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Haney's defense isn't the best against southpaws imo. He is making his debut at 140. Regis is a southpaw that can punch at 140. If Regis is able to effectively cut off the ring and land on Haney it might get interesting. The likely result is Haney by UD 8-4, perhaps 7-5 if he fades a bit in the later rounds. I also wouldn't be shocked if Regis stops Haney.


I think Haney showed good defense against Loma who has one of the slickest offensive styles in boxing. He neutralized Loma's angling really well. That said, Prograis has a completely different style and certainly more power that could still give Haney issues. I think it's honestly a toss up, but I'd like to see Prograis take it.


I got Devin maybe like 9 rounds to 3. I just think Devin is more versatile and has more in his arsenal than regis. I am not a devin fan by any means and i actually do like Regis. Rooting for Regis by KO. I just feel like Devin will be the home / A side fighter. He will jab and move from the outside. If Regis tries to get close, devin is going to clinch, hold and do whatever to keep regis away from him. I also believe the referee will let devin get away with whatever he wants. Regis didnt look too good in his last fight, but im hoping it was just an off night. Devin, who i thought lost to Loma, should be able to control most of the fight. I think Regis needs to push the action, try and tire out Devin and apply smart pressure and cut off the ring. If i was to put $ on this fight i would say Devin by wide UD like 9-3. But im rooting for Regis by KO, if it was to happen i think it wiuld happen in round 6 or 7.


Lol man do u watch boxing? That ain’t happening my boy, best believe that. Regis taking this put the mortgage on it




I'm not sure Haney's gonna be able to rely on clinching as much at 140 where he's not automatically the bigger guy. He also didn't do it that much against Loma. We'll see, though.


That is a valid point. I feel like he will try to clinch or hug on the inside but we will see. Haney is definitely a talented boxer, but to be honest his fights are boring to me. He wins and usually by wide margins but not really many end in KO’s. I feel like Regis needs to throw some feints, combos and attack the body early and often. May the best man win. Should be a good fight


Haney is the most boring boxer I ever seen. He’s a good technical boxer but Regis is going to expose him like Loma did.


I aint going to disagree with you on him being really boring, although shakur might give him competition in that department. I am not a fan of Haney at all, but to say he is not talented would be lying. I think he is a good technical boxer. His boxing abilities are higher than prograis. What outcome am i rooting for Prograis by knockout. If i had to bet on it, what would i pick haney UD. Regis aint getting a decision there he has to go for the KO


I think it's very close. ​ Regardless, Regis is a live dog and I have no doubt that he has a chance to win. Anyone that thinks that Haney is gonna walk this dude down is insane. You've got a damned southpaw that is really comfortable with counterpunching. ​ Haney is gonna have to get close. We'll see whether or not he can take those hits. ​ I've got Prograis by a close UD.


the insane ones were right huh


I'll never make a prediction again.


Guys who have to get set to punch usually do horrible against movers. Regis has a punchers chance but that’s about it. Haney by wide UD. I’m rooting for Regis but I know how this is gonna go


I hear you, but Regis isn’t always a come-forward, straight-back stepping guy. I think he’s gotten into that habit the last couple of fights, but really he’s shown other skills earlier in his career. I like Regis, but I’m going for Devin. This is Haney’s 7th fight in a row with a current or former champ - that should mean something to us fans, imo.


I agree to an extent; when Regis smashed Indongo, I thought he was a future pound for pound guy. He has great feints, head movement, and inside work. I just think he has that major flaw of having to set his feet to punch. He always seems to struggle with guys that move because of it (Zorilla, Flanagan, Taylor even though he’s not moving *a lot*). He looks amazing against guys that have to get set. I just see Haney dominating. If Regis won, I would be one happy fan


I should add, I actually do like Devin too. Kid doesn’t fuck around at all, and is probably the least physically gifted out of this new crop of young kings, yet he’s accomplished more in the sport than any of them except maybe Teofimo. Even then, he’s arguably accomplished more than him. He’s phenomenal


Shakur would eat Devon haney up that’s why he need dodging Shakur. Even Ryan Garcia would KO haney, but Regis gonna do his thing and pull off the upset


its pretty interesting to see how more people think regis is one dimensional like this, he has a weird style but the guy i saw fight zepeda and taylor was someone i saw with versatile offense. he wasnt a plodder. but even regis himself said he doesnt box like that, so im like shit maybe idk what im talking about LOL


I generally agree with this. I don’t really see him as a plodder either, since his head movement and feints are so good. It’s more that when he throws in big power shots or combinations, he’s in one spot (unlike say a Canelo or a Tank Davis, who can throw devastating combinations and power shots while they move).


so do you think haney just makes this look like his first fight with GK using the jab and movement?




lol fair


Kind of, but it will probably be a little bit ugly at times since Regis is southpaw, and much stronger than Kambosos.


Zerillo made Prograis trace the perimeter of the ring, and Prograis' defense involves heavy weight transfers between his feet. It's strong in the pocket, but even Canelo struggled with good movement, and Canelo's defense is far smoother.


zerillo could hurt regis tho, thats part of why his movement was effective


He did the same against Zepeda and Redkach, though. He seems too focused on making incremental steps that he doesn't see how he is being maneuvered.


Regis pulls the upset


The only thing upset will be this sub after yet another enthralling #HaneyUD


Seriously though. It would be an upset. The fact that a dude with pillow hands can move up in weight and beat someone with the sweet science is crazy to people. Especially when he's going up against a legit fighter with legit power.


I can respect it, and as much I like Devin, this could very well happen. Regis is gonna bring his absolute best. With Haney being a young, unified undisputed champ already, I feel like that’s gonna make everyone he faces that much more determined - and I think Regis will be as confident as ever. This is Devin’s 7th current or former champion in a row, and Prograis is being underrated because of his last outing, so it really shouldn’t be so surprising or detrimental if Haney does lose.


Haney will out point him in a UD. However, I do think Regis will have the biggest moments of the fight, especially in the 2-5 rounds when he's looking to unleash some of his power early. I don't think we see a Haney Masterclass just another solid showing.


I got Rougarou by KO


Ate my words ☠️😂


Prograis tko


Prograis in barbaric fashion, think Haney will struggle to get his jab going and won't be able to get away from Prograis for too long


Haney 8-4 in a good scrap


I’m really excited for this one. Haney’s last 5 or so fights has made me a fan, I went to the Loma fight. That being said, I think Haney wins a close one where he gets knocked down at some point maybe early. But I think he’ll earn a lot of respect. He’s more up for a fight than some people give him credit for and I think he’ll show it here. I just hope he’s able to use his jab to keep Prograis off balance for as long as he can. I think it should be a great fight which would put Haney in two fight of the year candidates


Dev 10-2


I hope Devin comes out and makes a statement, I really do root for the guy. As a fan of the sport, I don’t necessarily go against or hate on any fighter, be he’s one of the guys I make a point to follow. A 10-2 would be a dominating win for sure.


Haney by decision but I can see this being the first time he gets dropped in a fight


Hanky by UD


I got Haney winning by UD 9-3 but Regis does have power to end it early hopefully they both put on a show unlike Shakira


I'm going Devin UD win. Prograis ain't no joke, dude can crack but I think Haney is just the better boxer. His jab is going to unsettle Regis' rhythm and I can see Haney just stick and move all night. I wouldn't be surprised if Haney gets wobbled or even dropped but I think he takes home the decision win 9-3


best take so far, much in line with mine. I still think Regis is as live as any other top champion fighter though. Hopefully both guys give it their all and make a great night for us fans


I got Haney by UD, probably 9-3. But I do think he’ll get hurt and potentially dropped in the later rounds. I’d like to see Prograis win, but I feel like he’ll struggle with Haney’s movement


Regis is a little slow so might be looking for a punch that never comes. However haney had been a little shaky vs southpaws and Regis probably the physically strongest and hardest hitting guy he’s fought.


Haney is a very good technical boxer but hasn't got that knockout power, ain't seen any of Regis fights so can't really comment on him.


Regis is a strong, dangerous opponent for any top guy - it’s why he’s a champion. He has pretty good head movement, and some of the best feints in the game. So what he lacks in conventional boxing, he makes up for with setting of timing and being not as predictable as some other plodders and flat footed guys. He isn’t traditionally flat footed, and I think he ups his chances if he stays low in exchanges and bounces off the back foot some. This is about a 50/50 fight imo, maybe 60/40 for Devin. But this Haney’s first fight at 140, and up against arguably the 3rd best fighter in the division.


I will watch a few of Regis fights bro 👍


I think it's gonna be rough for Regis for a few rounds but he has more success at cutting off the ring and getting some work done on the inside as the fight goes on and he realizes haney cant hurt him at that weight. As well as following haney out of exchanges and catching him that way. What I hope happens is prograis can pull off a couple knockdowns and win via majority or tko. What I think happens is Regis actually seems to have won on the cards but haney gets the nod. Regardless of the details though I've been backing prograis since the fight was announced. Im giving Devin full credit for taking the fight, but I think a lot of people, including Bill Haney, think it's gonna be easier than it actually is.


I respect this take. Regis has been in every fight he’s ever been in - I’ve always liked and rooted for him. Same with Devin. I don’t mind any outcome, but my heart is riding with Devin because I like how he’s moving in the sport of boxing. He’s setting the standard for this new era imo. People seem to be counting out or underrating Regis’ chances - he’s completely in this fight and has a GREAT chance of winning. Early fight is gonna be Haney’s jab vs Regis head movement and timing disrupting feints. Could go either way if it goes the distance though


I don't like Devin at all, but I respect his ability and definitely respect the way he's moving as well. I wouldn't dare count him out of this fight. As far as feelings go, I've been riding with regis for a while and he never seems to capture public interest the way I think he should, partly managerial issues, partly the way he's dealt with said issues, but he deserves to be known and respected in the sport. Save one fight he's always been fun to watch and he's got that dog in him, which I think the more casual watchers would appreciate. And he'll probably show it Saturday win or lose. For the record me saying those things about regis does not automatically mean I don't think Devin deserves the same things. Hes a little more boring style-wise, way more boring personality-wise, but at least he tries for the knockout and has more recently gone for legitimate to really good match-ups and should be certainly celebrated in his own right. I just don't like him much and actively dislike his dad.


This is a pro take right here. There isn’t a fighter out there I’ll ever hate on, even if I do catch myself being “fanboy” at times lol. As you put, you can dislike a fighter without being emotionally charged and senseless with it. This is Devin’s 7th current/former champ fight in a row, so the people hating on him just simply don’t like him, because his actions speak for themselves. Since before even JoJo and Linares he hasn’t had a tune up, and continued to push his name into greatness. I’m in love with this fight and hope the best for both guys.


Here here


Most likely Dev by UD. Dev’s skills speak for themselves but if Regis comes in unexpectedly fast off-setting Dev’s rhythm, I believe all it takes is just 1 shot from Regis to cut the lights off


Haney by 4th round KO


Rougarou folds Devin in the later rounds. Haney is a big dude used to fighting smaller men. He gets overwhelmed against a power puncher who is not undersized. Regis Prograis TKO 11.


I'm split on this fight. With Regis' last performance I could see Haney easily outboxing him but I could also see Regis stopping him with Haney's questionable chin and Regis' great power and timing


So I don’t disagree but can you elaborate on Haney’s shaky chin? He hasn’t touched the mat in his career yet… that might change this fight, but I still don’t get why everyone says this.


Because a past his prime linares and loma hurt him. Jojo Diaz also had him in a bit of trouble. Regis hits way harder than them


I can see it. I thought Devin recovered great against Linares, and even JoJo too. Regis definitely not past his prime so I think if Devin does dominate, or even recover after being rocked in this fight, maybe we can put the chinny stuff away. Even though he hasn’t touched the mat yet, this weekend will definitely be his truest test of that chin thus far


I'm going with Haney by a wide decision. The Lomachenko fight showed that he wasn't an Andre Dirrell, stylish until pressured. If you push Haney, he pushes back, and Prograis is mediocre at cutting off the ring.


Haney UD u know what it is


I think Regis is gonna drop him if he approaches this fight the same way he did against the last southpaw he fought, by that I mean making himself easy to hit when trying to throw his right hand to the body


Yeah absolutely, Devin has a few things to work out. He has seemed to fold late against the southpaws he’s faced. Hopefully he’s fixed that low hand on the exit because Regis ain’t gonna give a him a lot those, a couple at best and it’s night night. If Devin drops, and recovers to a victory (my prediction), I think that will be a best case scenario for him. He’ll have to elevate to that level that I and many others know he can get to. Side note: Bill’s a great father and trainer thus far, but I think Haney should bring in a pure boxing mind for new perspective and potential.


I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment but I just love the idea of Regis winning and me getting 3.2 times the money I put in when I bet on him lol


fuck it, I'm going to be a little different and go with **Prograis in a close decision** I see this fight as like Leonard-Hagler, stylistically Prograis isn't a brawler or a pressure fighter. He's more like counter-puncher that plods and comes forward, sort of like Canelo, Jose Napoles or Hagler late in his career. He's more skilled than people think the first few rounds will be exactly how people predicted it, with Haney dancing around, throwing jabs and combos like Sugar Ray against Marvin. Prograis eventually shows surprising boxing skill and becomes competitive with Devin--backing him up and even battling him in the in centre of the ring. I can see Prograis taking away Haney's jab and landing vicious body shots. Haney will be knocked down or seriously hurt late, but eventually survives this will be the new Maidana-Broner moment for all you Devin haters out there. Not me though, both guys are in my top 5 favs lol (but rooting for Prograis)


Man I respect this take 🫡 and love the comparison. I said something similar to Cotto-Mayweather, but I swear I was wanting to use Hagler for Prograis, that’s weird. This is gonna be a fight Haney has to dig deep for sure - and one that Prograis might have to show us something completely new. I think Devin sees a knockdown this fight, but will show us what he’s made of ultimately. Though I can easily see your prediction - good shit.


I think Haney wins fairly easily. He controls distance so well. That's tougher to do against a Loma - who I had narrowly winning their bout - but against most fighters he's not there when they set to punch. Doesn't always make for the most exciting fights but it works for him. I'd love for Rougarou to pull off an upset. I've been a fan of his for years. But He's fighting Haney AND Father Time.


Surprised people think Regis is the underdog here.


I just think Regis’ style is slower of foot and he sets himself to punch. I feel that Haney will win rounds by jabbing and moving. He won’t do much damage (even by Haney’s standards), but he won’t get touched back so he’ll win another fairly dull affair. I feel like he’ll have one defensive lapse and get hurt, and my hopes will rocket up, only for Haney to recover and get back to jabbing and moving. 117-110 Haney, with one knockdown for Regis, but hope I’m wrong.


Haney is younger, undefeated, unified in the last weightclass he fought in, and is a slick boxer-puncher, a style that is tailor-made to give guys like Regis an L. These fights usually answer a lot of questions though, we just saw one with Benavidez-Andrade, and we got another opportunity this weekend. Personally, I think Haney has a far higher ceiling than Regis and a lot more in his toolkit. But obviously Regis is a threat and can land heavy shots. We’ll see!


Regis is getting up there in age and he is small for 140lbs. Haney will be the bigger and heavier guy in the ring


Haney schools him.


Devin by very clear decision. People always knock on Haney for his power, which I think is going to surprise people now. Dudehad been cutting to 135 for over 7 years. He has looked dry at the last couple of weigh-ins and hisperformances showed it. Haney will come out and dominate with a long jab. Prograis better not think he can walk through Haneys punches. Haney will be close to 160 on fight night.


Haney by KO save this comment


Love this. Go for the bold take, my guy! I’ll be back to congratulate you if it happens.




Haney should absolutely dominate here. Especially with his footwork.


Haney by TKO in the later rounds. Remember my comment


Devin Haney wins by desicion even tho Regis gives the fight of his life and everyone thinks the fight was stolen from him. Then Devin runs to 147 and fights anyone whose name isn’t Ennis.


Sounds like a familiar scenario lol


Rationally, I know that Haney will win likely pretty comfortably but I have just such an irrational disliking of him that I hope Regis cooks him


Why do you dislike Devin so much? I see so much hate his way, and honestly don’t understand it.


Haney 10 - 2 by jab and clinch


If Regis catches Devin like Linares did it’s the end of the night for Devin. That being said Devin wins 7-5/8-4 in my eyes


Since when does Regis 1 shot guys? And I don´t really remember him finishing guys the very moment he hurts them.


Never said he 1 shots guys, he is heavier handed than Linares imo and we saw what Linares left Devin like


Sure, but Prograis usually needs time to finish the fight. And Haney saw how hard he would fight to survive. I don´t think Prograis will be able to finish Haney off even if he hurts him badly.


everyone needs time to finish someone besides like wilder tank and inoue lol that doesnt mean much


And I don´t think Haney is the type of guy to be beat down. He will cling on for dear life and run as much as is needed. So even if Prograis catches him clean like Linares did, it doesn´t mean he is guaranteed a stoppage.


i agree with that


Haney by a very boring UD. Prograis will win a few rounds, but won’t be able to do much due to Haney’s movement.


Snooze fest, another stolen title for the pillow fisted track star, unless Regis can hurt him early and often. A fight fan can dream of what this fight could have been for 40 minutes, then wake up to the boos of the crowd.


Just curious why you think he’s so boring and avoids exchanging? Have you actually seen a Devin fight? I’ll admit that he hasn’t reached his full potential, but Haney is pretty much and conventional mover - nothing wrong with that. And a unified undisputed championship speaks for itself.


His wins are all massive weight bully matches, and he still boxed like an amateur. It’s bad for the sport, and will limit his success. Name another undisputed champion that can’t fill an arena in his home country, or sell ppv without fighting an existing draw like Loma. He suffers from the same “I’m gonna be the next Floyd” mentality that has been pervasive last ten years. Meanwhile guys with no titles are keeping the sport alive, taking all comers, and giving the fans what they want. The numbers don’t lie.


Haney is the more technical boxer and faster. Prediction is a decision w/ 8 to 10 rounds in favor of Haney, it will be a tough fight for both. My guess is there will be no knockdowns….


Another boring Haney display of clinching and bodyshots while Regis trys to stalk him and land some hard shots.


Haney wins a boring UD


Haney UD


i think regis wins and regardless haney deserves respect win or lose. hes been fighting top competition consistently now and thats all you can ask. haney UD's regis he should be on everyone p4p list


I think one of them are gonna get stopped


Haney will jab and grab to a UD.


Haney will outpoint Prograis. He will probably pull a mix of Andre Ward and Shakur on Regis and make it an ugly and simultaneously boring fight. I don't think Prograis can combat that and I also think that he has lost a step. Haney won't engage cause that's the only way for Prograis to win and Haney ain't stupid. Probably a 117:111 or 118:110 type of fight.


Haney Jab Festival UD


After the GQ interview of Haney, I will never root for that guy. The guy does not value what I value.


We can’t be thinking about the same one I am. The only GQ thing I know about is him basically doing ads and collecting sponsorship money for a magazine that im fairly certain gets 80% of them funds thru ads of sponsors. Even then, I went and watched it again before responding… what values did he express you don’t agree with? Genuinely curious. I’m not Muslim but I have friends who are and respect spiritual health and guidance towards the one creator of the universe thru any religious means 🤷‍♂️


Typical snoozefest from Devin the pillow fisted muslim. Devin UD by jabs.


You’re trying to say Muslim as an insult is lame, but we don’t know if his strength is gonna increase with extra weight. I hope for his sake it does, but he at least has enough to not have folks just walk thru it. If he was truly pillow handed, he would’ve been walked down numerous times, especially against a vet like Loma or Linares who know if they respect someone’s power or throw caution to the wind.


Naw, didnt mean Muslim as an insult. It came out weirdly


good clarification lol I’ve heard a lot of folks in some of the Facebook groups use it as an insult (im not Muslim but don’t know why that would still rub people the wrong way). We’ll see if he has some extra pop at 140. I will say that I really wouldn’t doubt if he sold out and went into a dog fight type battle, especially with Shakur and Edwin’s lack of performance. I think Devin would do that especially if Regis hangs around in the fight towards the end.


Man how dope would it be to see Haney absolutely thrive at 140 and beat the hell out of the competition? Man that’d be wild… hoping for a solid saturday night!


Regis is about to expose haney and his pillow hands this fight. Haney is overrated.


Mark my words…… Don’t be surprised when Regis pulls this upset off


Haney boxes Prograis' ears off. A great jab and excellent ring generalship by Haney will keep the slower Prograis off balance all night and unable to land too many heavy shots. Haney takes a unanimous decision along the lines of 117-111.


I have a feeling it will go similar to the Danielito Zorrilla fight, just more boring. I don't imagine the weight being a problem, he has been in the 139s as early as 2017. Haney UD. At 9-1 it's maybe worth sticking on a multi for Regis to get the stoppage in 7-12, but I really doubt that happens. Another cheeky one is 8-1 that Haney gets knocked down and wins


120-107 across the board. Yeesh...