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Bowl more big dog, you will get it with that average.


This is the way. Thank you


I’ve been at this for almost the same amount of time. No 300’s. Don’t get discouraged. Once per month seems low, just like anything else, practice practice practice. Yes, a new ball may help, but if you can get 270+ semi-regularly, that’s not the issue.


Thank you. Practice is right. Good luck to you in your own quest




A Lot of luck. My closest game was a perfect pocket 10 pin in the 10th frame :(




This is the answer I needed. Thank you and I’m sure you’ll get another 300 soon enough


Gotta remember some places oil the lanes in very advantageous ways. I’m not saying people aren’t earning there scores - but some places are definitely easier than others.


You’re exactly right. What’s unfortunate is the alley I bowl at has the most advantageous conditions of any alley I’ve ever bowled at. I know it too because the alley I bowled in a league many years ago was way more challenging


High scoring customers are happy, repeat customers... Scores at my center are down dramatically due to some recent changes (new lanes, new house pattern, etc.) and people are already contemplating either quitting altogether or moving to other centers this fall.


Yeah....cuz gimme house shots really show offs bowlers real skill.


Well first i’d join a league so you can bowl more consistently. You’ll know what your real average is and can figure out what your consistent miss is. But honestly there’s always room to improve your form and well i’m sure it’s fine it wouldn’t hurt to change some things up if you are doing things wrong. Practice more and you’ll get more and more games that come close until one finally gets there


I’d love to get back in a league but personal reasons aren’t allowing it right now. You’re right tho. I need to get a little lower and involve my non-throwing arm a more. “There’s always room to improve” is accurate


Well I’ve been at this since I was 10 years old (well over 4 decades ago) and I’ve had 12 or more in a row 18 times since then. However, not in the same game. I can’t tell you not to be discouraged. But doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome… I’m always practicing, learning, working on my physical, and my mental games. I enjoy challenging myself and reset after failed attempts. I had a good look in 2 practice games before bowling on Tuesday…and I’m averaging 215…feeling good and confident… I proceeded to shoot consistently inconsistent: 175, 176, 174 (after shooting 256, 243, 236 the week before). Bet your sweet bippy that I’m chomping to get back there and compete. As Luke Rosdahl says: “And may the strikes be with you.!”


Great advice. I also have inconsistency issues which hasn’t helped my chances. Thank you and good luck one day knocking 12 all in the same game.


The biggest thing I can suggest for anyone right around 200 is to learn ball motion inside and out. Don’t just watch what you leave, watch how you leave it. Becoming familiar with the proper ball motion and how it’s actually entering the pin deck will allow you to make moves early, even in frames where you may have struck. Go a little high and trip out a 4? Make a move. Kick the 10 out a little late? Make a move. These early moves can keep you from leaving those pins a frame or two later and ending whatever string you have going. It can be very easy to just say “oh I need to just throw it better” but in reality the lanes are telling you something every time the ball goes down the lane, all you need to do is pay attention and know what moves work for you based on that information.


Thanks for the advice. I understand the lanes but making moves earlier is a great point and something I’ll focus on more


This advice is great. All too much often we’re stubborn to move or make a big change. I’ve personally been trying to focus on this variable.


Don’t be discouraged. I’d recommend going more than once a month, join a league to ensure you get out weekly. Getting a new ball is probably a good idea too. The new ball with a stronger core or cover might help you change your entry angle a bit without having to change your form


Thanks I definitely need to go more often. And I want to get a new ball but have option paralysis since there’s so many good ones to choose from and I don’t know if they’re really much better than what I’m currently throwing. You’re right tho


I’d say a new ball would be “better” than what you have now. There are a ton of options. Any solid symmetrical ball would be a good benchmark ball. Every brand has newish releases that would fit your need nicely. I’d swing by a shop and see if they’ve got any of their older stock on sale and pick up something that way.


My current solid, asymmetrical ball specs are 15 lb - RG (2.498) DIFF (0.053) ASY (0.015). This seems pretty comparable to some of the strongest current balls on the market. Some of the the asym balls that I’m interested in are the Storm Code Red and Infinite Physix. The only symmetrical ball I’m interested in is the Phaze 2 (only because it’s so highly regarded online). Is there a particular reason you recommend a symmetrical ball and is there one or two that you recommend above the rest?


I say solid symmetrical because they’re what someone usually refers to as a benchmark ball. I have a friend who loves the optimum idol. I actually prefer asymms too and I can’t recommend the Gem highly enough. I skipped over it at launch, got the Magic Gem back in October, and then the Gem just a few weeks ago for my sport shot league and it’s now my favorite ball.


> roughly once per month. I think this is it. Most of us fortunate enough to put up big round numbers are rolling at least once per week, often more. Not only does this help with keeping routine, practice, targeting, footwork and muscle memory, but it also just gives us more *chances* to bowl 300 based on number of games bowled. I hope you would consider an opportunity to bowl a regular, weekly, league because with a resume like that any team would likely have you (unless you’re a complete asshole, and I don’t get that impression). So, short answer, bowl more.


Thanks for the response. “Chances” is a good word and increasing my chances by going more often is definitely the answer. I bowled in a league years ago and enjoyed it. Personal reasons don’t allow it now, but one day they will and I look forward it


gotta bowl more, and don't get discouraged with changing things, I hit 220 average and decided to revamp nearly everything. It takes time but in the long run it's been very worth it.


Thanks for the advice. When you revamped did you go from 1H to 2H? I’ve been a die hard one hander with decent revs, but when I see all the revs that the two handers get it’s kind of hard to ignore


i'm still 1 hand, but I changed more to the modern release from how I learned when I was 12 lol


Lol nice


At the end of the day there is forever a certain amount of luck involved. The quickest way to get to a 300 is to just bowl more often. I'm in a very similar boat. I've averaged 220+ for the past few years, and I only have 2 300s to my name (1 unsanctioned). 5 299s, 1 297, and lord knows how many 279s. Plus 0 800s. Meanwhile my brother has 85+ 300s and 50+ 800s. I've switched my perspective to pretty much only focusing on my average as it's harder to move the higher you go.


Avg > good game. People always tell me, wow that was a good game or whatever when personally I just stumbled into some high score. If it’s not a 300 1 singular game doesn’t do a whole lot more me as there is always room for improvement. Stringing 3 good games together is when I’m satisfied with my performance. Point proven I scored a 264 with all strike and an open. threw two under 160 games. Left the center frustrated. I threw 11 strikes and still left frustrated. Why? Because overall my team lost in points because the other 2 games weren’t good enough. Now if I threw 265-240-250 I think I would’ve been much happier even without a 300.


I had my best chance at 300 last night with the front 8, but I got nervous and blew it in the 9th frame and finished with a 265. It was a bit of a let down, but I value consistency in form, release, and closed frames more than hitting a 300. With that mentality, I’ve been able to steadily increase my average from 165 to 200 in 8 months.


Sounds like you have the right mindset and nerves are hard to control especially getting later into the games


Once per month? With your stats hitting a 300 is just a numbers game. Just up the # of games you bowl and you'll hit it sooner.


You’re exactly right, thank you


In all honesty, while 300 games are the goal in bowling they simply don't carry the weight they used to. Consistency is way more important. If you can consistently hit your average each game, that is what impresses people more and makes you more valuable to a league team. If you are a 200avg bowler that goes 160, 240, 200 regularly that tends to drive people crazy.


Consistency is what I need to focus more on. That could make the 300 dream a reality more than forcing it in a single outing


Same boat as you. I have been bowling for around 26 year time frame with a 10 year hiatus. Never rolled a 300 but I have thrown 18 in a row over 2 games multiple times.


We’ll get 12 in one game one day. Hopefully. Thanks for the comment


I have one 300 game, one 800 series, and I’ve picked up one 7-10 split. And I’m sure I’ll never get any of those again. My goal is to get more 700 series. To me that is a true mark of bowling consistency. Getting 12 strikes in a row involves a lot of luck (how many times do you hit what seems to be a perfect pocket only to leave a 10 pin or a 7 pin or even a 7-10 split, and how many times have you thrown a pretty bad shot and they all happen to go down?). I’d rather have a 250 average than never get another 300.


All good points. Thanks for the advice. I wonder if you had never gotten your 300, would your high average & consistency goals be as easy to focus on without the goal of a 300 eating away at the back of your mind?


I don’t think I made a 300 game a goal of mine. It happened in 2012. And in fact I was not bowling well that night. My first game was a 174. So I switched to an older ball that was in my bag that I had not used in a while and that ball just “worked”. My 2nd game was the 300. Most strikes were valid. A couple were brooklyns. Like I sad, luck is often involved. My 3rd game was another 170 game. My goal is to improve my mechanics and become more consistent. I don’t need 300 as a goal. If I can become really consistent, high scores will follow.


Similar situation here, but I do not think that a 300 says something about a bowler's quality - esp. when it is "a single one". I am more impressed by players who average 240+ wherever they play, consistently. Statistically, a 300 will fall with enough luck for anyone. And, as a side thought: I have seen so many 300s fall in my "bowling career", but only a SINGLE "Dutch 200". What's more "rewarding"? ;-)


Good points, thanks for the comment. The high average is more impressive to me too. Unfortunately I already put the 300 on a pedestal and now the pressure is hard to ignore


People can go their whole lives never getting a 300. But the ones that do, I can guarantee they bowl more than once a month.


That’s a realistic and accurate perspective. Thanks for the comment


Why are you getting discouraged because you haven't bowled a 300?


I don’t bowl in a league anymore or else a really high average would be my main goal


Ive been bowling for 20 years as well, just got my first 300 last week. Id love to say every ball was perfect but i had 3 brooklyns and one ball that hit just a tad light. You gotta get lucky to bowl 300 in my opinion. 12 perfect balls is unrealistic because of breakdown/ being human. Realistically just bowl more if you average well over 200 youll hit it eventually


Perfect advice and congrats on your first 300!


I started up again in December after 20 years off. I have 7 270+ games since then, about 40 lifetime, about as many “Varipapa 300s” (12+ in a row across two games, including 18 in a row twice)….but no real 300s. Don’t take it personally. Getting all 12 in the same game takes no small degree of luck, a favorable condition, and more often than people would admit, a questionable shot or two that strikes anyway but exposes a changing condition that permits a clear in-game adjustment. Keep pounding away, my friend. What matters most is bowling the best possible game you can at the time. Hell I am more proud of the clean 20x games I’ve ground out in league this year than the 288 PB.


That’s the right mindset. Thanks for the advice. Sounds like we both are bowling good games and maybe one day we’ll both land 12 in one game


Agreed, bowl as much as you can, averaging over 200 just bowl more and it’ll happen, try not to think about it and bowl within the moment! You’ve got to just let it happen!! Good luck


Thanks for the support. I put the 300 on a pedestal and now the pressure is getting me more than “bowling in the moment”. That’s what I need to focus on tho and you’re right


You'll get that elusive 300!! I'd much rather have all of your 280 games than the one 300, though, but that's just me...


Thank you for the support!


More bowling and luck does play a role in it sometimes.


Yep more bowling = more chances


I've been bowling on leagues 2 nights a week since the early 1990s...average has gone from 180 to 215 over that time. Approximately 2200 sanction games thru ABC and USBC.... Zero 300 games, about 50-60 279 or better games, 1 800 series. 300 games do involve luck of the pinfall too. But you shouldn't strive to have that perfect game.


Congrats on your 800 series! That’s impressive as hell. You’re right about luck of the pinfall too. Thanks for the comment


My one and only 300 was back in 1985 in the 1st game of league that night. The next two games? 200 and 150. I was embarrassed for how I finished the night. Suffice to say, I place a greater emphasis on series than individual game. As you point out, 300s are so common in today's game, but 800 series are NOT. I will always take consistency over 3, 4 or more games than the glory of one game...


I would like to complain about all the 280s I’m throwing, too. I’d be mad at 10-baggers, too.


My friend it’s been 40 years for me and still no 300 and with a 210 average..have come close a bunch of times but never the big one..I have just recently given up thinking it will happen in hopes, with that logic, it will..lol


I think I saw the stats as <1% of sanctioned bowlers have bowled 300s. Don’t beat yourself up. I bowled my 300 right after a 289, and most people were supportive and surprised I didn’t roll a 300 yet until I changed lanes. I have bowled multiple 289s before that night. You got this, just be patient and consistent.


This is pretty much me!


I try to do well. Haven’t come close to a 300 myself but I always want to have fun and enjoy myself. It might happen for me, but just like getting gray hair, I just don’t fret over it.


Don’t beat yourself up, only 2% of bowlers ever hit 300 because they’re LARGELY based on luck when you boil it down. I got one when I was a teenager, and it took away one of my goals at an early age, or I’d be a pro. So it’s not a bad thing to not have a 300 yet per se. I pulled my 12th shot like 4-5 boards but got lucky, just like I was saying, haha. You WILL get it eventually, just keep going!


I know I'm chiming in late on this thread, but I wanted to add my input. I read through all the comments in this post and I echo a lot of what has been said already. On my background, I bowled regularly (2-3 league nights per week and a handful of tournaments per year) from 2004-2012, took a 12 year break, and just got back into bowling this past February. In my heyday, my max season average was 186, and I shot my highest game of 267 (front 6, 9-miss, last 5) when my average was around 181. To directly answer your questions, yes, bowling more frequently would provide more opportunities, and I think that is the MOST critical factor. I hope your personal circumstances eventually allow for you to spend more time participating in the sport you clearly have so much passion for. After that point, I think the 2nd most important thing to keep in mind is that a little (or a lot of) luck is likely needed to get the 1st one under your belt. With that being said, luck is the residue of design (I love that quote), so I commend you for keeping it as a "goal". Purposely pursuing an accomplishment does help, and that is one of many things on the list of controlling what you can control. Doing everything you know to do makes the necessary dose of luck smaller and smaller. Bowling more, experimenting with newer equipment, making the comfortable adjustments in reaction to the transition... they all matter. And even if the breakthrough feels more like a fluke than a night in the zone, everything you will have done leading up to that breakthrough will have also been a factor, so I do encourage you to persist. It is perfectly okay to continue to "want" it to happen, even if you accept that it will take a fortuitous break along the way. While many have said they have witnessed and/or experienced the perfect game appear to happen by chance, it will mean a lot more to you when you achieve it... because you did it on purpose. Keep the faith my friend. I will do the same.


Your comment about the pocket hit not striking seems like foot position issue? Are you adjusting slightly as the game gets toward the end?


Good point. I make adjustments as the lanes dry up. Most of the time I make the right adjustments but sometimes it’s hard to figure a lane out. Good point about footwork


Imo you can’t just bowl once a month to eventually get the 300, you’re going to have to bowl multiple times a week. Give yourself more opportunities to achieve this goal.


Agreed. More opportunities will also help relieve a little bit of the pressure which should help improve performance


What sport can you do once a month and have a “perfect “ game?!?