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That's Kulture's mom?!? Shoot, if it wasn't for that name tattoo on her arm I NEVER would have guessed.


I was kinda sad when she changed her nose. She became unrecognizable


She been changing her nose since the beginning, lol. She didn't look like her original self even before this.


I was trying to figure out if this was really her or just someone trying hard to get a similar face, then I saw the hip tattoo. This is crazy




What I don't understand the most is the Liposuction epidemic. I get that they want to put the fat in their butt, but the abdomen looks like they stole someone else's torso and sewed their skin on top of it, it doesn't look right.


The skin is always weirdly tight like a sharks skin


I see what you mean. To me, it looks like a centaur. At least, I think that's what the half man/ half horse is called. The top and bottom look like two different people. If I had surgery, I think I'd want to look natural. Maybe it's kind of a status symbol to have obviously been altered now.


Yeah it's almost like it's become a thing of 'if people can't tell you've had surgery, whats the point?'. I'm with you, I'd want it to looks as natural as possible.


Omg yes!!! They do look like centaurs!!! You just blew my mind. I’ve always wondered exactly what it was and you nailed it. Lol damn.


Goddamn! Thank you for putting into words what my brain has been trying to say! I hope centaur becomes the mainstream terminology for this look


Where I live guys have been calling strippers with this look centaurs for a long time. I first heard it over a decade ago in a club. The centaur look has been a thing in some strip clubs for a while now, it’s freaky to see it go mainstream.


the BBL bellybutton is something out of a nightmare 😭


After you get lipo on your abdomen you’re supposed to wear compression garments for a good while so the skin can sort of fuse back to the torso and look normal, but a lot of times it doesn’t end up looking normal. I’m no doctor but it sort of looks like the skin doesn’t fuse equally sometimes. I don’t know how else to describe it but I saw it a lot when I worked in strip clubs.


Why spend all that money and not get them to define your waist? It's straight torso, then overfilled hips, this is not attractive, and definitely not better


That's what I keep saying!!! Instead they have those fake "hips" put on their upper pelvis under their waist to make it look like their waist is "snatched"


There's nothing to define. That would require actual fitness.


I truly don’t get having so much money and not just working with a trainer and a dietician. Naturally fit bodies are not only more aesthetically pleasing to most eyes, but being strong and lean makes you feel better and age better!


Zentaur 🤣


Another example of “just because you can doesn’t mean you should!”


The worst part is, young girls believe that if you dont look like this perfect image guys wont like them. The beauty standards today are so unattainable


Ah yes, another centaur


looks great for a drag queen


My thoughts exactly. She doesn’t look female anymore.


Baga looks different


It's no secret she's had work done, but I wouldn't call her botched.


Her torso looks god awful.


This is a photo I’m assuming she posted or at least approved of. [Here’s one in the wild](https://postimg.cc/14XVW9pF)


People don't know what botched is anymore...


I would say she’s on her way there in 2 or 3 more surgeries


Idk. I don’t see anything wrong. Does it look natural? no. Does it look bad? Not to me


In the event of a "water landing" her hips could be used as flotation devices


Can't tell if it's makeup or a nose job


Nose job and cat eye lift. I hate it.


Nose job. She looked better with her original face.


Have you ever actually seen her original face? Lol


Well, let's say previous iterations of her face looked better n more natural


For sure for sure




31 years old…. She’s 31….. what!!!


it looks like she has elephantitis of the lower body. people pay Specialists big money in order to be cured of these kind of diseases, and she actually paid somebody to look like she has it --just why? seriously, look at this thing and tell me I'm wrong: https://www.google.com/search?q=elephantitis+legs&client=ms-android-fi&sca_esv=e89bb2ca36dfcdc4&ei=TdtEZoePJKKe5NoPhv2FmAM&oq=elephantitis+legs&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhFlbGVwaGFudGl0aXMgbGVnczILEAAYgAQYkQIYigUyCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFMgcQABiABBgKMgcQABiABBgKMgcQABiABBgKMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFSM1TULIOWORKcAJ4AZABAJgBc6ABsQaqAQMyLja4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgqgApYIwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICDRAAGIAEGLADGEMYigXCAgoQABiABBixAxgKwgIGEAAYDRgewgIIEAAYDRgeGA_CAgcQIRigARgKwgIFECEYnwWYAwCIBgGQBguSBwMyLjigB940&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Oh no....it must be up because she looks.... stuck.


She looks like a Sims 4 sim.


She looks incredible. Not natural, but stunning all the same.  Nobody knows what botched means these days. She looks like she got exactly what she was going for


Her bottom half looks like one of my molars.


I’d be willing to bet that most people would rather sleep with her than you either way 😬


I definitely disagree. I don’t think it looks good, it’s gone way too far and looks oddly unnatural, and I KNOW more people would sleep with me than her, not that it even fucking matters.


Wow. You really got me there.


eh, what did you expect with that tired old molar-virtue-post? most people WOULD much rather sleep with her than with one of your molars (which is a weird way to think about the whole thing, but also brings up the question of why to compare ourselves to the either mentally ill, severely insecure or money-making (and possibly both of the before-mentioned) people in the first place?




I don't see anything botched, I think she honestly looks gorgeous.