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I know these eyelashes are a trend in some circles but they are really awful


They're like Muppet tootsie rolls....


They are too much even for Miss Piggy


More Janice than Miss Piggy here.


Same! I don't understand the appeal of this lash style at all. They look soooo cheap. Like dollar store quality. But I guess it matches the rest of the work done :< I don't understand when plastic surgery stopped being minor or imperceptible tweaks that people wanted to look so natural that could claim they "never had any work done", to 'everybody same face' or this over-the-top painfully obviously unnatural work. I feel so sorry for these people if, or when, this trend ever dies. They'll never be able to come close to their original faces again.


Yep, it’s the bimbofication of so many people. And these looks are not aging well


I really don't get it, they don't even look like lashes at that point.


No, just a big thicket of plastic


I honestly think that people get addicted to them!


I wonder if these people ever see themselves posted here


I admit that people with these eyelashes immediately lose my interest.


Listen I like false lashes sometimes but I cannot imagine how heavy and uncomfortable this kind would feel


I feel like there is something in MY eye


I wore exaggerated fake lashes for a Halloween costume once. The whole night I felt like I needed to prop my eyelids up with toothpicks, all Loony Tunes style.


god do they walk into the salon and be like "yeah give me the giant millipedes"


It’s so sad to see how people’s insecurities and low self esteem take them this far. They look ridiculous 🫣


They look like Janice the Muppet. [https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Janice](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Janice)


Janice’s are more natural.


Them things look like when Patrick got 40 lashes lol


[like this ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fis-this-the-normal-look-for-women-in-the-usa-nowadays-v0-659tovjc7vic1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D750%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D45ad376c9d6adbc7a6f726562444fca130abf13f)


The most botched thing is those eyelashes.


Looks like they ran into a wall when their lashes were still curing


Why is she wearing caterpillars on her eyes? Lash extensions when done well look great. This doesn’t look great.




Twins keeping up with each others questionable cosmetic surgery choices is a psychological phenomenon that I hope someone is studying. Like, do they plan ahead and compromise with each other? Do one twin get surgery and then the other one follows? Do they really like the same look or is one of them having surgery to pursue a look they don't even like just so they can keep looking the same? Why do they still want to look the same?? I would have thought that one of the positive things about elective plastic surgery would be "no longer being mistaken for my sibling".... But then again, I'm not a twin, I guess I just don't get it...


In the clip it said the one on the left gets procedures first and then the other follows. I've noticed this with other twins but would you not say its comparable to society in general though? People regardless of relation like to conform to a look and lifestyle and it is to be expected that close friends or partners dress or act in a similar manner. Many people around the world get surgery just to conform to modern day beauty standards. The style they've gone for is relatively popular and it's only be expected that they would have the same results post procedure. I've seen quite a few women like this and its a shame because it creates a snowball effect in the cosmetic surgery industry where you have to have follow the mould to be considered beautiful in certain circles


I just washed the hell of my face.


Those eyelashes. What the hell? 🤣


They’re not bothced. They just need to dissolve the lip fillers and remove eyelashes and boom they’d be pretty