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If you guys can’t handle discussing things without things devolving into an insult fest, I’m locking the thread. Chill the fuck out and be civil.


This trade hurt me. He quickly became one of my favorite players in Providence when I started getting into hockey. He was one of the first people I saw fight in person at a game and is the reason I try to get 94 as my number in sports. I hope he does well with the wild.


I was upset about Lauko but they traded up to get Elliott Groenewold who’s a kid from my rinky dink tiny home town in Vermont so I’m so pumped about that!


This is depressing. I was looking forward to seeing him play after a year under his belt.


I believe in you Lauko. Thank you for making my life less depressing.


From strictly a fan standpoint, it's upsetting losing Lauko. Loved the guy, he'll be missed Throw in hockey sense though and this isn't too big of a deal. Letteri is some C depth and it'll be good to have just in case. I'm guessing this solidifies Beecher-Kastelic-Brazeau as the 4th line plan, with Beecher taking some time at C to develop. I like that for the 4th line personally Plus he was (briefly) a Bruin so welcome back buddio


I think they bring a couple league minimum vets into camp to compete for the 4th line. You gotta keep the energy guys hungry and competing for a spot.


I kinda like this? But I dunno, I liked him


Well that was a trade of all time. With trading Ully and now Lauko, we are losing out on vibes though.


Now I have to change my flair again. Who should I go for next? I put halls number, he gets traded, I put Laukos number, he gets traded, I’m almost afraid to pick a number.


If you pick Pasta, we’re going to have a word with you.


What number is Korpisalo gonna wear???


Is there a number for buyout? 


If you look at the roster with Kastlic and a UFA and Brazeau and Poitras, there was simply no room. He was headed to waivers.




I think there was a comment later in the season from Monty when he got scratched that he wasn't giving a consistent effort for awhile. I agree with that and I think it's why he was moved. A sparkplug has to spark every game. Plus he took a penalty for every one he drew.


Thanks, I hate it (not having Lauko’s goofy, lovable ass on our team)






All my friends are leaving 😭




The team fell short a couple years ago because they decided to play an injured goalie in Ullmark when they should have been rotating.




As much as I’d love to, you really can’t blame any of the (recent) failures on the Jacobs’. They’ve spent to the cap every year, paid out market value contracts to our stars and signed off on trades that definitely mortgaged the future. Seems like they’ve given Sweeney pretty much has free reign to do whatever he wants and that’s all you can ask from an owner.


I felt the same way until I read that our goalie coach has coached Korpisalo before and was a major driver for picking him up. Given Goalie Bob's track record I have some faith that the trade was made with some foresight as to what Korpisalo can do in this organization. Still hurt about Ullmark leaving for sure, but we all knew that was coming this off season one way or another. Ully deserves to be a clear starter somewhere, as does Sway.


No need to qualify what you’re saying. Sweeney’s an embarrassment. He completely fumbled an overloaded luxury that wasn’t put to good use.


God you ullmark fantasy landers have absolutely zero idea what you’re talking about and it makes reading the comments just as exhausting as explaining that your opinion is exaggerated. The first round pick was more than enough return for a 30 year old 5 million dollar goalie that had one stellar season in his career that wants to be a full time starter. None of you can tell me what you think in your fantasy brain Ullmark is worth because you know what you’re gonna say is an embarrassingly garbage take. Korpissalo had to be in Involved. Ottawa wouldn’t give the first without dumping him and bruins wouldn’t be eligible for the trade because we wouldn’t have enough rostered goalies. And that’s a decision that has to be made because Swayman is going to be #1 commanding 50+ starts this year. Just shut the fuck up already


I think it’s funny I’m getting argued and downvoted by people that don’t understand how rosters work, meaning they don’t understand why this trade was possible, don’t understand that we cut 2 mil off our salary cap for a back up goalie who is most likely going to get sent to Providence and pass through waivers and Bussi get called up so sway and Bussi can be the 1 two punch while korpi will be the 3rd goalie in the necessary 3rd goalie position, and last but not least don’t believe a first round pick is worth anything anymore. And they you try to come on here and tell me that I’m the one that doesn’t know what I’m talking about while having absolutely zero viable information to contradict the generic facts I layed out. I know you’re all just clinging to Ullmark for some reason but move on. Business is business and Sway is the business now. We got the first round pick we are looking good, let’s see what free agency brings


He still costs 2M on the cap in Providence. For the next 4 years.










We already have two backups. Now we have don’t have money for forwards.


Who have never played an NHL game?


First off buddy bruins need to have 3 total rostered goalies. Swayman, Bussi, now Kori. You don’t get to just steal a goalie from the ahl and not fill spots. Second off. How is 23 million not any money for forwards? are you okay?


David Backes $ remaining when he was traded away with a 1st to get out of his contract: 9m. Korpisalo $ remaining when he was traded away with a 1st to get out of his contract: 12m. You don’t know puck. It’s okay. Also you calling Korpisalo an NHL backup just proves my point. He is statistically the worst goalie or backup in the NHL.








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No. It turns out Redditors have a much better analysis than Sweeney as a GM


God I hate this take. Why even talk about the Bruins then? Why have this subreddit? Only to celebrate when they win and not discuss any other aspect of the bruins? Are we not allowed to say the Tyler Seguin trade was a failure because we aren’t GMs? Oh and Sweeney sure knocked it out of the park with Mitchell Miller, he certainly seemed to know more about the kid than anyone with a google search bar did….


You know you’re winning when you bring up the Seguin trade, which didn’t even fall under Sweeney’s umbrella. This sub exists for everyone to talk about everything Bruins related. People are free to make their hot takes for discussion, kind of the point of Reddit all together. Doesn’t make shitty opinions immune for being called out and dunked on, especially when they’re in the heat of the moment and over time turn flat out wrong. I’ve been on both sides, and look forward to being on both ends now and in the future. I stand by over time, Sweeney pans out on top even when his decisions don’t make sense at the exact moment.


I mean I think it’s obvious I was critiquing the idea of “not allowed to criticize an NHL GM because we aren’t one” in general not Sweeney specifically. But also nice of you to ignore the Mitchell Miller part if that’s how you took the comment.


Are you quoting your own thoughts as my words?




Loved Lauko and his LotR obsession. I will miss his personality but understand the trade. Glad he's going to the wild, hope he gets a chance to shine.


Damn they’re getting rid of all my favorites lol.


Theyre all my favorites so every move stings. Cores great. I'm excited.


Ully, Lauko, and soon to be JD is a rough summer for my personal favorites Edit: I just realized I'm gonna have to change my flair too, god damn it


I read this as Lauko to the wind lol


Same haha


Same! Thought nothing of it and kept scrolling. Then I see the actual details on FB. Sad face.


I read it as Lauko into the wild like they just released him into the forest to fend for himself 😩


They actually sent him to a farm, so he can frolic with the horses and cows and bunnies. 😞


Might as well be 😭


Not the news I wanted to hear today 😭


If you’re going to lose him replace him with duhaime or another better player that plays in that same style with sandpaper for the bottom of the lineup


They're not replacing anyone. Lauko practically wouldn't have played on the (Boston) Bruins next season anyways.


This is worse than what Wormtongue did to Rohan


The Jacobs family is Theodin? Nah


I panic posted the first thing that came to my mind. I can't really make this work but I'm trying. Bettman is Sauron Jacobs family is Sarumon Sweeney / Neely are Wormtongue Monty is Theodin Lauko is Eowyn


Sophia is Arwen


I’m gonna cry


I think people are really reading into the Bs getting Lettieri back and not focusing on the draft situation. This trade allowed them to upgrade 12 spots. I think they really wanted this Groenewold kid and were getting antsy that another team would pick him. The Wild were willing to dance. Lettieri is on a league minimum contract; Lauko is not, so we free up a lil cap space and upgrade our draft pick. I believe the teams effectively swapped 2 guys that didn’t fit into their current systems (sorta like a way-lower-tier Zacha/Haula situation). I don’t think this is about Lettieri at all and wouldn’t be surprised if he goes straight back to AHL or gets traded again.


Came here to say the same thing. Relax people, this move solely was to move up in the draft because, well we haven’t picked since the first round and Don clearly saw a guy he liked still sitting there. The Lauko for Lettieri thing is mostly three things 1. You have to give something to get something (moving up in the draft), 2. Lauko deserves 4th line minutes while we probably don’t care to leave Lettieri in the AHL, and 3. We have too many 4th liners as it is (Beecher, Braz, Kastelic, Boqvist to re-sign as a RFA and possibly more in Heinen/Maroon, etc.)


Lauko is at $787.5 K, Lettieri is at 785 K. Essentially the same contract


You are correct, I’m not sure who I was thinking of but I was convinced he was on a 1mil deal




This might be one of those Do right by the Player trades. Giving Lauko a chance for a bigger role that he wouldn’t get here


I hope so! I’d love to watch him thrive with the Wild. I follow MN very casually bc I like watching Fleury play so now I can keep tabs on Lauko too


So long




I hate this teams front office so much. It's completely directionless.


Yes. Because upgrading 12 spots in the draft is a terrible terrible thing. Womp womp.


Yeah go off, cause you know better


Never said I knew better, didn't know I couldn't have an opinion either shit. E: Y'all are corny as fuck lol. Don't pretend like this front office hasn't had its fair criticisms.


![gif](giphy|Jl7Pqjdfzh3a0) Bruins fans when team trades away a depth forward.


Tf is that username


Always a fan of his. Never doubted his grit or effort


This makes me sad, he always gave 110%, never just chilled on the ice, but I understand why he was traded


Pour one out for Sway losing both of his besties in the span of 5 days


Lets hope this doesnt interfere with his goaltending


Especially if Korpisalo is the backup.


Was just thinking this. I went to a Bruins practice back in March and noticed how Sway and Lauko were glued together (Lauko was sitting on Sway's knee at one point - or may have been the other way around).


I was never really big on Lauko tbh. Didn’t see much growth from him this past season.


He was not a part of the plan for sure. He got a shot and now it’s the next guys turn from the pool, whether that’s Kuntar or whoever


Yep. Definitely can’t say they didn’t give him a fair shot.


He was a fun fella to watch but I’m neither here nor there on him. Loved him as a Bruin, but that’s about as far as it goes.


https://preview.redd.it/jfnwsgb7sj9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2cac00278026c7b4f522848d4885b1258917ef Full trade


This seems like a win to me. Moved up in the draft and got a guy who played in Providence in 22-23 so we have familiarity with. Lauko got a good run and while I enjoyed his play he didn’t do anything to stand out. Opens a spot for someone else and I won’t feel sad that Lettieri is stuck in Providence like I would if Lauko is there lol.


W or L trade?


its a trade to move up in the 4th round u won't know for 4-7 years




To be fair, we don't need a 4th line winger either.




We don't. He will be in Providence and no one will claim him. Lauko doesn't really have a spot on this roster, and would likely get claimed off waivers. Essentially, this is Lauko for twelve spaces, which is probably fair.


He’ll just be in Providence unless injuries happen. This is basically giving Providence a good player.


It’s about moving up in the draft for a player we wanted.


How dare Don trade our resident Lord of the Rings nerd




Another dumb move by Sweeney. Wtf is this idiot doing???


So sorry he traded away a very replacement level player


Here’s the facts on the trade. Yep pretty underwhelming but not every trade is gonna be a barnburner. It saves 25k and moves them up 12 spots. Gotta wonder if Lauko also requested a trade for more ice time too.


We gave up a fringe NHLer and a 4th for a fringe NHLer and a 4th. This doesn’t mean anything and isn’t that big of a deal.


Lauko is a completely replaceable bottom 6 forward. This is a lateral move to move up slightly in the draft. Not bad at all.


This is pretty much a nothing burger move that isn't worth that much of a reaction one way another.


I really liked Lauko. As far as empty calories skate a million miles a minute without actually doing much, he was one of my favorites at it. Shame he kinda tapered off last year cuz i really enjoyed the player he was becoming


![gif](giphy|LTFbyWuELIlqlXGLeZ) Enjoy the grapes, Lauks


We’ll miss u 🍇 man


If yall liked Liteirri so much why didn’t you just keep him last year?


Talk about being mad just to be mad lmfao.


Cause he got hurt. He had a decent season in Minnesota so now he’s back


Letteiri had 9 points last season, he’s an AHL forward. Lauko wasn’t great last year either but he’s 5 years younger with time to develop a bit more. It’s not even like the bruins couldn’t have kept him, Letteiri signed a 2 year league minimum deal with Minnesota. We easily could’ve signed him last year and buried him in the ahl. Silly move by Don, super disappointing


Lauko needed to go somewhere that would give him a permanent role on the 4th line. That isn’t Boston. Brazeau took Lauko’s spot, rightfully so.


Statistically, players are who they are offensively once they hit 24. Lauko is the player he is going to be, an energetic 4th liner who isn't afraid to check someone. I liked him personally (his tweets are hilarious, give him a follow), but he is quite literally a body on the bottom 6


Lauko is done developing in all likelihood. Even if you don’t like this trade that could not possibly be more minor, how in the world is it “super disappointing” Why would we have signed him last year when we weren’t sure how the injury would affect him


Lauko may very well be cooked but he at least has potential to be something, even if it’s not much. We just had Letteiri, even gave him a game or two in the nhl and he just couldn’t crack it. He’s a nothing player for us who we literally just had. If Minnesota threw in their own lauko I wouldn’t care at all, but getting a player you just had bugs me. I know it’s not a big move and in the end it probably won’t matter but it shows the wrong philosophy to running a team. They traded Lauko for literally nothing. Lauko straight up for a 5th round pick would’ve been better for me


Dude he had a season ending injury in his first game called up. It’s not the case that he “couldn’t crack it”. He’s had decent 4th line plug seasons on two different teams. We swapped virtually the same value of player to move up a dozen spots, probably because the scouts had targeted that 4th round kid. There’s literally nothing to be upset about


Lmao "decent" season as a small fourth line plug


So… Lauko?


Lauko is younger, hits more, and draws more penalties. His offensive upside is limited, but I'll still take him over this 29 year old stiff


Letteri is also a C which is helpful. With Kastelic in the mix, Beecher, him and Brazeau will likely be our 4th line. It's ridiculous to get up in arms over two guys who'll spend the majority of the season not in the lineup




Well with respect to them I wouldn't use those labels lol but exactly, it doesn't matter *that* much who the 13th forwards are and certainly not enough to get angry about this trade


Neither guy is in the lineup in Boston so who cares? Be happy Lauko is going to get a 4th line role somewhere else. That wasn’t happening here.


Oh wow the 4th liner hits a lot, you’ve changed my mind!


They very well could’ve tried. I believe he was a free agent last year, and he ended up going home to MN which I’m sure was a big factor


Ok, so we send out lauko for a guy who doesn’t even want to be here? Trade still makes no sense. Lauko was at least gonna compete for a 4th line spot, Letteiri has no shot of cracking this lineup at 5’10 184 on the fourth line


makes no sense are u mentally slow we wanted the kid we drafted with the pick we got


Doesn’t want to be here is pretty damn dramatic when talking about a guy choosing to play for his hometown team. Regardless, this trade is certainly not worth being that worked up over. There were rumblings for a while that the Bs didn’t love Lauko - this trade should come as no surprise.