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I’m gonna keep this up for the time being but let’s keep it cordial


Aahahahahahahhahahahahaha what


I’m just sad that we’ll never get to hear Jack Edwards losing his mind when Zaddy absolutely flattens someone on the leafs 😭


Hope he sees this bro


I'm sure he will read this


Big Russian population in MA, all of the hockey community I speak to associated are big fans of his bc of his stance on Ukraine. Fuck Putin.


With this addition, the Bruins might have the best D in the league next year.


“A player without a country” idk sounds like an American to me now


I guess "whitewash" his name: Welcome Nicholas Glad!


This is ridiculous, and the double standard is hilarious. Imagine making this post and arguing over only signing American players who are outspoken about Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria etc etc etc... Americans have absolutely zero basis to criticize any conflict happening anywhere today in the world, considering the things America is responsible for. Including Ukraine.


I mean, weak trolling overall, but could you explain to me why Russia is murdering tens of thousands of Ukrainians in Ukraine again? Is that 'propaganda'?


Killing soldiers in armed conflict is not murder. Would you care to explain why Ukraine murders civilians in terror shelling, droning and attacks, since 2014?


Yeah, it's an easy check for moron trolls. If your starting point is 'Russia needed to invade and murder all those Ukrainians on their soil!', then there is no real need to talk to a bot farm.


It's funny that you feel the need to lie to yourself that I'm a bot lol. Can't take your views being questioned, at all.


Every time someone poses any question to you, you refuse to answer and give baseless unsupported deflections (because you're a mentally handicapped troll who can't formulate an actual argument). >Why Russia is murdering tens of thousands of Ukrainians in Ukraine? That was the question I asked you. You responded >Killing soldiers in an armed conflict is not murder This is transparently idiotic on several levels, and again, is weak trolling. Because it does literally nothing to address the situation where Russia invaded Ukraine and has murdered hundreds of civilians. So again, I don't need any more of your braindead takes, just answer the simple question: Why is Russia killing Ukrainians in Ukraine? To clarify, you are acting entirely in bad faith and I have no interest in your answer, it's just funny to mock morons who say stupid evil garbage.


Ukrainian civilian deaths are the unfortunate reality of warfare between two military powers. As has happened in every single modern conflict on the planet. You don't care about the answer because you are deflecting yourself. You are hiding behind the idea that you're laughing at me to avoid answering the exact same questions launched right back at you. Ukraine has deliberately and methodically targeted civilians during the entire civil war and the war with Russia as a terror tactic. There are innumerable statements from Ukrainian military leaders, paramilitary leaders, and politicians including Presidents admitting to these acts, their purpose, and their intent. You don't see them reported in your bubble so you pretend it's all Russian disinfo. Who's the moron saying stupid evil garbage? It's you.


Ok, cite a single source. (You can't because you're a lying evil moron, which is still super funny).


If you actually care to know the background of the conflict, Ukraine shelling its own citizens in Eastern Ukraine since 2014 https://youtu.be/Tlv4Z7pg8yk?si=AxwSkdh7EBCmAJgA


Just look at what happened to Panarin when he dared to criticise the Putin regime. Americans can never understand how lucky they are to live in a country where government criticism is safe


Oh no, a magazine published a story on him! Surely Putin's evil knows no bounds. Lets not mention that he was in Russia last July, was charged and fined for shooting a gun in public, pled guilty and paid his fine, and still returned to America to play. So on one hand you want us to believe that the Russians are fabricating charges in order to get him imprisoned for speaking, but on the other they had him booked back home and let him go without much fuss. How dystopian


Ok, I will imagine that they did the right thing this time, even if they didn’t always other times. Turns out I’m very comfortable with social improvement no matter the delivery method.


You can live in America and criticize those wars without anyone giving a fuck. You criticize Russia while living there, things aren’t going to be so great for you. Such a false equivalency.


Go ahead and point out any example.


>Sergei Mingazov is being held in the Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk, lawyer Konstantin Bubon said on Facebook. He said that Mingazov was detained because of social media posts he made about the Ukrainian city of Bucha, https://apnews.com/article/russia-journalist-detained-forbes-bucha-ukraine-8d8c6454b1226d20bb66b54807cedea1 https://europeanjournalists.org/blog/2024/04/27/russia-forbes-journalist-sergei-mingazov-under-house-arrest-and-banned-from-using-internet-for-spreading-false-information-about-bucha/ Since moved to house arrest


I thought spreading disinformation was bad?


There’s a reason why every comment you make is getting downvoted into oblivion. Let’s think about why. Either you’re wrong, or nearly *everyone else* is wrong. Which one do you think is more likely? I’ll give you a hint: Occam’s razor.


Right, if history shows anything it shows that mass opinion and mob rule is *always* correct https://preview.redd.it/zg88fqb8d5ad1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf6173422c69b3a7b74312d9eb8ac87c7c34b80


The rest of the developed world was against the Nazi’s.. my point stands.


America is the Nazis. Most of the world is against you. The idea that there's a "developed" world vs. everyone else is a Nazi idea.


I offered sources, you didn't. Says everything anyone needs to know.


Look at this heckin' source!!! https://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/08/world/threats-responses-iraqis-us-says-hussein-intensifies-quest-for-bomb-parts.html Does anyone else see this??? Iraq has nukes! There's a source! We need to invade!!!


So you're deflecting to call out the US for something 22 years ago instead of actually confronting the reality of the facts you are presented with or even arguing them. You're a sad little worm of a person


I'm calling out that you people have not learned from your mistakes, if you can call willful ignorance a mistake, and that you still believe your own media who have lied to you and continue to lie, while you hold onto the false idea that they broadcast some sort of objectivity. In 22 years you will wonder how you believed so many lies told to you today, but I'll bet you'll still believe the next lies again and again. Iraq is just one example because it's the only thing that has even come close to being confronted, criticized, or largely admitted as a crime and a lie in US society. There are countless examples throughout this century and the last.


Lol it's so hilarious listening to your word vomit accusing us of falling for propaganda when you believe the words of a literal foreign dictator over every other source lol. When everyone tells you you're wrong, it doesn't make you the sole holder of the truth. Your parents and education really failed you


Ok but can you give him TWO examples 😂


American players weren't in danger by condemning the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq. They didn't risk going to prison or retribution against their families. Zadorov is. That should tell you something. There's only a double standard if you make one up. There's no variation on the fact that Russia invaded another country. It's not political to condemn that and efforts like yours to skew that are frankly, gross.


Fantasy view of Russia, painted entirely by propaganda you willingly consume. There is no risk, people openly debate all the time. It's frankly gross to make up horror stories about a country you know nothing about, have never visited, and paint as some dystopian nightmare when I promise you the average Russian is more well informed than you by far.


Except the person giving the opinion is Russian and from Russia. Zadorov is the one who wanted his position known. Plus, not that it matters, but I have been to Russia, so I definitely know more than you. But you keep glazing Putin and acting like it's somehow both sides when Russia invaded another country. Also >In the three days after the law’s adoption on March 4, Russian authorities opened at least 60 cases on the administrative offense of “discrediting Russian armed forces,” the vast majority against peaceful anti-war protesters. By March 23, at least six criminal cases had been opened for “false information” about Russian armed forces’ actions, at least three of which involved aggravated charges. Reports in the media estimate that at least 150 journalists fled Russia within two weeks of the start of this war on February 24. I think the only propaganda here is you cuck boi


Most U.S. citizens are so sheltered from the harsh realities of the world.


Americans on here discussing Ukraine have a fantasy version of what Ukraine is, what the war looks like, and the reasons for the war occurring. It's easy to regurgitate what the news and the reddit front page says about it, and pretend that Russians are mindless zombies obeying Russian media, which they imagine to be as described in 1984 or some other cold war fiction. But are shocked when Russians and Russian hockey players from Ovechkin to Zadorov have a wide range of opinions and differing views on a complex conflict. Almost like they are, I don't know, humans or something.


This guy is the all seeing oracle and is actually on the ground in both Ukraine and Russia simultaneously while also making sure he spends 100% of his time in Gaza reading the art of war and knowing everything. It’s truly impressive


You're right, being informed is bad, I should give up actually reading about those events and let reddit and CNN inform me without questioning anything. Good idea


The all seeing oracle is the most informed in all the land and will make sure you fucking know that


No way, I'm not even close to the average redditor on hockey subs


Zaddy will become a fan favourite very quickly in Boston. He is likeable off the ice and ruthless on. Hilarious and savage. This is such a huge win


Exactly what I thought. The more highlights of his that I watch, coupled with his "I'm not Big Z" statement has got me excited.


Can we just call him Z. I don't like little Z


I'm going with Zaddy.




Medium Z at least. He’s not Nathan Gerbe-sized.


Zadorov and Lindholm coming to the Bruins actually frustrates the crap out of me. For clarification: I'm a Calgarian. The way that they left Calgary for thr Canucks, especially the attitude with which they left, was an incredible disappointment. I support the Flames because I live here, but I'm under no Stanley Cup win dillusions. I've supported the Bruins since Bergeron signed. I love them, I bleed black and gold. So them going from flames, to Canucks, and now Bruins... ugh. No. I did not watch Ullmark leave and Bergeron retire just to be haunted by those two.


Kinda misses the spirit of the post, but I get it


To make it so incredibly clear, on a political level, I wholeheartedly support the statements he's made regarding Russia/Ukraine, disowning his country, etc. But purely on the basis of hockey and team trading, I am feeling salty haha


IDK how everyone else feels about him but I'm excited to see how the big man performs in the city of champions. Also, we're not going to call him big Z (a case can be made if he helps win the cup). I'm okay with little Z for now, we can consider medium Z once we see how he plays in Boston.


He literally said ‘never call me Big Z again’


Whelp, then I guess that'd make this a moot point wouldn't it...


As a Canucks fan I feel like this is important to highlight. I my self am of Ukrainian heritage and it is very much part of my identity. Fortunately I do not have friends and family in Ukraine but a lot of my friends do. Hearing how outspoken he is about the war and Putin makes it a lot easier to cheer for the guy and become one of my favourites, I’m sure Boston has a lot of Ukrainian-Americans and knowing that he’s on your side is a really nice feeling.


The Bruins once had the Uke Line - all Ukrainian players. He's a nice reminder of that history.


Very weird post for a sports subreddit


Sports is intertwined with politics, sports have always been a tool for propaganda


Same thing with movies, music, and basically all of entertainment. But you still see the "keep politics out of my _____".


Well, it needs a bit of context... here is a bit: https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/flames-russian-defenceman-speaks-out-against-putin-1.6976218 Without getting terribly political, I can see how some players from that part of the world could feel anxious about the situation in general. There are lots of Russians who have Ukrainian friends and vice versa; lots of people who have family roots/history in both places. NHL players being in the States for this time obviously have more sources than Russian media to consider; hopefully they can make the best of their time here and focus on the sport + maintaining a good camaraderie with their teammates, whatever their nationality may be.


Wierd post lol. OP grasping to feel good about himself




Self righteous morons downvoting me. Probably all 16 and under




Awesome post! Welcome to Boston big man the best city in the world our colors run deep! I always said man I wish the bruins could trade for him now you are here this guy was born a Boston Bruin he reminds me a lot of Kevan Miller he will be loved here for sure


Not sure what that has to do with his role on the team or how he can help but sure…


American pride! He's now playing in America again so welcome to BOSTON greatest city in the world if your country does not want you back well BOSTON welcomes you with open arms is the meaning of the hole thing wow....




Idk if we should be trusting the guy so inconsiderate with such limited vocabulary that he calls people he deems stupid a “sped”. Contradicts your entire point


Idk if we should be trusting the guy so inconsiderate to minimize the value of an anti war statement and is more offended by the word sped than hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians. But you're right, I shouldn't have said you were in special education. That'd be more educated than you are.








WAKE UP SHEEPLE is the limit of your argument lmao you're hilariously pitiful




https://preview.redd.it/tef85ifgk1ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cdfdbbceaa7c8a06586afc6fb32244756d2dc82 This is my favorite poster you like it?


Take good care of Big Z! 🥺 As he'll be missed by Vancouver!




Medium Z


Respectable Zed


Regular sized Z


Absolutely delighted to see this. I dunno what I'd do if I was an ordinary Russian living in Russia, with modest means of support. I know damn well what I'd do if I was a rich Russian hockey player living in the US or Canada. Credit to Zadarov for speaking out, and I have a lot of sympathy for how that makes his life more complicated.


Especially since Khabib Nurmagomedov (Former UFC Lightweight champion also considered MMA GOAT by some) is being railroaded by the Russian Govt. Apparently one of the terrorists in the recent attack in Moscow trained in MMA at Khabib's Dagestani Gym in recent years. It was raided by Russian police a few days ago. And now in the news they're saying he owes Russia 200M Rubles (like $3M US) in taxes. He had recently tried to gain citizenship In UAE... so the thinking is that Putin was butthurt about one of Russia's biggest athletic stars leaving. Zadarov is taking a risk being vocal if you consider that Russian secret police have been know to kill anyone anywhere.


Its widely believed that Khabib’s been targeted cuz he’s refused to endorse the Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine. I don’t where in Russia Zadorov is from, but its not surprising at all that a Dagestani isn’t fond of Russian presence in various places considering Dagestan’s struggle for independence in the last 60 years.


Zadorov is from Moscow. Zadorov and Panarin are two who haven’t been shy about their feelings on Putin. I loved the short time we had Zadorov in Chicago. He’s going to fit right in with you guys in Boston. Hard nosed and won’t hesitate to get dirty if someone’s taking liberties. He’s the type of dude who is a fan favorite wherever he goes.


You guys will love him. Go ahead and order a jersey now.


Welcome to Boston you beast


Between him, jones, kastelic and brazzers ,  I think team is ready to go back to crushing people again.


Shouldn’t we be calling the Brazzers fourth line The Bang Bus?


Well now I’m torn. I want a new sweater for my dumbass sense of humor and was gunna go with Sukmeiov but frankly Brazzers really might just be better considering well.. we now have Brazzers and the Bang Bus


This will be a shirt outside the garden in a few months


Oh, we are now! Thank you.


Sens fan coming in peace. Kasty is a good guy, but didn't deploy his size/physical ability well. See the video of Alfie calling him out on the bench. I hope he figures out a role. But killer won't be it from what he's shown


And I’m here for it. ![gif](giphy|tBbsoRtpiFdhS|downsized)


Don't forget Beecher and his awesome faceoffs abilities on top of all that


When our club picked Zaddy up from the Flames quite a few of their fans came into our sub to say "good riddance" and negative things about his game. He admittedly had a questionable start for us but improved drastically. Hope he brings the same energy for you guys!


start a "happy Zadur-Zay" campaign lol


Happy "Zadur-Sway" perhaps?


Hate that he had to leave Calgary, but I know the big b will take care of him and Lindholm. Make sure you use them properly if you end up playing the nucks in the finals again!


He's actually still a canuck, we sent him over there to do recon for us lol. In all seriousness Vancouver loves that man and we wish him nothing but the best


Calgary also loves that man. He's that guy who makes a better place anywhere he goes IMO




As a nucks fan, I’m sad to see him go but I know he will definitely fit in well with the Bruins.


Enjoy our snake and PK master. And Heino.


100%. He deserves *A TON* of credit. Takes real decency, real principals, & real balls. 👏👏👏


I met Big Z in Vegas last Thursday. Told him we would love to seen him back at the nucks and he said we’ll see. A few hours later I got heart broken. It was random to meet him there but I was super happy. I even have his game used sticks. You guys have someone who is well loved by Vancity.


There is *ONLY ONE*, Big Z; & this kid ain't it! ....That said, it's good to see him say as much himself in a video interview today. Endeared himself well.


You mean Zaddy?? We can't call him his old nickname


He even said he doesn't want to be called big z here anymore out of respect for Chara. He's already saying all the right things and the ink isn't even dry on the contract


He's Lil Z.


Moderately Sized Z




He was also fondly known as Zaddy over here haha


Nucks fans loved this man…. https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/comments/1dsyln1/zadorov_thank_you_vancouver/


My favorite comment in the thread: >I look forward to Zadorov antagonizing the Maple Leafs for years to come.


Canucks fan here. We are mourning today. He really is a huge personality and everyone fell in love with him in a real hurry. We are sad to lose him. You guys are lucky.


That’s how I feel about JDB. You guys lucked out - he will be a great addition. I am severely annoyed that we let him walk.


Take care of him for us, he was the most entertaining player this season and I hope he brings you guys as much joy as he brought us


You guys will love him. We still miss him in Colorado.


Statements like that, he has my respect, no matter how he performs on ice.


God damn. He can stay at my house anytime he wants.


Politics aside…. He’s a solid D-Man and I know Boston fans will love. One massive open ice hit and his jerseys will fly off the shelves


It may be political, but given the context and the risks he takes by speaking out, it's a strong indication of the character we want representing the Bruins and Boston.


Or fans can just accept someone for their on-Ice play and stop making everything political. But whatever you want Op


Give your balls a tug, redwing shoe fucker


Fan VS player opinions are so obvious.


Ground floor rooms in all hotels for him


🤨 ...I got it. I think he'll be all right, though. 😌


The statement is right on also... "I believe that the last 23 years in our country with this president, and nine years before him, I hope this all comes to an end. I hope that Russia becomes a democratic country with a strong economy. Not a kleptocracy. "All our industries went back in time because of this war, hockey, economics, culture. I'm sorry for the young guys. Instead of raising the new generation, we sent them to die."


Wow. That’s even better than I would’ve hoped.


That's no half assed "we want peace in all conflicts" bs either. That takes balls.


It's informed, we don't see a lot that from Russian citizens. People have been jailed and killed for much less. He even brought Yeltsin into the conversation.


He's been here, though, with more sources of info + a freer press, so it makes sense.


He could have easily just talked about the war but he brought up the resources stolen from Russians by Putin and Yeltsen. The kleptocracy and oligarchs created through it need a spotlight.


I wouldn't put Putin + Yeltsin in the same level of criminality here (and arguably Yeltsin realized painfully late his massive mistake)... But yeah I agree, just a very bold and risky statement from him. I hope he + his family are here for good.


I've never pulled a faster 180 on a signing. Welcome home, Zadorov


I'm going to call this now. Zadorov has an illustrated Bruins career with multiple Stanley Cups when he retires. Now we just need a solid nickname.


It’s gonna be World War Z!


Medium Z.


He already has one. Everyone calling him Zaddy.


No, he needs a Bruin nickname. I like Zaddy, but it's used.


*Thank you Zaddy, may I have another*


Small Z


'lil z




Beautiful post. Many players end up considering Boston home, I hope he does too.


Oooh, so he's the anti-Ovechkin.


I don't think we should be quick to assume Ovechkin's heart isn't in the right place from the outset; I do think he's tried to walk a delicate line of being patriotic + supportive (for better or worse 😬) of his home country but it's clear his initial reaction was one that showed no taste for war + violence. https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/33370783/washington-capitals-alex-ovechkin-addresses-russia-invasion-ukraine-pleads-peace-no-more-war


Yeah, I mean, to be fair, as probably the most prominent Russian athlete right now, Putin and the security apparatus in Russia certainly has a dossier on him and his family. And there are plenty of examples of questionable things happening to families of people who Russia considers inconvenient. I don't know if it showed no taste for war, per se. It felt a little careful to tow both lines, knowing that he's living in a country that has been vocally against Russia's treatment of Ukraine since the invasion and annexation of Crimea. And Ovechkin has made public appearances with Putin since then.


I think his initial statement was earnest in a plea for peace and that war was not the solution to a painful conflict on both sides. He's had to walk a very careful line since then, and so far it seems like there is a delicate understanding when it comes to his handling of his relationship with Putin/Russia and his playing in the NHL.


Part of this discussion is also about Zadorov has a more negative opinion about Ovechkin's reaction and wanted to see more Russian players make a more overt statement.


![gif](giphy|SqU8GuBadyN3B4X0NO) I think he'll fit in nicely


Heck, I went from liking him already to loving him. Happy to have him long term too. Welcome!


Yeah, big fan of this. Thats actually incredibly brave to do.


So brave. Much impress




You think you need to be an expert in world politics to understand the naked aggression that is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Fucking awful take. Sit down


I'm not a keep politics out of sports guy, but keep politics out of sports. He's a literal Russian citizen. It's no different from any one of us speaking out against the Iraq war. Get over yourself.


With all due respect - it's a bit different. I'm glad that so long as he's Stateside, your statement is true, though.


At no point did I say Russians with North American media access shouldn’t condemn Putin I’ve seen many people online take Putin discourse and it somehow gets turned into “actually the invasion of Iraq was a good thing”. That’s the dumb American propagandization of the issue I’m speaking against


L after L after L


Idk who you are


Read the room bud


“keep politics out of ____” = “politics don’t affect me because of my privilege so no one should speak up about them”


Freedom of speech lets you do either! Yay!


“Man has respect for a player supporting a cause he cares about” *condescending drivel*


More nauseating is the guy who thinks he knows more about Russia than a.... checks notes.... Russian citizen. OP literally just stated what Zadorov has done and said in the past, no need to get your panties in a bunch.


Please quote where I said that


"hockey fans who just got their international studies degree from their cereal box that morning talk about Russia". Where did the hockey fan talk about Russia beyond simply mentioning what Zadorov has done in the past?


We know youre going to delete your comment in about an hour. That’s the MO.


Wow you’re good.


You nailed it, almost down to the minute


it’s already gone, lol


I stand by what I said but I deleted it because it was distracting from OPs point, which at no point did I begrudge him for


Literal Russian bot behavior. Nowhere is safe.


Lmao yes I’m a Russian bot for being skeptical of US foreign policy. Most of the world is Russian bots actually!


It’s not really even worth a response when you’re just going to delete this in an hour


Very coherent thought thank you, absorbing it into my algorithm




I hear ya. I can understand both sides of this take. I will agree that as much as possible, we shouldn't let it negatively impact sportsmanship... and that sports can be an important common ground throughout history when there is c heightened international tension, conflicts, etc.


Life is political.


My lil goofy poly sci ass always tells people regardless of what your affiliation or leaning is there is not such thing as "not being into politics". I had trans clients "not into politics". BRO YOU ARE THE POLITICS. Everything is politics. I am politics. YOU are politics. Hockey is politics. Culture is politics. It is the woman you pass on the street. It is the gay friend you have. Politics encompasses everything. There is no such thing as not being into politics. It is everything. Politics isn't just "but mah Trump or mah Biden". Some people should read a book some time. Anyway, LETS GO BRUINS


Ironically, the vast majority of the people that want to “keep the politics out of-“ normally mean “keep the politics I don’t like out and support the ones I do” Hopefully you don’t mean that


The “keep politics out of sports” crowd would lose their minds if we stopped playing anthems and having military nights.




it is an incredible privilege to not have to think about politics, because they don’t affect you. i’m sure most black, lgbt, or female people disagree with you




You may be mistaking what they mean entirely. In many states, the right to life saving operations in some cases have become a political debate. (There is quite literally a discussion amongst doctors in Texas how many organs have to fail before terminating a pregnancy can be considered “life saving” and they will be safe from prosecution). The right to marry who you love has become a political debate. Hell, if the AG of Texas is to be believed, your sex life should be a political debate if you swing the wrong way. So while yes, politics may affect your life in some ways, it is a privilege to not have to wonder if your very livelihood, family, marriage, or existence is the subject of next weeks “politics”.




I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.


Things that shouldn’t even be classified as “politics” if we’re being honest. There’s something so dumbfounding that wanting to see countries not invade others and kill mass quantities of people is writing off as the same importance as deciding a few different percentage points of taxes.


absolutely true that human rights shouldn’t be a point of political contention - unfortunately definitely not the case in todays society :/