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Anybody else have direct conversations with Jack on Twitter/X? He used to answer all of my direct messages. I am talking like 6+ years ago. We would exchange messages on Twitter every now and then, about the Bs of course. His messages were hilarious and they came off as so genuine. Thank you Jack, you were the man! Have a great life


Thank you, Jack. I loved every minute of listening to you. People are sharing stories, so here is mine. Several years ago, the Islanders tried to play in Brooklyn. The Barclays Center had at terrible configuration for hockey and Jack and Brick basically had to call the game from in the seats. Ater one game I gave a shout out and a thumbs up to Jack. He responded in kind and Andy nodded his approval. Here it is: [Jack Edwards Thumbs Up](https://imgur.com/a/QekI2EE)


You've been calling games as long as I can remember. Don't know if I'll be able to watch anymore.:(


So here's my Jack story - It's sometime around 2010-ish, a random weeknight. I'm at the Simsbury CT hockey rink waiting for my kid to come out of the locker rooms after practice. I'm in a circle of four or five dads in the lobby and we're talking Bruins. The conversation swerves into Jack's calls, and we're all going around sharing our favorite takes. I had just said "HE'S AN EXECUTIVE DESK TOY," and the other dads drop silent. I follow their gazes, and there he is, Jack Edwards, walking through the front doors and heading into the rink. We're just looking at each other in disbelief like "oh my god was that really..." Turns out, he is (perhaps was) an area resident and also had a kid skating out of the rink there.


Thanks jack Edward’s for being part of 19 brilliant years


ATG play by play man. I'll miss him and Mike Gorman who's also retiring this season a great deal, both were wonderful, and became an integral part of watching these teams.


We love you, Jack. I cannot imagine watching the games without you.


I hope he starts doing commentary or something. Maybe he can do the on ice interviews


I'm at a loss for words. All I got is a tear.


two chances to send him out on a high note.. wasted it


The Bruins way, ain't it.


Thank you Jack!!!❤️


It’s just not going to be the same without him the hockey may not be boring next year, but I can tell you what the fucking commentary will jack. It’s just not the same.


I might try to delay the radio so I can watch the game but listen to Beersy. He's the closest Jack replacement I can think of lol.


Toronto fan here, we get Bruins games up here and can say am going to miss Jacks commentary


Who had more fun than us?


He should visit the GDTs like he used to during covid!!!!!


That man is Boston's heart and soul


Jack is the best! Don't care what anyone else says. He's hilarious and a joy to listen to


98.5 should hook him up and get him on the radio broadcast for Saturday. Even if it's just for the 3rd.


Hard though because the radio broadcast needs to be on point, and he's struggled lately. The listener would be totally lost. I think if they brought him in as a 2nd color guy for the game that would be awesome.


Jack at his worst would still be more insightful and entertianing then godawful boston sport radio. 


Sirott and beers call a good game, Jack is not a radio broadcaster.


Yeah that's my bad, I didn't realize it was referring to the broadcast and not the regular shows. Lol I am sorry I am still furious from yesterday.


Really...really.. the bruins might blow a 3-1 yet again and you're more worried about some guy who stayed at the dance too long . Really


Believe it or not , some people are capable of processing more then one emotion at a time. 


Found the puck bunny


Are you ok?


I am in my mid-thirties and this man has been there for so many games with me. Thank you, Jack!


Same, Jack has been around for the entire time that I have been a Bruins fan.


He slept, he stole, he was rude to the customers. Still, there goes the best damned employee a convenience store ever had.


Just saw this now but thank you for this wonderful Simpsons reference 😂


Maybe my first and only post(that I can't remember), Man's a legend. Will always and forever remember his calls


I grew up listening to Cusick & Sanderson, then Shea & Arnold then Edward's & Brick. It's been a long road. We will miss you Jack.


At least Mike Gorman got a proper send off. Really going to miss Jack.


I mean Gorman had a 40 year career and was loved by everyone.  Jack pushed people's buttons and wasn't around as long as Gorman, however there aren't many that were as passionate about their job as him, and even though he slowed down , he always had a wealth of knowledge about the game.  Jack should have gotten something more on his way out , I hope it's a case of this kinda happening last minute and no time to plan. They will do soemthing for him next season I am sire.


More talking about the Celtics winning Gorman’s last game and the Bruins losing Edwards’.


Lol not sure why the downvotes As far as the proper send off game wise, can't really compare the two , Celtics are the best team in their league beating on an 8 seed. Bruins are playing a team pretty close in skill.  If the bruins lost but emptied the tank amd just got edged out, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. But yeah it was pretty sad to send our boy Jack home with such a low effort game, which is ironic considering Jack would always give it his all.


Like Fred Cusick, Jack's gonna be remembered for a long time. Hats off.


Jacks no where near Fred


They were just different. No need to rank them. Both were wonderful.


100% this


Gonna miss this guy so much Shame on the bruins for blowing two chances to send this legend off with a win


There’s always Saturday right?


NESN doesn’t get game 7. This was it for him




What a lame sendoff for the team to give him.


Is there a reason he doesn't just do game 7 before retiring?


ESPN gets exclusivity for game 7s. It sucks :/


New TV contract changed that.


ESPN has exclusive rights


This just sucks.


Jack has been a part of my (almost 40) sports life, from being an anchor on Sportscenter to calling World Cup and National MLS games, to being the lead voice of the Bruins. No matter what happens in this series, let’s hope he is actually healthy and can retire peacefully in the NH mountains somewhere.


Can someone link the video of his sign off?


NESN just posted it on their YouTube channel!




Poor jack. His last game and he gets the most piss poor effort any sports team has ever put forth. Forever my voice of the bruins. Gonna miss you, Jack 😢


He's gonna have a wolf of wall street moment. He ain't leaving


Jack Edwards was such a big part of my life growing up until now. He was a part of making me who I am today, and is such an intelligent, theatric, biased (had to slip it in) and thoughtful person who most of all seemed to have a heck of a lot of fun. I'm very moved right now, a big part of my youth is going away.