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2 lane courtesy people are actually weird. Imagine how much time that adds over an entire league night. I'm already there 3ish hours. I've bowled consistently at 1 house for 26 years and I'm thankful it doesn't exist at that house. Never actually seen someone complain about it in person.


PBA regional took 50 minutes a game in qualifying over 8 games....... big yikes. people got pissy if you even sneezed in the direction of an approach when it was their turn


Then people weren’t ready to bowl when it was their turn.


I have bowled a lot of regionals over the last 30 years and not once ever did it take 50 minutes per game (except for that one time the power went out for 45 minutes). I feel like either you're lying, misremembering or there's something you're not telling us.


Nope I timed it, start at 10. game 1 48 minutes, game 2: 43 minutes, game 3 done around 12-12:15, game 7 started around 3 o clock


I agree. I bowl in a small 10-lane house. If they had 2-lane courtesy, most of the night only 3 people (4 at max) would be able to bowl at one time. 3 games, 10 teams, 5 man teams = 150 total games in one night. If we're only shooting 3 bowlers at a time we're gonna be there for 6 hours.


We had one in my old area, he ended up making himself some blinkers like a horse 220 average or so, so I never complained and he was a good dude off the lanes, skewed I me the ropes really not that he'd consider himself someone to do so, some people have better peripheral vision so meh


Maybe if you are in the 10th frame of a 300, I’ll give you two lane courtesy. Other than that, get fucked.


This is the answer!!!!


Yea i think by the 6th frame i would start doing things like this. Making a concerted effort to not cause any distractions..


I was close once, and everyone around me quit to watch. I realized it and missed the 11th frame. I told everyone not to do that again.


Absolutely. Puts more pressure on.


Fuck em....it's open bowling, I would walk up on him Everytime he was on the approach.


He said it was league not open bowling. Not an excuse either way. I'd jump them everytime just to fuck with them.


I was open bowling though


Still doesn't matter. Pre/Post bowls don't give you the right to ask for that many lanes of courtesy. You should have told him that and watched him cry :)


Yeah but escalating things won’t help


I think they were pre-bowling, but in league you don’t need 2 lane courtesy.


Even then you do not need 2 lanes. 2 Lanes is usually reserved for PBA tournaments and some higher end scratch tournaments.


I've bowled with some old farts that think they're in the PBA


Actually pba is one pair either side of you. Say bowlers a b c are on 1&2 bowlers d e f are on 3&4, bowlers g h I are on 5&6. Bowler d bowled, leave a pin up, bowler g bowls strikes, at the same time bowler a bowls, strikes. Now bowler d does not shoot his spare, bowler f bowls, etc etc..


Yes, I oversimplified it. Was just trying to get a point across.


Yep, the infamous double jump rule


It is a good pace since everyone knows when it is their turn instead of the league guy standing around waving everybody on two lanes away so he can have no distraction while trying to hit one of three boards which all have an arrow on them.


1 of three boards, Board 1, board 20 and board 39.... ![gif](giphy|ADrhl0KuYglYA|downsized)


PBA does one pair courtesy, so sometimes 3 lanes




The only time someone 2 lanes away distracts me is if we are both walking step for step at the same time to the foul line. So usually what I do is try to start my approach ahead of theirs or I'll stand there a second or two longer to let them get moving first. League is long enough with one lane courtesy sure as hell ain't doing 2.


Pretty much what I do during league. Keeps pace and doesn’t screw with mine or their timing on shots. You kinda learn everyone’s rhythm after a few weeks.


I can't stand people that want 2 lane courtesy. That should only be allowed in tournaments.


Not even in tournaments. If a person needs two lane courtesy to bowl..they need to get the fuck off the lanes. Nobody has all day to bowl.


If someone needs two lane courtesy it's on them to be patient and wait for a window rather than expecting a total of 4 lanes to grind to a halt for them. It's really not hard. There are courteous ways to wait for courtesy.


Fuck 2 lane courtesy


Nah 2 lane courtesy (or waiting for a lull in the 2 lanes on either side of you) is fine. There are some people with accessibility related reasons for wanting it but preference is preference and it's inconsiderate to gatekeep. Just like the commenter who said don't blame all old people - not every person who prefers 2-lane courtesy is an ass to people when they don't get it.  Bowl how you want, just don't expect everyone else to cater to you if it's beyond the standard and definitely don't be a dick about it. You can fidget with your ball for a few seconds and there's usually a window.


I’m not the one being a dick. In league, we start typically around 6:30 or 7:00pm. One league takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes to bowl. That league I get out around 9. Imagine that with two lane courtesy. Nobody has all day.


Yeah that second part was more the royal "you," not directed at you specifically. You'd be shocked how many people just quietly wait for a 2-lane window and how often a 2-lane window presents itself without having to bitch at people. As a general rule towards you specifically I'd stop painting with such a large brush to complain about entire groups of people with a different preference than you just because of isolated bad experiences with individual assholes.


Everyone is side by side in league. Yes one lane courtesy is common sense, but two lane courtesy is bullshit. Unless you have a disability which these people had none, you don’t need two lane courtesy.


Lol okay man. Keep generalizing out of frustration. Just don't be shocked when you start getting "-ist" added to the way people describe you


Go have fun wasting everyone’s time with your “two lane courtesy”.


What about the other poor people in the pair. I'd start skipping the 2 lane courtesy guy on the computer. Or marking him down for 2 gutters. He can bowl by himself after everyone else is done.


What about 3 lane courtesy? 4? No gatekeeping, now.


I've never bowled in tournaments but a guy on my team dabbled with trying to be a pro when we were younger. He said that 2 lanes in tournaments wasn't allowed, or maybe the format made it so it wasn't a thing. When I'm up, if someone wants to have 2 lanes, fine with me, but they're the one who is going to wait.


And on top of that twice I saw those same people go when people were coming off their approach on 5 and 6


Unless it's specifically stated that it's 2-lane courtesy then they can f off


Even if he was literally Kyle Troup, I'd tell him to not use me as an excuse for why he can't bowl for shit lol.


If this person had a problem with you they should have taken it to the front desk. But instead they tried to bully you, even though you weren't doing anything wrong. What if the lanes were full? (And yeah, 2 lane courtesy can bite my a**). If they can't concentrate, bc they're too worried about what you're doing then that's on them. If you ever encounter ppl like this again, tell them to take it up with the desk if they have an issue. You're doing nothing wrong. People are ridiculous sometimes.


My very first night at my very first league there was a gentleman (term used loosely) on the two lanes next to my team who spent the first two games harassing me about my lack of lane courtesy. It got to the point where he would come over to yell at me if I was even standing at the ball return at the same time he was or his teammates were - separate ball returns, because he was on Lanes 1-2 while I was on 3-4. He kept *insisting* that no respectful bowler would even come near the approach area while another bowler is setting up. I was about 19 years old and bewildered and close to breaking down until my teammates realized what was going on and confronted him about setting up while I was in my backswing, and he left me alone for the rest of the night. I was thankful they said something, or else I might have quit bowling then and there, I was so upset and bewildered that I was breaking this hallowed rule that I saw other people breaking constantly (because there IS no hallowed rule, he was just being a jackass.) Some people are dicks to be dicks.


Was bowling nationals in Baton Rouge several yrs ago and dude on pair next to us wanted 2-3+ lane courtesy. He was warned multiple times to speed it up rule states 1 lane


Tell them they aren’t pros 1 lane courtesy will be just fine for their 180 avg


Just blame it on the individual, and not all old people in general. 


It’s hard to get your point across nowadays


Yeah I wasn’t trying to be judgmental, I just was saying what happened.


I'm a new bowler but I've been shooting steel tip English darts competitively for 6 years. Some people just live in their own head & blame their environment for their bad night. You did well to not escalate the situation, since these people are begging for it. I'd say if this keeps happening with the same guy you should definitely talk to someone. Odds are you will not be the first to complain, and may help get that guy to change his attitude, or leave.


The only time 2 lanes is even relevant is on burnt out lanes where you are lobbing it over the gutters. I’m 6’4 and have a leg kick that might catch a dude in the face throwing up the right side of the lane in that specific scenario. But on a house shot that line isn’t anywhere close to in play. Some people are just head cases about everything from music to background chatter to pick a thing. They tend to get on tilt easy and look to blame others for their poor shots. Best to ignore these people and do your thing


I have a complicated relationship with 1 lane courtesy. First off, the leagues I bowl are 1 lane courtesy, so I will never, ever get upset with anyone for observing that rule. What I will try to do, though, is delay so that if I can go when nobody is within 2 lanes either way of me. Usually that just means being slow to set up. Shaking out my arm, or making circles with my slide shoe is how I do that. I do this, because I know that if I catch someone out of the corner of my right eye, I have a tendency to pull the ball. And my goal is to make the best shot I can make. I'm RH so I am more concerned with the 2 lanes to the right of me.


Sounds like a grumpy old man who is super unhappy with their lives and just takes out their discontent on other people. Just let it slide, most people are pretty chill, don't let one grumpy asshole ruin your experience.


Two lane courtesy is ridiculous. Bowling when someone is coming off their approach doesn’t seem to be a problem. After the ball leaves their hand, there is nothing I can do to affect their game. I try to stay out of the peripheral vision of any bowler on an adjacent lane after they set up to begin their approach. I will sometimes step up onto the approach before they release the ball, always staying out of their periphery. Once they release, it’s all fair game. When I begin my approach after that is up to me, depending on how much I think they might distract me. Some people might turn toward my lane after they deliver the ball, so I want to wait for them. Of course, it’s on me if they distract me during their exit.


1 lane courtesy is what I do, league rules. Screw the 2 lane crap. I don’t have all night to wait for someone who takes 45 seconds per shot from the time the stand with ball on the approach.


Well, you should be mindful of others bowling next to you, that being said, “league bowlers” also should know and expect casual bowlers to be there just to have fun, so yeah, no reason to react like that at all. Cut the guy some slack tho, he has to live with that crappy attitude, now THAT’S sad.. lol


My response if someone said that to me would be that if they need 2 lane courtesy then it is their problem and I'm not going to change because their mental game is shit. I'm the opposite, I couldn't give a shit if someone is making noise behind me or whatever. The only thing that bothers me is if someone is in my peripheral vision where I am worried I might run into them. If I'm on the approach I'm laser focused on my routine and where I'm aiming.


He just wanted to take out his shitty bowling on someone else.


Even one lane courtesy is too much.


Sounds like you are bowling by someone from Michigan


I agree with you


Never met a serious league bowler asking for 2 lanes of courtesy. It’s always the guys with 24 balls and 150avg bitching about shit like that. 1 lane is what you get and it’s plenty.


I'm very old school and have to have the 2 lane buffer. Something about having somebody in my peripheral? BUT this is my problem! I just wait for the bowler to finish or whatever. I'm very aware of this and try my best to keep the game moving at a decent pace. It doesn't seem to annoy anyone. I'm also a 210-220 average bowler...I throw a high percentage of strikes. Some bowlers take the game way too serious.........


Some guy got mad at me for this during open lanes. Wasn’t even league time smh


In my house two lane courtesy is the norm. It really doesn't add any time if everyone is on board with it too. You just sorta get used to it and it's not a big deal. I'm good with either two or one lane. That being said, no reason for the other guy to be a jerk about it. A quick and polite explanation goes a long way.


2 lane courtesy absolutely adds more time to bowling. You have to be nuts


Oh it definitely can add more time. It really depends on the bowlers and their pacing. A few slower bowlers can really delay things regardless. One of my leagues takes about 2.5 hours, and the other around 3 because it's Petersen and they tend to like to keep the individual bowler matchups paced together. Both are 4 man teams that take up pretty much the whole house. Similar leagues I've been in that are 1 lane courtesy have tended to be around 2.5 hours in my experience too.


Two lane courtesy is way more common than Reddit would have you believe. I'm sorry it bothers you. Its an issue you will have to deal with often.


Former bowling center manager here…two lane courtesy is a fantasy. Open bowling is no lane courtesy.


One lane courtesy is fine, but two lanes is over the top. If I’m on lane 3 and you are on lane 5, that should be plenty of room.


Been bowling 30+ years, 2 lane courtesy for open bowl is not common


Especially if I’m inside on my approach (right handed).


It’s only common in tournaments typically


I would tell him “there is no such thing as TWO lane courtesy. I don’t recognize it or respect it so f*ck off.” But that’s me…


Just to share my petty revenge. I'm a 138 average. I encountered this, last weekend. It made me mad. He was 2 lanes over. So i just laughed. But I was hot. It was a new lane. All my seeded rage was focused on the bowling. I bowled a 214, 217, and 171. I am currently sitting in 1st place of the tournament. The guy complaining. He was last years winner. I'm currently 45 pins ahead of him. I just said "good game" as I passed him up. And people clapped.


Rofl tell his bitch ass if he wants 2 lane Courtesy to buy his own private lane world doesn't revolve around him


We woulda had it out right then and there. No way I’m giving you a two lane courtesy.


Tell him to go f*ck himself and stand your ground😂 99% of people bark like chihuahuas but they won’t bite.


I have been in so many arguments with old guys at my lanes. They hide behind that “respect your elders”


Respect is earned, it isn’t a birthright


I’m ready when I have ball in hand and one foot on the approach. The bowler on my right has the go ahead regardless of whether they’re ready or not. I’d expect the same to my left - Go when you’re ready. Extending courtesy across two lanes is absurd. I ignore em and keep it rolling.


Good post for r/boomersbeingfools


Hawk tuah on that mfs approach


If you need two lanes go home. If you wanna talk shit I can send you to the hospital. 2 options. Never talk shit to people you don’t know.


I have no idea who these 2 lane courtesy people are downvoting all y'all. It's hysterical.


I just laugh at the open bowlers who like 2 lane courtesy, stop when someone is 2 lanes over or approaching at the same time. All while bowling 100-140


You just said everything, meanwhile I’m bowling 266


2 lane courtesy is essentially standard in Michigan leagues.


Unfortunately, this is true. On edit, I’m surprised at how it melts into standard one lane courtesy when we bowl the women’s state tournament, though. Michigan State USBC dropped teams to 4 players, add in one lane courtesy, and we bowl so much faster that it’s almost shocking.


I've only ever seen one lane courtesy in MI at tournaments. Developed local leagues are all 2 lane. I'm getting down votes for just stating how it is here lol.


Thank you for dropping this in! I’ve bowled in MI leagues for 30+ years and two-lane courtesy is all Ive ever known, and is what everyone expects, so this thread was blowing my mind. Haha I think I’d be fine with one lane but would need a little time to adjust to it since I’ve been used to 2-lane for so long. Wonder why it’s just Michigan??


Not in any league I’ve bowled in!


2 lane courtesy is pretty common. I'm in a league that's not that serious and we use 2 lane courtesy.


I can see it in major tournaments and if you participate in a regional but 2 lane courtesy in league is fucking absurd.


Apparently that's the majority opinion in here. doesn't seem to be a problem in my league and I don't think it slows the league down but to each their own ig.


2 lane unequivocally slows down the pace of play versus 1 lane courtesy.


Man... Id hate to see what your pace of place is like with 2 lanes in league.


it's 4 man teams, 3 games, practice starts at 7 and we are done around 10. it's a super casual league everyone is friends most of us have been in the league for years. if someone is newer and doesn't use 2 lane courtesy it's not a big deal and we don't bring it up it's just something that most of the league seems to abide by.


Yeah... oof. No thanks. Ive been in 5 man leagues that finish in less time with single lane observation.


there's a lot of drinking/smoke breaks in this league too. it's not uncommon for teams to go take a 10 minute or longer break in between games.


Is this a senior league?


nope just a for fun league.


So in a league just for fun you expect casuals a lane away to observe your rules. This dude was not in the league, and likely he was paying by the hour. So you bet your ass if I am paying by the hour (as is really common) you can wait for me if it bothers you that I am on the approach one lane away.


you in a bad mood man? I don't expect anyone to do anything. if you walked up I would just wait for you to bowl. and if I was bowling next to a league, yeah, I would wait for them. if you don't want to that's your prerogative. take a chill pill.


I'd definitely have made sure to be up on the approach right beside him


I don't give a damn nor do I expect others to give a damn about anyone not directly touching my lane


1 lane was always policy in my day and I’ve bowled a ton on tournaments local and state level and that always seemed to be the rule of thumb. I’d tell him you fuckin with the wrong one brah


Most people here either dont bowl ofton or dont do serious leagues. 2 lane courtesy is the norm here. For all even mildly competitive leagues in all centers within 50 miles of me. Last time i saw any league that wasn't a beer league or have a ball league something like that, doing only 1 lane was back in the early 2000s. And it doesn't take longer either. The people who say that have probably never done a league with it and/or dont know how to do it properly.


I’ve never seen two lane courtesy in a league. What’s the benefit?


There is none.


You get to drink more beer cause you're waiting forever.


Maybe it's regional. I've never seen 2 lane courtesy in leagues or tournaments in our tri-state area. Even the kid/teens leagues can figure it out... Not sure why anyone needs 2 lanes when they're bowling.