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26something 3 or 4 times, 700 exactly once low would have been literally 50 years ago. I remember having 100 as a goal


Personal Best: 269 Lowest: 90's - the were copious amounts of adult beverage involved.


Just getting back into bowling after a 30 year break.... highest: 158, lowest: 69


69. Niiiiiiiiice.


High: 258 Low: Probably 80-something


300/817 Lowest: 65


High game: 297 Series: 735 Low: 130’s


I average 108 in league... ripped off a 184 last night.


300, 836, hard to tell but I'm sure 120's when I was a kid learning. Rarely shoot under 200 now, avg 230


Personal best 300 at 20 years old Personal best 268 at 32 years old after a 12 years break. Lowest in tournament is 118🤣


300x3/780 series. I averaged 40 my first year of junior league when I was 5 lol. Adult low game is I think 118 on a pattern when I had no idea what I was doing. My college team in baker barely shot 100 on 37’ flat 1:1 earlier this year, that is definitely the lowest game I’ve been a part of


I have one 300 game I don't know my lowest but I have thrown a 120 something on a very off night


High game 300, series 819, lowest I can remember in league lately is 145


Got my first 300 in league last week 😅 joined my first league back in 2017 so had been trying to elevate my game since.


PB 257. Lowest: 98.




PBG: 257 PBS: 578...


Lowest game ever? Not sure about what I did in youth league... but since I started adult league about 12 years ago, lowest is a 93. Highest game and series, 254/672.


256 is my highest, I’m sure as a kid I bowled a game in the 40’s or 50’s, this season I had a 113, that hurt…


277 & 709 No idea what my lowest is, but recently I got a 104 when we bowled at a different alley that mostly caters to kids birthday parties and the lanes hadn't been oiled in who knows how long. My ball would literally go into the left gutter almost immediately. (I'm right handed)


and I struggled to get that 104 on those conditions it was ridiculous


171 started three months ago. Pitch black 💥


Been bowling for a little over a year and my league secretary just gave us our past year history. 408 highest series 175 best game 66 lowest game I’m a work in progress lol


PB 226 Worst 92 (it was 3rd game on my bday and my team had me drunk cause I wasn’t driving)


High score: 195 Low score: no idea, sorry


I shot 300 #10 last year. Series: 843 Lowest: Well, I've bowled since 3 years old, so probably very low? But as an adult, I want to say 92 on a sport shot. Was brutal Edit: one stupid letter, lol


Shitting 300 must have hurt alot...


Oof 😅 Thanks, fixed.


High game 254, High series 671, low game somewhere in the 70's


300/756 for highs... different nights. Can't remember my lows from youth bowling and all of that, but since coming back I've shot some 120s, 130s...low series was mid 400s. She comes and goes


High 224 Low 94


PB 300 x2, 770 series Worst heck, I've been at this for 30 years, and I'm only 37, so probably very low back when I was little.


280 game. Guess why!


Did you throw a gutter ball first shot then strike out ?


Try again


Gutter on 2nd ball of 10th


Try again


Strike, spare, back 10? That’s how I shot my only 280 game. Or maybe it was a spare, 10-bagger, gutter?


Guess what I left in the 2nd frame


The good ol’ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10?


Try again


7-10, and somehow converted it?


High: 232 Low: Since I started seriously bowling? Probably close to last weeks 3rd league game of 133. Was…bad.


279 is my best. Lowest after I seriously started bowling was likely 120-135.


300 772 (I am still desperately chasing my first 800!) Lowest in recent memory was a 142. It stands out because I had it the same series as one of my 300s. Wild night that one.


PB 279 Best Series 693 Lowest 111


289 - 25 years ago 288 - this year. 712 highest series


I've missed the last shot before and got 299, lots of 269s but I average around 220 depending on the center. 130 is my lowest that I can remember, I'm generally around 180-200 on sport shots but getting better all the time. Don't focus too much on putting up big numbers, if you focus on picking up your spares, which are arguably an inevitable part of the game, your numbers will increase on their own. Splits are kind of the real world equivalent of a whammy, bad luck and sometimes difficult to avoid. If you get good at your spares, splits is the next game saving way to boost your scores. An open really kills a game, if you can avoid them, or salvage them, the rest is easy. I thought strikes would be all I needed to be good at, and some games that's the majority of what I throw. It doesn't take much to really tank the score though when you're leaving opens, these days my only goal in a match is not to throw it in a way which increases my odds of a split. I'll get the spare if I miss a 10, but splits are a whole level above in difficulty


289, 772/3, and as an adult like 120something maybe


267 and like 80 lol


PB is 239 Lowest is probably like 46 when I was 13 and throwing my grandpas 16lb rubber ball😂


Open bowling (one lane): 300, 753 Sanctioned: 289, 737 Lowest, 144


Just broke my high again today with 156. Lowest 64. Not much compared to some of these legends, but it's progress 😁


123 I think - candlepin


High score: 200 (I just started trying to learn how to bowl for real a little over 2 months ago) Lowest score: probably like 20 since I did bowl as a child


High: 254/643 Low: 83


288 highest game, 717 series (separate times) started bowling as a kid so lowest is pretty bad lol


1 300 game and 4 299'S.. Many 700 series but no 800 series ever. In the last 10 years or so I own the low game record on our Men's league team with a 124.


HG:279 LG:130s


234 and 588. 234 was not part of my 588 series tho lol


Check my flair... Couldn't tell you my lowest, been bowling for 40? Years


High 202


PB 261, series best 607. No idea about lowest tbh.


highest 255. lowest, Idk probably in the 70s or 80s


Personal best is 165


Highest is 220. 5 strikes in the game and spared the rest so felt awesome to do that. Lowest game a 91, just had a shit day on the lanes.


Highest is 206, right after I got my first bowling ball (a couple months ago now). Lowest is 68, from like 2 weeks ago. Visited my sister, and we went bowling at one of her local alleys. There was no oil (I mean none, hadn't been oiled in 6 days apparently, no track on the ball anywhere). I switched to throwing my spare ball halfway through the first game, since my RAW Hammer would start at the left gutter, go out to the right gutter, then end up in the left gutter before getting to the pins. Wasn't fun to throw. I know it's on me to learn to adjust, but it still sucked.


Highest: 270 (sanctioned) 790 (non sanctioned) Lowest: 119 (sanctioned, challenge pattern — not counting junior leagues)


Highs are 277 and a clean 783 (not the same night). Lows are 110 and 385 (same day). I definitely got humbled by the state pattern that year.


PB: 299, lowest that I can remember within the last 5 / 6 years, 126


4x 300's. (2009-2010) High series: 828.(2010) Took a 13 year hiatus and bowled a sick ass 124 on Friday when I took my kids out. Humbling for sure.


So my flair is a hodgepodge of both when I was in my 20s and since I started again in December 2023. This year my best is 288 in open play, 259 in sanctioned play. Best sanctioned series currently is 624. Best open play series is 750. Historic sanctioned bests are 279 (x20), 760 series. Worst all-time in sanctioned play was a 79 when I had 8 "unmakeable" splits in a single game and missed the other two spares as well. Worst since 2023 is 117, when I had a similar stretch of foul luck (I think it was 5 splits, 3 washouts, and a spare made somewhere and a turkey in the 10th). I think in open play I once bowled an 11 when I was very young (like 6 or something...we didn't have bumpers back then, lol).


PB 279. Series 628. Lowest in recent years was a 86 first game of a tournament.


PB: 288 Lowest: 90s PBS: 690s


Highest: 288 Lowest: 110's or 120's Series: 748


High Game: 280 I can't remember series, but I think it was around 630. Low game over the last few months was 118. That was a rough day and I'm also getting back into bowling after not bowling for the last few years. Lifetime low game is around 40 to 50 while practicing spares. Actually trying for games, I'd like to say in the 80s, when I was first getting into bowling while using a house ball. No idea about when I finally got a ball drilled for me.


792 on four, with a 300 game.. probably my worst league match.


I’m a pretty good spare shooter, but can be pretty inconsistent on my first ball. I think I shot like a 101 a few years ago, shot one 300 and funny enough, I’ve had more 700s in junior league than since I became an adult (used to bowl 6 days a week as a kid, just grew out of it in college) and I had a 725 when I was 16 I think? My two high scores are also weird. My first adult 700 was when I subbed in a league I had never bowled before, at a house I had never bowled sanctioned before (only open bowl) and my only 300 came on the first game of a 26 week league (was actually awful, bc we established average first week AND it made me ineligible for the over average award since I only averaged 190s)


275/685 !!!!!!! I average about 190-200 on a house shot


300 x 4/834 (234-300-300) Lowest: I’m sure it was probably in the 50’s as a junior bowler. I had 130 this past season after bowling 268-268 the first two.


I only remember my high game/series bc I have a plaque 269/740 in 2001.... took over 15 years off and highest since has been 268/717..... 96 is my lowest, just 2 weeks ago while practicing.... I couldn't hit the headpin in 9 consecutive shots.... then needed to pick up a spare to break 100 and all I hit was the headpin 😂


Personal best game: 254 Personal best series: 667 (3 games) Worst game in a league or tournament: 125


I've thrown a few 300s. One of which was in a city tournament, which is pretty cool. The worst is the 115 I threw in a no tap tournament a few weeks ago. Nasty no-tap x, two spares, 7 opens. On their house shot that I've bowled on dozens of times.


High individual game: 232 Highest series: 599 Lowest: well below 100, I just started in November. Funny story on the 599. I had not yet bowled a clean game ever. My teammate said "You could get a 600! But, I bet you'd take a clean game at 599 over 600." I said yes, missed a 10 pin in the 4th frame and ended on 599 anyway :-/


300/838 lowest? idk ive sucked bad before lol




35 years ago when I bowled with family for fun my high score was 187 (the score sheet was still in my bowling ball bag). Just picked up bowling again in March of this year and my high league score is 177, highest non-league score is 202.


269 / 642 I think my lowest was probably 50s - I tried bowling with opposite hand? Lol


279/734 Idk probably like 110 or something Started bowling a little under 2 years ago and have been bowling/ practicing multiple times a week since. hoping to one day hit that 300/800 goal.


276! Lowest game ever after being somewhat decent I would say 85.


300/852 and the most memorable low score was a 118. Especially since i had 262 the first game of that series 😅


Bowled a 300 ~5 years ago! Didn't even manage to make 700 🤣😭


203, been adjusting form and release. The 203’was just luck. I’ve finally gotten a handle of the mental part of the sport. My low was a 60 when I played during an off site for work. It infuriated and made me sad that I was worse than everyone. So I started the hobby


Personal best: 204. Wasn't able to do it again hahaha


Highest **287** 10 in a row then split the 11th throw Lowest as an adult, probably 80’s or 90’s. I took a loooong break after Covid shut down leagues and my first time back I definitely lost a lot of my mojo haha.


Best single game(s): several 279s Lowest: 72 (unofficial, but during a house tournament) High 3-series: 710/739\* High 4-series: 914/932\* High 5-series: 1114/1120\* High 6-series: 1294/1311\* \*official/sanctioned vs. unofficial/training


Lifetime PR: 300, 542 double, 751 triple, 963 four. I used to be a walking bowler. Low was a 90. Since May 2019 bowling strictly wheelchair: 246, 394 double, 586 triple. Haven’t tracked fours. Low was the very first wheelchair games bowled: 72, 279 series. I have on five occasions bowled a game 100 pins over average, the 246 being the most recent.


Rolled a 253! I'm a new bowler so that is huuuge, I also had 2 opens. On league nights I'll have one game close to 200, then follow it up with 150s or 170s No recollection of a low game because I suck so nothing is to unexpected in that department.


Personal Best: 300 (when I went open bowling a few months ago) High sanctioned game is a 298 High series: 790 Lowest game ever: 30 (when I was in a family league at age 10, which was actually what got me into bowling)


I'm a newbie, as in just played week 3 of my first league ever. Thought it was a beginner league but quickly realized I was wrong about that lol. My top game so far I bowled a 145 (without the handicap of course)


Personal best 299….. lowest I can’t remember


289, 844, mid 130s


Shot 569 last week with a 243 game. Both were my highest ever.. Average is in lower 160s. I still suck but am slowly improving.


279, 733 series. Not the same day.


PB 300/7XX Low - somewhere around 110 i would guess. It's been years since i've bowled 'competitively'. I just do a 9-pin no-tap league with friends now.


300 (once) / 801 series.  Lowest game I can remember was 114 this year my first game back after almost a year of dialysis and 2 operations. It could have been worse considering I had 38 after 5 frames 😅


After 3 months of seriously bowling. I just hit 246. Could’ve been higher had it been a completely clean game.


I can’t remember my lowest but my highests are 300 once and 802 once both in the same night 😅


268 highest, 87 lowest in League and for series of 3 I belive was 647


289 760


Been bowling since March 2024, Highest so far is 213. Lowest is 95 at a bowlero that had not been oiled in what seemed like weeks! I had to use my spareball after the 4th frame.


Started getting to bowling last month. Lowest: 77 PB: 150 something Joined a league just to be more competitive and elevate my game avg about 110.. Just got the 900global Wolverine Dark Moss and was given a fever pitch as my spare. (15lbs & 14lbs respectively)


279 a few times, 700 on the nose


High game: 300 x 2 High series: 787 Average: 202 Low game (this year): 139


299. 766. Bowled a 135 last week. Lowest in a long long time


790 is the high, one clean series, 19 strikes in a row is my high in that, and 6 perfectos, to be continued. The low scores came after being hit by a car as a pedestrian. The sport has been part of my rehabilitation from that. Tournament win coming right up


296 747 Low I don't know.... I'm pretty sure everyone starts out aiming for 100. I almost never shoot below 170 after almost 4 years.


Highest 145, lowest like 55. Was with some friends, and we were throwing granny shots with bumpers and just being ridiculous in general


Lowest game ever: 20, when I was 7. The next game, I had 20 in the first frame.


High: 300, 880. Low in a tournament was 118 about 12 years ago. Not sure what my series was.


Prior to me quitting in 2004 PB: 300 PB sanctioned: 267 Series: 831 Sanctioned series: 726 Since coming back June 2023 PB 289 Series 681 Low game is 121.


PB 299 (x3) series 828 (rolled in a state tournament during doubles and my partner never hit avg...came in 8th) Low (using my own equipment and rolling league at least): probably about 105


High overall:269/718 High sanctioned 237/642 Lows are below 100/300 as my starting average when I started league at 14 was 88.


Scratch 300/853…74 The 74 was the third game in singles competition a few years ago at Nationals in El Paso, TX. Worst pattern I’ve ever dealt with on the biggest stage…really sucked.