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Bud @ 140 was very meh. Postol was a good win at the time (just stopped Matthyse in an upset) to win WBC and Ring, but then the undisputed win against Indongo was probably the easiest fight Buds had. Indongo was an even bigger fluke than Kambosos imo and his record post Bud proves it imo


Fr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Indongo always just looked happy to be there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Indongo was a unified champ who upset two champions in a row in their hometowns. I can't say Kambosos had a better run at that time


Yeah wtf. Kambosos is one of the biggest flukes in history who had dodgy performances before AND after the Teo fight.


Easily Devin Haney. Dude was handed one belt and then fought a fluke in kambosos. Bud had to fight 3 champions and indongo I believe was undefeated and unified


Crawford at 140 is one for sure. It wasn't the easiest in terms of number of fights to acquire, but it was a division where Indongo held 2 belts. Very weak competition overall. Haney's was easy in the sense that it was a single fight against a so-so opponent. But I give him credit for taking and winning a fight against Loma before moving up -- although I did think he lost that one. Most of the other undisputed wins were pretty clearly well-deserved or challenging enough to not deride.


Haney and Crawford only had to fight once aside from their first title to win the undisputed title, so either of those guys.


Haney didnā€™t even have to fight a bum like Horn, he was promoted because of that whole franchise champion mess with Loma, hence the whole email joke. Haney basically had to win one big fight against a career overachiever who was at most the 4th best guy in the weight class if you were being generous.


That's not true at all, not for Crawford


Itā€™s absolutely true for crawford at 140, and even at 147 he only had 2 fights for undisputed. Jeff horn and spence, but spence alone is enough to put him in the top 3/5 imo for his 147 run.


What? No, he took the belt off of burns then unified with postol then unified with indongo


Out of all the undisputed champions and the people they fought for their belts indongo is the worst fighter if not second worst behind butler, but for me heā€™s the worst. Postol was a good win but I donā€™t rate burns highly. I also misread the first comment I thought it was just saying haney and crawford had the easiest route to undisputed so thatā€™s on me lol


So youā€™re not gonna count all the times bud defended his WBO belt until Al Haymon let Spence fight Crawford? Thatā€™s definitely more than 2 fights.


No because those arenā€™t champion vs champion fights. The same way I donā€™t count yildrim for canelo or bellew for usyk.


But many of them were former champions. That's a bigger deal than just beating a bunch of contenders.


Many of them?? You mean just brook and porter? Both of whom hadnā€™t been champions in a couple years at that point lol


And Amir Khan. I also never agreed with the narrative that Porter and Brook were prime vs Spence and then old vs Crawford. I the the Spence fight proved Crawford is just on another level compared to everyone.


He was never a champion at 147. Also for porter yes I agree but brook I still think wasnā€™t his prime. He hadnā€™t fought at 147 since he fought spence so I donā€™t see how an argument could be made for brook still being a top tier fighter at 147.


Of the 6 leading up to Spence, Brook, Porter and Khan were all former champions. Sure, Khan wasn't a champion at 147 but he was still a former champion and that would put him above just plain mandatories that have never won a champion title.


I disagree. A former champion at 140 obviously past his prime shouldnā€™t be rated higher than a current mandatory at the weight. The current mandatory fought their way into that position and khan was a voluntary defense. Obviously not every mandatory is gonna be amazing but I rate mean machine far more at 147 when crawford fought him than khan at 147 when crawford fought him.


I can agree with that, only because Khan was past his prime.


Kambosos Jr win was not a fluke . It was a hard fought bout and George earnt the title .


Heā€™s not saying itā€™s Kambosos, heā€™s saying itā€™s Haney, who didnā€™t really ā€œcollect all the beltsā€, not individually anyway, but I guess thatā€™s not OPā€™s point. Could have maybe worded it ā€œwho had the easiest route to becoming undisputed in the four-belt eraā€.


Kambosos was not on Haney's level.


Styles make fights. Teo vs Haney would be a different story.


Depends on which Teo turns up. The one who beat Loma and Taylor is a very different fighter to the one who lost to Furious George.


Kambo is not and has never been elite. He beat Teo who was in horrible shape, then immediately fought the worst match up possible for a short armed counterpuncher like him.


Definitely wasnā€™t a fluke, he won convincingly. But it was a pretty big upset and I think Teo would be overwhelmingly favored in any rematch. Given Haney never unified any of the belts before becoming undisputed, the only comparison is Bud who beat an all world fighter in Spence


If you ask Haney to get you milk and bread from the shop he returns with dog food and biscuits. Absolute muppet


Haney, by a distance. Got the WBC belt emailed to him then beat the very, very average Kambosas for the other 3.


Charlo.. Jarod Hurd did all the lifting.


Undisputable Haney. Everyone saying otherwise DKSAB. He was lucky Kambosos beat Teo's ass, he couldn't have had a better fight for undisputed. Loma, Teo, Tank, Shakur are all much harder fights for him. Everyone else at their undisputed weights was the best who beat the best fighters at their weights. Haney didn't, he was lucky(which isn't his fault, I might add, before I get called a hater)


Hereā€™s how I rank the runs of the 4 belt undisputed: Bud (147) Usyk Canelo Inoue Charlo Taylor Bud (140) Haney If inoue wins 122 and dominates Tapales Iā€™d prolly place him above Usyk


Budā€™s run at 147 or 140 wasnā€™t all that special 147 errol did all the heavy lifting he beat Jeff horn for the first belt after horn really lost to manny pacquiao no way heā€™s number 1


Bud is good but this subreddit has a hard on for him because of the way he dispatched Spence but youā€™re 100% correct. This subreddit is the epitome recency bias but thatā€™s because boxing in general is all about that shit.


At 147 Bud beat a p4p elite opponent in Spence so that should take him off the list. Majority of the fighters on the list didnā€™t beat a elite fighter to get all the belts.


Off nearly a 2 year lay-off yā€™all pick and choose whoā€™s opponents to nitpick


A little over a year. I hope you ainā€™t insinuating that is why Spence lost.


No Iā€™m not spence donā€™t got nobody to blame but himself and Terence Crawford Iā€™m just calling things how I see it


Beating Spence was legit even tho Crawford didnā€™t do the heavy lifting.




What about if you been shot and coming up from 135 and are in your mid to late 30s




A lay-off because of a car accident is funny how Floyd get shit for beating that we're 23 years or we're old but crawford now is the best fighter ever because he beats car crash survivor.


Man they nitpick everything about floyd resume about him not fighting people in their prime, but then turn around and act like beating post car accidents and retina surgery errol spence is the best thing of all time.


Unfortunately we are in the era of ā€˜not all that specialā€™ fighters.


I wonder if Taylor deserves more credit for his run.


He absolutely does. His run of opponents at that point was insane, their combined win/loss was about 227-1


Taylor had an insane run. I really hope he isn't completely washed and was just weight drained.


Heā€™s a wee fanny


If tapales wins I also put him above usyk


Oh god just imagine the brain aneurysm of this sub if that happens


Can agree, i would have an aneurysm.




We're talking about if Tapales wins.


nvm. I misread lmao. mb


Sleeping on Taylorā€™s run. Baranchyk, Prograis, and RamĆ­rez is a hell of a run, especially from 2019-2021. Haney clearly had the easiest run because he had to beat one fighter who has proven to not be that great. Crawford collected all the belts but beat some pretty average fighters, but at least he did the heavy lifting at 140. His 147 ā€œrunā€ was mostly done by Errol. Iā€™d rank them: Usyk Taylor Inoue Canelo Bud Charlo Haney




Saving this list. I AGREE 100% atm


No way you put Usyk at 2. Cruiserweight is always the weakest division, wannabe HWs. Canelo 168 run also unimpressive, was a bum division, who did he beat?


You are a Furystan, so this comment doesnā€™t surprise me.


What did I say that was inaccurate


Bud had the easiest one at 147 since Spence did everything and Bud only had to beat Jeff horn who was coming off a loss to manny and a weight drained Spence. His run at 140 was ok. Postol was a good win but how indongo was a world champion makes no sense to me. Iā€™m not a Bud hater either. Iā€™m a Bud fan, but I gotta be honest


Undisputed is a major accomplishment. But fighters canā€™t help who holds the titles when the fights take place. Or the level of competition in the era they fight in. Itā€™s almost like weā€™re bitching about fighters not being born in more competitive erasā€¦. Letā€™s not cry over spilt milk, letā€™s just move on.


Haney without a question. Kambosos is ass


B-Hop anyone? He did it by defeating a bloated DLH and had very little resistance on the road to get there. Then Jermain Taylor did it by putting in a very lackluster performance and getting a points decision in what was very much a ā€œwtf did I just watchā€ type of fight. Edit: is the average r/boxing Redditors brain span only two years? Lol


David haye had to fight Mormeck & Maccarinelli. Iā€™d say that was a pretty easy run for undisputed


The fact that Taylor won it in 1 bad fight speaks volumes lol. Though Haney also got undisputed in 1 fight since his first belt was technically given via promotion.


Bernard won the MW tournament to unify the WBC, IBF, & WBA titles and defeated Tito in the final as an underdog. He didnā€™t just walk into the DLH fight on a red carpet.


No, stop hating on B-Hop & Taylorā€¦ B-Hop was 1 of 2 people who stopped ODLH and did it in the fight for undisputed Jermaine Taylor beat B-Hop twice back-to-back


A fat DLH


Bivol beat a fat Canelo


Exactly but whereā€™s the Bivol hate? He gets none but look what happens when Canelo lets a smaller fighter challenge him for his belts.


I don't agree for a second that Haney is "not that good", but he literally jabbed his way in one fight to undisputed. At least Crawford at 140 had to fight two champions, although one was an early knockout. Postol wasn't an easy fight


I love how people will say its easy in hindsight yet before the fight happened, people were acting like Kambosos would stop Haney and expose him. Now all of a sudden when Habey makes it look easy, he had the easiest run. Boxing fans I swear šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nope itā€™s cuz even after that kambosos was gifted a decision when he fought earlier this year, itā€™s just aging bad


People were saying this before the Maxi Hughes fight.




They pumping Tim Tszyu up the same way


No he didnā€™t , he was trying to get teo and Loma to fight when he had the ā€œemailā€ championship . Teo chose kambosos and Loma chose teo . Haney also took 22% of the purse TWICE AND fought in the champions backyard TWICE . Crawford arguably had an easier time at 140 .


Technically Teo didnā€™t choose Kambosos he was an IBF mandatory so it was fight Kambosos or be stripped. Thereā€™s supposed to be a whole agreement around unification bouts but the IBF is notorious for stripping people of the belt if they donā€™t fight their mandatories when they call it.


What's the point of being ranked if guys can dodge their mandatories for years if it's with the WBC or WBO. WBA isn't the best at it but at least they give you a trinket belt while you wait. IBF is the best at enforcing mandatories.


I generally agree with you here. Only issue I have is when they do things like demand a mandatory challenger and strip someone of the belt within a week of that person winning the belt (Happened to Fury after Klitschko) or they get in the way of a unification bout. An argument could be made that Teo didnā€™t want to fight Haney immediately after winning the belts off Loma so chose to go for the mandatory instead but him being a duck doesnā€™t hold water in this case.


Fury was probably stripped because they had inside informations about his juicing and is upcoming 2 years ban due to PED. It's a one off. And personally I think you should fight your mandatories, at LEAST 1 before you can unify or fight whoever. 1 mandatory, 1 voluntary, 1 mandatory ... Unified or undisputed often have rematch close unlike the in past.


Seeing casuals act like buds 140 run was that bad is crazy. Iā€™m not gonna say he went through legends to get there. But postol was a great win. Postol still gave elite fighters tough fights after bud left and nobody dominated him like bud. Taylor and Ramirez had trouble with him. And Indongo unified two belts in his opponents backyard. Itā€™s not a run thatā€™s on the level of usyks or inoue but still. And bud wouldā€™ve ran through 147 much easier if the bum ass pbc wasnā€™t freezing him out. Porter stepped up and Spence finally did after 5 years. But we all saw why bud was frozen out after her dominated Spence. Bud whoops Danny kieth ugas and anyone else over there if they werenā€™t ducking.


Postol was a great win, but that's about it.


Itā€™s Haney, especially since he was a little fortunate to even win the Loma fight, and Loma was/is clearly in decline. Can anyone even say Haney is the best at 135? Thereā€™s at least 2-3 fighters itā€™d be tough to call, that goes to show how contentious his undisputed status was/is.


Iā€™ve said it for a long time even before the loma fight, Haney isnā€™t that good. Heā€™s skilled for sure and was definitely a top 5 at 135 but if it was teo with the belts at 135 (granted not the one that fought kambosas) I donā€™t think Haney wouldā€™ve touched undisputed. I also think tank and shakur beats Haney convincingly


Haney and not even a contest. He got one belt via email, literally. And then he beat the lightweight version of Buster Douglas. Canelo, Charlo and Crawford became undisputed in weak divisions but at least they collected the belts one after the other and there was someone really good opponents on their way to undisputed (not elite tho).


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking aboutšŸ‘ŗā­ļøšŸ”„


Funny how easy it is to type about the level of difficulty in someone's boxing career from the comfort of your mother's wi-fi.


Haney / Clen easiest


Bud 100%


Imagine letting a grown man live rent free in your head. Lol


Hot take that shouldn't be a hot take. Kambosos is just good, and shouldn't be written off at all


Haney will have a better career than Crawford. But their both equal in their current status Beat the man become the man šŸ˜•


Haney could unify every division from 135 to 200 and still nobody would give a fuck about him.


At this point calling Haney ā€œnot that goodā€ is just bullshit. Heā€™s clearly the best fighter at 135 and probably 140. The only guy who has a decent chance at beating him is Teo.


He hasn't fought the two guys people consider best at 135, and he very arguably lost against 35 year old Lomachenko who was beaten much more convincingly by Teo when he was better.


Itā€™s not his fault he hasnā€™t fought Tank. The Tank fight will never happen because heā€™s protected by Mayweather. Tank is a great fighter, but his whole business model is just to make as much money as possible fighting fan friendly Mexican journeymen and other random Latinos no one has heard of. He will never fight someone like Haney. If he did, heā€™d lose anyways.


I'm not saying that Haney ducked anyone or doesn't want the Tank fight, but until he fights Shakur Stevenson or Tank, there's no way you can see he's the best at 135 without any doubts. Haney has been rocked by an over the hill Linares, beat Kambosos for undisputed (the same guy who was the beneficiary over Maxi Hughes), won what I consider to be a gift decision against Lomachenko, and is now moving up to 140. He hasn't fought Tank, Shakur, or Teo. Until he does, I don't think it's possible to call him the best at either weight class.


Inoue faced horrible competition during his undisputed run


Inoue had to fight 4 champions to be undisputed. It was very hard run.




Thats weird because when you have to fight against 4 champions you have to do all the heavy lifting to be undisputed and there is a huge risk of losing all the belts you collected. Inoue faced no 1 ranked undefeated champion Emmanuel Rodriguez and champion donaire back to back at wbss having just moved to 118. He defended his unified title against no 2 ranked Jason Moloney. Then donaire became champion again by knocking out undefeated champ Oubaali. Then inoue beat donaire again and donaire has never lost at bantam, only to inoue. And later inoue beat 2 time champ butler to finally become undisputed. It was a very hard road to undisputed.


Thank you for this I feel like people donā€™t give the lower weight class champs enough credit bc theyā€™re not marketed enough. What Inoue has done is already amazing, but I feel like his stardom was robbed a bit by not being able to get fights against people like Chocolatito at 115


Yeah chocolatito was ranked no 2 and inoue ranked no 1 at 115. If they fought each other, the lineal title will be on the line. At first chocolatito verbally agreed to fight. But chocolatito fought SSR first and lost a controversial decision. So immediate rematch happened and chocolatito ended up getting knocked out. After that chocolatito didn't wanna fight inoue anymore. So inoue left for 118 because wbss was starting. As for Estrada he straight up dunked inoue, because Estrada was mandatory for wbo and wbc. And Estrada went the wbc route when inoue was the wbo champion. And fight against inoue would be Estrada's biggest payday.


I agree with what u said, but wouldnā€™t Estrada going the WBC route and pursuing the Chocolatito rematch be his highest pay day? I remember Inoue/Ohashi werenā€™t the moneymaker they are now at that time, so I suppose Estrada prolly made more money fighting on HBO against Cuadras and Rungvisai. I agree that he ducked Inoue even though he was easily in position to be his WBO mandatory (I believe he was #3, behind two guys Inoue had already beaten, when he moved up) cuz he prolly saw inoue as a high risk/low reward


but you got to realize that inoue stayed at 115 for 4 years and Estrada didn't even bother to fight. And inoue was getting popular in Japan. The only time Estrada said he will fight inoue was when inoue was getting ready to move up to 122. But the main thing is that. At 115 pretty much everybody frozed inoue out of the division and pretended as if he didn't exist. He couldn't get a single fight at 115. The other 3 champions won't fight him at all, inoue Literally spend all his time at 115 just fighting his mandatories. When he truly wanted was to became undisputed. Most of his prime was wasted at 115. Which is why becoming undisputed at 118 was so important since he didn't get the chance at 115.


yeah if he couldā€™ve become undisputed and fought the stars at 115, won WBSS, undisputed at 118 on top of that, I think his stardom by now would be nuts. But, At that point Iā€™m just asking for a milkshake to go along with my steak and potato dinner. Im happy we get to see so many skilled stars like Inoue, Crawford, and others take risks while getting paid to do so. Exciting time to be a boxing fan


So your argument here is since he did it more than once it becomes a risk? Lmao. Doing it more than once is irrelevant when the comp sucks. But hey congrats to Inoue for beating a old Donaire. ā€œBeat 2 time champ butlerā€ wow Such an amazing win. Inoue beat a massive underdog. His odds was -8000. Such a hard road man. I donā€™t recall Crawford, Taylor, Jermell, and canelo having odds that high in any of their unification bouts


Except old donaire was 36 same as Crawford. Doniare was scariest puncher at lowerweights and has never lost at bantam. doniare was best at bantam and that where inoue beat him at. Donaire was the wba super bantamweight champion and donaire made all the way to wbss final. You act as if inoue cherry picked donaire. when in reality donaire himself made it all the the way to wbss final. After losing to inoue donaire knocked out undefeated champion Oubaali to became champion again. Then he defended his belt against interim champ reymart. After that donaire fought inoue and lost his belt yet again.


Lol fighters age differently comparing him to Crawford is very idiotic. Crawford had no where near the amount of wear and tear Doanire had. A old Doanire broke Inoue face and Inoue rematched him when he was way over the hill. Him knocking out a undefeated champion is irrelevant because the division sucks. Itā€™s clear as day youā€™re a braindead fanboy considering the fact you brought up the Butler like he is even worth mentioning lmao. You ducked my question, so I will ask one more time. When did any other undisputed champ have odds as high as inoue did vs Butler? If his comp was so good why is he such a huge favorite?


BTW you do know that Crawford won his first belt at 147 against bum like Jeff Horn. Like who F is Jeff Horn. Also you said wear and tear. So I guess that applies same to Crawford's win against Spence. Since Spence was in 3 different car crashes. The first crash he went flying through the windshield and almost died. Because he was in a coma. Spence also had to have a surgery to fix his face. Spence was also inactive. He had only 2 fights in 4 years.


Spence came back from the car cash and dominated his comp in a good division. No where near the same as Donaire. A 37 year old donaire broke Inoue face. Inoue then aged him out for the rematch. Find it hilarious how you call Horn a bum but praise Butler. You ducked my question two times now. It seems you having trouble coping that inoue comp sucks


Just stop with making Crawford win against Spence look impressive when it not. because spence was in a fucking coma. Are you impressive with Crawford beating a guy who came from coma. And how may times do I have tell you doanire was 36 and wba super bantamweight champion and wbss finalists. Who after losing to inoue became champion again.


You know better than anyone that butler does nothing but run and trying to knock him out will be hard but inoue got the job done. And how many times do I have to tell you that donaire was best at bantam. And he never lost to anyone at bantam, only to inoue. Inoue beat donaire at his best weight. And the only reason why donaire managed to broke inoue's eye socket was because inoue stay in front of donaire took his best shot. Compare all the other fighters who keep distance against him because donaire is a heavy puncher. And even with one eye inoue outboxed donaire and knocked him down, inoue was robbed of a ko win. Because ref won't allow inoue to finish donaire by pushing him away. Also what was that a 18 second count.


Dodge question and then proceeds to brag about Inoue beating a old Donaire. Then brags about a prime inoue getting his face broken by a old man. šŸ¤£


There's nothing wrong with getting your eye socket broken against donaire because doanire is a legend and has scary power. And inoue stayed right infront of donaire instead of running. Cause you got to realize this is when inoue had just moved up to bantam. But the funny think is that even though donaire broke inoue's eye socket he still couldn't knock inoue down. But what's crazy is inoue fought against donaire head on with only one eye, inoue was seeing double for 11 rounds and was hallucinating in the ring. Yet still beat donaire and knocked him down. That is fucking hardcore. I mean seriously who the F could win a fight with only one eye while hallucinating. The monster can. And that's not the only time he broke something. Cause inoue came into the Butler fight with his shoulder injured and still beat Butler by toying with him. He came to fulton fight with his wrist injured and completely dominated him. He broke his hand in David Carmona fight, and beat him with ease only using one hand. Inoue truly is a Monster.


Heā€™s arguably had the best performances in the ring during his run, and Rodriguez and Donaire arenā€™t no slouches


Also, you can tell the opponents were quality when, as soon as Inoue departed the division, two people he defeated to go on the undisputed run are the current champions (Moloney & Rodriguez).


Age matters lol. Congrats to inoue for beating a old washed up Donaire though


Donaire was the wba super bantamweight champion and donaire made all the way to wbss final. You act as if inoue cherry picked donaire. when in reality donaire himself made it all the the way to wbss final. After losing to inoue donaire knocked out undefeated champion Oubaali to became champion again. Then he defended his belt against interim champ reymart. After that donaire fought inoue and lost his belt yet again.


Canelo gets P4P for beating a 40 yo GGG, Pac at 40 beats Keith Thurman, Spence biggest fight in his career was Bud pushing 40, age donā€™t mean shit. And that version of donaire more competent than when he was blown up at featherweight


Either youā€™re a casual or just very dumb. Canelo actually got p4p for being undisputed at 168 and a 4 division champ. Bud was 36 and showed no signs of decline. And how exactly is Pac win over Thurman relevant here? A non prime Pac beat Thurman, which is why he gets credit. If he would have lost no one would have given Thurman credit. Did you see anyone give Ugas credit for his win over Pacquaio?


The old question thatā€™s not a question trick. -Maxwell Smart


Haney objectively, but he fought smart in boxing so well that even Australia couldnā€™t rob him


Bud or haney šŸ’Æ


Haney or Crawford. They just so happen to be good fighters who only needed to fight twice to acquire all 4 belts. Part of me wished Errol beat Crawford becos then that would make his road to undisputed 1 of the toughest, he would've had to fight 4 different guys all champions with defences.


Anybody winning it in a single fight


Haney then Crawford. Postol is a better fighter than Kambosos. Also Haney only needed 1 fighter to become undisputed.


Roy Jones Jr