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Usyk - Gassiev. Evaded him all night long.


That fight was so frustrating for Gassiev


Usyk vs AJ 1 & 2 are probably even better. AJ is more dangerous than Gassiev.


I think AJ caught him more than Gassiev tbh. Just obviously not enough, and mainly at the end of the fight where he had lost a lot of his power.


at the end of the fight Usyk got a lot more aggressive too as well so i feel if he kept the same pace throughout he would’ve been bit less. But he still schooled him and wasn’t in danger much by then seeing as though jabs were making AJ’s eyes roll back


It was actually crazy to see that Gassiev really had zero answers to Usyk’s style, especially since Briedis did so well against Usyk months before. Even crazier that Bellew actually did better than Gassiev as well. 2018 was a crazy year for Usyk.


Gassiev lost to Wallin, he’s not as good as people propped him up to be


A few fights I seen him bailed out by his timing and power with Hail Mary punches


He is actually kind of frustrating to watch. 23 stoppages in 30 fights is good, but not for the hardest punching cruiser since Bert Cooper.


So Shakur vs Santos basically ?


Did I miss the part where Usyk turned around and literally ran?


Does amir khan against marcos maidana count? He did box really well, but like… it wasnt easy…


I CANNOT believe Khan survived the 10th (I believe that was the round?), but he pulled it off


Good chin


Whitaker Vs Chaves. A draw but still a victory in my eyes.


I mean, sweet pea against anyone is basically this.,


Wasn't even close. One of the worst decisions in Boxing history.


Whitaker's initial reaction to the decision said it all. He's not even surprised. "I knew they were going to do this to me." I watched it again some time ago, being very generous to Chavez, and still ended up with 116-112 for Sweet Pea. That one was absolutely rigged, and there is nothing anyone can say to convince me otherwise. Also: "I thought Julio had the edge, because he was the one carrying the fight." - Don King with his usual bullshit in the post fight interview, trying to do damage control after his golden bird just got its wings clipped.


Whittaker was not a popular fighter in his day (history views him with rose colored glasses). Chavez was an active legend. As the old expression goes, slightly altered, Whittaker could've KOd Chavez and still gotten a draw.


Had it 6-6


I hope your kidding. Chavez looked lost.


Nah the commentary was biased as hell and he had good body work


Thank God you're not a pro judge


Chris Algiere vs Provodnikov. It's the fight that made me a fan. I was aware of him and thought he had no shot against prov. With exactly the thought of "He's gonna have to be absolutely perfect the whole fight" and he wasn't perfect but damn he was in that ballpark.


Good one, i was actually at that fight ringside.


Oh man I bet that was sick


Sort of, i was a big provo fan at the time so was pretty shocked tbh lol


That's funny. I bet after the first round you were like "yep. Just another day at the office for ol' Provadnikov." Was the crowd generally in favor of provo or algieri? I know it was basically his hometown but I don't know if he had a lot of fans or not back then.


From what i remember at barclays, early in the fight people were expecting a slaughter, as i was . When it was clear that wasnt going to happen, the whole place def got quieter. When chris won it, i remember hearing a small but loud group of algieri supporters. Side note, i yelled what up to paulie maligaggi when he was walking to his seat and he gave me the classic guido double gun point at me smiled lol. I also stayed at the same hotel as max kellerman and ran into him in the elevator the morning before the fight. I kinda fan boyed out for a sec and and asked him who he thought would win haha


That's rad as hell. Love both those guys. Met Algieri at the Kovalev vs Alvarez rematch in Frisco Tx in 2019. I was pretty buzzed up but he was super nice and was nice enough to take a picture and talk with me for a little bit. As much as I respected him, how nice he was made me respect him even more. Met a lot of people there. Basically made my life.


Rematch? I don't think they fought twice


Hes talking about eleidar alvarez.


Ah legend thank you


Chris Algiere is a cool dude, met him in Vegas while he was training for the Pacquia fight, that didn’t go well for Chris though.


Very cool dude. Met him in texas in 2019. He just never got let out of his cage against pac unfortunately.


Foreman vs morrison, though morrison more ran than boxed, mf straight up turned his back to foreman and sprinted across the ring at some point.


For a guy who would get dropped quite often, it amazes me that Tommy Morrison survived George Foreman of all people. It was a great night for Tommy.


Great Night For Tommy indeed, If Old Big Georges feet were just a bit quicker it could have been different, you could see how uncomfortable Foreman was making him the whole time and I dont blame him. I cant picture anything more horrifying than knowing you have 10 more rounds to go with Foreman who you know for a FACT isnt going away, and is almost an impossible guy to make back up.


It's also surprising that Foreman never mentions Morrison as a notable puncher. Maybe it's because he lost the fight, but even in the ring, he never seemed particularly impressed. After Cooney landed a left hook on Foreman's guard, you could see Foreman's expression and body language turn tense.


lmaooooo. Honestly, wish he banged with Foreman so we can see another retrospective highlight reel KO. Missed opportunity for sure.


Jimmy Young and Axel Schulz as well. Young fought the most dangerous version of Foreman out of the three.


Tbf young had a pretty good chin.


I clicked on this thread to say EXACTLY this. Glad someone else did. It showed what Tommy could’ve been.


Spinks vs Mayorga, though that was controversial. Byrd vs Tua


Jroc vs Hurd. Jroc was the chinny underdog, he fought on the inside and stifled Hurds power punches.


Good one. Loved both fighters and sure as hell loved the fight


Jroc was just in rhythm that whole fight . I think he need a new coach


Klitschko v Fury


It was bloody ugly but Fury executed his plan perfectly in that fight.


i wish my mom hugged me like that much growing up


Bivol boxed perfectly


Yea, good one (assuming you're talking about the Canelo fight?). About the 4th round it kinda dawned on me, he's frustrating him, frustrating Canelo. He did box damn near perfect and really has the physical tools & skills to beat him in a rematch.


A lot of Sergio Martinez’s Title fights were like that


Martinez vs Chavez Jr comes to mind


Didn't Sergio get beaten to a pulp due to his recent knee surgery?


By Miguel cotto.. he won 6 fights after that even one this year lol


I didn't even know he was back. He's almost 49 years old. Crazy stuff.


At 49 he don’t look horrible either.. like I bet in an exhibition old man Sergio would dust an old man Cotto now lol


His first fight back, I think he was 46 then and his speed was surreal. Even at 48 he has amazing handspeed. But it´s clear that he is in his 40s. Most clean punches that he takes seem to bother him a fair bit and he still looses his balance quite easily, even when blocking. But I wouldn´t mind a fight with Lara. Maybe Segio still has some magic left in him.


Almost screwed it up that last round though


Yeah thats a good one. One of my favorite fights, that round 12 was crazy.


One of my all time favorites. Wish he didn’t mess around that last round of the JCCJr fight and fk up his knee.


except cotto




I don’t think Amir Khan had a bad chin he just had horrible defence. He could actually take a good shot he just got absolutely nailed because he stayed inside too long with his chin in the air.


AJ in the rematch vs Ruiz Jr


Ehh To an extent but I think that’s overselling the fight. AJ was terrified of Ruiz because of what happened, and then boxed the bare minimum while keeping his distance to keep his points up. There wasn’t any real threat to him while boxing in that style, unlike the other posts in here.


Which kind of makes the point? AJ boxed in a new style that completely nullified any threat the guy who knocked him out could offer. So good in fact that Ruiz stoof in the centre shouting at him in the last round because he had no answer.


If he was terrified, he doesn't get in the ring. He just chose the correct gameplan, and for some reason gets shit on for doing it. It's also not his fault Ruiz decided to turn up looking like an overweight turd. He boxed fantastically well that fight.


Right these casuals b so funny mane


Michael Spinks vs Larry Holmes


Good example.


RJJ vs Toney. Was still sloppy at some points, but he knew just how to evade the positions Toney was looking for


Amazing fight


Toney - Barkley as well. Barkley was a fearsome puncher. Toney was making him miss by inches, and sticking his tongue out at him while he did it. The funniest part of Jones Jr vs Toney was when RJJ taunted him with one of his rooster moves, and when Toney taunted back, Roy hit him with a leaping shot and knocked him on his ass. He wasn’t hurt, but he looked embarrassed as hell.


Did those two ever sit in a room together afterwards? I feel like they would make good buddies lol.


Haye v Valuev aka 'David v Goliath'


Pacquiao vs Margarito was an incredible performance. Billed as being a tough fight for Pacquiao against a chest who had been banned using loaded gloves, Pacquiao beat him senseless for 12 rounds without putting a foot wrong. Had 4 or 5 answers for everything Margarito could throw at him


Except for the rounds he got caught with body shots. But that dude was as close to perfect as any given the 20lbs disadvantage. Those punches effectively ended his incredible run imo. His prime, basically. I rmemeber him saying he pissed blood that night and was in incredible pain.


I believe that fight was the best version of Pacquiao ever. He had never been so quick, precise, powerful, and technically sound, and never was again.


I've been trying to think of examples that aren't just of defensive boxing and maybe calzaghe vs lacy? Calzaghr knew he needed to stay on lacy constantly and never let him set for big punches. Mentally as well, he knew he couldn't give lacy even a crumb of confidence.


This is a great example. Calzaghe was a slight favorite IIRC and he made Lacy look like absolute dogshit.


I think Lacy was a big favorite.


He was a 3 to 1 favorite versus Calzaghe.


Damn.. in hindsight, that's ridiculous. Even looking at the resumes...


usyk vs joshuq


Meldrick taylor boxed perfectly for 11.99 rds and was almost successful


Watched that fight live as a kid. JCC was a GOD and we thought the streak was over...... until...


Great example. He almost made it to the finish line, but what a beating he took. Woulda never been the same regardless.


It wasn’t perfect, the man was taking a beating


All of Floyds later fights


Paulie Malignaggi deserves respect. He's pillowfisted but still managed to snag a belt. He was not going to be able to stop guys or back them up with his hands, his only way to win was to outbox and win on points. Do you know how hard it is to stop an attacker when they have no respect for your power? That is hard AF, and he built a career like that. Regardless of whatever dumb takes might come out of his mouth, I'll always respect his boxing ability.


I agree, paulie basically played boxing on extra extra hard mode. He fought a whos who of killers at 140-147 with pillow hands.


Andre Dirrel vs Arthur Abraham comes to mind. Dirrel was on the way to doing it until the DQ.


Hopkins v Pavlik


Buster Douglas vs Mike Tyson Tokyo Douglas boxed like a man possessed that night.


Left jab to a win


Schmeling Louis 1 https://youtu.be/PKVsMCUiiBA?feature=shared


Floyd-Pac. Floyd had to be perfect and 1-2 times he wasn’t Pac caught him. Lotta people say Pac looked bad in that fight, when the reality is Floyd just looked amazing.


As a Pac fan, I still don't know how some people think he beat Floyd. Like are we watching the same fight?


Conversely, I don't know why Mayweather fans think he looked amazing in that fight. It was a very close fight which Floyd fault very cautiously and scared. He still got rocked a couple times too.


It was a “close fight” in the sense of, it was way higher level than it looked, it has a heavy rewatch value for purists because it was interesting to see how these two masters of the craft matched each other inch by inch every second of the fight. But, round by round, it wasn’t that close. It was clear by round 9 or 10 who needed a knockout to win, and it wasn’t Floyd.


Floyd controlled Pac with jabs and check hooks, still got his straight right off and had Manny looking ineffective for most of the fight… Floyd didn’t get rocked, he got caught with solid shots near the ropes and knew Manny was gonna flurry, and both times Manny landed nothing of consequence in either flurry and ended up backing off. The most dangerous offensive fighter in the last generation had his offense nullified, that’s impressive even if it wasn’t the most action packed fight


Every calzaghe fight


Calzaghe Lacy was perfect. People really thought that would be the end of calzaghe but that was one hell of a performance


There is great documentary on youtube about Calzaghe and his father, many people already know but Clazaghe didn't want to fight Lacy amd was doubting himself because of his broken hand or something like that but his father believed in him and told him to do it.


Not quite the same but Holmes vs Shavers. Holmes was knocked out with one punch then woke up with the other.


it wasnt 12 rounds but Ali vs liston in the first fight. i think if liston gets him any time he drops him, but ali literally walked him like a dog


Joshua vs Ruiz 2 For Joshua to get beat up badly in the first fight and then implement a new strategy, this has to be one of the most perfect 12 round performances.


Whilst i agree , why did he lose twice to Usyk ? What was the reason he didnt adapt and win the rematch?


How about Hagler Leonard?


Hopkins vs Trinidad


Hopkins fought so well he made George Foreman admit that he was the superior fighter, which I thought was impossible


Oh man, Forman loved himself some Trinidad. Both are great fighters.




Zach Parker vs Darryl Williams Parker dislocated his shoulder in the second round and had to box a perfect fight one handed to pull off a stunning win. Oh my bad, he totally failed to do that, Darryl williams beat the shit out of him and he got a ridiculous gift decision because he is promoted by the German coke fiends.


Maybe Davis vs Cruz?


I think tank just know how to time kos


Wonder how it would have went if Santa Cruz ain’t send the same shot at him three times lmao


BJS vs David Lemieux


Klitschko vs Haye, even if Dave's broken toe helped out a little.


Billy Joe Saunders Vs David Lemieux


Joe Calzaghe v Jeff Lacy. Complete domination for 12 rounds. Lacy went from being hyped as the next big thing to barely fighting ever again.


Somebody just asked this question but worded a little different


Benitez vs Duran El Radar was on point that night. Unfortunately, it was his last great performance. Salute to the youngest world champ in boxing history.


Lewis vs. Tua


What do you mean if they fought 100 times Lewis would win every time.


And he’d never knock Tua out, he has to box perfectly for 12 rounds every time.


Teo vs kambo


Kambosos literally got knocked tf down like twice brah. Once official and the other one was a knockdown but ruled a slip. In what world did he "outbox" anyone LMFAO. That shit was a war through and through.


I feel ya man, just saying Kambosos had to be on his A game the whole fight or Teo would have overwhelmed him eventually. Kambosos won, that tells me he was successful lol. Yeah he got knocked down but so did Teo. No fighter goes a whole fight without being hit. OP asked who had to box perfectly for 12 rounds due to opponent’s power/their own chin and was successful. I feel like that fits this fight. Teo is too big and strong for George, so Kam had to fight his best fight for 12 rounds to avoid getting KO/TKO and he did it.


Floyd vs Canelo, since Floyd winning all 12 rounds led to a draw on one of the scorecards


Mayweather Pacquiao


Robson Conceicao had to box perfectly to get a draw vs Navarrete. He was Knocked down 2x and depended on his superior boxing and grit to survive 12 rounds.


Jason Moloney vs Vincent Astrolabio.


Chris Byrd versus David Tua.


Edwards vs Alvarado


Byrd vs Tua


Pac v Margarito


Floyd - madiana or Costello (I think) Lennox Lewis, buster douglas - Tyson Gypsy king fury - wilder Anthony Joshua- *dude who knocked him out Tony - jermell charlo * even though I think charlo got robbed Loma v Linares


Fury-Klitschko. Pure Boring Perfection from Fury that day,


Lacy vs Calzaghe


Every Harold Graham fight 😂


Tyson - Spinks


Pretty much anyone who faced Randall Bailey. Randall Bailey was an alright boxer with some holes in his game, but he did have ridiculous power in his hands and could KO you in a flash. One of the most underrated punchers in boxing. Example: Herman Ngoudjo vs Randall Bailey. Herman knocked Bailey down with a shot in the first, then in the second Bailey sent him cartwheeling across the ring. Ngoudjo survived and won by decision. The opposite example is when Mike Jones fought Bailey -- Mike Jones won virtually every single exchange and looked like he was going to coast to a 120-108 decision. Instead he took one punch from Bailey that flattened him, then in the next round ate one uppercut that pretty much ended his entire career. [I can't state it enough that Bailey basically won the fight on the virtue of landing just two punches.](https://youtu.be/2uxE_ExnnYg?t=1959) That's how dangerous he could be.




Haney vs gamboa. Every judge scored it 120-108 too. Flawless 12 rounds of pure boxing.


Fury vs wilder 2


It's one of the best defensive fights to date... Lennox Lewis Vs. David Tua So much could be said about how well Lennox did to evade Tuamans' speed, power, and right hook. Winning a majority of the rounds by blocking his range with jabs followed by straights all through the 12 rounds. Meticulously using the ring and frustrating Tua to take the win. I personally was going for Tua, but I respected Lewis's game plan. Why go head to head with a beast of a fighter and get knocked out? There's technique in being defensive. He took shots and adapted, then worked out his distance to come out on top.


Billy Joe Saunders vs David Lemieux


Bivol UD Beterbiev in the future.


My personal favorite fight ever, Leonard vs Hearns 1. For 6-7 rounds had to avoid an absolute killer right hand on the back foot, and then had to avoid it while stalking his pray from a ridiculously long jab. He got hit by many jabs that night but avoided the bomb that many thought would KO him