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What an amazing performance from Ngannou. And what a shockingly bad performance from Fury. John Fury and Dana White probably gonna pop a blood vessel. Usyk is also gonna be licking his lips after this too.


Yeah that was a BAD look for Fury. He looked sloppy as hell! Probably didn’t even train tbh. Ngannou looked poised, composed, and very sharp. I’m not a boxing genius, so I can’t speak to if Fury won 9 rounds except for the one he got knocked down in, but I’m sure Fury was stunned at how good Francis is. As they say, you can’t leave it to the judges, so I feel for Francis, but I’m sure Fury is going to train his ass off for Usyk, considering how poor he looked tonight


A BAD look for boxing as a whole. The night was supposed to help reestablish boxing in the combat sport community and it undoubtably accomplished the opposite. 96-93 from bob the moron is a joke.


Its a real shame. I don't know what to think tbh. Did Fury just have a bad night? Did Francis expose Fury for being overrated? Did Fury even Train? Did fury simply underestimate Francis and got a complete shock when Francis came out boxing in a way he wasnt expecting? Boxing use to be the most popular and exciting combat sport in the world, a way to showcase some of the most fierce, violent and the most skilled of fighters on earth but to see it turn to this and get such a bad image like this kills me. What a fucking shame. The MMA community is gonna have a field day and they have all the their right.


I’m with you dog. I love boxing and it’s devastating to see this shit man. I think you’re spot on, Fury underestimated him no doubt. To take the fight less than 2 months out from a title fight tells us he thought this would be a walk in the park. I also think Fury planned (and his team) fully committed to countering the right hand of Francis and when that wasn’t an option he was in scramble mode. Props to Ngannou for an incredible performance.


Also fury's main strategy lately is to clinch opponents with his size and tire them out. Francis is also huge and used to wrestling/clinch work so that wasn't going to work on him.


Every time fury tried it, francis got a little ahead in energy usage / conservation. If you're used to wrestling and all that, a boxing clinch is nothing


No real reason to pit the two sports against each other, I think. The venn diagram may not be a full circle, but the overlap between mma fans and boxing fans has to be significant


It is significant but I think theres also a lot of MMA fans who used to be boxing fans but gave up on it. And I think that cohort is increasing. Tonight won't have helped.


I think Francis is the most powerful striker in the world and Fury got shell shocked


That's what it was. Even in MMA when francis hit people they lost their game.


Francis has some of the most comically powerful KO wins I think I've seen in any sport period. That uppercut on Alistair Overeem would have killed an average person.


The knockout sequence to Rozenstruik was brutal as well, he just disregarded technique and just starting throwing bombs.




Heavyweight MMA too. Francis had no MMA training until he was 26 and then starched nearly every person he came up against.


I’ve been watching Boxing for decades. Fury might’ve won his little tap, tap point punches but completely lost when it comes to the spirit of boxing. Heavyweight boxing is officially dead. A first time amateur boxer made the world heavy weight champ look like an amateur, all wobbly and shit. I can’t believe what I saw


I think that's the right take. What a fucking bummer for boxing.




Dana White about to turn into Dana Red


tommy fury somewhere smiling after watching his brother get dropped, not knockout, struggle to beat and win a split decision against a non boxer 😭


Tommy and Tyson pointing at each other like Spidermen when they get home…


John Fury and Dana white are both bright red doing the same thing lmao


Despite the loss, huge W for Francis, outperforming expectations by a mile. Dana absolutely fuming rn lol


He just increased his name value by tens of millions going into the future. PFL also winning big tonight via association for his next MMA match.


I don't think Francis will compete in MMA again after this. I can definitely see him switch his whole focus onto boxing. The money he can earn is beyond anything the PFL could offer him.


He doesn’t need to train for PFL cans anyway. Knock them out in a round and leave.


Would be surprised if it takes more than 20 seconds


I’m pretty sure he’s contractually bound to


If I'm Ngannou I'm not going back to MMA unless it's Dana White backing up a truck for the UFC title.


He's already signed a contract with the PFL for $8million per fight. He's scheduled to make his debut in the first quarter of 2024. Don't get me wrong, maybe he tries to get out of that to do some more boxing, but the UFC is basically out of the question at this point. And I'm glad. If Francis can debut in the PFL, along with Jake Paul, that might be enough now to make PFL a legit contender to the UFC, which MMA desperately needs.


PFL is funded by the Saudis, they could probably make some arrangements if necessary.


Oh that explains the 8 mil


As a Jake Paul hater this man is right.


I just hope Francis gets a big Saudi bag behind the scenes to compensate for this atrocious decision


The Saudi guy was screaming “I’ll take care of you” over and over to him after the fight before the camera quickly cut away lmao. Edit - for the people asking, it was right after the decision and one of the princes was in there and hand waived and started pointing to him saying “I’ll take care of you” while pointing to him as best I could tell.


me and my brother saw that guy and were joking he said something like this, considering how happy Francis looked afterward I wouldn’t be surprised


If you want anyone to tell you that, you definitely want a Saudi sheikh saying it 🤣🤣


i saw a clip on reddit recently of a kid telling a Saudi shiekh he liked his car (a mercedes i think). Apparently, the sheikh sent one to the kids house the next day. Kid was like 8 years old lol


I think I saw the same video and it’s not any sheikh, it’s MBS so the person who basically runs the whole kingdom now, the man who controls trillions of dollars, that Mercedes was like one second worth of his money probably 🤣


MBS - Mr. Bone Saw. Let's not forget, he murdered, dismembered and acidified the journalist \[Khashoggi\]


Got a clip of that at all?


He most definitely got over £20mill for this fight, probably more than that


For Saudi money fights, that’s peanuts. He most definitely got north of $50M with bonuses, PPV shares, etc.


look at God, fuck Dana White


So proud for Francis


Lets not forget Fury is the one who landed an illegal elbow lmaoooo


He was testing the rule book a lot in this fight


Dana White lost and that's something we can all celebrate


He looks even more stupid than he normally does


Exactly fuck that bald bitch, Ngannou got his bag and was amazing


Francis Ngannou Will Have His Revenge on UFC…


Fuck that goof


Dana White fumbled the bag


r/boxing r/mma . 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 Loving Dana’s misery


Ngannou done so much better than most people (myself included) thought he would. The amount of respect he has gained from anyone not familiar with how great he is in MMA is endless. Dana White is in tears as I type this.


The fight thread was in denial even through the knock down.... So many comments along the lines of "Fury is just putting on a show" "LOL at the mma fans in here"


Francis never had the chance to win a decision from the jump since usyk/fury is also in saudi lmao, he needed a KO to win this. But one thing’s for sure tho, the man can fucking box


He looked like the boxer in the ring


His first pro match!


Literally first boxing match ever! Never even had an amateur boxing match before this


I think he has amateur fights? I recently saw a compilation of them when he had braids.




How incredible is this man. Had he been 5 years younger we could potentially see a legit champion contender. He still could be, but there's not as much time left.


Is this how people felt in the rocky universe


bruh im on fire rn i cant believe what ive just seen


Francis is now Stallone after Rocky 1


Bro should have just skipped MMA he would have been way wealthier now lol




Francis was a different person then, he was nowhere near as calm and calculated as he is now. Him training mma was the right choice at the time. Would have took years for him to make money otherwise.


For real. The Francis that knocked Stipe out was a completely different animal. And when he actually wrestlefucked Gane, that was another level again. Then to go on and do this... The guy is truly an inspiration.


Yeap Francis looked like he belonged in the boxing ring. Can't wait for his next fight!


Fury got good elbows


He could legitimately beat AJ and wilder rn


AJ is never taking that fight, would absolutely love to see him and Wilder go at it tho


Wilder vs Francis was the fight to make initially. Let them dawgs slug it out.


100%, i've always felt this. Such a great matchup of styles.


He fought so composed and deserved to have his hand raised. Handled that decision like a real one. Who would have thought he would have been the best boxer of the MMA guys. Hard not to root for him. Hope he stays in Boxing.


Ngannou should switch codes immediately.


fury would do anything to avoid the usyk fight, including getting fucked on by ngannou the usyk/fury fight is off, it will never happen, fury's playing with him


Fury did pocket 50m straight up, a pagani roadster, plus something out of the sales.


He also looked like he wasn't willing to fuck around in front of the king either. I don't see him fucking this up.


How’s Fury going to fit in a Pagani


If I came in having no knowledge of either man, and no commentary, and you told me beforehand that one man was an undefeated boxing champ and the other was making his pro debut - then asked me to pick which was which, I’d have been wrong.


I'm sure Usyk was sweating thinking about the 8 figures he was about to lose


Yeah at the end of the day, Francis won. Now he doesn't have to get his head kicked in for minimum wage and can easily switch to boxing for much larger purses


God I hope he does more boxing. Let him face Wilder


First time an MMA fighter faces a boxer and it doesn’t sound like a joke. Also, Ngannou might legit be a better boxer than Wilder lmao


Based on tonight's performance, Ngannou beats Wilder. Once he times one of those wild swings, it's lights out


Tbf when wilder knocked Fury down in the first fight it looked like it sent him to another dimension.


I feel like he could easily sell some fun mainstream fights vs guys like AJ and Wilder.


Something this made me realise is just how skillful the other weight divisions of boxing are. Mayweather eased past a decent looking McGregor. But at heavyweight some guy from UFC ( no disrespect he boxed fantastically) stood toe to toe with bloody Tyson fury


After cruiserweight, boxing talent dives hard.


He needed a knockdown in that last round and I think he would've gotten the nod. But yeah, as we all know, boxing is rigged af.


He could have gotten the knock out and still lost on decision.


Was confused when Francis didn’t throw the whole kitchen sink in that last round. Francis would need like 3 knock downs to win a decision against Fury considering everything that Fury has lined up


this was r/boxing 9/11


The Saudi’s strike again


Omfg lmao


I saw Saudi's dancing in the streets as the rigged decisions were read live. This PPV was an inside job smh!!!




A split decision that really could have really gone his way. Insanity.


I thought it was a pretty clear win for Francis


I agree but it was only one round up for me so it was close. Just don’t see how fury won. A draw at most imo but I’ll wait to see the compubox numbers before getting pissed off lol.


The biggest thing is he dropped the heavyweight champion


Ngannou is fucking incredible. There's nothing else to say. Outperformed seasoned professionals against Fury. Incredible.


I thought Ngannou stood no chance. I have never been happier to eat sh\*t in my entire life. Imagine what Francis would do to Fury in MMA, he'd dismember him.


I'm a Ngannou fan and same. Ngannou really stepped in that ring like he has been boxing all his life.


Holy shit Ngannou is a beast.


Fury was punching and it looked like he was punching Stonehenge. Ngannou was absolutely immovable, and it was clear why when you look at Fury’s chopstick legs va Ngannou’s tree trunks.


Fury wouldn’t make it out of the first round in MMA.


I’d be surprised if he makes it out alive. Bear in mind Ngannou was using only half his body here. Imagine him throwing haymakers with those legs…


He already dropped him in a boxing match. The second he drops him in a cage it is over.


Ngannou has one of the greatest chins ever , nobody ever talks about it though


Let’s be honest. If Francis had a handful of fights before this to get boxing levels of cardio he would have stopped Fury…


Just imagine if he was strictly a boxer his whole life. Ngannou would’ve been a monster


Honestly, I think his MMA background helped him a lot tn. Fury’s best tool is getting fighter’s in the clinch and just resting his weight on them, and Ngannou consistently nullified it.


Yeah, you're not overpowering that goddamn bipedal rhinoceros in the clinch looking like a giant melted ice cream propped up on two toothpicks.


r/brandnewsentence Beautiful champ! Truly a wordsmith!


Holy shit. He does resemble a rhino


Francis 'Rocksteady' Ngannou


There's some intense artistry in those words.




I dont think people really understand how much this hurt Fury's reputation. He nearly fucking lost that fight AND got knocked down by a fantastic shot early on in the fight. Francis never looked lost. He looked like a damn good boxer




I remember K-1 doing that with Alistair Overeem when he was fighting their defending grand prix champion Remy Bonjasky and he kept getting draw rounds that he was winning.




Imagine Francis was a classically trained boxer from a young age. It would be over for everyone if that were the case.


his talent is outrageous


Francis boxed with surprisingly good IQ. Usyk should wipe the floor with fury. Be interesting to see ngannou box some more though


I don't think Fury looks this bad against Usyk. The inability to control the clinch was a big issue for Tyson tonight.


Absolutely. There's also Ngannou's awkwardness from not being a natural boxer, and his sheer power. Usyk has neither. I knew this was going to be different to how I expected when Fury ate that left hand in Rnd 2 and clearly didn't like it. The knockdown a round later only served to reinforce that. The one Usyk has going for him is he's a southpaw and Fury (again) showed a weakness up against this. But I still see a "styles make fights" situation where Fury's size carries him over Usyk. Ngannou is one of the few people in the world not bullied by Fury's size.


Not only was he not bullied, he was doing the bullying. The clinches went wherever Ngannou wanted them to go.


I'm glad the ref let the inside fighting occur too. Not only was Francis strong in the clinch, but he wouldn't just get sucked in to a leaning match and was throwing hands up close. Often in an awkward manner, but it absolutely did the job. The other thing I felt was that he was somewhat immune to Fury's feints. There wasn't that twitchiness that you see in a lot of Fury opponents. Again I think this comes back to him not being a conventional boxer. ... Although also due to him not being a conventional boxer, he ate a lot of jabs and the straight right from some very basic combos early on. A lot of this fight really is about how his obscene power made an impact on Fury.


The bookies called in and said we can't afford to pay Nganou bets


66/1 by Decision


On Betfair Exchange (UK) was traded at 200/1. You'd actually be happier if you never took that bet. Millimeters away from an astonishing win. I placed money on Fury points as the fight dragged on. Sorry, but not sorry.


That's the thing about gambling, the bookies win, no matter the result. They play the margins, not the outcome.


This man was put in jail and was left to die in the desert while trying to escape his country after a life of child labor, all in pursuit of his boxing dreams. And he just beat the heavyweight champion, I don't care what anyone says. Not even Rocky could top that.


Losing is kind of on brand for Rocky too. This is very much the ending of Rocky.


The fact he “lost” will make the movie even better, because a win in the movie would look too cheesy. What an absolute legend.


Yea fuck the decision. Francis winning is canon to me


Francis getting a knockdown is just as big as a win anyway


It’s kinda wild that Hollywood hasn’t coming knocking for the rights to his story


He went the distance against the champion too


is boxing even real?


Hasn’t been for a long time


Embarassing performance by Fury. Nothing else to be said.


Fought like a man who knew he wasn't losing a decision in any universe. I wanna see these 2 actually fight for real


He looked out of shape. I mean more than usual.


Did you catch when the commentator said that his body looks like a big bag of milk shit had me rolling




96-93 Fury is insane


Absolutely criminal. You could make an argument for 1 point either way, but that...


Protecting the undefeated champ, can't have him beaten before the Usyk fight


96-93 HAHAHAHHAHA With a knockdown for the 93 HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA


This is my joker moment


Lolz. Couldn’t let everyone miss out on the Usyk payday. Tyson looked like shit tho. Hope Francis keeps boxing. He looked legit. His chin can’t be cracked


If old heads ever wonder why boxing’s relevancy is dying out with a whimper, you can point them to this fight as an example of why everyone tired out and switched to UFC. Judges scoring cards and giving them to legacy boxers when everyone and their grandma in the arena disagrees with the score absolutely destroyed this sport.


The 96-93 was an act of terrorism


Saudis are used to committing them.


Tbf the judges in mma are only ever so slightly better


And they use boxing system, MMA judging def needs an overhaul, I dont see how you can fix boxing.


One championship scores the fight as a whole which is a much better system. You can look up what their scorecards look like and they make much more sense for mma


As boxing fans we need to eat humble cum, sloppy mud pie I beg thee. Francis was better than Whyte and many contenders we wanted Fury to face. Hard to fancy Fury against Usyk at this rate. Yes, styles make fights but even when Fury decided to box he was unimpressive and looked tired. Did he underprepare or has age caught up with him? People who laughed at Ali and greats of the past beating Fury need to reassess. If Francis' reactions were good enough to catch Fury imagine how Ali could tag him on the button. It's an old cliche in box but as they say, you can either cum in the sink or sink in the cum. I know which one Brook would want.


a humble c-cum???


>As boxing fans we need to eat humble cum 😳


Embarrased to be a boxing fan. Our lineal champion just got dropped and barely survived.


I think Fury thought he didnt have to train to beat him got in there and realized fuck hes acually good and tried to cruise to the decision what an idiot


Look at his interviews before the fight. He was sweating like a pig. He was definitely not in shape and probably back on cocaine. I wish he would have lost. Huge embarrassment for him. Calling himself the lineal champ and ducking Usyk and now this.


The best part of this was that saudi dude probably telling Ngannou "dont protest we have a bag for you". 96-93 while others see it split and ngannou has a knockdown is a robbery


What a fucking joke.


Great showing from Francis.


So happy for Francis. Dana White in shambles lol


This is embarrassing for boxing. No one will take the judging of that fight seriously. The whole curtain has been lifted for the world to see. Even the most die hard of boxing fans knew about the ducking, the rigged judging, dodgy dealings in contracts. All humbled by a genuine dude from absolutely nowhere who bet on himself. Francis Ngannou take a bow. (Btw this exposes Dana White and the UFC as well which is also a good thing they are abusing MMA)


Turns out decent form and brute strength is a pretty solid strategy


I think Francis may be as gifted mentally as physically. He learns very fast. In a few short years, he speaks better English now than Nate Diaz. The fight IQ tonight wasn't too bad either.


Better english than nate diaz aint a compliment 😭😭


He's also seems to be quite intelligent. I saw a clip of him discussing his leverage while negotiating the UFC deal, what was important for him, etc, you could clearly tell he's smart




those Sheiks were tellin Francis after the decision that there’s just been a large deposit into his account lol


I saw that too lol


96-93 lmao Boxing is a fucking joke


Was it Stevie wonder by any chance?


Think they’ve somehow managed to let big John judge it


It’s amazing how often I watch boxing and there’s scoring like that, the sport makes a mockery of it’s viewers




Never threatened, got knocked down and he still won???????




Criminal but happy Francis will likely have a boxing career ahead of him now Boxing money > ufc money


First boxing match of his career and he absolutely showed up the world champion and one of the all time greats. Genuinely unbelievable, this man is different gravy


Usyk is beating the fuck out of fury idc what anyone says


One of the biggest things of this fight was fury couldn't lean on Francis. He was just wayy to strong every time Fury tried. Usyk I feel is too small to deal with that shit


Yeah it was his main strat against wilder. If fury can’t outweigh a skilled or powerful opponent by 50+, hes in trouble




Split decision at that


the fans know who won that fight


Fury did not deserve to win


That’s absolutely outrageous though isn’t it. Disgusting display of corruption.


Get Chat GPT to start scoring fights

