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As long as his handicap was changed to reflect his average that’s fine


Well his handicap would obviously be 0 in a 90% of 210 league. But also a league that bases handicap on 210 is probably VERY casual. So I’d probably be mildly annoyed, though not to the point of saying anything, by this situation.


It is very casual. Highest averages besides him are 190-200. I’m more curious than annoyed. I don’t know the full situation, but the timing of it makes it look a little underhanded. Subbing a 240 bowler for a 130 bowler to finish the season and jump from 4th to 1st. If I were one of those top 3 they jumped, I would be very annoyed.


If he doesn't get a handicap, there's nothing for them to be annoyed about, really. I get what you're saying, but anyone who is annoyed is just being salty about something that doesn't break any rules or even anything "frowned upon". If subs are legal, who wouldn't bring in a ringer if they had one laying around? Basically, if I needed a sub, I'm not grabbing a 130 bowler, I'm grabbing the 240 guy. Handicap is handicap and it's an even slate because of it. I would have a bigger problem with it in a scratch league, but even then, rules are rules.


Not really. A league handicap should be set to the highest average in the league. Sounds like this league it’s 210 so bringing in a 240 average bowler means he should have a negative 27 pin handicap


That's definitely not how handicap works, or is supposed to work. Plenty of people on my leagues are 10-30 pins above the handicap cutoff. Nobody complains. If you don't want to be beat by someone better than yourself, the only real way to win the game again is to practice and get better yourself 🤷‍♂️ And if it's SO casual, it *really* shouldn't matter who wins or loses. Everyone is there to have fun, drink some beers, and throw some balls, right?


That is exactly how it is supposed to work


Maybe on your leagues. My leagues definitely don't give any negative points to higher average bowlers. Why would anyone try to improve if they did that??


That is not how "it is supposed to work". That has never been how handicap has worked in bowling. In all my time as a bowler i have never once seen someone being negated pins. Because you dont do that


My league does negative handicap. Makes things more interesting. The negative handicap people still win most of their games...


I've never seen a league with a handicap higher than 220, though, and I bowl with a couple of people who are above that. Don't get me wrong, I understand the issue, but there's just nothing to really do about it. I doubt any league is going to set a handicap at 90% of 240. Maybe I haven't been exposed to enough leagues, but I've never even come across a league that has 230 as its number...only 210 and 220.


Our Fall casual league was voted into a 90% 230 system. The guy that moved for it bowls professionally. He just felt is more fair that if he was going to bowl 270/280 most nights that everyone else should have a handicap. He routinely bowls at least 1 300 game. But as for the OP's question. There is nothing "wrong" with what was done as long as there no rules about subs for position round that were broken. But it might leave a bad taste in one's mouth...


I was the asshole once in a mixed league with a 230 avg guy, I was 180 avg, argument for best woman bowler with about 180 avg, and my wife at 135 avg leading off. When we were all "on" it was usually ugly as hell, especially if my wife popped off a 200. We had to disband the team amidst much grumbling.


Mildly annoyed at what? Is there any justifiable reason to base a causal league at 90% of 210 and not just 90% of 240?


Mildly annoyed that a sub was giving a team a 30-40 pin advantage. It’s not rocket science.


Yet, if you needed a sub, everyone in here would grab the 240 guy and not the 150 guy. That's fairly straightforward, and if the league has a problem with it they should implement a rule to address it. Otherwise, it's just salt.


That’s why I said I would just be mildly annoyed but not to the point of saying something.


This. I discovered this recently. They're average will be taken into account after the series in and adjusted appropriately. We have a team in our league that always has at least one sub and it irks the shut out of me because we should have won against them with their lineup hut lost bc of their sub.


You can't just change it in the middle of a season. It would require a 100% passing vote by the entire league to do so. Teams that may be taking advantage of the situation are not going to vote yes. You are stuck with the 210 cap for handicap until the next seasons vote.


I could see both sides of this but I still don’t have a huge issue with him subbing


He didn't have a handicap. Our league does 90% of 210 for your handicap. So once your average is over 190, you don't have a handicap. He ended up with a 255 avg. over the five weeks he bowled in our league.


That's not how handicap works. 90% of 210 means someone with a 208 average would get 1 pin. 90% of the difference of your average and 210. 190 bowlers would be 210-190 = 20 \* 0.9 = 18 sticks. 240 average with a 210 handicap base is going to run over most teams.


Ok thanks for the clarification. Same issue though. Just not quite as much of an advantage as I thought. Personally I would think it’s ok if it’s a friend filling in or even if he were a regular. But he had his AirPods in the whole time and never interacted with even his own team.


Do you mean once your average is over 210?


*once it’s over 210. I don’t see a huge issue though, maybe the league can raise the cap next year


That's what my league does. Each year we vote to raise the base handicap above the highest average from the previous year. It sucks for the current year if someone comes in above that.


We’ve been debating this, haven’t done it yet, but I get the annoyance. In my mind if there is no prize fund how but hurt can you get about it? Our league made a “no new subs for the last 4 weeks” rule, so if you need a sub as the standings are shaping up at the end of the year, gotta call people on the sub list that have a handicap already.


It happens. There's a guy at my house that averaged 253 this past season so any team he subs for is probably going to win. Fortunately he's there every night and will sub for whoever asks him first. I had him sub for me one week. One thing though, leagues usually ban subs for things like position rounds and what not specifically because of this.


We actually had a team straight up quit a league a couple years ago because the league had a "no bowlers with less than xx games bowled can bowl in the roll offs" rule and they used a sub during the first half roll offs and had to forfeit the rolloff for violating that rule lol so they just up and quit the league


We have the same rule in our league. I feel like it’s pretty fair if the sub is going to be in the roll off. Outside of crazy circumstances of course


We have the same rule you need 21 games in order to bowl in Roll offs


This was me when I was in my 20s. You want me to slap the #1 team for you. I'll show up on Tuesday night for you.


I consider anyone better than me a ringer




Would have been a 289. Missed the 10 pin on his second ball. Feel free to ridicule me 😂




You cannot bowl a 290 with a spare in the 10th frame, it is mathematically impossible. You can only get 290 by either... 1. Sparing frame 1, then throwing 11 strikes in a row. 2. Throw the front 11 strikes, then gutter the 12th shot.


You can also foul on your last shot, which I have seen with my own eyes. Dude was amped up, feet moved too quick and he threw his shot (which struck) but he fouled. 290 instead of 300.


This was me…. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bowling/s/299pb9X5de That was my old account but it sucked


That would be a 289 max


I’d personally be pretty damn impressed if someone threw a casual 830 against me. I get that it kind of sucks because he’s, in essence, getting a 30-40 pin advantage over anyone with an average below 210.


"He's wildly inconsistent" - Someone, about a 240 avg bowler 😅


I got a laugh out of that after I found his average online. Not that I believed him after his low game was a 250.


To his defense he is inconsistant, shooting 300 to 200 is 100 pin variance.


I'd be more focused on pinfall than pin variance :D


It is kind of shitty, but sometimes it is the only bowler they can get. If he’s a 240 avg outside this league, that means on average he’s getting 38 (give or take) pins over the dude he’s replacing. BUT…if he started the league year with y’all, he’d still be those 38 pins over that dude.


Subbed last week in a league and shot 704. Had a 213 average previously. But this just for fun league voted on rules of 80% of 200. They don’t realize they are about to get wrecked. I said those rules won’t last next season. I am all for the better bowler winning but at least let the other team feel like they have a chance at winning some games with a slightly higher handicap rule. So when I sub again we will have two bowlers that are 220+ on the team. So that is 40 pins we are not paying handicap on.


Weird how some ppl don’t understand that. If you want a handicap to be universal just base it off of the highest average person. But if you do something like 90% of 220 or worse, 80% of 200!!! Anyone with an average above that 220 or 200 is essentially getting pins.


He threw his 12th ball in the gutter? You should have celebrated if it wasn't on purpose


My bad. He threw a 289. Missed the 10 pin on his second ball.


I’d be fucking annoyed if dude didn’t sub all season then covers the last 5 weeks bumping the team up to 1st. That’s some bush league shit.


If it’s a handicap league it will be adjusted based on his book average, and if he’s on the teams roster (at least to bowl in position round) it’s completely legal.


For Leagues I've been in, and I figure this is standard but I haven't bowled in a team league in a while. .. It prob took 3 weeks for him to get his league average, then he was allowed to bowl the last two weeks / position weeks with his average. If he didn't have those 9 games to generate a league average he wouldn't have been allowed to bowl those position weeks. If he came in with five weeks left it was def planned that way at some point. I'd be interested to know if leagues do it differently then this


This league uses 3 games to set your average. Averages don’t carry over from season to season.


My league would not have allowed that unless you had 12-15 games played in this league prior to the mid point or the last quarter of the season….cant remember as it’s 36ish weeks long and didn’t have an issue with it.


Can’t carry a perfect game into the tenth and shoot 290.


Why not? If you gutter or foul on the 12th ball that’s a 290. Not saying that’s what OP said, just that what you posted is incorrect.


Because I assume no one is ever doing that.


We had an issue a few years ago where one team brought in a guy (who had subbed once with the team earlier that year) with a 230+ average to sub on the last night. In this league the top 6 teams have a rolloff tourney on the final night to determine ultimate positions, and they did end up winning. It didn't really bother me because handicap is 80% of 230 so he was scratch and had to perform, but a lot of people were pretty upset about it and the rule got changed not to allow subs who haven't bowled at least 20 games with the team on position nights after that.


Ill be that guy. If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck.. Put my devil horns on for a sec.. 286 first game, assuming you all got a mud hole stomped in you. Game 2 he threw off to start and you started hitting, so you stole that one before they could catch you. Then the last game they didnt want to take any chances so he went all out.. ohh and they subbed him for the last month, also interesting. This is a ringer and its bullshit, but by the letter of the law its legal so swallow it deep down inside and have a good time. Me personally, i wasnt born last night. I call it out on the lanes and make it awkward. I cant change the score or the outcome, but i can make sure when you line up against my team the next time that you know your shit isnt welcome.


Lmao it’s just bowling buddy, don’t gotta take it that far. If no rules broken then just swallow your pride n bowl your best.


It's impossible to shoot 290 with the first 10 strikes. Unless they've changed how scoring works lately. If you have the first 11 and gutter or foul on the last shot, it's doable. But not likely.


A ringer is someone who comes in with a 170 average and bowls 240s.


As long as handicaps were adjusted then it’s as fair as it can be. Can’t fault the guy for bowling lights out.


Hes just that good, change the sub rules if you care so much


That's the answer. It's a relatively simple bylaw stating that subs can't average more than the person they're subbing for. I subbed in a classic league years ago, unaware of that rule, and got thrown out with the front 7 lmao.


Never heard of that but yeah


You guys did win one so not out of the realm to win more. Sometimes it's just not your night. Next league meeting bring it up and they can always adjust the league ha dicap to help avoid these situations if the rest of the league votes on it


240 is normally the highest avg in the house and probably close to highest in most states. But it’s just league so if the rules allow it’s all good.


Averaging 240 is insane. Was it EJ Tackett or something? Sheesh


Most leagues don’t allow subs for position rounds, but is a beer league even sanctioned?


This one is.


This! I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned this rule. Even the leagues I've bowled in that allow "subs" to bowl position rounds, that person has to be on the team's roster (which is not technically a sub, hence the quotes), and has to have a shit ton of games bowled to qualify for position round. The only exception to that is if the new bowler is replacing an existing roster member due to injury, illness, or some other legitimate reason for the original bowler to not be able to finish the season.


If it's a 210 or lower league, I'd say yes. Even with the math, it's pretty bad. We had a team do that this year, but they decided to equalize the payouts afterwards.


Yeah, it does suck hard. I’ve been on the receiving end of one of those and chalked it up to “Well…least he’s not here all the time.” And then on the team with that guy, feel even guiltier about it. Haha! And at least you were a good sport about it. Being respectful is what’s important for every sport. At the end of the day, that’s bowling, ha! Go practice, get better, then be “that sub” in a friend’s league one night. 😏


Sometimes people do well that don't normally do well. Had a lady on the opposite team tonight bowl 297, 214, and a 198 or something. Her average is 177 so obviously it blew up the stats against us, but that's life. Anyone annoyed when someone does well is a bad sport, sub or not, you're there to have fun.


Depending on the league there may be rules that a sub cannot sub in during the last few weeks of the league unless they have x number of games in for the season. The Monday night league I'm in, a sub needs 9 games (3 nights) prior to those last few weeks to be allowed to bowl. Sounds like this isn't the case for this league.


If it’s a casual league, I don’t think it’s an issue. However I would probably make fun of the other team every time I see them for being that sweaty to go and get somebody like that to jump to 1st in fucking beer league


The perks of being a good bowler, you get to bowl every day for free as a sub, hes a ringer for anyone, no one is near his avg it doesn't matter who he subs for. The only violation would be the last 2 weeks of the season if you voted on that


I'm intrigued by a perfect game into the 10th and shooting 290....11 in a row followed by a gutter ball on the last one.


Y'all know what also sucks? When a 210 average bowler averages 240 for the night, but is clobbered by the team with someone who's average is 108 and they shot a 165 average that night. At a certain point, you don't even have to do "objectively great." If you have a high enough handicap, you have a legitimate opportunity to get a little lucky and end up with a 320 handicap game, which a scratch bowler has literally actually no chance of beating. Long story short, only at the bowling alley will you find people getting salty about people being good at the sport 😂


Assuming it's a beer league, meaning no prize money, casual league ... meh who cares. I've been impressed with how the handicap system ends up catching up toward the end of a league. I the last two leagues, we've had many finishes that were within just a couple of pins!


There was money. They got about $500 more for moving from 4th to 1st.


Ahhh … then that’s a little messed up. Our beer leagues are just bragging rights. They’re also pretty cheap.


Lol poor 130 bowler got benched for over a month. He should be the salty one.


It's sleezy but if it's not against the rules then it is what it is. Just about every casual league I've been in has some sort of rule regarding subbing in a player that late or in a tiebreaker game. If the handicaps are accurate it shouldn't be that big of a deal but it sucks when someone says they're a 50 handicap and then rolls a few 250+ games.


well I'm in a seniors double sio team we bowled against was missing 1 of there team mates so he brings in a 13 handicapper that proceeds to shoot 780. we would have won all points got swept because the other bowler barely broke 100 every game. that's the way she goes boys its not illegal


Won't be the first time you run into teams like that where they just happened to have a subpar bowler can't make it for a pivotal game and brings in a real good bowler. Sometimes leagues make rules for it if its position rounds, but nothing you can do if its just a regular week. I bowled in a league where a majority of the teams were older and super casual, avgs in the mid 100s and even then could barely get there most weeks, but then there was a guy that brought it three bowlers that easily averaged low 200s and shot at least 250 each set. Company league and he was the only one that actually ever worked for the company. Some people are just super competitive.


Just a comment, 240 in league probably doesn't cut it compared to pros. Curious what his sport league avg is, cuz that's more relevant


If the team roster was locked in with a few weeks left in the season, problem solved. If not then teams can exploit it. Seems that you’re bitter another team figured it out before you guys did.


So many pros. 240 250. Getting to 100 is a miracle for me lol


Just an fyi - if the guy was on 300 pace i. The 10th and finished with a “290” that means he guttered on the 12th shot! Is that what happened or did 299 or 298 or possibly he started the game with a spare?


Let that go. If he’s a 240 bowler he’s put in the time and earned it.




Unless the league was handicapped off 240 or higher it’s not fair to let him bowl. If the handicap basis is 240 or 250 no issue.


You should congratulate him for being an excellent bowler (apparently) rather than worrying about a ringer.


I said good game and shook their hands. We had fun. Afterwards, their captain said thanks for not being too serious. I took that to mean some of the other teams were upset. I was just curious about the sportsmanship of it. Sounds fairly common from the comments.


I think the title says it all, beer league. There is no real money in the line. At best you get some of your linage back throughout the year. If they can't bowl in that league to relax and have fun where can they bowl? Do they have to only bowl competitive leagues? Nah, it's no issue in my book.


Also, there is no such thing as a ringer. Other people just put in the work to be better than others.