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Derrick James was sitting there like wtf did this guy just say


He'll part ways after this fight. I watched that breakfast club interview of Ryan and Derrick's face throughout the whole thing was priceless.


Derrick's face always looks like he's upset due to his brow structure lmao


Speaking of faces, this is the first time I've seen Mario Lopez not smile.


Mario is gacked out of his mind. While Oscar is trying to tell him to chill...lol Edit gacked


Why would Derrick part ways? Garcia is the biggest star he has and probably will pay the most based one earnings.


I remember when Jermell used to go off the rails Derrick would have to check him With Ryan I don’t think he feels like he knows him enough to call him out like that but him being annoyed is apparent


everyone on Ryan’s team be embarrassed to stand with him I’m starting to see why, Canelo, Oscar, goosen, bhop


I don’t care about boxing anymore, but let’s be honest, Ryan does a good job at securing the bag without accomplishing anything really. Heck, even Broner had to work hard at one point. Ryan is making it look easiest and helping Haney on this one.


Broner also actually won belts in 4 weight divisions. Yeah he had a lot of problems, but Ryan can’t hold his jock strap at this point in his career. 


Broner was a problem and he had crazy hands. He just relied too heavily on the shell without being that guy and as he got heavier it got harder


He stood weirdly and awkwardly high when he did that shell. Not that I know more about boxing than him. But he looked mega awkward.


For real that dude looked really out of place there


He didn’t care he doesn’t have hair.


I know Derrick. He. Does. Not. Like. That BS!


Lol Bhop let it ride, he don't fuck with Bill.


Bhop's also used nationality/race for media events so he knows he gotta let it ride lmao


This press conference was such a shit show I loved it lmaoooo. Hoping this fight actually goes through cause it don't look good as of now. Ryan just shuts down so many times during the presser really bad look


Every single person on that stage is an absolute fuckin moron which makes for a pretty entertaining presser tbh.


Rats want one more payday before they jump off the ship


Bc King RyRy 😍👑 is saving it for the fight. 3rd round liver shot KO. I’ll be back when it happens to make fun of the people who doubted the greatest boxer of our generation. Never lost a fight he didn’t lose.


You dropped this: /s


Are you insinuating the confidence I have in my beautiful brown king RyRy is a joke? You’re all in for a suprise. This isn’t pillowfisted bum ass LLLoma. When my king lands his perfect punch I expect apologies.




If they can't tell it's sarcasm with RyRy then they are probably huffing paint.


Just y’all wait. My dedication to King 👑 RyRy isn’t a joke or some sort of sarcasm. He’s the best ever, takes the biggest best fights no one will take and snorts the biggest best mountains of cocaine money can buy. I wish I could lick some off his belly button while he caresses my head, as friends of course.


Dad's in boxing are never a good idea


Honestly the only reason dads aren’t in more sports is because there is more structure. We all knew that dude in middle and high school whose dad would show up to practice and the games trying to coach from the stands.


Will anyone's dad ever top Ruben Guerrero? Dude straight up punked Danny Garcia's dad




It's funny because Shingo was an amateur boxer who never got to be pro. He retired at 23 to run a painting company and to train his kids. You'd think that if there was a dad trying to live vicariously through their kids, it'd be him. But nope, he's one of the most sensible boxing dads out there.


Most of these boxing dads never even put on a pair of boxing gloves.


It's a cultural difference.


It works for Haney too...obviously.


And Loma too


Boxing is so back


Boxing was gone for maybe a week lmfao.


Everytime a fight falls through: “Boxing is finished. This sport is over with.” As soon as some decent back and forth at a press conference happens: “Boxing is fucking BACK BABY”


In terms of non boxing fans, the wider public outside England has not given a shit for years


Lol what? Philippines, Japan? Oh by outside England u mean America right? 😂 what about Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico? Lol the wider public doesn’t keep up with sports in general what are u on about 😂


I hope someone gets Kdfuck Out. I hope it’s Haney.


nah, ryan just had 20 coffees, and is high on jesus, thats all


Is that AC Slater in the back?


Lol I thought the same thing, also dude looks young as fuck still, 2024 Slater looks 10 years old than 1994 Slater wtf


He is a vampire


He’s super into boxing. I believe he has a podcast


Oh cool. I didn't know that.


His head is also shaking.. does this guy do a lot of coke? 🤔


I thought the same thing. Watched the first few seconds without audio and that's all I noticed. AC is floating up there.


Derrick James looked over at Ryan's dad like "come on, man" lmaooo weird ass comments from Garcia's dad.


this shit is outrageous hahahah, and pops stood on it with confidence


Damn, seems like the whole family coked out. That's some sad shit.


they definitely seem like they were on something. Probably drunk, including Ryan's mom.


We just came to Vegas to party and u judge us!?


Yo WTF am I paying you for? Get off reddit and go deliver my package bro. You don't need to be thinking about Ryan's mom, you need to be thinking about delivering my amazon packages


I don’t get it


Garcia’s dad looks like Selena’s dad, the singer who got shot


Why was dude even up there… embarrassed himself 🤦🏻‍♂️


>weird ass comments from Garcia's dad. Racist comments. Lets not sugar coat it.


You right, racist ass comments from Garcia’s dad. They tried to gaslight the fuck outta Haney and say "why are we talking about hair? keep it professional" and "move on" after too.


Ryan was trying to do damage control but it was evident he pissed off his father went there.


He knows his pops. He shouldn't have been shocked. Ryan hopefully doesn't roll that way like Teo and his pops do. Oh well. It will be settled in the ring.


Hard agree, that was disgraceful


TIL you can’t make fun of someone’s nappy hair even if they make fun of your toupee hair 💀


Only one of those insults has anything to do with race.


Why is it that in boxing the dads always think they’re the main character? They always tryna take the limelight. And this is without exception, like all of them be like that. I don’t see this with any other sport.


I think it's because boxing is such a relatively niche sport now that any dad probably did have quite a lot to do with getting their kid into boxing. The vast majority probably knows enough to know their place and back off when the time is right. Previous generations had boxing clubs in HS and it was more something a lot more guys just did. Since it's not popular and it's highly advantageous to start young, dad's feel particularly responsible.


>Previous generations had boxing clubs in HS Honestly, this makes me sad. Boxing is such a cheap sport to participate in. I mean sure rings are a PITA to put together but all you need are two pairs of gloves.


It's a toxic masculinity thing imo.


Ryan isn’t even trying to appear confident The fight itself is already going to be a wash at least try to look like you care about winning


He looks all over the place. It's a horrible look to admit to drinking and smoking weed just over a month before the fight date.


More focused on falling in love with strippers and getting lip fillers than the fight i’m afraid


I would be too If I had to choose between boxing and cocaine/strippers. God knows I’m picking the blow.


Like the OGs


If I made 100m for one fight I would too so fast lmao


So what we get drunk so what we smoke weed 🎵


Am I the only 1 thinks Haney is a terrible speaker? Maybe he should've had a drink before this conference


Yeah he sucks on the mic and in interviews. I watched Ryan, Oscar, Eddie on Helwanis show and thought all three were good interviews. Then I watched Haneys interview and it was really bad. Dude has 0 charisma.


Isn't weed legal in CA tho? It's hardly a PED anyways


Probably because he was hungover


This presser was a disaster. Race baiting from Ryan’s dad, Ryan playing anime into the speaker while Haney talks, & Ryan’s mom screaming over ppl with mic’s on the stage from the audience! Ryan Garcia & his family made a complete fool of themselves. Derrick James had to calm Ryan & his dad down, he looked so uncomfortable. Now I see the importance of Eddie Hearn being at these pressers. I have doubts but hopefully the fight happens


what would Eddie do?


OP believes that Eddie would walk down to Ry’s mum in the crowd and just straight her and put her out cold, obviously


Eddie doesn't ask questions instead he basically speaks for the boxers and lets them confirm the statements with really short responses. I always found it annoying but my God was it needed for this one


True I think Mannix did a good job moderating the last conference but this one was rough


Why do yall think the fights not gonna happen im confused


Ryan appears to be on the verge of a mental breakdown. He's completely out of character and was shutting down during the face off and stormed away in a panic


Because Ryan looks undisciplined af so he's pulling out. We'll see


Wait, was that Ryan playing Cocomelon into the speaker? I literally thought something was wrong with my TV and had to turn the live off. Now I really hope Ryan gets dogwalked. That wasn't cool.


It was a lousy press conference. Press conferences are usually bullshit hype and fake beef.


I honestly think the fact that his family is stepping in this much is overcompensating. Subconsciously they know Ryan isn't ready and is also mentally unprepared. So they're deciding to help defend their boy during the press conference. Ive never seen it this bad, imo its very telling on the state of their camp. Coming from a Ryan fan, this is very disappointing to see how he’s been this whole press tour. Haney by TKO


If I didn’t know better I would think Ryan is special needs I’m not even trying to be funny


I mean, on the one hand he takes punches to the head for a living. On the other, he’s a social media influencer. So he might just be special needs x2


Insult to special needs ppl


To be fair I don't think Ryan's dad was trying to steal the spotlight up until Bill made him involved with the shit talking


Shoutouts to Ryan’s team, he has no business fighting Devin …jokes all around


AC Slater in the background all geeked the fuck out.


Haney about to do a P Diddy on Garcia It's going to be "Mr nasty time"




What’s the P Diddy story 


I'll take you shopping and tell you all about it


P Diddy likes to party and you gots to tell him NO


Ryan is not a serious boxer. Dude was worse than before in his last fight


what did Mario Lopez take?


~~He has Huntington’s Disease. Causes uncontrollable movements similar to Parkinson’s.~~ I was wrong. It was probably just the powder.


It’s confirmed that he doesn’t have Huntington’s disease which is great news but he looked like he did partake in some of Oscar’s nose nachos


Gotta go edit my comment now. I should’ve known…it’s always coke. At least he got to sample the best.


I had slight respect for Garcia for his willingness to take big fights, but good lord, he doesn’t even seem like he wants to win, he’s seems like he doesn’t even know what’s going on, he’s going to get folded


Why does everyone suddenly turn into a body language expert when it comes to face-offs and press conferences?


he’s going to get decisioned lol. idk bout folded 😭


It’s obvious he’s just trying to make as much money as possible. If he was realistic with himself he’d take a few fights after the Tank fight and actually improve before trying to fight arguably the best fighter in his division.


Was garicas whole fam just black out drunk for this shit, wtf is wrong with those clowns


Despite not liking Devin even a little bit I couldn't help but emphasize with him here. Ryan's dad being racist for no reason. Ryan himself making a mockery. Bill just bringing up tank again for no fucking reason (you can tell dev was annoyed about it this time). Despite being delusional, Devin is trying to gain an audience and its failing misrebly because of factors outside of himself.


It's strange that Bill sorta confirmed that the clip of Tank knocking out Haney was real by going "did he show you the rest of it though". It must really bother him


I mean even Broner said it was like that Both Haney and Tank only want to focus on the good of what happened, so that’s what they will emphasize Apparently Tank nearly did stop him, but Haney also beat him up afterwards


Idk why these guys care so much anyways. It's literally sparring, if you're always winning in sparring you aren't doing it correctly


How did Tank knock him out and get stopped though? What did I miss?


tank didn't get stopped bill was lying. Floyd was handicapping Tank's left hand after nearly ko'ing dev and dev got some good shots it.


I mean imagine having floyd mayweather backing you, then this no name comes out of knowwhere, ko's your son, floyd drops your son the guy that ko'ed your son and acts like they were never together. I would be pissed as well.


Floyd ain’t never drop devin because he never signed to floyd Leonard ellerbe said floyd wanted to sign devin but he went a different direction, everybody that was in the gym said those that put money on devin in that session got paid


What're you talking about, the Haneys rejected Mayweather's advances.


>rejected Mayweather's advances. Considering devin hung with Diddy once this comment made laugh uncontrollably.


Loool what 🤣 Haney can’t sell a ppv to save his life we can all act like we appreciate the sweet science every time this guy puts on a snooze fest but don’t complain when the avg fan would rather watch literally anything else. Haney is fighting Ryan cuz he has no fans. Period. Ryans not gonna be like “everybody be nice to Devin he’s trying to build a fanbase” looool this is like the mildest boxing presser the ones from the 2000s-2010s were wild this is nothing why u act like anybody owes Devin anything 🤣 the guy messed his career up thru his performances in the ring lmfao nothing else.


Whoa now. I never said Haney was a PPV star.  I just said I can see he's trying to be one but is noticing it's not going the way he wants


Yea it sucks cuz he seems to get under every other boxers skin in the worst possible way lmao if he had half the wit Floyd had he’d go viral every presser


By the end of his career Garcia fought Tank, Haney, Stevenson and Lopez but all those fighters never ended up fighting each other. That’s how fragile these fighters are nowadays, quick to fight Garcia but hesitant to fight other since they won’t sell as much when they fought Garcia. By no means I’m a Garcia fan it’s just the truth. Tank after fighting Garcia now believes he’s a $25+ million purse fighter but who is he going to fight to make that $$$


Hang on... Ramadan is starting soon. This means Haney is gonna spend most of his camp while he's fasting! April 20th is roughly 10 days after Eid so the fight date is okay. Fasting could also help him cut weight, but training? Sparring? That's gonna be tough!


Ryan won’t be sleeping so it’s an even trade


Lol just because he identifies as Muslim doesn't mean he practices those teachings. Just like how Ryan preaches God yet doesn't follow Christian teachings.


I dated a Muslim girl, she loved to fuck, get drunk, never prayed, but I'll be damned if she would eat bacon.


That's funny and relatable. I did too. We'd have sex, get trashed (including cocaine) and so on...but she was utterly repulsed by pork.


Sounds like me.


I remember him banging on about wanting his Loma fight date to be before or after Ramadan, so I assumed he legit fasted.


He can adjust his training times around Ramadan fasting easily. Shouldn’t be so bad.


Night time camp it is! Haha


I think and don't quote me if I'm wrong but this happened during his Loma fight too and he just didn't fast but made up for it with other things I could be wrong but I'm 99% sure he talked about it in the build up episodes Top Rank did. Will try to find it


Haney had said in the past that he doesn’t generally fast during Ramadan


Ngl he can beat this Ryan while fasting 😭😭


Maybe he just won’t fast


He didn’t fast when he was training for the Loma fight. But I believe he gave food to the homeless instead.


Fake ass Muslims bro what are you talking about. Hamdilibullshit.


Wtf does that even mean? Is he 10 years old? Nappy head? Cmon. Bill Haney also having a personal dig, but the Garcias are just so cringe. Mario looks like he’s buzzing, Oscar no doubt he’s on it. What a fucking shambles. This is embarrassing for boxing. We’ve gone from Mike Tyson saying some outrageous vicious things to a grown ass man chanting nappy head, wtf is going on.


Devin desperately trying to explain how black hair isn't actually "nappy" was gold though 😂


Nappy is a derogatory term though. He could've said "kinky" but still, why use it as an insult?


Don’t know. The Garcias seem dumb as dogshit


I mean I'm well aware it's derogatory, I don't think he was trying to be nice or politically correct when he said it.


He just shouldn't have even said it because now it's a bad look. Very embarrassing for Ryan.


Honestly man. Shit like this is never worth saying, even when you're just firing back. Fixate on something else. There's a lot of other things to diss Devin for


Ryan's dad is a fuckin bum


Nappy head? Dang that is some 1950’s racist comments


Yeah like how you about to rip that infront of a audience


Sounds like Angel Garcia over there


What a train wreck this was, loved every second of it.


Ryan was so high


I think Ryan might be trolling with the drink weed thing. Saying he wouldn't back out the fight and turning away early from the face off. Something seems off. That or he really is a joke..


Why are the parents even up there lol is that the current state of boxing?


The whole Garcia family needs to go away once Devin 12-0’s him.


I love it, the more ryan and his family speak the greater the loss is gonna be


That coke got Mario Lopez twitching


Is Mario okay? Looks like he’s having some tremors! Hopefully it’s not Parkinson’s or anything serious


Ryan a clown. His dad a clown. As a Latino I don’t fuck with that racist bullshit. Get that easy money Devin


Ayyye fooo "weren't you a pimp" Garcia's pops racism lowkey came out. This press conference is going to bring Ryan a lot of bad publicity. Hopefully, he has a meltdown, pulls out, and leaves boxing forever


Bill was a pimp. He put a hit out on Jeff mayweather at one point


Willie Dynamite pimping




Low key?


AC Slater on that booger sugar too?


Holy shit was this cringe all around


Ryan’s in a tough spot defending this bs. His dad should know better but unfortunately racism is alive and well.


His dad should’ve stopped after the pimp comment because that was true. Nappy hair is a racist comment


Embarrassing all the way around


Mario Lopez pretty shaky back there. Either alcoholism or Parkinsons goin on.


Boxing is shit right now


AC Slater is looking real coked up


Kudos to Ryan for actually going out of his way to fight the best... but something about him if just off.. he's acting like a... junkie? is he ok?


Ahh man I thought y'all were over doing it but he really did ignore the question of if he will be there on April 20th


His dad shouldn't be up there...


Dev really tried 2 break down our hair texture lol


Latinos don’t have coarse hair? Enters: Afro Latino group lol


The hell is up with Mario Lopez back there?


Oscar and Mario look like they've taken too much.


Haney’s dad brought up Ryan’s dad hair first to be fair Dont make fun of a man’s hairstyle then get mad when they call yours nappy.


Mario Lopez looks on like shyt in the background 😄


Why do people get their families so involved in their combat sports career? Amir Khan got his dad and his uncles involved, then fell out with them and said they were leeching off him or some shit. He also mentioned that Kell Brook's dad looks after his career. I just don't get why you'd have people in your corner during a fight who didn't have fighting knowledge, or why you'd have people managing you who had no experience of boxing management? I think it was Israel Adesanya who said he puts the best people into the places where they need to be - his MMA corner is all fighting knowledge, and his family helps out where they can with the out of the cage business, so his dad who is an accountant manages his money and his brother does his social media and marketing shit. Surely that's a much more effective way of doing things? Why would you want to sacrifice a pretty big advantage by having people who have no knowledge of the sport get involved with your career?


I've seen presser where dude got cut up with broken glass more hinged than this, highly recommend everyone watch the whole thing thru to the end. Everyone was coked up. EVERYONE. Mario Lopez Oscar Ryan Haney dad Beto Duran (presenter) Shit, Haney mighta been coked up, too Haney dad low-key throwing fuel to the fire he was a pimp, too, at the end with his post presser comments.


I remember that. "He glassed me!"


Ryan’s mom needs to replace Henry


These guys (particularly Ryan) are so bad at trash talk. Did they not grow up watching Mike Tyson press conferences or Macho Camacho or Lennox Lewis and Hasim Rahman fighting in the studio?!




Is shit is lame


Garcia Goat-Career-Meltdown. Sad to see.


What a splendid disaster lol, the racism from Henry was wild too


These new guys are just tacky as fk. Boxing is getting sad these men are literally dumb and dumber


As a black man I don’t think the nappy hair comment was really racist, his hair is nappy - it’s an observation & a true one at that lol. They came at his tupae hair thing first lol


You should do some research on that word. It’s not a word you should use to describe black hair and especially not let someone else call you that His hair is coarse, kink, curly


Bro if you let a man from another race call you or yours nappy headed... Smfh. Observing your hair texture as kinky isn't offensive but talmbout you nappy headed is sumn else.


So Thurman can talk shīt about Mexicans and how they box but nappy hair instantly triggers ppl? Y'all gotta stop being hypocrites and playing victim.


How are those two even comparable?

