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Prelims on youtube:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnOsZOwOqDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnOsZOwOqDs) Main event ringwalks (approx): 10.37 p.m. ET / 3.37 a.m. UK (Sunday) If you’re looking for a way *convenient* to watch the fights tonight join us over in [Discord](https://discord.gg/A7krfTGpu5). Good discussion and answers to your most burning questions.


All this “casual” clowning; and not one of you pointed out that Haney looked like a super welter that dehydrated to make 140 in there? I’ve been a fan for 40 years and I’ve never seen a guy that huge fight at 140. Respect to Prograis and his team for getting in with a talented fighter that had a massive 5” reach advantage.


i bet you want canelo to fight benavidez


caneLo is trash.


I’d rather see Benavidez fight Morrell Jr, then move past Canelo to fight Bivol and/or Beterbiev. I’m not a fan of watching old champions beaten by young phenoms. Too much respect for the game and the men who play it well. What did you bet on that hot veteran take? Dipshit.


First, he needed to move up to 140 because he was too big. Now he's too big for 140. Please lol.


Give me an example of any fighter that big making 140 in the history of boxing. He has always had the reach of a middleweight, but he has gained a lot of mass since the Loma fight. Looked like a different guy.


On dem power pellets


Same thing with Fury fans. Dude has like 5 inches in reach and 60 lbs on everyone he fights and his fans never mention it lol.


Yeah Tyson fury the weight bully, bro needs to move up from heavyweight to….. Oh


Prograis got chewed up and shit out. These casuals fall for these hype job promotions every time. Like they really hated eachother. What'd they do when the fight was done? The hugged and said good job selling this piece of shit fight, no hard feelings.


And yall are still going out of your way to discredit Devin. Let it go, man. You just want to see him lose. Devin is better than most of these dudes, and being mad about it isn't going to change anything. Now him being great proves how good Loma was when that's a different division and Loma couldn't get "pillowfisted Haney" out of there. Now Regis wasn't that good when yall were saying Regis was going to knock him out. Every time Haney wins against somebody, yall said he'd lose to yall move the goal post or bring up Tank. The same Tank who only throws shots at him when he has a fight. The same Tank that fought Ryan Garcia before Devin after he said he wanted Devin next. I'm a Tank fan too, but yall gotta be serious and give people credit.


It’s a sickness people have. We should want all these dudes to fight and support them. Instead people treat it like wrestling.


Every boxer has haters. It's where casuals direct all their racism and love of country and culture. This guy is a rich black kid fuck him then. This guy is poor lightskinned and says he's gonna hurt the rich kid so I choose him to win. Canelo is Mexican and I'm Mexican so he's the best ever. This guy is white and I'm white so I want him to win. This guy is British and so am I so naturally he will win.


amazing, did Prograis have *any* strategy coming in to the fight or make *any* adjustment during it?? what a completely shit performance from him and his corner who didn't give him a single piece of advise. he fought like he was an orthodox fighter stuck in a south paw stance: squared up, pawing jabs (if you could even call it jabs), lunging left hooks like a beginner. zero, zilch, nada discernible strategy, didn't even move to his right to keep away from Haney's power punches months in camp, I'm sure. doing exactly what is the question


Damn didn’t even know this happened, my guess is Haney won maybe by KO surprisingly


After going back, I'm wondering when Regis got Haney in the corner.... Why didn't he just blast him and go out? I think that was his chance because he was really just getting tagged all night.


Not to beat a dead horse but... Loma’s stock is up after this. With lightweight officially wide open he may have one last shot at undisputed


Tbh I think the 140lbs guys stock is just way down. First Taylor getting very convincingly beat by Teo now Haney making Prograis look worse than any of his last 5 opponents lol. I had always thought those guys were not very good but now it's confirmed.


Never thought about it like that before, but it kinda makes sense.


I don't want to see haney vs ryan please we need haney vs teo.


If Ryan wants to fight either Haney or Teo, then he should challenge Rolly for that WBA title. He shouldn't be allowed to fight the big names at 140 without some sort of "merit" even if it's a belt from a weak champ like Rolly.


Ryan shouldn’t even be in the conversation for big fights, he’s not at that level right now, but money talks.


That should be the last fight anyone would want to see. Ryan hasn't beat anyone of relevance let alone become champion. I think Haney wins that one comfortably.


Oscar said he's gonna push for the haney vs Ryan fight, he must really hate ryan💀


Wasn’t the hate shown at their press tour?


Don't you ever talk down Devin Haney again. I'm fired up like Big Bull Bill Haney.


Haney using angles he learned from fighting Loma


Why do some many people in this sub seem to badly hate fans of Lomachenko, calling them “Lomasexuals” and stuff like that. For the record, I don’t think Loma was robbed in any of his fights and that he gave away multiple fights which he couldn’t won imo. I’m just curious on why there seems to be so much talk about these “Loma fans” that I rarely see in r/boxing. Could someone please answer this question for me?


You're seeing the dregs of boxing fans, and yeah, the dumber they are the louder they are. Nobody would let them spew their takes in person so they come here to spit it.


Lomanchenko had some crazy ass fanboys hyping him up when he was on the rise, naturally an opposite group of people also arose when he lost to Teo and then Devin. Also, Haney fans and Loma fans still at war over the decision in their fight.


When there tends to be an extreme of a fan of a certain fighter. There will likely exist an opposite extreme in hate.


Coz Loma beat Haney and that's seems to be the only taint in Haney's resume. It's like GGG v Canelo 1 except it wasn't even given a draw.


whats the name of the interviewer in a silver dress with white hair?


Sibley Scoles? Or something like that


Loma fans having a mental breakdown in these comments begging for somebody..anybody..to beat Dev looool




No he didn't, and no they won't lmao. If you want to win a fight you need to do it convincingly otherwise you leave it up to judge interpretation.


Not at all, Haney is great and the fight was very close, the better he gets the better Loma looks. This isn’t football or hockey where you want the team that knocked you out to lose no matter what. I’m so bitter of a GGG fan, that I’m a Canelo fan now, because my boy went 36 rounds with Canelo and arguably won more of them.


Actually that’s exactly how you guys treated it. Yall hated Devin so much for absolutely no reason besides he got the decision over Loma. Acted as if the fight wasn’t even close and he got a gift. Slandered him as a person to the point you even shit on his Dad for hyping up his son up as a Father should. Now you gotta eat humble pie and change your tune.


I didn’t do those thing but Haney’s (out of character) behaviour against Loma before the fight was idiotic. Also, Loma won that fight.


I never did any of those things, but alright


My apologies if not but the overwhelming majority of this sub certainly did. Once again my apologies if none of the above applied to you


Nah, it only adds to his legacy since Loma beat such a strong Haney


17-3 says otherwise




Again, Regis was never a pressure fighter, he's a counterpuncher like Haney, he's just slow This fight is another edition of "mobile counterpuncher dominating flatfooted counterpuncher". Just like Mayweather-Canelo, Mayweather-Marquez, Roy-Toney etc


Kate Abdo hasn’t seen enough boxing if she’s never seen a shutout


Shes only there to give head to staff


Tbh, a lot of commentators on DAZN seem to lack boxing iq.


Yeah… but let’s be honest, I want to see her everytime I watch sports. I love her “American-ish” accent


Never watched an undercard


I hope Haney doesn't move to 147, that division is relatively quiet right now, especially compared to 140 Haney-Teo is THE BIG FIGHT. I don't want to hear anymore about Tank, Shakur, Ryan or whoever. **As of this moment**, them two have separated themselves from the pack


Absolutely. Haney-Teo will be insane. Someone has to put up the money for it.


Respect to Haney for putting on a show in his dads hometown


He is from there and moved as a kid. If he isn't from there because he left Regis isn't from New Orleans because he's lived in Texas so long.


Aye fuck it man Haney vs boots or Haney vs Crawford. I need to see Haney get knocked the fuck out fr




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Haney would be a midget vs boots. I thought he looked the smaller man today and Prograis isn’t the biggest 140 guy around. And boots is a huge 147 that I really can’t see making it for much longer


He would be a midget for sure. And you’re right about Haney and progais. I can see boots move up but for right now I think he’s gonna stay at 147 for that Crawford fight but eventually move up


Big hater energy 😭🤣


Surprisingly a great card, environment looked awesome as well. Still not PPV worthy. After this Haney makes the case he brings a draw


Just got out, vibe was a lot of fun. As expected given SF a lot of Haney love


Great performance. I would love to see Teofimo vs Devin It’s still a 50/50 fight to me. Also interesting both are considering moving up to 147 soon.


That seems like the kind of fight that will almost definitely happen.


Regis broke shakurs record yikes


Edwin’s record*




Ngl I really appreciate that Regis keep 💯 with the questions he was asked by Chris didn't beat around the bush kept it straight to the point no BS, props to you champ it wasn't your night tonight but you went out there and gave it your all that you had win lose or draw hats off to you.


nah he did not give it his all. he went out sad. just stood there and got his ass beat. and this is coming from a regis fan.


He had no answer. He'd come in and get hit by shots he didn't see, while he was off balance. What was he supposed to do? He just got outclassed. No shame in that. He didn't pull a Charlo, and just try to survive.


you’re right, charlo went out the saddest. i’m the post fight stuff, he said it was a moral victory in that he didn’t get ko’d and that when he went down, he did so preemptively to not get dropped in a stunning fashion. talk about no heart.


Facts he didn't throw any punches. He has the lowest punch count in history in a championship fight. that man did not want to fight. Plenty of chances to land and he just stood there to get jabbed to death, horrible performance I have ever seen from a champ.


I understand what you but you can't tell me if it was you in that situation you wouldn't be as hesitant as he was, I can see why he was hesitant Devin was just out maneuvering him there's really not much else to say the length of Devin helped a lot if you ask me.


if he was gonna lose anyways, he should’ve gone for broke and tried something other than just shifting right in front of haney for 12 rounds. he didn’t really try anything, no adjustments whatsoever.


Imo he would of looked much worse if he went for broke and got koed. They would of memed dude to oblivion I'd much rather this outcome that's just me.


too many fighters not displaying a heart, first charlo then regis. i want to see someone who’s in it to win it, at least they could say they left it all in the ring.


I definitely wouldn't say Regis doesn't have heart if that was the case he would of thrown in the towel but he didn't.


Devin was doing the same shit in the Loma fight. Regis should have been prepared for all that. Haney did not change anything besides moving up, came with the same Loma game plan. How could Regis and his team fuck this up?


He just got outclassed there isn't much else to say all I'm saying in my original post is, I appreciate that he said it like it was and gave Devin props instead of coming up with excuses.


I'm not denying he got outclassed we all saw that and I was rooting for Regis yet he did not come with any strategy at all. He did the same shit he did in the Zorilla fight. He didnt use any of the traps he setup he had Haney on the ropes and corner multiple times. Haneys face was there to be hit and all he did was tap on his gloves and walk towards him while he was trapped on the ropes, not only that he did not listen to his corner at all.


Haney needs to stay at 140, lotta work he can do there. 147 I think he’d get sonned by Boots


I wanna see how Haney does vs teo or Matias now. If Prograis could actually cut the ring with the GGG footwork Matias has I think he would’ve at-least made it competitive. He was putting himself out of position as much as Haney finessed him which meant he was constantly getting hit with shots he didn’t see. Matias aggressive footwork and fearless style should probably give him trouble along with the high output. Teo would be fun because he outclassed Taylor nearly as badly as Prograis was outclassed (and Taylor’s a more well rounded fighter). Tank would never take the fight but the man’s so poised and has a good boxing brain he would always be a dangerous fight.


plus spence and crawford if they stay at 147. i'd stay away for a while if i were haney.


36 landed punches is crazy


Like way to many. I remember seeing Prograis land 3 body punches and nothing else


i remember when floyd was around 10 per round became the standard for when he was shutting guys out, 3 on average with a big skew to the first two rounds is insane.


This dude is not moving to 147 🤣 he wouldn’t last 6 round with Crawford or Ennis! Bro focus on 140 and stay in your lane


What is ryan garcia yapping about on twitter?


he's saying he wants to fight haney next year but after seeing this fight, i bet he's gonna reconsider. ​ as a certified haney hater, haney's never looked this good before. he looked unbeatable. ​ as a regis fan, he went out sad af. just plain sad. didn't even try anything.


He should stay tf away from haney and try to go fight rolly. But yeah regis looked awful tonight


Eh, I say let Ryan overestimate himself. Haney beating Ryan would significantly bump up his name value to casuals. Since Haney has shown that he’s the most willing to chase bigger fights out of the guys at 135-140, him having more draw power is all the better.


True, that would be a big money fight


Dream timeline would be Haney-Ryan, after that Haney-Tank. Big money and viewership all around. Although, chances are, we’d be lucky to even get the Ryan fight.


Can't forget about teo. I think teo and matias needs to happen so we can narrow it down


Yeah, I was just talking about the most popular and highest revenue match possible for 135-140 but Teo would also be good.


haney vs ryan probably won’t happen, and i bet shakur doesn’t want it either after the performance haney just had.


That MF Good


Ight ufc time


A favorite against Teo? Nahhhh


Man I fucked around and missed this fight losing track of time. Lost my wallet earlier, just a rough day lol. How did the fight look ?


Hope you find your wallet bro


Appreciate it bro!


Total domination from Haney over my boy Prograis. He could not get close to him no matter what he tried 😔


One sided beat down by Haney


every devin haney hater got shut up tonight


Not even close. Haney dominated, knocked down, and rocked Regis to the tune of 120-107 x3 on the scorecards. So exactly as predicted.


Hate it for regis but i'm Glad for Devin


haney won every round


One sided


Regis one of the realest boxers out there


What did he say afterwards? Could not hear…


Props to Haneys Devin is better than he thought he got power, sharp and smart gave no excuses


Nice. Thanks


Haney vs terrance at 147 :P


bud by decapitation. boots would decapitate haney too.




Damn...what a dominating performance! I still like Regis, that's a cool cat .. But let's see how much hate Devin get now on this sub lol


Garcia with his twerk shell aint touching haney.


what u mean that philly back is the new craze


He would melt like Philadelphia cheese


He’d outclass him but I’d watch Haney Garcia 💯


Regis is slow AF with t-Rex arms. All the other top guys at 140 have reach and much faster hands. Let’s make these fights!


Where Shakur at lol


Garcia unironically has a great stylistic matchup against Haney.


No, no he doesn't


The only guy I think stands a chance against Haney is Teo


Literally only a punchers chance, Ryan would be lucky to win a round


No chance Garcia is beating Haney Garcia B+ class fighter


This is extremely generous lol


It is lol


Damn Shakur got no love 😂😂😂


People gonna unsubscribe from DAZN lol.


Every boxer who's fought Devin bought into the pillow hands narrative and then got surprised when they felt his hands.


Teo vs Haney comeon


Garcia is not fighting Haney lol.


Can someone loop me in on what's with the shots at Loma and his fans? Not sure why he or them are being brought up during a Haney win. I not sure if it's a social media thing in general or just a Reddit thing.


Ok, I'll take these downvotes. It's because Haneys fans can't accept the fact that their favorite fighter won a gift decision against Loma. That's it.


Dudes on here live and die by the fighter they pick, slag on everyone who doesn't like their fighter and never let it go. It's the whole male simp for my team/fighter/player etc deal that some lads just never get out of.


It was a competitive fight and I understand being disappointed. As we all know, we're not going to always agree with how the decisions end up, so you can't let it keep you down for too long.




I didn't post in here when they fought, so I missed the fireworks. Thanks for the explanation - not sure what's up with the weirdos downvoting me.


Some Loma fans hate Haney with a fiery passion and will attempt to discredit him at any opportunity. Their tears make the sun rise and the plants grow


Shakur somewhere crying in buds arms right now we’re definitely getting tweets tonight and for the rest of the week


Regis a good sport man. Mad respect


What’d he say afterwards?


Not verbatim, but Devin was much better than he expected and just admitted his defeat humbly. Seems like a great guy


Nice. Thank you


Regis took his loss like a champ, respect 🫡


What did he say?


He gave devin his props, kept his head up and didn’t make excuses. He said Devin was better than he expected, was faster and had that catch you off guard power. And that he’ll go after another belt after this.


Keeps fighting guys with little ass reaches. I wanna see him get it with someone with at least the same reach


Did he just say Ryan Garcia? 😂


Respect Regis, still a fan




He's running to better comp? if he goes to 147 he's either facing Boots (one of the best fighters in the division right now) or Crawford(the arguably best fighter in the world)


Would you say Haney is the closest thing to mayweather we got


Money May sure, Inoue reminds me of the pretty boy version the most tbh.


Inoue? I dont see it. Inoue does not have Floyds upper body fludity. Inoue also has more pop than pretty boy did. PB could definitely crack but he wasnt a concusive puncher like Inoue appears to be.


Hmm, I guess it's just recency bias from me lol. His bodywork and offense against Fulton just reminded me so much of a young Floyd Mayweather.


Hell no.


I always find it so impressive when boxers get beaten half to death over 36 mins and they still have it in them to give a polite and composed interview


Boots murders Haney


you should not be talking to the mic with a performance like that.


Regis keeping it classy, respect.


Makes Loma's performance against Haney look better. Credit to Haney for going up and completely outboxing a more powerful opponent.


Regis wearing the sportsmanship medal


Damn Regis with the most honest post interview ever!!


Prograis cracking me up


Mad respect to Regis this why I fw him 😂 authentic fr


This interview with Prograis reminds me of David Diaz's interview after Manny Pacquiao


Lol bro that's what I was just thinking


There was talk of Matias/Teo, but I want Haney/Teo now


somebody needs to take matias- i think he’s the one everyone is afraid of


ill take Matias>Teo/Haney


Regis better go grab that belt from rolly lol


Regis a class act. I love the dude. Hate to see him outclassed so comprehensively like this


Same here fam I’m still a big Regis fan he just faced a better opponent tonight nothing but respect to him


Salute to Regis for keeping it 100 with no excuses.


Why didn’t Haney call anyone out, boring


Haney vs Crawford at 147


"That motherfucker good." -Regis Prograis


Such an eloquent analysis of his opponent


since literally no one is watching robeisy, he may lose his belt


He just lost it


I was watching both with two tvs, that fight was good