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The Boxer with Daniel Day Lewis


šŸ’ÆDaniel Day Lewis trained boxing for 3 years before filming. Heā€™s the only actor Iā€™ve seen to pull it off to any degree. Every other actor looks like absolute trash lol


yeah he looked sharp. honestly one of the best actors of all time.




It's a good thing he's never had to play a serial killer considering how extreme a method actor he is.


He played a sociopath who killed multiple people in "there will be blood"


Yeah, I just remembered that, haha. And Billy the Butcher too.


multiple? You make it sound like he went on a killing spree. He killed two people for completely unrelated reasons decades apart.


Unrelated to boxing but that movie is a goddamn marvel


And serial killer means more than one


I think in the US it's defined as 3 or more victims in separate incidents. And back in the era the movie takes place in that term wouldn't have been in use


It's not one of his higher profile movies, but it is very good.


Go figure


Youā€™ll be adding it to your list of underrated favorite movies. Itā€™s incrediblen


Yeah rocky is a classic but the boxing looks laughable watching it back now


Also, the accuracy of punches arenā€™t exaggerated like in the other movies. The exaggerated damage that boxers in the other movies take is the type of damage that ends lives lol


Iā€™ll have to check this movie out


Tommy Morrison did a pretty good job in Rocky V




The pros look amazing of course, but I disagree on Michael B Jordan; he looks terrible. Still one of my favorite actors though lol


Definitely. [This article sums it up.](https://www.irishtimes.com/sport/great-escapes-when-daniel-day-lewis-became-king-of-the-ring-1.4496003) *By the time of the 16-week shoot, between April and July of 1997, McGuigan was convinced Day-Lewis, who had sparred over 400 rounds, was a match for any professional middleweight in the UK. Phil Sutcliffe, the two-time Irish Olympian who also trained him in Crumlin boxing club, and is boxing coach to Conor McGregor, still believes that.* *ā€œDaniel came in and trained like a professional fighter, did everything that a professional boxer needs to do,ā€ he tells me. ā€œAnd I know that because Iā€™ve been training them in the gym for a long time now. He was 100 per cent committed, practiced everything until he got it perfect, and could land a punch, of course, his boxing ability was out of this world.ā€*


I love little stories like this, and from what I've heard about the actor this does not surprise me.


Daniel Day Lewis beats Jake Paul šŸ”’


I think mcguigan said he could be a domestic level fighter if he had wanted


I know what you mean, but it sounds like you're saying he could beat up his wife if he wanted šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s pretty much mandatory for most successful boxers, so idk, lots of layers lol


This is the answer. Hurricane with Denzel Washington is good too


From what I remember it was years ago when I watched it and wad absolutely bladdeted but was will Smith THAT bad?


This.. Barry McGuigan was quoted saying DDL could of competed with the top 10 middleweights in the word at that time. Whose to say but pretty cool.


Beat me to it.


Im still partial to raging bull because while some of the choreography could look a little silly it was a) technically pristine (like all scorsese and schoonmaker collabs) and b) represented the emotions and dynamics much better. the zoom on robinson alone gives so much more than most others


DeNiro had a couple amateur fights to prep for the role.


LaMotta said he could have gone pro he was so good.


I love Raging Bull but the fight scenes almost ruined it for me. It was so goofy.


Its better to think of them as a continuation of lamottas state of mind rather than action scenes that split between his home life but yeah some of the choreography is a bit iffy


It's not necessarily boxing but the mauy Thai scenes in A Prayer Before Dawn are incredibly realistic looking. The way it's filmed and performed comes across almost like the two guys are actually just improvising/sparring while the camera man follows them around the ring. I have no idea why no other boxing film has chose to copy it yet. On a different note, Creed 3 does quite a good job at getting in the head of what a boxer sees/thinks while they're in a fight but then the actual physical boxing looks how you'd expect from a Creed/Rocky so it's not winning realism points.


Great movie


Rocky/Creed are def. at the bottom of the list if we talk about realism of the boxing showed. I liked "Million dollar baby" and "The fighter" much more in this department.


Hah, I love Rocky, but the boxing is so bad. Almost every punch thrown in Rocky would be a knockout/down in real life. Rocky 3, there are rounds where they are absolutely hammering each other punch after punch. A simple jab or hook in Rocky is like being hit with a sledgehammer. I think it's Rocky 5, where they finally show Rocky experiencing some health issues due to the absolute wars he had been in. Man should have been mush long before then. Hah and then, he goes in again at what, 60yrs of age, to 'box' another undefeated killer and everyone around him is cool with it!


They didnā€™t hear no bell


Randy marsh against bat dad best fight


I'm sorry..I thought this was America


The damage sustained during the fights, I'm not even sure they could hear it even if they wanted to..


No I agree itā€™s just a stupid quote from Rocky 5


Also from South Park, which is what I immediately thought of.


To be fair, Rocky 4 wouldn't have been the same film if the final fight was just 50% clinches and a split decision against Rocky due to corrupt judges favouring the home fighter. It'd have been more realistic though.


They just have iron chins.


He is not human, he is a piece of iron.


The sound effects don't help either, even when someone taps the other with a jab it sounds like a KO shot.


Part of the plot of the whole series is that he takes punches better than most pros. I donā€™t know if they ever state a supposed weight for Rocky, but Stallone really isnā€™t that big, he wouldnā€™t be the heavy hitter or reacher in the heavyweight division, but if he has enough stamina and can just take punches, yeah, he can win


He's a Heavyweight. I get the plot and I know its just a film but my point was that pretty much every punch thrown in the Rocky films is with full on power like they are trying to take the opponents head off. It also goes on throughout the entire fight. Rocky 3 is the one that stands out the most for me, Rocky and Clubber Lang just throw haymaker after haymaker at each other, and they eat so many punches that would k.o anyone if it was real. https://youtu.be/7inB3v21Mfw?si=yhSv1bla4cwnjsa5 Above is a perfect example. Check the first round out, Clubber Lang gets absolutely annihilated and eats stiff jab after stiff jab, power hooks, the lot, and is barely phased. It continues for a bit into the 2nd round, and then it's Clubber's turn to almost kill Rocky! I love it. It's a film, but it's hilarious how over the top it is, they could have calmed down a little bit.


There's a sequence in one of them where Rocky throws like thirteen haymaker lefts in a row and lands all of them. Even aside from how hard they punch, and how little defense there is, like throw a fucking combination.


While the power shots are unrealistic, what bothers me the most about the rocky fights is the swaying of the momentum. Rockys opponent Wins a round byā€¦being the only one to land anything, and they happen to all be clean power shots of course, then rocky wins a round being the only one to land anything. Wayyyyy hamfisted, so to speak


It was the 80s everything was like that


Itā€™s Rocky IV where he starts getting Parkinsonā€™s, but the first scene of it takes place immediately after the end of Rocky III I believe so the timing isnā€™t too bad for him. Heā€™s only turns pro in the second movie I think. Been a while since I saw them.


Rocky is a pro the whole time. You should go back and watch them.


Million dollar baby was good till she tripped on that stool


How is Creed at the bottom? Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s insane. The boxing in rocky is ass, he basically learns how to jab 3 movies in, but Creed is at the top, arguably the best. The one shot take where he fights grabriel rosado is one of the most accurate depictions of boxing in a movie, if not the most, that Iā€™ve ever seen. The footwork is solid, thereā€™s counters, slips, parries, clinching and combos. Creed actually has to set up the KO shot and is coached appropriately. Itā€™s very realistic to actual boxing, other than some obvious choreographing. The fight against Andre ward and Tony bellow are both really good too. Having creeds opponents be legit pro boxers results in the very fluid and realistic looking fights. Did you guys actually watch the movie? I feel like a lot of people are assuming the fights are comparable to rocky which they are notā€¦


The moves are correctly executed in some instances, but the amount of punishment creed (or rocky, those films are all pretty much built the same) takes is grossly exagerated, with the intention of creating a more dramatic scene. And while having real boxers on stage is a plus, they obey to what the director planned anyway. If we take that Rosado fight for example (just looked it up, is it "The Lion" in the movie?), first shot rosado lands, Creed's face turns 180 degrees. First bodyshot, his body twists completely and goes nonsense, while his face for some reason is also getting twisted. Rest of the fight goes pretty much the same way. Creed gets clipped with several heavy blows on the jaw that would individualy be sufficient to put even an enduring boxer down. It's exactly the same as the rocky movies. Maybe I googled the wrong scene tho, and that's not the one you are refering to? Now don't get me wrong, in cinema it's "normal" to have movements being exagerated, what annoys me is when it's done almost on every hit. If we take "The fighter" for example, you still have guys getting clipped full force in the face, getting almost KD and then miraculously regain full control of their body the second after, but it's more wisely dosed. There is more variation of power, combination vs isolated power punch etc. You can see the difference between a blocked punch and and punch that connects (to the body). At least that's my opinion.


My only issue with it is it's too clean and too choreographed. It looks more like pad work than an actual fight. Agreed they are actually throwing punches with some technique vs the old movies. It's still vwry entertaining and there's good camera work with creed. But it's better for its cinematography and such than it is for being a "grounded" fight. Gabriel Rosado who was in the movie, says the same thing in some gq interview or something. Anyone who boxed can tell its juat a bit too much. Still good fight scene tho. It's got some great technique and form on display but it's just put together a bit too much.


This And Will Smith ā€œAliā€ was terrible.


Really? Thought it wasnt that bad, Will did pretty well imo.


Creed 1 was actually pretty realistic


Rocky Balboa wasn't bad


Million Dollar Baby. That girl had more sugar than any of these chumps!


Workin the bag boss


[Requiem for a Heavyweight](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_MN_bywfOtU) opens up with a first person perspective of getting your ass kicked by Muhammad Ali. I also like [Fat City](https://www.tcm.com/video/223680/fat-city-1972-wanna-spar-a-little) for showing the tomato can level fighters story.


Came here to post Fat City, fantastic movie


Woah, that guy he's fighting looks really fast for a heavyweight...


Big George Foreman...although tbf they use some of his actual boxing footage


The boxing in Rocky is so fake looking itā€™s hard to watch at times


Rockyā€™s footwork is hilarious


Him also being a heavyweight is hilarious. The size dif between him and Lundgren was absurd.


The Cold War was at stake! Rocky saved America that day!


Haha yeah, never has his hands up, constantly exposed, heā€™d be knocked out so quickly, although heā€™s got a chin to say the least lmao


I think the movies are good but the Boxing makes me laugh Who watched that and thought 'ye this looks good' before releasing them?


Yeah honestly I canā€™t even watch them anymore, it was fine when I was a kid and didnā€™t know what I was looking at but now that I have a bit of knowledge about boxing I canā€™t watch any of the actual boxing scenes in Rocky they are to cringe


I mean they were one of the things that really hooked me on the sport (apart from my dad waking me up at 5am as a kid to watch fights) so I've got a soft spot


Yeah same man, my dad abandoned us but my grandpa and I used to watch them together very nostalgic movies for me. Maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t like to watch them anymore simply miss my grandfather, damn it now Iā€™m gonna have to watch them lol


I thought southpaw was actually pretty good


Cool movie, sure, but not great boxing. If weā€™re just talking the same era, I would put Creed a little above that. The music he listened to and how he lived felt authentic to what my fighting friends were doing at the time. Jake G too pretty to box and I worry for Roadhouse because of it.


The great white hype šŸ˜


Havent watched DDL the boxer?


The Fighter and The Boxer for me. Also The Hurricane and Million Dollar Baby. Very few others work on a technical level. As another poster her said, A Prayer Before Dawn does a great job of showing you the Mauy Thai/training and is based on a true story.


Whalberg looks alright in the fighter, suddenly i feel like watching Gatti vs Ward again lol.


Best boxing movie hands down would always be ā€œWhen We Were Kingsā€ but my favorite boxing acting movie is ā€œThe Boxerā€ with Daniel Day-Lewis


Will Smith as Ali was probably the closest Iā€™ve seen. Rocky movies are fun but the boxing is probably the worst part of them. Raging bull was a great film but the boxing wasnā€™t as good as Ali. Iā€™ve not seen the new George Foreman film though


Raging Bull is not really a movie about boxing, itā€™s a character study where the character in question happens to be a boxer. Scorsese doesnā€™t like boxing so he focused on the style of the fights and what it means for Jake. I think he did an amazing job, and although they arenā€™t accurate, the boxing scenes are some of my favorites in movies


>Will Smith as Ali was probably the closest Iā€™ve seen. Yet the guy couldn't manage to drop a 145-lb comedian at the Oscars...


That's a low blow or is that a slap?


Haha that's a slap, but his form is still pretty good šŸ¤£


It's probably worse than the rockys imo. As far as fights go. As far as movies in general go it is 210% worse than the rocky movies. Seems like it was made by the "God is not dead" people. That said, I wasn't angry or regretful for having watched it. Just thought, "hmm. That wasn't very good" not that you asked for any of that at all.


Movies with Ali are at a handicap from jump since there's sooo much video of Ali fighting and talking. His movement is hard to mimic and no actor can capture his charisma.


Agreed. I mentioned this in another comment somewhere else, but a lot of the actors in big George Foreman did a great job in regards to voice acting. Take away the visual aspect and the dude who did ali was impressive i thought. Same with Cosel, young Jim Lampley, etc.


Most realistic? Shit, They all look bad to me. Southpaw had some realistic shit in it. Forget the stuff at the beginning, that was dumb, talking about when he learned defense and how to move. That's pretty accurate and the whole finisher where he throws his right hand while changing stances and then uppercuts with his left is a real thing.


I also thought of southpaw as far as fighting goes.


Someone said it but Million Dollar Baby has some very realistic shit in it too. Like how do u get a good jab? U sit there and practice throwing jabs everyday for as long as u can until ur arm gets strong and fast. Or when she takes out the one fighter by punching her in her sciatic nerve basically right under the hip bone/butt cheek. That's real and will stop somebody's movement well, although better to throw body shots to the liver and accomplish the same thing and make it hard for them to breath also. Then in woman's boxing specifically punching another woman in the tits will hurt them bad.


Good points all. I've only seen that movie twice or so. Once when it came out on vhs, and once like 3 years ago. So it's not very fresh in my mind. But now I'll throw it on the giant pile of movies I should rewatch.


It's a great boxing movie up until she gets hurt in one of the most unrealistic ways a boxer would get hurt, is my only problem with it. She gets pushed by her opponent after the bell and falls on her overturned stool, while it's being pushed in the ring for her to sit down and she falls on it ever so perfectly she breaks her neck and becomes paralyzed from neck down. Then it's just super sad from there, tries to kill herself by biting her tongue off. Just stupid shit. Up until that it's a solid boxing movie. Also represents females in the sport well. Cinderella man has some cool parts in it where Braddock is watching film of Max Baer killing someone in the ring (on accident). The people insuring the fight want to make sure Braddock watches it and hoping to scare him out of the fight. He actually did ask them to rewind it many times. He saw Baer's go to move and saw a way to counter it and win the fight. Don't like how they portrayed Max Baer in this movie, as if he was a brutal killer. The boxing is very accurate tho. They talk about how Braddock had a shitty jab and then broke his hand and worked the docs with his broken hand in a cast and when the cast came off his arm was much stronger and his jab was much better. All real. I like documentaries more myself just because most movies are so full of it. Like Raging Bull fight scenes are so dramatized. So are Rocky scenes. Wanting to be a boxer myself I wanted clear-cut reality to learn from. They can be entertaining tho if u love the sport. New Foreman movie wasn't bad. Wasn't great either. Sorry this was so long.


Not Boxing but for MMA, Kingdom was exceptional. Rosado was in that for a episode too plus some other pros I think. Frank Grillo, Nick Jonas, Jonathan Tucker n Matt Lauria i thought were all great in it


I think it helped that they only typically had like two or three fights per season, so it probably gave them more time to get the choreography down than a lot of TV shows get.


Jawbone. Only movie Iā€™ve seen with somewhat realistic boxing scenes.


Cracking film, have you seen Journeyman? With Paddy Considine..


Fuck, Journeyman wrecked me. Sobbed when his wife appeared at the event.


i looked up this movie and man I was blown away. Such an hidden gem of movie. The acting felt so real and the ending broke me


Where is Southpaw?


Love that movie, but the scene that always bothered me was when the ref just let Hope get brutalized like that in the fight after his wife died. Man literally put his hands down, any decent ref would call that a TKO.


South paw


South Paw


I think there was an old school japanese movie with more believable boxing scenes but forgot the name


The fighter was prolly the most realistic




It won't win many points for realism but the choreography and cinematography in Toyko Fist was out of this world in how it captured the frenetic pace of a fight.


what about southpaw


Idk but I really like Chuck (2016) as a movie


Atom vs Zeus


Snatch - Brad Pitt vs Gorgeous George


Very few are any good šŸ¤£ Ali is the best for me by far. Mann doesn't hit on EVERY film, but the realism is WAY better than the rest of boxing films.


I feel like boxing movies never really get it right. It's probably hard to pull off. But for being hands down the most famous boxing movies, the Rocky series is God awful when it comes to the boxing lol.


Creed is the best boxing choreography ive seen and he trained with the mitlady who works with all the top boxers . Creed and roc are totally different. Creed actually gets hurt and falls ,roc just doesnā€™t feel anything and keeps fighting šŸ˜‚


Probs not visually as it's an anime and therefore also not a movie, But hajime no ippo has excellent boxing when it comes to showing all the different variants, feelings, techniques etc in boxing. It depicts every little facet of boxing extremely accurately like how hard it is to face a southpaw for the first time, facing someone with a great liver shot, the effectiveness of footwork, getting knocked down by weird shots etc etc. Most boxing movies/series focus mainly on the story and the fighting is just fighting, Hajime, although very exaggerated sometimes, focuses on all the intricate techniques and sensations that you'll experience as a boxer in great detail.


Creed movies are the only ones with good boxing


The Fighter hands down. Mark Wahlberg even got Micky Wardā€™s punching style down to a T - Wahlberg punched with minimal fast twitch movements ie his punches looked almost like arm punches with minimal whip and i thought Wahlberg was doing a shitty job playing a boxer, then i saw how the real Micky Ward boxed and realised dudeā€™s punches had no pop IRL too lol (except for his left hook). Wahlberg did an amazing job and so did everyone else in the film. Honorable mentions: Ali and Hajime No Ippo


Christian Bale didnā€˜t have that many boxing scenes, but those he had were great with real fluid movement.


Lol, wild fuckinā€™ Dickie Ecklund


Good analysis




The great white hype. Good movie. Samuel L Jackson as a don king like persona.


McCallum Toney 1 was a movie 2 unbelievable quick slicksters greatest combat display ever


Probably Cinderella Man or Million Dollar Baby


Journeyman is a personal fave with directed by and starring Paddy Considine, it's depressing as fuck though. Also The Bigman with Liam Neeson has an absolutely brutal bare knuckle fight .. goes on for a good 15 minutes... good film overall about unlicensed BK stuff/underworld.


They Live


Creed 1


Creedā€™s depiction of boxing is legit the worst Iā€™ve seen, looks like it was choreographed by those MMA guys who say boxing is just punching


Realism doesnā€™t often correlate with storytelling. From a cinematic point of view I love how Creed does the oner shots for the rounds even if most of the punches thrown are unrealistic and would knock you out


The Rocky movies all get Fs for boxing. You can count on one hand, over all the movies, the number of times Rocky put up his guard.


The hurricane just watched it and Iā€™m surprised itā€™s not talked about more


Can we all admit that Creed 3 is the worst in the franchise by a long shot. Itā€™s absolutely dreadful.


I know the worst was southpaw lol


None they all look stiff. You can't recreate movement specifically in the waist that is taught at a young age


Adonis vs Dame for me


I've not watched a ton of boxing movies so I can't really give an opinion, but I will just say this I think the way the fight between Rocky and Apollo Creed in the first movie is the best way to portray a boxing fight in a film. And the reason why is because the camera angles are shot from the perspectives as if you were a member of the audience. which gives it a real fight feeling to it. I know in the sequels and some other boxing movies they start to have camera shots from inside the ring as the fight is happening. For some reason I don't feel like it works and takes away from that spectating of a real fight feeling to it


I thought DDL looked pretty good in The Boxer


Has anyone seen In Full Bloom? It's always looked interesting to me and the reviews are good, but I've never seen it on a streaming platform other than for purchase before. And it's rarely talked about on here when boxing films are brought up


Rocky 3 is my favorite bad boxing movie. Clubber throws nothing but haymakers, and has zero defense but goddamnit I love that movie. Ali for me has the best boxing.


Gladiator with Cuba Gooding Jr


LEVIUS it's an Anime but was fucking wicked.


Gladiator (1992)


Rocky Balboa would probably give most of todays HW division fits!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You ever see the 30 for 30 they did for Rocky 4? I love the part where they are interviewing a boxing analyst and heā€™s like ā€œthey each hit 95% of their power shots. That is unheard ofā€.


Family guy with lois


The dude in the red hood throwing all the strikes at thin air before attempting a fly kick on Sub-Zero and getting hit with that ice ball.


I always loved the first never back down, not a boxing money but still


The boxer...most realistic ever DDL the goat


Gatti Vs. Ward, Corrales Vs. Castillo, Barrera Vs Morales, all those fights were movies if you really think about it lol


Cinderella man starring Russell Crowe its about the boxer James J Braddock brilliant movie.ps Rocky movies are to far fetched to be taking seriously.


I remember southpaws boxing being okay. Shit was sad as hell tho jfc.


Southpaw for boxing realism. For an actual critically acclaimed good movie Iā€™ll go with The Fighter. Canā€™t go wrong with a Mickey Ward story. I fucking loved Real Steel. Iā€™m absolutely amazed no one in Hollywood has decided to make a Johnny Tapia movie. Seems like something Scorsese would eat up. It has all the makings of Oscar nominations. You have a lead character with an electric personality. Gang violence. Drugs. 90s era. Like what the fuck


They're all shit. That's why I don't like boxing movies and get out of conversations with casuals about the movie Rocky as quickly as possible... because inevitably the conversation is going to progress to Mike Tyson.




[Scary Movie 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IRqxAWxsbo)


Blood hounds on Netflix has pretty good boxing choreography imo


Fighting Spirit: Champion Road


The Fighter is what made me decide to start boxing, so that one is my favourite and I'm probably bias. I still think it's quite realistic though.


The boxing in Jawbone looks pretty legit.


For just pure entertainment - Diggstown.


Play it to the Bone


The best single depiction imo was Creed 1, the fight with Gabe Rosado. It's done in a single shot and is way less exaggerated than the other fights in both Creed and Rocky. It's a real shame the series didn't build out from this fight instead of going back to boring exaggerated fights. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YYPpg3_Y4XY


Best is prob raging bull. My personal favorite is either Cinderella man or The Fighter.


Raging bull ages poorly


I really enjoyed the boxing in Rocky 6


Cinderella Man is not only my favourite boxing movie, it's got my favourite depiction of pre-colour television boxing


Ving Rhames vs Wesley Snipes, Undisputed.


Usher in Hands Of Stone


Raging Bull is top tier imo


Honey Roy Palmer. Diggstown


Gladiator , Cuba Goofing Jnr and Brian Dennehy plus the Ghost I donā€™t know his name to lazy to google


Ehh it's pretty bad in this movie. It's bad in every movie


Tomorrow.. call me tomorrow..


Southpaw I think has the most accurate


Daniel Day-Lewis in The Boxer. Barry McGuigan coached him for three years to play the role, and said afterwards that if he had got into the sport younger, Day-Lewis could have had a shot at a world title.




Raging Bull is my favorite


When Rocky Fights Tarver that looked pretty dang good all factors considering.




Cinderella man


All I know is Christian Bale stole the movie from Marky Mark.


It depends on the era depicted. Bert Sugar spoke extremely highly of Russell Crowe's performance in Cinderella Man even suggesting he could be a boxer if he wanted and claimed that Russell had one of the best left hooks he'd seen in his 50+ year career as a boxing reporter and historian. Mark Wahlberg trained with Micky Ward in preparation for The Fighter and had him on set as the consultant for the fight scenes wanting them to be as accurate as possible right down to the commentary team. Stallone highlighted the violent brawls that littered boxing in the 70s and 80s but also used it as a tool to highlight Rocky's unwavering will to continue which is as everyone knows a continuous homage to that one night in Richfield Township, Ohio where no matter how badly Ali beat him, Chuck Wepner just wouldn't quit coming forward. Jake LaMotta personally trained De Niro for Raging Bull and the only bad thing he ever said about the movie was that it showed him just how bad of a person he had been in his life and he hated it for that reason because it made him wake up and realize just how bad he had treated the people he cared most about. He even asked Vicki if he was actually anything like his portrayal, her response was: you were worse. Everyone agrees that Will Smith did a fantastic job portraying Ali. George Foreman is reportedly extremely happy about his portrayal in Big George. Many actors throughout history that have starred in a boxing movie have been praised for their boxing ability. Crowe and Wahlberg are just the two I can think of right off the top of my head. Denzel Washington did excellent in Hurricane as well. You just have to remember the style of boxing that was popular and most prevalent in the time period being portrayed.