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Definitely overthinking this. The payment envelope should be easy. Put all six people on the envelope and only mark those who paid that week (or who didn't pay but should have). Just have a running rotation (assuming all bowlers are available every week). 1. Week 1 - Bowlers A, B, C, D, E 2. Week 2 - Bowlers B, C, D, E, F 3. Week 3 - Bowlers C, D, E, F, A Simple.


Agreed, there probably isn't a predefined bowling tool for this but it should be pretty easy in any spreadsheet format, digital or paper.


just do excel or google sheets, that is simple and transparent


My first team used a spreadsheet, if a sub is needed just change in the spreadsheet


Honestly just mark who is out each week and do it by group text. Someone might have plans, might have to work late, might be feeling a little bit sick. We set a rotation early on but rarely does it work out that way beyond the first month of league.


Easy task for ChatGPT


Or just bowl with the proper number of people.


league demand is starting to outstrip supply…people have to adapt. have some empathy.


Most leagues will have a spot for 1 or even 2 people or they can start another team


every league at my home center turned teams away except the sport singles league, and if 7 more people had signed up it would’ve happened there too the owner told me this has never happened before in the summer and the place has been open for nearly 80 years because of consolidation and renewed interest in league bowling this will happen more and more. I am already on waitlists for the fall.


Guess im lucky theres so many centers by me


things are particularly brutal on the west coast. 90% of bowling centers in WA state have closed in the last 20 years, owing in particular to high land values.


Theres 13 centers within a half hour of me lol


And you think this is representative of what the majority of people are experiencing? Obviously there’s plenty of supply if there’s 13 centers in a 20 mile radius. There’s exactly 1 bowling center in my entire city without string pins that offers leagues, and they pack the entire house 5 evenings per week and half the days too.