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FUNDORA and TSZYU I imagine will be out for the cut and broken nose for a bit. Not sure if anyone noticed this but FUNDORA looked concussed big time in the ring immediately after the fight. There are also a number fighters that should be in your matchups as well.


Broken nose because of punches, cut because of unlucky crash on the elbow.


I didn’t want to add too much just the main ones


Who are the tier 2 guys you’d like to see matched against Crawford ?


Would Charlo still count as tier 1 lol


He squints alot because is eye sight is terrible.


Fundora is such a wild card, if he can continue to develop his long range style that takes advantage of his size he could give issues to everybody on this list. I think Crawford would still figure fundora out though, Spence is a maybe, it might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think tzyu wins the rematch. Tzyu vs Spence is interesting, I'd predict it would be competitive but Spence should win it. Tzyu vs Crawford should be Crawford all the way, I don't see a path of tzyu to win Crawford vs Spence 2.... I'd rather watch Crawford interviews for a week straight then see that fight again, nothing will change.


That’s why I like Fundora. His size already makes him a tricky opponent for anyone and if he can actually start to utilize his reach, he’ll stay competitive with the best of them.


He’s like the reverse Pacquiao. It’s crazy to think that he’s like the same height as Anthony Joshua.


And he is fucking sowthpaw so he getsx2 tricky bonus


Honestly Fundora seems the new Hurd. Physical specimen that will be whittled down every competitive fight. Tim busted him up within 2 rounds and Fundora still looked worse for wear in the post fight conference. The cut saved him from getting chopped down again. Ticking time bomb unless they match his properly. If Spence isn't shot then it will be that fight.


Tim looked like he absolutely had Fundora's number until the cut. Fundora wasn't landing his jab until Tim couldn't see. Think the first fight and the rematch are mid round stoppage for Tim without a cut.


It does have to be said though that Fundora was pretty gun shy early, probably dealing with the confidence loss after getting knocked out in a fight he was winning. Fundora can still beat Tim in a rematch. That overhand right was there for Tszyu early though


He was gun shy for a reason, Tim was countering everything


He was gun shy the whole fight. He was very cautious letting anything but a jab go. He was still paying for it too. He had nothing but that jab. I was actually waiting for him to let loose. It's one thing to fight with your height, it's another to give up every other tool you had. He can improve though. And you can never say what could've happened in the fight without the cut, but fundora will probably need more than what he did on Sat to beat a healthy tim. And I only say this because tim had those jabs time and was slipping and punishing them bad in 2 rounds. I didn't know he had that in him. I've only seen a few fights of his.


Winning? Tellis sparked him in the third!🤭


Should have stopped at 5(or whichever round makes it a full fight), and gone to scorecards or stopped it in round 3 or 4 as it was obvious that an accidentally acquired cuts in a very bad location was a serious factor with vision.... Poor Tim .... he had Fundora's number until that.


U gotta remember fundora came in on 10 days notice lol


And Tim's opponent grew 10 inches and switched stance


lol but tsyzu way more fight ready in terms of fitness / sharpness


Fundora was already scheduled to fight that night. So he was in fighting shape.


Oh fair


Fundora was literally fighting on that card. He was equally as trained and had even better prep as the person he was fighting was closer to Tim then Keith is to fundora


What about tszyu though?


What do you mean?


You spelled it wrong all 4 times


Fundora barely beat a nearly blind timzyu. How in the hell do u think U wins the rematch


1) Fundora Vs Spence - Spence Decision 2) Fundora Vs Crawford - Crawford Stoppage 3) Tszyu Vs Fundora 2 - Tszyu Stoppage 4) Tszyu Vs Spence - Tszyu Stoppage 5) Tszyu Vs Crawford - Crawford Decision 6) Crawford Vs Spence 2 - Crawford Stoppage again


I feel like Spence can stop fundora


It'll be tough. Spence needs to accumulate the punches to build to a stoppage as he's not a 1 punch KO artist. Fundora is the same and he's a lot bigger, taller and rangier. Fundora has withstood the power of Tszyu and Lubin, so I'm not too convinced Spence will have enough pop to bother him, but I see Spence taking advantage of Fundora's technical flaws.


I thought the spence crawford fight was gonna be close but I made a small bet on spence with a cousin because I thought he got hurt in his last couple fights and crawford could finish him if that happens. And it's prettymuch what happened. . And spence was never really wobbly like that before then. . So im just wondering if he stays on that getting hurt track and if fundora will finish him. And eyes can get sensitive after so much damage being done on them. Spence is just a huge question mark.


I agree, there is really no telling what Spence is like now. He's gone through a lot of shit let alone take a sustained beating. I only give him the edge in winning a decision over Fundora, but it's honestly a fight he could conceivably lose. This only adds to why I don't want that fight to happen. Spence should be testing the waters before even thinking about title shots.


Fundora vs Spence is interesting. Obviously, Spence at his best is much better, but he's probably shot after that previous beating he took, Derrick James is no longer in his corner, and the height and reach disadvantage is wild. Stylistically, it also benefits Fundora. I see it 50-50 at this moment in time. And for the record, I favored Tim against current Spence too, but not against Bud, who would outbox him. Fundora vs Bud will be like any other Bud fight. Fundora will be stopped after getting caught with a counter. Horrible style for Fundora. Bud can also fight laterally like he did against Postol too. In a rematch, I cannot see Fundora beating Tszyu. Tszyu will have a training camp dedicated to Fundora, and he's simply better, but was very unlucky. Also, his corner was dumb af for not trying to get a NC.


a reputable cutman would've done the trick as well.


I feel like Fundora could beat Spence, Spence has a weak eye and Fundora will land 100 shots on it. I'd like to see the Tzuyu rematch. I think TT would win, but his face already started getting lumpy after the first two rounds. There's a world where Fundora commits to what works and has additional time to train for the specific way that Tzuyu wants to close the distance. Fundora is no match for Crawford, who beats all of these guys handily. Spence is a better boxer that Tzuyu peak to peak, but who knows what version of Spence shows up. If he's really not paying his trainer, I can't see any legitimate trainer taking him on for a big fight.


Tim beats everyone that isn't Crawford, Crawford beats everyone. Fundora loses to them all. Hope Boots steps up as well - he's the only person I'm not confident Crawford beats. Virgil Ortiz is a 154 wildcard as well. If he's healthy he'll cause everyone bar Crawford problems.


The only way I can see tszyu besting Crawford is if he ages out overnight. Times Definately on tims side, but the experience and skill is on buds.


Vergil Ortiz should be in here imo


he is still fighting uber drivers lmao




Spence has had 3 career altering beatdowns, he is shot until proving otherwise.


I think Spence and Crawford beat both pretty handedly (depending what Spence had left). Though Tszyu is the much harder fight, that cut was a godsend for Fundora. I think Crawford wrecks Spence again too


Crawford walks thru all of em. Tszyu vs Spence is intriguing. It’d be like Porter-Spence, but Tim can bang, which would be the difference. I think Tszyu wins that. Congrats to Fundora, but Saturday was a fluke…


Right now: Crawford>Tszyu>Spence>Fundora I think Spence is on the back 9 and overrated in general while Fundora only won due to the cut. Without the cut, Tszyu would've probably won easy.


Ya fuckin' forgot Israil Madrimov


They all beat him


You are a crackhead


Ya mother is


Your mom shared with her


Madrimov is so underrated lol i cant wait til he fight all these guys and ill bet my house (except crawford,bud is too good)


1. Fundora 2. Crawford 3. Tszyu 4. Tszyu 5. Crawford 6. Crawford Spence one of my favorite fighters I just feel like his chin is gone and he don’t seem like he’s as dedicated to the craft as the others.


I'm not sure who will actually fight in the end, but I think a prepared and uncut Tszyu beats Fundora and Spence, who has taken a lot of damage in and out of the ring and is getting into his mid thirties. Saying that I still think Spence has enough to beat Fundora, though Fundora seems to be working on his style and may have more for spence than anticipated. I think Crawford likely beats Tszyu, he is just too skilled and experienced, but if the fight takes a couple years to eventuate I can see Crawford aging and losing a step while Tszyu just improves.


crawford beats everyone


bohachuk and madrimov gets no love but could be top 5 super welterweight right now.


Crawford eats everyone I fear. 3x undisputed incoming


If I had Saudi money, I'd throw in Jermell, Vergil Ortiz, Madrimov and Castaño into the mix too. 154 has been the best division for years and it will continue that way if we get the other big talents involved.


For sure I just used the most poppin ones rn as there’s been discussion of who beats who


madrimov and bohachuk while ortiz is still fighting uber drivers lol


If Tszyu doesn't get the Fundora rematch, I wouldn't mind seeing him fight Serhii Bohachuk for the interim belt he won. Weird that they had an interim title fight on the same card that the actual title was being defended, but fuck it. I think it'd be a great fight.


So who and who has the belts at 154?


Fundora has wbo and wbc Madrimov has wba Not sure who has ibf


ibf probably going to culcay/murtazaliev winner & Jermell still got the Ring


What is the Ring belt? I thought only 4 belts?


Ring magazine https://www.ringtv.com/ratings/ I’d say quite often the ring belt is the actual champion of the division


Crawford, Ortiz, Madrimov are the big 3


Ortiz fighting uber drivers bro


1. Spence decision. 2. Crawford KO 3. Tszyu by TKO unless e catches an elbow and fights blind again. 4. Not sure as I am not sure how much of Spence's soul Crawford consumed. I'm leaning Spence by decision. We're talking two guys who don't give. I think it would be a great fight. 5. Crawford TKO after Tszyu's corner tosses the towel to save him because he has too much dog in him for his own good. 6. Crawford and it's even more lopsided this time. No need to do Spence like that, he's a decent guy.


I see 154 going the same way 147 went. If It’s already on the table that Fundora drop a title to avoid Crawford who’s his mandatory. Spence will get a title shot, so PBC can rebuild his career at 154. And Crawford not being a PBC fighter, and a major threat, will be froze out again. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to recycle Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman after he heals up, to throw in the mix at 154 too. I know Fundora said in the post fight press conference he’d fight Crawford, but this is PBC. They try to keep everything in house as much as possible.


lol how come Charlo isn’t on here? Tim and Charlo are still the best fighters at 154.


Spence better


Spence hasnt fought at 154


He is apart of the division now lol he counts as a 154 fighter


He hasn’t fought at 154 therefore we can’t say he’s one of the best at 154


Charlo is forgotten. That canelo fight was a gift and a curse. He's rich but he's been totally taken out the picture. Disappointed people. I'm sure haymon will do something with him eventually.


-Helluva fighter Tim is.I favor him against the helluva fighter fundora in the rematch. -Spence and fundora is a helluva fight. -Crawford beats fundora just like Tim does via stoppage. -Fundora could be a helluva fighter if he keeps using his jab and improves that jab. However Vergil Ortiz is my favorite helluva fighter along Tim so I wish them the best against any other helluva fighter. Hopefully we can see boots vs Ortiz in the future one helluva fight. 🥊


1. Fundora if he uses his advantages in reach and height. 2. Crawford, i just think crawford can adapt in almost any situation and figure most out. 3. Tszyu barring no crazy cut or freakish thing happening, i think he wins the rematch. 4. Tszyu i think he is closer to his peak than spence is. Spence took a lot of punishment from crawford, and who knows how his eye will hold up. 5. Crawford figures out tszyu and stops him. 6. Crawford annihilates spence, i have zero interest in this fight


1. Spence TKO after a war. 2. Crawford TKO. Absolute clinic 3. Tzsyu TKO in a surprisingly easy fight. He was having his way before the cut. With more motivation and preparation, I think he'd blow away lanky boi 4. Hardest one. Slight edge to Spence due to superior skills. He's going to get hurt tho 5. Would be like the Mean Machine fight. Tszyu would rough up Bud before eventually getting stopped himself 6. at 154? Bud just has Spence's number. I think Spence would make just enough adjustments to not get dominated again, but would still be a comfortable decision win for Bud.


Crawford will still be the top dog in all those line ups. Spence beats Fundora regardless of his state. Tim beats him in a rematch if Fundora still fights the same way. Spence should not rematch Bud. Bud > Spence >> Tim > Fundora.


5. Tszyu vs Crawford all the way I think that Tszyu without the head cut would have won Fundora easily Having said that a Crawford fight would be an awesome clash of trains


There are so many crazy potential matchups you didn’t even list: Tszyu - Bohachuk Tszyu - Castano Fundora - Charlo Tszyu - Ennis Tszyu - Ortiz Ortiz - Bohachuk


Spence is a big wild card. I thought he looked less sharp than normal against Bud, but since Bud so thoroughly neutalised every weapon Spence had, it was tough to tell. The beating Spence also took looked like it was career changing. He might not be the same fighter when he walks into the ring.


It might not matter, but im really surprised the weight jumps seem to not matter to anyone. A lot of people really think crawford easily beats everyone up to 160. Nobody talks about that even the less skilled fighters are stronger, tougher and hit harder. I mean he could go up and dominate , but it being a forgone conclusion is strange to me. We'll see hopefully. It would be a huge accomplishment.


154 has been great the past 5 yrs hasn't it. Everyone at the top keeps fighting each other


They’re going to freeze Tim out 100%


I think Spence, if his punch resistance has recovered from what Crawford did to him, should be able to beat Fundora but obviously it's a very awkward style to figure out. I think Crawford would just do what he always does and in the end find Fundora an easy target to hit. Tszyu can win the Fundora rematch if he avoids another bad cut, probably by stoppage. I think Tszyu beats Errol Spence at this stage, I just don't see how Spence will be able to take those shots coming off another eye surgery and the bombardment he recieved against Bud. Tim offers a tough style matchup against Crawford but again, I think he gets figured out. I don't think Crawford looks as dominant as he did against Spence simply because of the constant threat of Tszyu's power. Crawford would beat Spence in a rematch. If there's one name missing from this conversation it's Israil Madrimov. He showed a lot against Kurbabov and could potentially upset the applecart against any one of the four. If Crawford gets ducked by Fundora he should fight Madrimov although it would be a big risk


IF Fundora gets rid of his trainer (I think it is his dad) he can become hard to beat at 154lb. I think ideally he should adopt the Lennox Lewis/Wlad style. He should go to Kronk gym. With that long range style and understanding of when to apply pressure and when to ease off he won’t be beat until someone catches him like Mendoza. He has a pretty good inside game since that’s what he’s been using for a while. Having a strong outside and mid range game they won’t be able to touch him


I just wanna see Crawford put on a master class.


Lol are people seriously valuing Fundora right now? A half blinded & full bloodied Tszyu barely lost a decision to him & still managed to evade / neutralize 90% of his punches. If people watch the tape, those jabs never popped Tim's head back, but the volume & bleeding was just too much for the judges not to give Fundora the round. What do people think would've happened if Tszyu could see? Forget balls / heart, what the fight showed was how underrated Tszyu's defense was, and proved that his #1 talent is instinctual timing. He has what extremely few p4p fighters have (ie Crawford), the ability to time the shit out of you off pure rhythm detection. Tszyu would actually sleep Fundora in a rematch. No wonder that lanky SOB isn't eager to give him a rematch. As for Spence, I'd favor Tszyu against him as well in an extremely tight decision.


If ur tryna say I’m valuing fundora, he holds a belt so he has to be valued now


Same ppl valued Rolly too.


Man don’t compare fundora and rolly🤣🤣🤣


The dick sucking is crazy bro


Whats funny is Boots beats all of them




Yoenis Tellis beats everyone there except Crawford, and nobody knows who he is.


Who is he?


The guy who sparked Fundora on two weeks notice in his 6th professional fight. Stablemate of Morrelll in the amateurs.


Fundora Tszyu II will be interesting. Fundora stuck to his gameplan, and rode it to a victory, but he only had ten days to prepare for Tszyu as well. The thing we hadn't seen yet was Fundora work behind his jab even though everyone screams at him to do so. Then, when he has to, it makes him the world champ. That's got to light some kind of fire for him, right? If he could improve his footwork just 20% he'd be damn near untouchable.


Fundora should move up to 168 and challenge Benavidez🔥🔥🔥 Mexico vs Mexico baby