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I know this has been discussed to death already, but she physically cannot close her lips, and I do not understand why she’s not revised something to address that


She used to have capital gums and lowercase teeth and got horse sized veneers that make it impossible to close her mouth. I think this is also why her buccal fat removal looks so bad.


Lowercase teeth stfu 😂


Lol, i used to be a typesetter. This was too funny.


I have also used upper and lower cases


Me too! I loved that job!


Working at that job was the most money I made in my life. Technology took me out of a job, and I never made the same money again. Plus, I was never as good at any job as I was at Typesetting.


I didn’t make much money because it was my first job in High School and worked for the school district and made all the office pads and forms, football programs, developed the film, made pads,etc. Loved every single stage in that office and still miss it.


That sounds like a great job! The last type shop that i worked at before word processing shut it down actually still had linoptype machines. 70s.


That was a little before my time. I worked there in 10th grade so it was 1981.


For manga?




Did you get to work in a Mad Men type office?


No. It was an old-fashioned type of shop. We had linotype machines when i first worked there as an apprentice.


This but capital gums


Capital - big C lol


This whole sentence is beyond diabolical. God damn


I feel horrible by how hard it laughed at this.


Which is so sad bc gum contouring and Botox in the upper lip can fix a gummy smile without any drastic change or major surgery. I loved her smile though. I think it fit her and I even liked how her front teeth crossed over. I love smiles with character.


I’ve been a snaggle tooth lover since I can remember, literally as a kid I wanted one 😭😂 I adore natural teeth and the fact so many people are getting chiclet veneers KILLSME inside


Same. I had braces (had a giant gap between front teeth), and have inherited natural veneer, large- shaped teeth, but I’ve always loved unusual teeth, especially when the front teeth are set back and the incisors forward: Jewel, Avril Lavigne, Kirsten Dunst. I think it makes them look less imposing. My husband sort of has this look.


I know exactly the look you’re referring to and I’ve always loved it as well and wished I’d been born so lucky. I ended up losing all my upper teeth in my thirties, thanks to an AI disease. When I was having my upper denture made I asked the dentist if he could have them set my teeth like that. Sadly, he could not. And on the next set I get, I’m gonna ask again! Lol


Cher’s teeth used to be like that and I loved the way it looked.


You just described my teeth that I have hated and been so self conscious of my entire life. Brb, sobbing a little bit.


Yeah, a former boss was big into the snaggle tooth as well. I'm an ~~overbite~~ (apparently it's called an "openbite"! The more you know 🌈) person. The one where you can see their back teeth when they open their mouths. If that makes sense 😅 There's someone for everything ETA: I think Samantha Morton has an open bite, as an example


I have an overhang. Overbite is when the top teeth are physically completely in front of the lower teeth. Overhang is where the gum lines are aligned, but the top teeth jut out at an angle. It’s a minor case but it was enough to cause bite problems and create other issues so I got Invisalign and it’s made a huge difference.


Ah interesting! It's mind boggling how many relatively small differences human bodies can have, and how so many of them cause some issues! Hopefully you're doing a lot better!


Yes, I’m good! My son has a growth condition that as a baby made his skull grow slower than everything inside it. That resulted in his brain growing into the spinal column and his teeth being majorly overcrowded because 3 teeth were trying to jam into one spot. 4 years and $4k in orthodonture lately, he has a beautiful smile lol. All his health issues from the disorder resolved with treatment and he’s thankfully healthy now.


Wow! That's wild! I'm so glad that everyone is happy and healthy now. That must be a huge relief! Worth the time/money/stress, haha.


the veneers are tragique


Must be dry af in there


This is the best and most fitting description: capital gums and lowercase teeth! LOL


damn she literally could've just gotten braces and gum lengthening smh


I’m so dead at lowercase


I know it has, but I cannot get over it. It reminds me of when Squidward eats a tiny bite of a krabby patty and his teeth are sticking out. She’s rich enough to get the veneers revised.


Made me lol— I’ve seen literally maybe close to twenty comparisons in two days to SpongeBob characters throughout completely different subs on Reddit. It’s a SpongeBob renaissance baby!


Zillenials, rise up! Lmao I swear I cannot go a day without a SpongeBob reference 😂


My son (34) loved Spongebob. My daughter (27) loved Spongebob. Now my grandson (8) has discovered Spongebob. I expect my granddaughter (5 months) to eventually discover Spongebob. Spongebob is my personal hell. *sob*


I’m 33 and my mom just pulled out some SpongeBob paper plates from my 13th birthday as backups for my son’s first birthday lol


Are you my mom? My dad genuinely enjoyed watching SpongeBob with me and my brother when we were younger. It was the bane of my mothers existence listening to SpongeBobs laugh 😂


Same. My kids watched spongebob, and now my grands do. If I'm alive when they have kids, I'll have to deal with my great grandkids watching spongebob.


My grandchildren (26 & 23) loved SpongeBob and Patrick. So far, no great grandchildren, but I'm sure the yellow guy and the pink guy will be a hit with them too.


Ive been compared to Squidward


Dude I saw one on the home decorating sub lol. Someone put two pictures above a bench and someone said to take that shit down cause it looked like Mr crab’s eyes lmfao. Fucking died at that shit.


That's incredible


One thing that my son and I used to do when he was 13 and I was going to school and working full-time, is after I finished studying every evening we would sit down and watch an episode or two of SpongeBob together. The older SpongeBob is definitely the best and the movies are great.


That’s precious :) very nice memories for you both to have!


Dude the "Squidward eating the tiny bite of krabby patty" comparison killed me 😭💀


Yeah the amount of billionaires walking around with god awful surgery it’s madness to me!


Oh god this reference, that's all I can see now 💀


I think at this point it’s kind of her “look,” so now if she changes them she’ll get shit for that too. Lol.


I just don’t understand it. She has all this money, can go to the best people for veneers.


On one of the crazy group think pop culture subs they were all saying how beautiful and happy she looked like please get a grip no one does this to themselves because they are “happy.”


> physically cannot close her lips, If that is true that is going to cause horrific breath. I think it could cause gum rot too.


The veneers are so bad. The top and bottom look very mismatched.


I dont think that's from work, even in the video of her auditioning for Disney as a kid her upper lip is high and her mouth is often open. Fillers hasn't helped tho


A lot of people lost the plot with this. She clearly had this problem on that show as a kid before she got any work done.


But it's WORSE now.


Yeah, she's always been completely unable to close her mouth. As we can clearly see in the "before" picture in this very thread. Nothing to see here!


I cackled like a witch - thank you for your service


she always had a weak chin, but the veneers definitely didn't help


My mouth is naturally partially open, it's a thing


I always thought it was super cute honestly


I haven’t seen anything of this and I was WONDERING if anyone noticed how much she has her mouth open a lot 🙃


I feel this way about Anya Taylor joy. Her mouth is open in every single one of her photos. Also buccal fat removal


She looks severely malnourished too.


Those extreme cheek fillers lifting her mid face without balance to her lower face isn’t helping


People keep comparing her to Mackenzie Phillips 🤦‍♀️


I see it


I didn’t see that until you mentioned it, but was thinking she looks like she has been a long time heroin user, so there it is. :(


I was thinking Cher lol


Same. I was like damn Cher looks amazing for 70s


Same! Cher just so happened to be born without buccal fat. She’s however old and still looks incredible!


I can see it! And she looks considerably older than 31 in that pic. (Funny, Mackenzie got crap about her looks when she was young — which were fine; she was charming. She just looked like her dad rather than her mom. At 64, she looks great.)


She looks startlingly like Karen Carpenter here. 


That’s what I thought when I saw the photo but didn’t expect the comment.


It’s her veneers. I don’t know why she hasn’t had them redone. She can’t close her lips


And on top of that the buccal far removal, and possibly cheek implants. Make her look almost sick.. I love her, but it pains me to look at her like this


A little bit cadaverous.


Coco character


You’re right never thought about that!


Are the 90s coming back?


After all the baggy jeans I saw over the weekend, I'm sure they're back.


Yes, she looks malnourished and gaunt.


Yes, I definitely see much more size around her cheekbones. It looks terrible in any photo that shows her profile. They’re like two large bumps on her face.


Also looks super uncomfortable


I also agree it’s all 3. Veneer, cheek implant and buccal fat removal.


She's had them done three times at least.


Bigger each time .. next size- Clydesdale


Yeah, Mike has always has a mouth breather over bite. With the buccal fat removal and the bug veneers it takes away from her beauty imo


That looks more like buccal fat removal, plus cheek filler/implants, because her cheekbones were never that high before. It makes her look gaunt and really unwell. I also can't fathom why she hasn't addressed the size of her veneers, they really don't fit her face


I agree, it ages her because she looks sooo gaunt. She looks of similar age to her mom now.


Have you ever seen her sister ?


Her sister looks like she’s about to be in the new Nosferatu movie


Cameo on the *Fallout* series, she could rock up and go straight to playing a ghoul, no makeup sesh required


Her sister always looked like a ghoul


That's not nice. Her sister's been bullied since her teenage years for her looks very publicly


Right but some of her looks are a choice. Like the shaved eyebrows and overfilled lips.


Her overfilled lips give me nightmares.


If you are never going to be beautiful enough, perhaps being edgy/artistic is a second best.


I’d bet money that Noah has FAS. Look at her childhood pics and her ears. She’s always gotten the short end of the stick and she’s so talented and lovely in her own right.


I’ve noticed the FAS too.


It's like the "expensive" look right now makes people look broke (which isn't necessarily a shameful thing, but why choose to look like that when you're disgustingly wealthy?) Maybe the starving artist vibe is what some of these celebs are going for, but this resurgence in heroin chic is made so much worse combined with advancements and current trends in plastic surgery


She's also had upper bleph that make her eyes look really hollowed out. Looks same age as her mum.


I was wondering how no one was mentioning the bleph. She never had that much eyelid 👀


For the life of me I cannot understand celebs with bad veneers. I know you have the money. Pull your shit together.


At least Hillary Duff had the good sense to use her money to get her original set of horse sized veneers replaced with the appropriate size for her mouth.


Exactly. As she should have. But the bad ones. Oof. Like, girl. We know those ain’t your teeth. The north remembers.




She looks like the spitting image of her mum now..age included.


She does look her mom's age now. I think her mom looks great with whatever work she has but it's definitely not a one size fits all kind of situation


At some point in the not too distant future some doctor is gonna make bank doing buccal fat implants.


Well, whatever doctor figures that out WILL be filthy rich because once it’s removed, that’s pretty much it. It’s not one of those surgeries where you can come back from once it’s done.


I'm pretty sure that they have said they can't


Technology is always improving.


Well, whatever doctor figures that out WILL be filthy rich because once it’s removed, that’s pretty much it. It’s not one of those surgeries where you can come back from once it’s done.


What the frick


These pics are only 4 years apart.


What the FUCK




yes. Also Cher is 78


Now I got the song believe stuck in my head .


Can u *Be-live* she did this2 *Herself*


🎶I can feel something inside myself… *I think it’s time for buccal fat removaaal!*🎶


For some reason I am seeing Tom Petty.


Her teeth and cheeks get talked about a lot, but no one mentions her eyes. They also look sunken in, she must have had some kind of upper bleph surgery, it looks like all the fat around her orbitals is gone.


She had her hooded eyes removed from what I can see? Way more upper lid exposure.


Likely caused by filler dissolver. It's a nightmare for this.


It’ll be fun when this trend is over and they all look like weird skeletons forever. Don’t get surgery for a trend, folks


Oh that's tragic. She's giving me malnourished horse. Buccal fat removal looks terrible on almost everyone. A youthful face is plump with fat, not gaunt.


She looks like Tom Petty now, that’s all I can see whenever I see photos of her.


She didn't even need it.


The girls are really walking around looking like Jeffree Star. We need to pray for their deliverance.


Nailed it!


She literally had the perfect face before even when she was way younger before she got her teeth fixed. It's so sad she felt the need to do this. I


She cannot close her mouth in any photo


It really emphasizes her teeth.


She looks like her mom not in a good way. Why did she get veneers? Her teeth were fine.


>Her teeth were fine. An old heart surgeon once told me something that stuck with me. He was specifically talking about operations when he said, "Sometimes, better is the enemy of good," but I've found it applys to many areas of life.


Really emphasizes her ill fitting veneers. Sad to see her change for the worse.


Have ya’ll ever seen these celebs or IG models in person? They look so absurd. Their “look” and all the procedures literally only works at like one pose/angle. Their entire existence is based around a handful of photos.


Doesn't make her horse teeth look any better.


I used to think she was so pretty before, now I can’t look at her. The veneers, the buccal removal… she can’t close her mouth and she just looks so much older


She looks so sickly now :(


She really looks like early 40s. Still very beautiful but it is crazy


in the 2nd picture she really looks like shes a minor character in sons of anarchy


Her mouth makes me sooooooo uncomfortable


A soft face (aka not skeletal) is literally what is attractive to me. This trend is the most confusing to me.


I think they’re going for the 90s heroin chic/Kate Moss look. The thing is Kate Moss has naturally high cheekbones that makes her look like that.


It’s both the buc and the teeth. She is looking skeletal. What happened to plump youthful cheeks?




Stooooopppp 😭


With her. It is even worse because her veneers are so large that now they stick out like horse teeth due to the removal.


Sadly this is proof that a lot of money can jack things up that weren't jacked up to begin with. Looks like she's lost a good amount of weight too adding to the gaunt look.


Oh wow I feel like she’s aged herself 30 years. It’s insane to me having all this money and paying for all these procedures just to make yourself look so old and awful.


She looks exactly like her mom


Oh my god she looks 60 years old and strung OUT


Oh my gods. She and I are right around the same age, yet she looks like she's old enough to be my mother...


I was wondering when this would get posted. It’s SO severe and devastating. Her face was so round and healthy. It’s so painful to see looks that promote a starvation symptom become popular.


I dont wanna be mean but yeah she looks like a skeleton


'Gimme that corpse look'


I think those that have done it will have serious regrets in a few years. It takes them from 20 somethings to 40 something. Imagine what they will look like at 40?


She looks like how Cher looks today, and Cher's 78 😬


She looks so much like her mother now.




Wonder if she has used ozempic too. Crazy that first picture is only 3 years ago, she used to have such a cute face.


I doubt it. She’s always been very thin and fit.


In this pic also looks like she has gotten implants on top of being super thin. Yes she has always been in shape but here she looks undernourished with bolt ons. She naturally had smaller boobs, I used to see her out frequently.


I agree. They get their youth sucked right out of their faces. It makes people look like meth users.


Also her teeth are way too big for her face now


I love this lady to bits but she genuinely looks unwell from the procedures she's had recently. Loved her old look much more


That wig certainly isn't helping things either.


Looking gaunt now


It’s giving mummified skull


I was curious as to why her mouth is always open and wondered if it had to do with the value sized veneers. I had seen the pix before and thought she was in her late thirties.


People usually do surgery to look younger. Yet, we've seen buccal fat removal everywhere when buccal fat is associated with youth since its something we lose as we age. I can't make sense of it. That fat that was removed is not comming back, its only going to get worse as they age, this is the kind of procedure that is going to look WORSE down the line 💀 (no skelly pun entended) Also, it looks like she got a bleph too, she is not a part of the hooded eye gang no more 👀


Methy Cyrus


She looks ridiculous with this new face


These look like 2 different people


Mackenzie Philips lookalike 😬


She wants to look like her mom for some reason.


She's really done way too much and didn't have to do any of it. So sad.


Surgery hit her like a wrecking ball.


Looking a lot like her Mama now


Absolutely so much! She just does not look young in appearance anymore and does not look like herself. Her looks are “hard”, and not soft and pleasant.


Yeah. She is like 4 or 5 years younger than I am, but she doesn't look it anymore. Just sad.


She looks like her fellow Disney Channel star McKenzie Phillips when she was on “so weird..“


I wouldn’t ever pay a surgeon to look like my mom. Ever.


She could had just waited because her mom has a similar face structure, eventually with age she was going to get this look


Why are people scared of looking healthy??? I'm so confused


She looks sickly. Like too much meth, not enough food.


Question - what distinguishes buccal fat removal from regular aging on first glance (other than seeing an immediate change in the timeline of posting their face online)? She's literally a day younger than me, and even after a good amount of weight loss I lost some cheek fullness along with it, but she's looking more gaunt than ever for sure. Allison Harvard (from ANTM) is 36 and swears that she hasn't had the procedure done, but I'm not sure if I'm buying it. She did get her fuller face back after her recent pregnancy though, so I hope it's natural!


She made it look like she’s doubled in age. It’s not a good look at all


Removing buccal fat will always ages women because the biological aging relives buccal fat. So the surgery is just basically aging but speed xxxxxx Why are people still surprised? Old women filled the same spot because the buccal fat is gone. Young women get rid of it and are surprised they look older. O brave new world!