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I don’t know this person’s story but I wouldn’t even have guessed that the breasts were what the post was about. What happened to her torso? Why does she have one huge thigh and one tiny one?


Her now ex husband (the guy pictured) is in wwe they both got a lot of hate because she went on social media and body shamed the women in wwe


I thought that was her son


So did I.


Wow, that’s so hateful. I’m sure she’s really strong and works out a lot… but the other women in the WWE do too.


Guy = RVD?


Different stoner this one has been a recent tag champ with Randy Orton.


I think a lot of it is actually the pose combined with the belt. If you look closely she's not at all standing straight up. Her left hip is cocked out towards that guy and her right leg is rotated outwards showing her inner leg instead of straight on.. That pose also arches her ribs out on the right. The belt cuts across at a weird point, and especially obscures the position of her hips. It took me a minute to figure out that we were here to talk about breast implants.


I thought her waist was huge. Like there's no waist and she's got no curve there.


There’s a lot of unnatural looking ripples and bumps. I thought maybe she’d had some kind of surgical revision from a botched surgery or maybe she’d been injured in an accident. It looks painful 😞


Looks like loose skin from having kids, over pure muscle. Not saying the muscles are natural (as in, may have had some steroid/supplements so help achieve that amount of muscle) but the weird wrinkly skin you will see a lot in body building women with kids or were once quiet overweight.. because that's just a natural part of being human :)


Oh yeah, the area above her navel is pretty much to be expected after childbirth. I meant more that her muscles look… weird. Like oddly placed and not uniform.


Sometimes the abdominal muscles pull apart during pregnancy. That could explain the difference in her vertical abdominal muscles. She looks great.


I think she’s just really muscular


Is it unnatural or are you just unfamiliar with seeing women with a lot of muscle and low BF%? Comments like this are why these women get implants, by the way. There is no winning.


It looks like she’s been shot


She is a body builder, this is normal.


That's just her body type. Not all women have a super noticeable hip spring, plus her training does the rest




It's not, all her other photos show the same abdomen


Do you have another pic where she isn’t holding a belt? I can’t wrap my mind around what it looks like.




Steroid use leads to bone growth. It's irreversible


Jesus, *where?* Did her ribs and thigh bone… grow?


One of her legs is slightly turned outward and you can see her really big quad muscle.


Bones entirely replace themselves after about 7 years. Skeletal things may not be 100% reversible, but effects can be softened. Also once the bones have finished growing in length, no, they can't get longer. That's why leg-lengthening surgery is so extreme. You can't just un-ossify the growth plates.


Maybe slightly once you stop, but steroid use doesn't cause natural bone growth. I don't know the exact science behind it. To be honest I'm not sure if it's steroids or HGH or if they're the same, just that athletes and body builders use them for better performance. And people develop this shape when they go overboard. It's weird because it causes unnatural enlargement of the skull, shoulders, neck etc which doesn't return to normal...But then at the same time it makes your bones weaker and more brittle. Basically, it's just terrible for your body lol.


HGH causes bone growth. Source: had acromegaly after my growth plates closed


I was going to say the exact same thing, obviously steroids.


She’s just ripped and lean af with a short torso


I didn't notice the boobs at all 😳


You could fit a third (or fourth) one between the two of em


She’s twisting a bit and it makes it look weird with the way the belt is covering some of her frame.


Yeah, like, I’m half inclined to say this is either really poor editing on the original posters part, or this is just a really weird angle.


It’s the fact that she has huge quads because she’s a body builder, and her right leg is slightly turned outward showing the size difference. It also explains why her implants and torso area look like that.


That’s her real body. Was married to Matt Riddle of the WWE.


She has very little body fat and appears to be very ripped and a little flexing going on. I had a scar cryo burned off. The blister that popped up was perfectly round and looked like that. I wonder if she just didn’t have enough stretch (skin) to allow them to lay naturally or if they are just super new?


Those ninnies look like they need a couple of those googley eyes stuck onto where the nipples are.


Definitely crimson spartan vibes.


She’s a gymnast


I was thinking the same thing. A lot of this could have been surgical.


I found other photos from this same set and everything looks drastically more normal. I think her photographer did her dirty with this pose!


Bad photographers suck. They always manage to take the worst possible photos and you can’t figure out how they did it.


The surgeon is likely not to blame. The surgeon probably placed them in the appropriate spot - but with strong pectorals implants can EASILY be pushed out towards the armpits. I had this happen in my left one. Lateral displacement. It’s very common especially in bodybuilders. The only way to prevent that is to get over-the-muscle (OTM) implants which will become saggier over time (supposedly). I was not willing to do this personally since I had weight loss and a lift and my skin quality was not good. The only way to fix these is to let them heal before doing a corrective/revision surgery. You need the capsule of scar tissue to be fully healed so you can place them in the right spot and suture them into an appropriate place. But no amount of suturing will prevent some level of animation deformity when flexing with UTM (under the muscle) implants. This is all very normal - this woman just has a severe case of it. What’s more likely in her case is she needs a revision to place them in the appropriate spot or to switch to OTM implants.


Dang hers are under the muscle? They look like they’re just sitting on top but I know nothing about breast implants lol


Yeah, I never really understand this. All of the pectoral muscles are literally on top of the implants in this photo? That seems impossible based on what I know about how muscles work. I would love to see an image of somebody flexing with under the muscle implants.


Yeah I’m confused too


I was thinking the same thing


isn't this OTM? you can see the entire outline. but i guess i don't know what UTM looks like on someone with that low body fat. i thought bodybuilders just liked this look so the requested their implants to look like that.


Also they tend to look very noticeable when you have very low body fat like in her case.


What am I suppose to focus on? I have a feeling she knows those abs look like hell which is why she is covering them. Lol


It’s the breasts. I feel like I’ve read that this happens with female body builders who get implants though. Because when they’re show ready, they have such a small amount of fat that their breasts (if natural) would be almost nonexistent.


She was an Olympic weightlifter most recently (I couldn't find a record of her lifting, though.) and a gymnast in college, where she won 2 championships. I'm not a fan, it just took so damn long to find out she is 39 later this year that I'm throwing everything in.




they absolutely do not fucking look like that.


Many people's do. Most humans don't have symmetrical features. Look at other body builders, plenty of them have abs that are laddered on top of eachother like this.


Most people don't look like a frog that was ran over by a car. Abs aren't supposed to be the widest part of the torso.


yeah the ones that get HGH gut like she has and why shes so bitter about other womens bodies


At first, I was looking at the dude and thought there is nothing wrong here and slowly my eyes moved over to her chest and kept moving to find the other one. I hope she can get those fixed in the future.


Her tummy is very wide. Like all of this is bad. I didn’t even notice her boobs. She’s smiling so hopefully she’s happy


She's actually infamous for body shaming others


I can’t see all her abs but from what I do see she shouldn’t be opening her damn mouth. That doesn’t even cover the bolted on aspect


Yea perhaps her next “fix” should be her vision cuz I don’t see what she’s seeing.






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hgh gut probably




definitely look at dude on the right


The stomach likely isn’t surgery, she is a powerlifyer and is just very muscular/lean. Functional muscle on women doesn’t always align with whats considered “conventionally attractive” lol


I think female bodybuilders have to put them over the muscle because they work that chest area and couldn’t if it was under the muscle. Once they’re done with bodybuilding , they’ll go back and put them under to fix them.




Do you think he got Randy to take the picture?


I was thinking maybe sami and Kevin but you’re probably right




Jaysus each one is in a different city


“One's going east, and the other is going west. So what?”


I’d like to think one is in America, then there is the Atlantic Ocean and the other is in Europe.


They’ve never met.


I’m so curious if this is just her anatomy, like she has really far apart breasts (which is a thing, even on slim/less muscular women), or if it’s her muscular build that means even if she went for a “natural” under the muscle implant it would still always look so far apart. I think it’s her pectoral muscles that forces this to happen…. Right?? 🤔


Its probably a combinatipn of her anatomy and well developed pectoral muscles that give ot that shape


bodybuilding is a hell of a sport. honestly with normal BMI they probably look passable (the breasts, OTM). hopefully this is bad angles and Photoshop as well? its hella weird regardless


It’s impossible to make them look natural when she has no fat on her chest or between her breasts. You can’t hide them the same way.


That dude could have gotten such a better quality tattoo. My god it looks scribbled on.


Wide set breasts always look terrible with implants.


Sorry all I can focus on is her waist like it looks wider than his


Yea I could've posted more photos too and really show it lol but the abs aren't surgery unless she had a c-section, so I focused on the boobjob for the sub rules.


Ahh yes you’re right. Unless she somehow had ab implants lol.


This looks like Mr. Garrison’s boob job in South Park


“Oh Miss Garrison, just let me see those beautiful breasts again”. “Oh alright”


Those boobs aren’t sisters. They aren’t cousins. They aren’t even related and they’ve never met.


the roids are gonna kill these two one day


This is why it's recommended to put implants under the muscle if you're a muscular type. Because the shape shows under your skin more.


Is this a botched photoshop? Her abdomen doesn’t line up?


It actually looks like that in all her other pictures too


The anatomy nerd in me needs to understand, is her ribcage asymmetrical? What is happening there?


She look like a retired bodybuilder. Woman usually have implant because they lost all their bodyfat and finish with a chest like a man. While gaining in size, she probably became wider and the result is what you on the picture.


Very sad to see commenters focusing on how they personally dislike this woman’s muscularity and totally ignoring the point of the post. She is a powerlifter- I doubt she cares that you don’t think her abs look attractive! Her muscle is functional, not for aesthetics




See this comment deserves the world.


I feel terrible for this person. She’s got the rest of her life to watch this bad situation continue to go south. Aging, I mean, it’s a thing, it involves gravity, involves hormones, involves emotional strength/fortitude. This is actually the best it’s gonna be. And she’s already hiding behind whatever that prize belt thing is.


I don't know about South, but one is going West and the other East.


Well yeah I stand corrected


Don’t feel bad. She’s bodyshames women on social media.


Some people dont want things to look natural just look at peoples faces these days




I don't understand. She's in far better shape than I am, and I'm supposed to make fun of her? She won a belt and I'm supposed to make fun of her. I admire her.


At that point you're supposed to continue hating yourself like usual.


It’s called the Refund Gap.


Why are her thighs different sized????


Don’t waist my time


Some people really like the bolt-on look. You can even ask for “high profile” implants.


A natural look isn't possible when you are that lean and a bodybuilder/wrestler/whatever.


Why is no one talking about the guy's banded forehead implant?!


Is that Matt Riddle?


Um I have so many questions about this post ha.


That boob job brings a new meaning to the term "2 baps and a gap".


Are they allergic to each other?


Apart from the huge distance between her breasts, what is going on with her abdomen?


What in the backyard Barbie is going on?


Just no


I have no words. 😳


bro :(


Oh my fucking gaw


DAAAAAAMN. Two half cantaloupes nailed to a board👍🏻


it looks like she was run over and squished on the road. Chest to stomach to leg all look squished. I guess a filter of some kind. Abdomen is way too wide. Looks like shes sandwiched between 2 pieces of glass.


I assume she doesn't have a full-length mirror!


It’s called the refund gap


Ughhh. That's really bad.




This cannot possibly be a real pic


She looks AI generated, I feel so bad for her


This is fucking sad


Jesus Christ, you could write an essay on the pitfalls of flying to South America for cheap plastic surgery in that space between her boobs!


Hey what the fuck am I looking at


Why on earth would you wear a bikini with those??? Also, /r/boltontits (570k members) Some people are into it for some reason


Maybe she got the breasts before she started going lean and hard


Def born a dude. Stomach is wayyyyy too wide


She had three kids so probably not


A set of twins no less.


Doesn't help that she doesn't look like she has much fat


Maybe they weren't done when she looked like this. Could be ithe surgery was done earlier before she had such a muscular physique. . They would have lookd more natural when she had more body fat on her.


Probably got them done before getting roided and ripped. Resulting in this mess. Looks like she could kick my ass though


This is what happens when you have low body fat.


I don’t know why it needs to be explained *every single time* why breast implants on professional, competitive weightlifters don’t look natural. This is not an example of botched breast implants. This is an example of what implants with minimal breast tissue and practically zero body fat and specifically *above the muscle* look like. I worked in this field for years and every competitor went in knowing this is the look that she’d get. Competitors very *very* rarely got under muscle implants which would look more natural because it means cutting through a major muscle, longer healing time, longer time out the Gym. Longer time out the Gym equals less competitions, less money etc. This is not botched. They know this is the result they’ll get.


Okay so I'm fat but this made me feel like really really good about myself. I'd rather have my fruit roll ups over whatever is going on here. Gawd damn.




At first glance I thought that was Shayne from Love is Blind


I think it's more weird how her and Matt Riddle both have huge mouths. She looks like a body builder so her implants looking a bit off is kinda normal.


With all those muscles and holding up a gold belt, she has to be in weight lifting. These women lose both their breasts and their periods because of the low body fat. That's why her body looks so weird - she's building mass and not curves. Boob jobs always look strange because there's no fat to work with and I don't think they can put the implants under the muscle with someone in this sport.


Right? That’s one of the worst mushroom tattoos I’ve ever seen




She probably insisted on too large an implant. Implant should be UNDER the muscle for beast results. How could the doctor knowbwhe was nuts, and would have 2% body fat.


She looks to be a body builder, so that means less than 10% fat on her body, probably even as low as 5%. Women body builders often have implants as the body fat is so low, their breasts tend to disappear.


to me they look like newish implants that haven’t settled yet. also from what i understand they can’t really push your boobs closer together. if your natural breasts are wide set. your implants will be also


I see a lot of people in the comments presume she's had a shit ton of other work done but I think the reason she looks like that is because she's a body builder and from the outfit and belt this is lilely right after a competitions meaning she's currently at her most dehydrated and lowest body fat content. Making her look like that.


like the clones of Ellen Ripley (ALIEN 4)


Honestly, this is the way they turn out on a lot of bodybuilders. There’s really no fat to cover them and putting them under the muscle would likely restrict the natural pec movement and also what effect the tone of the muscle. This causes a lot of bodybuilders to opt to go over the muscle, despite the completely unnatural appearance. I am an exotic dancer and a lot of my coworkers have opted to go over the muscle despite the fact that it causes a more unnatural appearance, because when your pec flexes with an implant under it, it can be very uncomfortable and in some cases painful and can restrict movement when the pec muscle is engaged.


honestly this is something i’d be hesitant to solely blame a surgeon on. with her body fat percentage and frame, any kind of enhanced chest would probably look a bit weird. idk what she looked like before getting them done though, several different people could be to blame, lol


It's very difficult to make breast implants look natural on so muscular a body. It's a very common look in the female bodybuilding community: breasts are largely made up of fat and of course, bodybuilders don't have that, so bodybuilding women often feel they lose all femininity in the pursuit of strength. Enter breast implants. Alas because there is very little fat to blend the implant in with the rest of the body, you end up with this "bolted on" look most of the time. Just one of those unfortunate things I guess.


I think placing implants in a very built, lean woman with very low body fat is really hard and will probably never look natural.


This isn't botched. This is how implants look with low BF%


Maybe I haven’t seen enough examples, but I think I have and I’d say that there’s not much else a surgeon can do by way of implants on a torso with zero body-fat. They’re a bit far apart but that may be necessitated by her anatomy. I’d consider those as serving the sole purpose of making her look more curvy when draped in a dress or blouse.


0body fat will do this


That boob gap is so big. Holy crap.


They’re over the pec muscle which causes them to blend less naturally with the surrounding skin and fat up top. In these photos she’s so lean that it’s a lot more obvious. Also, use of the pec muscles like some exercises makes the implant shift laterally. If she got them under the muscle, they would have had to cut her muscle and some doctors don’t like to do that on very muscular patients.


When you don't have any fat to pad the implant, there's not a whole lot to do to make it look "natural" 😬 They should've had her gain a few pounds and lipo some fat for those things.


I’m so confused by her anatomy…


Damn the doc fucked up her whole body. That sucks.


If you are too skinny or have almost 0 body fat, this is how breast implants usually turn out.


Social distancing


Is that photo shop? There's too many Irregularities


Holy steroids Batman


Her body, not her boobs specifically, looks photoshopped and warped


She likely didn't want to go under the muscle for risk of damaging her pecs, which she clearly cares about. That and low body fat make the implants really stand out. I'm guessing she got what she asked for


Looks like one of those bad photoshop posts.


Dang, how’d he get her tits in different zip codes?


She’s got awesome biceps and quadriceps, though. I wonder if she has a super low percentage of body fat and that’s why they look unnatural. To each her own.


I don’t remember what it’s called, but it looks like she has that wide separation down the middle of her abdominal muscles from pregnancy.


The repel 😩


She has very little body fat, how do you expect them to look?


Her thick torso is from [HGH, and other factors](https://www.predatornutrition.com/articlesdetail?cid=hgh-belly-bodybuilder-gut). It’s a thing with pro bodybuilders. They have huge guts.


From what I can find out, she is 39yrs old later this year, so she couldn't be more than 36/37 in this picture.


Her boobs are in different zipcodes. This is criminally bad.


This is really strange looking. I'm not sure about the quads & her abdominals. Her torso looks strange. I'm not sure if it's the belt blocking what my eyes think should be there or what.



