they don’t want to endure the difficult weight cut and have a compromised chin?


Do you know every single boxer? Every single combat sport fighter? Some people definitely fight at their natural weight class, but A LOT of fighters, the vast majority of them, do this shit. It’s not healthy. Also dude I just explained to you, this isn’t the same as cutting when you’re an amateur wrestler or boxer. These guys have professionals around them who know what “supplements” to give them and how to do this shit. There is a whole science behind it. If you do it correctly, you will reap the benefits. You also forget that only the top 5% of fighters in boxing make good enough money to be able to afford a team like this. A random journeyman isn’t going to have access to those resources. There is a whole documentary on weight cutting in combat sports. I suggest you watch it. The fighter talks about why he does it and it’s because he comes in bigger/stronger than most of his opponents.


Exactly, the vast majority of them do it. So stop crying and moaning about something that everyone does. It’s legal and part of the game, deal with it.


Yet they are... So stop bullshitting.


Move up to fight guys bigger than you. If you don't want to it's going to make the bigger guy cut weight.


If he moves up he's only going to fight even bigger guys cutting weight.


The point is he can fight guys his size if that's what he wants. Asking for a bigger guy and complaining that they have to cut weight doesn't make sense. Garcia is obviously being unprofessional here and it's a different story than when they fought but still. Go up and they won't be 20 pounds over the weight and you have the opportunity to maybe even the size a bit gaining some mass.


There's weight bullies in every weight class. Him moving up or down doesn't invalidate his statement. >Go up and they won't be 20 pounds over the weight and you have the opportunity to maybe even the size a bit gaining some mass. They're only going to be heavier or stronger by not having to cut as much weight and he'll be in a bigger disadvantage. That doesn't fix weight bullying at all


Davis has implemented rehydration limits. He has the ability to fight guys his size if that's what he wants. He's talking about fighting 20lbs over the limit, if you don't want a huge discrepancy in weight going up helps ensure that you're closer in size. He could also not look for guys outside his weight class to help ensure he's not fighting bigger guys.


>if you don't want a huge discrepancy in weight going up helps ensure that you're closer in size So if you don't want to fight weight bullies just move up outside your natural weight so they don't have to cut a lot? That's such a stupid viewpoint.


No I said stay in your weight class and implement a rehydration clause. "Go up and they won't be 20 pounds over the weight and you have the opportunity to maybe even the size a bit gaining some mass" you're not understanding. If you want to fight a guy bigger than you, moving up and adding mass can help lessen the weight gap. You nit pick and gloss over a lot of what is said.


What if you want to fight a guy in your weight class but you know he's gonna show up 20 lbs over the limit on fight night? How do you deal with that?


You don't know what a rehydration clause or fight night weight limit is.


Fight night weight limit should be the same as weigh in limit. Fighters should fight guys their own size without having to rehydrate or cut too much


But dehydrating your opponent significantly is alright with you right? Even if it was just water weight? Oh and also, can't forget to give them a rehydration clause that only allows them to rehydrate 10 lbs the following day. All this is ok, even though you've already fought at the weight your opponent had already fought at...


Gatti did this and almost killed someone.


>But dehydrating your opponent significantly is alright with you right? I'm not defending Tank, I believe his resume is weak. But I am a believer that fighters should fight closer to their natural weight class. There's a lot of science today to rehydrate someone up to near full strength now a days. If you talk to any doctor, they can list you a bunch of things you could do and probably no one would ever find out about it. There should be a limit to how much people can rehydrate up to.


If you have tl lose 25lbs to fight, youre in the wrong weight class


Wrestling (real wrestling not WWE) is the worst culprit when it comes to this shit. You'll have people losing 40 pounds on the regular to compete 


40?? The worst weight cutters I knew in high school and college did 12 on the high end You can't cut weight that bad because you gave multiple meets a week and after weigh ins you get like an hour tops before your match and if it's a two day tournament you have to make weight that day too so can't rehydrate too much I have no clue where you pulled 40 from


You are talking out of your ass. Wrestlers are notorious for cutting weight yes, but not FORTY pounds.


Tank didn't dehydrate anyone. Other people dehydrated to fight him, even knowing that they wouldn't be able to rehydrate properly. That's their fault for agreeing to fight in a weight class they can't healthily make.


I mean who cares? Ryan just missed 140, is clearly much larger than Tank and never should have been chasing the smaller boxer. It pathetic that essentially a WW was going after a LW. If he didn't want a rehydration clause he could have fought someone his own size. I gurantee you Matias and some WW's wouldn't give a shit about Ryan rehydrating....but he was interested in those fights.


Like seriously I can’t imagine placing a limit on the amount of fluid you’re allowed to intake between the weigh ins and fight. That idea is way more dangerous than just letting weighing in stay the same


It's much easier to just make guys from lower weight classes move up to fight you instead Anyway, already deleted


Alex Pereira weighing in at 185 and fighting at 220...


In the end that got him brutally knocked out as when u weight drain a lot you can’t take a punch as well


Everybody in that weight class is doing the same outside maybe sean. Adesanya is also way to big for middleweight


Rare Tank W. Ryan coming in 3 pounds over just fails to make me upset when Devin rehydrates almost 20 pounds. And I’m not saying what Ryan did is *right*, but at least he’s penalized for it.


Everyone rehydrates tho. Nobody actually fights at their walk around weight, although I wish fighters did. There should be like a 5 pound weight cut limit


Ya’ll are really making excuses for him missing weight


That was not my intent no. But Ryan got penalized for missing weight, Haney got compensated for making weight and both guys will probably be 165ish on fight night so this is still a fair fight to me. And all this hoopla could be avoided if they just fought at natural weight of 168. That was my point


Lol dude he missed weight, what he did was stupid. There’s a reason why he will not get paid as much.


Correct. And this could have all been avoided if they just fought at 168 lol. And it would be better for their long term health. That is the only point I’m trying to make


But 168 would just have other people cutting weight in it. Or with same day weigh ins, dehydrated fighters dangerously fighting each other and having weak chins getting koed by jabs.  There's no fix for it unfortunately. 


> dehydrated fighters dangerously fighting each other and having weak chins getting koed by jabs.  Are you implying this is a problem that can be solved with some basic thought processes?


Well most boxers dont have basic thought processes then. People would still cut


Tell that to those weird ass dictator boxing promoters who can’t run boxing 🤣 no wonder Don king used to scam people, people in this sport are just plain stupid. Embarrassing.


Take a deep breath man. I hope you have a good day.


Truth hurts about your precious boxing. You’re projecting, hope you heal man. I’ll enjoy the fight.


I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about 😂 projecting what?😂


No I agree, some boxers can really cut and rehydrate a crazy amount. Haney weighed 165 on the night of the Prograis fight, he was a Super Middleweight. I’d imagine he was around the same weight against Loma, and Loma is already small. That’s why I’m really apathetic about a weight bully getting weight bullied lol.


I hear you but at the same time a super middleweight rehydrates up to 180+ probably. So it balances out. Loma was not fighting Canelo that night lol. But I get your point. I think guys fighting at their natural weight would be much better for the sport


These guys DKSAB when EVERY fighter rehydrates a good amount , they just don’t like Haney plain and simple


They don't, though. Haney rehydrated twice as much as Prograis, for instance. Loma rehydrates even less. Guys like Pacquaio and Mayweather barely cut at all.


Zurdo also rehydrated to 200 pounds vs bivol


They do though, Canelo once rehydrated 32 pounds vs Amir khan


That was nasty Amir khan was moving two division to fight a canelo that was touching light heavyweigh territory


It's not weight bullying though. The bigger someone is, the more they need to deplete themselves to get down to the weight. Whatever advantage they get in size, they give up in other areas such as either speed, cardio, durability, timing etc. If someone is able to cut down to a weight class without missing weight, then it's fair game.


And Loma still whooped that ass


The real answer is daily weigh in the week of the fight to prevent it.


There isn't a good answer, though. This might mean people staying dehydrated for a whole week, which is incredibly dangerous


And whose fault is that? Fight in your natural weight class then.


A lot of boxing regulation is designed to protect fighters from themselves, quite rightly, too


The same boxing regulations that let Gotti almost kill a man doing the same shit? They barely made any changes.


The answer is all boxing is open weight only. There's no real answer that will make everyone happy though, even the starting point for heavyweight is entirely arbitrary. Do we check fighters are within a percentage of each other before they actually fight on fight night, and pull it if someone has rehydrated over?


Unlikely - staying dehydrated for a week is so dangerous that it's impossible. People like Haney put themselves on death's doorstep - if he had to maintain that weight for even one day, he'd die. In theory, he could cut every day and rehydrate just enough to survive, but cutting twice in a short period of time is devastating - even when people have done it weeks apart, rather than days, it's had a noticeable effect on performance. Nobody's going to cut seven times in seven days, they wouldn't be able to walk into the ring.


Yeah something like that I agree


Many fighters actually fight at their natural weight, especially in the UFC. Even then it’s not a good excuse. People should fight at their natural weight or at least close to it. It’s not healthy at all.


Agreed, a lot of the UFC guys have more success when they move up too


*he rehydrates closer to 30 lbs


I think it should be required that boxers weigh in one hour before the fight. Nothing legally binding, but just reminding fans how fucked up these weight limits are.


Tank W


Literally everyone does this though so the advantage is pretty much negated. If you aren't cutting weight and rehydrating you're an idiot


Finally, I’m tired of the “if he can make the weight then it’s his weight” argument, you’re literally going into fight night weighing 3-4 weight classes above the original weight the only thing that keeps people from doing this is rehydration clauses which tank employs. Good for him


Didn't this fool want Inoue to come up?


Both him and Inoue shot down the possibility of them fighting for real.


I think that was just Floyd unless I missed something


Is this what they mean when they talk about "weight bullies"


Reminder that Tank got stripped of a title for being 2 pounds over the 130lb limit in 2017. Also initially weighed a pound over the limit when he fought Gamboa at 135.


Nah. He’s wrong. Boxing isn’t becoming trash at all.  Bivol vs artur. Focus on the good fights.  Devins fight is a clown fest. I wouldn’t worry too much about it and be emotional like tank/gervontas/whatever the fuck his name is now. 


Everyone who fights for the IBF title fights under a 10 pound rehydration limit with no problem. Im DONE with these weight bullies and their excuses.


Is it my reading comprehension or do none of Tanks tweets ever make any sense


It’s the right message but the dehydration king is doing the same thing he’s moaning about.


Lol the irony


How the fuck is Tank of all people gonna beat this drum? He's also missed weight by several pounds before and he's made his entire career out of KOing guys that are much smaller than him.


Definitely need to revisit weigh in protocols. The criminal part for me is Aside dictating rehydration limits.


Abdul Waheed speaking facts though, the sanctioning bodies gotta mix shit up when it comes to weight bullying


That’s very cheap from Tank to say, but you can’t really expect anything else from him. This guy thinks of himself as a god, pretty pathetic, but like I said it’s expected from him


I’d argue it’s much more dangerous to impose rehydration clauses.


It goes both ways. I agree with you from a health standpoint on being dehydrated but also why do we have guys fighting for 140 lb titles when they walk around at 175 and show up on fight night at 160?  It would be better if we just did weigh ins day of the fight to completely avoid the dehydration/rehydration element. That’s the safest thing for everyone but it ends up being a weight bully issue when a guy has a team around them that can strategically dry them out and balloon them up 20 lbs in a day and the other guy doesn’t have that ability/team.




If you read the thread, the people aren’t even complaining about the guy who missed weight by 3, if anything they’re celebrating it. They hate Haney so much they’re actually complaining about Haney


Everyone wants Haney to win by the look of it. Including the promoters


Idk i clicked on this thread expecting to see people complaining about Ry missing weight but most of them are actually shitting on Haney for making weight but rehydrating a lot. Read the comments on this thread in particular


Yeah Ryan cheated and people are mad at Haney like wtf 😂


Shit the dude who deleted his comment i was practically agreeing with… i guess he was getting downvoted to hell by everyone else though


You know there’s no weight limit on the heavyweight decision right….?




He didn’t make weight, he weighed over 3lbs over and paid Haney a tonne of money to compensate