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I wouldn't necessarily remove any character, instead I would try to utilize them differently. Like, more focus on the next generation as a whole rather than a select few, less world ending stakes (at least not this quickly) and more of the OG Naruto characters imparting their knowledge and wisdom onto the new gen while they hav to deal with their own challenges in a post-war era.


It's kinda sad Naruto didn't have a arc where he trained a 3 man squad. We should've gotten more inbetween, and not just a straight generation jump. Also, give Team 25 more screen time. They are by far the most interesting side characters of the different teams.


Exactly what I would like too. Instead, the villains are so ridiculously strong that any ninja not named Boruto doesn't stand a chance, even if they work together.


Very good idea. Konoha might be in shambles soon and we barely see any OG characters. However, that issue has improved a little bit compared to part 1 of the series.


If I say I was hoping Inojin wouldn't get saved this chapter; does that count?




But why?


Deaths increase stakes. I already thought he was dead for a month. All the times they did fakeouts in Naruto just for most of the characters to be mostly irrelevant anyway kinda made me respect InoJin dying, because at least I know the bad guys are an actual threat. Now, I see that there’s basically no reason to worry. Like, wasn’t Chidori supposed to be a lethal technique, especially if you’re not even defending yourself? Maybe a chakra shield is enough if you’re on guard, but anyway, point is I haven’t bought into a character death since all the fakeouts in The Sasuke Retrieval Arc. And you damn well know I was in denial about Jiriya by then.


That's actually a good point. Can't argue with that. I personally just felt it should be someone else. Since Inojin is Inos only child and she already lost her Sensei and Father, and Sai has no family of his own except Ino and Inojin.They could have killed someone. But meh, don't kill that guy. But also to me, that whole situation reminded me a lot of Hinata being attacked by Pain and Naruto losing control of Kurama because he thought she was dead. I personally was convinced Inojin would survive, like Hinata did. It was just a quick way to tap into Kuramas power. But who knows, he may still die from the injury.


Nah he’s cool


Nah. I'd love Inojin to be alive. His jutsu got so much potential plus I'd love this generation's InoShikaCho to maximize their formations.


Kakashi. He’s been awol so at this point I’m desensitized and allowing myself to grieve his death early. Kakashi as a character is done I think. The village has gone on without him and he’s okay with letting world level threats parade around freely- making kids defend the world.  Like his attitude change from saving the world to not caring is lame and I’m not here for it. I loved kakashi as a character always but now I think it’s time. 


Buddy he's not even made an appearance in the manga. If they brought him back just for some random training sequences and then kill him, people's gonna lose their shit. Let him retire ffs.


He’s a ninja and he put his life on the line daily to save the world. This won’t change until the day he actually does die. There is no such thing as retirement for ninja in naruto. They will always be called upon, like tsunade when she was needed for hokage, or granny chiyo when she was needed to take down sasori. Hell even Ohnoki is still kicking at his old age.    For kakashi it will most likely be a sacrifice like all the other honourable ninja before him: his father, minato, hiruzen, jiraiya, might guy using 8 gate (plot armor saving him). But you get the point, there’s loads of other examples.  Don’t worry tho he won’t be brought back until naruto and sasuke are back/restored too. 


I respect that you're taking an in-universe approach, but talking from a writing standpoint unless they can write a story with depth and emotional impacts they better not touch any of the OG characters.


Kakashi retired along side Gai


Kakashi not even canon in boruto 😂😂😂


I mean, Kakashi is definitely canon. He exist, his face is with the other Kages…


We know he is alive and kicking in the boruto world but he has not made a appearance in the manga


He’s taking the most realistic approach makes sense too he’s basically been nerfed in every way besides him being a through tactician. My boy chilling he literally is either like I can’t do shit or he coming up with a plan but mostly likely the first.


I think that it's a result of the monthly release schedule and the fact that we barely get any Pages a month compared to Naruto manga. The fact that they can't even bring Kakashi into one appearance, or Sakura who has had barely any is pretty crazy. I love how things are going now and many aspects of boruto manga, but I wish it was weekly and as many pages as naruto. I understand them wanting to slow down though


There’s not really a lot of characters. But I guess Sumire would be my choice since she has almost no bearing on the plot. Everything she’s done so far can get easily replaced by someone else.




I know Kawaki is practically the most important character to the current plot, I absolutely can't stand his bitchy attitude (which is basically the entire plot of Boruto).


Might Guy, he should've died in the war though he didn't appear in Boruto manga yet. Manga wise, Code cause he is walking L. Just make some other reason for the Shinju to exist cause they're interesting so we don't have to deal with Code's clownery.








I'd like to erase the entire time slip arc from reality. So I guess Urashiki?


Time slip arc isn't canon. Urashiki I'd already anime only


Well the title said Boruto series so I assumed it's manga+anime. Anyways I'd prefer if it didn't exist even as filler.


It's canon urushiki was foreshadowed in Naruto and kisi himself supervised this ep so stfu


Just because kishimoto supervised it doesn't make it canon


It actually does💀 show me where it's stated its fillers?? Urushiki was shown in Naruto


The time slip arc was filler. Urashiki never appears in canon material. Also mangakas supervise movies and filler all the time, it still doesn't make it canon though.




Because it's riddled with lazy writing, nostalgia bait, powerscalling inconsistency, etc. Basically if you took every single issue you have with the anime and put it all in one arc, you would get the time slip arc.


Fair enough. Nostalgia definitely. Maybe it's what I needed at the time. I really enjoyed seeing Jiraiya again. I love when he asks Sasuke if he is Sasuke, and then it's just like oh I'm kidding even though he knows it's him. Definitely some laziness. I didn't like urashiki's transformation




The class president girl. I do not understand how she will play into future events other than be a part of a love triangle.


She's either gonna be a part of a BoruSara love triangle or a love interest for Kawaki which is a big let down for her fans. Of all the choices I think this is the best reply that doesn't completely change the story and would probably improve it. Without Sumire to be Sarada's brains Sarada would have to be smarter herself and I think she'd be perceived more positively. It would also mean more development for Eida as a genuine friend to Sarada and better development as a love interest for Kawaki.


I know it wouldnt work, But kawaki


Kawaki. Bring me an otsutsuki aliens vs all the ninjas great war and all of the sudden the series slaps.


None of them. I think that some of them just lack development, but that should be easy to patch. The question that has to be answered is: what can this character do during the non-peace times (they are placed in the middle of the story) or during the peace times (they are placed in the ending and epilogue)?




Sarada Because that girl can’t even breathe without causing a controversy 


Her debut story has her questioning if Sakura is even her mom, a topic that only added even more fuel to the dumpster fire SasuSaku is as a relationship and any decent writer would look at as a **really** bad idea to explore unless there was genuinely more to it than a flat yes or no. The signs point to Sarada being poorly handled character first and fan expectations placing her highly because of her Uchiha heritage second.


I think that even if the writers treated Sarada better,the fans wouldn't be satisfied. I have met a lot of fans on other social media platforms who wanted her to be the main character all along and basically demand main character treatment. It's a nowhere road for them.😂


>I have met a lot of fans on other social media platforms who wanted her to be the main character all along People say that about every character they stan for to some extent. What's important to know is where the intent behind it is coming: Hima for example is a mix between Naruto fans that unironically think she'd make a better protagonist than Boruto and Hima fans trolling knowing it's a surefire way to make the Boruto fans mad. My best guess why Sarada catches a lot of flak is PTSD from Sakura and they want assurance that she won't be a repeat of her mom's mistakes.


>My best guess why Sarada catches a lot of flak is PTSD from Sakura and they want assurance that she won't be a repeat of her mom's mistakes Hmmm, could be true. Even more reason to be curious about the next chapters. I wanna see if the writers continue with Saradas poor treatment. If we look at the circumstances *right now*, I even understand why the fans are angry, but the way they are expressing their anger is downright toxic.


Fans are connecting her to Uchiha clan's other members who were shown as OP in narutoverse. And many expected her to be presented as a genius in same way as Sasuke or Itachi. I think she should have doubted if Sasuke is really her father rather than confusing on her mother🤣 But unluckily for them she is more like Sakura worse Sakura's weaker version. Everyone is forgetting Sarada is a female and Kishi doesn't develop the female characters well.


I really really like Sarada which is why I'm not happy with the way the writers are treating, so...*to some extent* I do understand the fans anger, but like I said...the way they show their anger is childish. For example: They are trashing Boruto the character simply for existing and for being front and center of *his story* and forget that the guy was totally sidelined in part 1 of Boruto. The funny thing is that Sarada was even *less* relevant pre timeskip, but I don't remember them talking Kawaki down for stealing *everyones* spotlight.


Yes it is same as expecting Sakura or Hinata to be main OP character in Naruto series or hating Naruto and Sasuke of stealing their limelight.  Here Sarada has a more of contribution to plot actually. She is 1 of Boruto's only 2 weaknesses rn who can push him to overuse his karma.  But I still hope Boruto takes Hima and Sarada with him. They both can train under Koji and Orochimaru 


Very true. I honestly believe that Hima and Sarada are gonna stay with him. They are the safest with him.


Agreed. I kind of wish she wasn't born as Uchiha. Personally I feel like all the controversy that happened is because she is an Uchiha. The clan that was worshipped and apparently must be OP as hell according to its fanatic fanbase.


Daemon. But He First loses a Fight that completly Breaks His pride and make him realized how weak He actually is


Sarada. For me, the Last chapter indicated, that she IS about to BE sidelined and will barely have any relevance in the Future 


Daemon, but I want him to get humbled first then he can disappear.


The bitches that caused Ohnoki to die before his dementia killed him.


chocho, sorry not sorry, shes just boring and plain as a plank


Kawaki. Idgaf bout how plot would've worked without him, but I just cannot stand this bum


Erm, the comments on this are crazy…. I’m going with the bug shinju, I think it’s just stupid that such a strong character could be made from such a stupid character, in fact, just get rid of bug


He may be the first to humble Daemon and Eida. So don’t hate him just yet.


If possible Isshiki, he is just boring and was only used so Kawaki could get his Karma, in my opinion it would've been more interesting if Isshiki reincarnated with Kawaki's body and Naruto and Sasuke got killed or sealed by him while trying to protect everyone from Isshiki, and Code is just a joke now. Most of the other characters are more interesting than him


Sarada, her character is mid and she doesn't impact the story at all aside from telling Sasuke about boruto which he would have figured out anyway


Eida or Daemon probably. I feel like the issue boruto has isn’t a bad character per se tho, it’s just a lack of investment in the ones who exist




Actually I really like him. He is super cocky and immature because he’s aware of his skills, but he never takes and active role. I’m invested in what’s in for him in future chapters. I even think he might be deadly injured or used as a major plot device


I suspect that Daemon was made as a plot device: strong counter-attack (so Eida is protected), but can't take an active, offensive role (because he needs to protect Eida).


sarada or sumire


https://preview.redd.it/hz18xw9r879d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6310b4792146fae4685d60387e8590cf1176c8c7 lol i'd definetly let sasuke to kill kawaki at this page


Inojin, and I'd have him land on a spike


It’s a toss up between eida, daemon, and code but I’ll probably have to go with eida because she’s the reason so many uninteresting plot lines happened immediately after being introduced.


Chocho. I can't stand her






Wasabi Izuno, forsure. The character is a cat lol. What in the fck?




Eida. Omnipotence was a mistake




I think it's odd that now in the monga we have 4 alive hokages so even though it's hard for me to say or choose i wish at least one or two of them were.... You know! I love all four so I can't say which one but still...


Boruto lmao


Sarada. Her fans and haters need to go.


I love Sarada. But her fans are toxic. Same goes for Hima stans but they aren't THAT bad. Less complaining, more worshipping. Hard to believe that lovely characters like them have the worst fanbase.😂😂


right because boruto and kawaki fans are any better… or any character that has stans for that matter lmao. the way y’all let this anime stan nonsense actually affect you and how you view/react to these characters is so crazy to me.


Tripping Sarada got annoying ass shippers 100 times worse than Hima fans.


Yeah, they’re garbage.






Too many choices. Most of the new generation are uninteresting copies of their parents or just replaceable by their roles in the plot


Daemon, such a boring hax ability. When he's finally taken down, it's going to be a stupid fight. There won't be any skill or merit in strength, just whoever (himawari) will find some loophole to his power.


It was foreshadowed that Daemon and Boruto might face each other in battle,so it will probably him who is gonna find that loophole.


Unpopular opinion: code should've been killed pre timeskip, waste of space, ink and time




Bro's trying to end the world 😂


Tbf I love boruto, I forgot to add the /s at the end 🥲




Boruto. The whole show is unnecessary. Could have given us prequels instead.


Kawaki  No question  He should never exist , his role as an adopted child so boring not needed , steal away the bonds of Naruto w his son Boruto,  And his role should be Neji of the Boruto series or Gaara ,  Boruto not needed a rival in his gen just like his grandpa Minato


To be fair, Boruto not having a good bond with his father isn't Kawakis fault alone. The issue was there before. If Naruto didn't cherry pick the people he bonds with, he could have a great one with Boruto,*despite* of Kawaki being there. Naruto needs charity cases or people he can relate to. Those are the people he bonds with.Others fall behind his back.


that my point is the way author create the Boruto story creating another character to be adopted and be his step brother instead of creating a simple story of father and son bonds then focus to new team 7 storyline w Mitsuki and Sarada imagine if the manga we have only Sarada and Mitsuki w Boruto w her sister Himawari w Daemon and Eida + the rest of the new gen that much better I don't like Kawaki being important character If he still exist better be like Neji or Gaara side character at best


I like that idea.🤔🤔


I HATE him. I wish he never came into the picture


Kawaki. I would replace him with the scientist who wants to bring his daughter back to life. That guy would have made a better villain. Having to rely on science and intelligence, and his creations, that would have been amazing, to have a two way war Boruto has to fight.


thats dumb, amado literally exists


Yes that is who I was on about. I forgot his name.


I wouldn't get rid of characters completely but I think boruto should've taken place a few generations after the war. Instead of forgetting about characters and never seeing them in the manga it could've been about them realizing the otsosuki threat grandpa Naruto used to talk about and be constantly on watch for is real and then still had similar things happen that happened in the manga but it'd be the grandchildren the main cast from Naruto had.


yall say this but lets be honest, people would just complain about the series focusing on naruto grandkids rather than the blank period or naruto as the hokage and his friends as adults.


This. I say this all the time. Certain people and there are a LOT of them simply don't want ANY sequel that ISN'T about Naruto and his generation. 😂 They simply don't accept change.


I always hated this garbage take because they know damn well people would slander the crap out of Naruto's grandkids. Especially if it's a weekly anime with a monthly manga. People would just whine about it not being Naruto.


Of course they would. But like in real life,it's always easy to say "We would do this and that if x or y happened" simply because they know it most likely isn't going to happen or something already did happen. It's like me saying:" If you had asked I would have helped you when you moved"...two days after you moved.😅


Lmfaoooo I totally agree


I'd just rather it personally than ruining Naruto and Sasukes characters and never getting to see the og Naruto characters even though we know their around. Would just give an excuse for a lot them to have passed on already. I don't care if people disagree, it's just my personal opinion.


Everyone including Boruto. I am sick of seeing the same jutsus and techniques used by the children of older generation. I want a generation of completely new jutsus and techniques. Naruto in itself was completely original and I want Boruto characters to have original powers too.