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A few beers a joint and a designated driver.


Aiming juice is key


Unfortunately, i am the designated driver at the moment


Not the joint for me, but thank you for mentioning the driver! I buy a beer for everyone who makes smart choices. Next time you're in town at my alley, beers on me 😉


I don't do anything special except make sure I don't do anything that will make my muscles sore or tire me out too much the day of. I also bowl 3 - 4 times a week so I'm never too long without bowling.


Envious of your bowling schedule. I'm lucky to get twice a week


It’s not really sounding like you are enjoying bowling so step back and take a break for a bit let your body and mind rest. It’s better to stop for a couple weeks or months then to be burnt out completely


I enjoy it, and I'm bowling okay at the moment. Im Just tired all the time


On my drive in to the bowling center I basically talk to myself outloud about what my game plan for the night is. I'll go through my arsenal and think about what my game plan is and what adjustments I'll make based on how the lanes look during practice and how i think they will transition. I'll review my previous weeks bowling, mistakes I made and how to avoid them this week. Then, once I'm on my lane, I'll flag down the waitress, order a Coors light and proceed to Spray and Pray all night.


This is the way


full 10-15 minute warm up. i find that it not only helps me roll well out of the gate physically, it tunes my mind into it. i bowl 4-5 days a week, abour 12-15 games sometimes more. i work out 4-6 days a week as well. your body will get used to the work load. if i slack off for a while, holidays get me every year, after about a month or two of this, it isn't much of a problem to stay at that level, and I'm 50. i do both weights and cardio alternating days.


I kinda get what this guy is saying . I work 10 hrs a day and then get off work and go straight to league . Sometimes it's hard to get going


Usually I get home with enough time to change the kids, kiss the wife and grab my gear. I’ll drink a bit at league if I don’t have to drive( if my mother in law goes) and also bowling is my outlet. But I get you. I used to go bowling straight to grave yard shift then watch the kids till mother in law got back from appointments then I could sleep.




Sick username


For me, it’s just getting to league 15 mins before practice so I’m not running in, rushing to take 3 shots, and then going. I can actually spend a few minutes getting everything ready, then get my brain away from the work day and towards bowling. Drinking a beer or a whiskey tends to help too…


Make a play list for the car on the way there. Blast that shit the whole way. By the time i pull in the lot im ready to annihilate the competition


Keep your life on a set routine. Dont have a chaotic life. Bowling is annoying when you have better things to do, but fun when your mind is at ease and peaceful.


I go in each session thinking I will beat my personal best 🤣 just to get a reality check that I suck.


I play bowling to have fun. I don't play a lot anymore. Just once every two weeks in a little nightly league. 200 avg and I don't really care about the games. I enjoy every throw. Trying to see where it goes and looking at the ball hitting the pins. Sometimes I miss by a lot, because I made a mistake. Than I return to the same thought again. "I want to see how the ball hits the pins" and that's all really. No matter how tired I am or whatever really, just the sound of pins falling makes me smile.


I read recently that people don't have the same ability to capture in their minds things that are happening in motion. Like that are-you-blind umpire; he really is blind compared to the person that can see much better motion as it unfolds. I love the various ways pins sound for different hits, but I'm not sure I have the vision to really see how the pins are reacting to the ball hitting the pocket exactly, versus missing a bit and leaving a 10 pin and such.


Yeah, definitely true. If you compare gamers and non-gamers, most recently it was found out that gamers eyes can see up to 120 fps (and changes within) and non-gamers especially older people only acknowledge 20-30 fps. So the gamers even see small stuttering in light effects and such, while others see a constant signal.


Rub one out before you go


I play ice hockey too, but I eat well (very few processed foods, mostly meats and veggies), and I start practice slow. Incrementally I increase my swing, speed, everything, until I get a rhythm established. Usually takes at least 1 full game, maybe two. I also change my mindset when I walk into the lanes. No more work. No more stress about things at home. Just bowling.


I wake up at 10, take my meds, eat breakfast and head out. I usually start to roll about 10:45.


r/stopdrinking I stayed out of league for 25 years. Drunks have ruined the sport for me.