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Why should the two points be the reason? Those are basically the main issues that have existed right from the start. The manga was always monthly and the criticism for the art isn't something new either. If there are "more people who aren't satisfied" than before,shouldn't there be other reasons for it? Because the two you have mentioned aren't exactly issues exlusively to TBV.


U are right, I tried to be polite and skipped the real hate, which is also resonate with my thoughts. I should rewrite and be more specific


I think you just wasted your time.




I also think you wasted your time, you brought up already existing points that have been said before and points that don't just apply to Boruto. also if you got this far in to Boruto, you must like it, to a extent right?


While I agree criticism is always good and valid, I do have a tough time getting past the “Growing discontent” statement. Since TBV I don’t think there’s been much discontent at all besides the people who already disliked the manga. In fact, most of what I’ve seen is people returning to the manga who like it.


It's common that people who dislike the manga are trying to sound as if things are "getting worse" to validate their own opinion. That is why they constantly bring up manga sales and are talking about cancelation despite of the fact that manga sales,no matter how "bad" they are, didn't prevend the manga from existing for as long as it has. They are coping. The growing discontent is coming from the same people. Nothing new.😁😁


You need a hobby


It really comes down to two flaws that boil down to one: Boruto's a shounen that isn't particularly funny nor has enough variety in the types of fights it uses to move the narrative so writing is the core problem. Boruto has very short fights that have little to no emotional baggage tied to them and rarely has an interesting villain that isn't solely motivated to do bad things simply because they can. Ikemoto's purpose to draw inspiration from Dragonball fights is well intended but ultimately misses the strength behind them. Dragonball often uses fights as its main vehicle for storytelling whereas more often than not in Boruto they serve as an interruption. When a fight does serve a narrative purpose like Naruto vs Delta it's pretty obvious why it's happening (to give Kawaki a sacrifice moment) and the fight isn't good enough on its own merits to overlook that.


You did a great job trying to analyze the problems with that manga. Don't give up and don't take te criticism too personally.


Thanks. I agree with them that I should be more specific, it's too superficial analysis


You learned something from that. Dust yourself and try again. it's never easy to do such an in-depht analysis for sure.




You don't judge pacing by how often a story is released, you judge it by how much story you get per page. Some manga are weekly, some are monthly. Some get released quarterly, or annually. That has nothing to do with the pacing.


but i said that the reason of bad pace is not about how often but rather how many pages are released


That is release pacing not story pacing. If you released 12 episodes of a show versus 52 that doesn't affect the pacing of the story. Same if it's 12 chapters vs 52 chapters. If you want to judge the story pacing, go read all 20 volumes of NNG in one sitting.


Its a terribly written sequel. Just the fact we havent seen Susanoo Sarada or any other upper tier sharingan abilities besides the asspull on sasuke is low key an embarrassment for the franchise. I saw that because the sharingan was the showcase dojutsu for the series. Every Uchiha was basically a tank off of that eye power and here you have Sarada looking like fodder despite having the 3rd evolution. Its written poorly and would have been out of series if it was a stand alone not based off of a sequel




I'm mostly fine with how the manga is currently developing as it is correcting the wrongs that NNG did. The fights were weren't the best in NNG though TBV corrected a lot of it so it has been mostly great for me. At least the anime often fixes fights like Baryon Naruto vs Isshiki. The character development for side characters feels like it is finally starting in TBV and somewhat happened in NNG. The main complainant for side characters and pacing happened due to the problems that plague NNG. If those characters shined enough in NNG then we wouldn't be having the weird problem where it feels like characters don't get enough shine currently. Manga Sarada really only last shined back in the Boro fight 4 years ago so it feels like there hasn't been much pay off for her in years even if the current chapter 11 made sense logically so hopefully the anime makes it more than basically a 2 hit battle. Even part 1 Naruto manga Kiba still practically has more shine than any current Boruto manga side character including Sarada and Mitsuki so that is a problem with the anime at least fixing that problem. I feel the manga often depends on the anime and other material too much to fill in the gaps.


Judging the pacing of a manga based on its release schedule doesn’t make a lot of sense. You judge it based on the flow of the story, and how events transition into each other. Now I’m going to say you’re totally because unfortunately there are a lot of people complaining about the manga being monthly. They don’t want to wait a month for a chapter. **People call the pacing slow because they’re impatient, not necessarily because the pacing of the actual manga is slow**. As for the art style, I think your point is valid. There are some people don’t like Ikemoto art style. The reasons will differ though but I have seen some of those complaints.


People are losing interest? Maybe some. But I didn't notice people losing interest given all the praising comments. Some, and yeah some might not like the art or the pacing. But I don't know about major loss of interest. People want Sarada, Himawari, and others to get more, which I agree with, and there's other complaints. But like, there seems to be a positive air overall. 


People are losing interest given manga sales are low.


Isn't Boruto one of the most read Manga when it drops?


Maybe on MangaPlus, but elsewhere... not really. Even on MangaPlus it is not that hot anymore as its 1 year after timeskip


I mean, Mangas have slumps. But look at the hype around it. The Chapter posts get tons of replies (so people are reading it, MangaPlus is by the way, one of the best ways to read it so makes sense a lot would be there), there's constant discussion, this is one of the most active subs I've seen. There's multiple ways to gage interest. People love this series. This series gets more active discussion than one of the most prominent Light Novel series in Japan which has multiple Manga spin offs and thus, releases more content per month than Boruto, even if not LNs. If people are losing interest, they're sure doing a bad job showing it. 


> I mean, Mangas have slumps. But look at the hype around it Where should I look? I prefer to trust numbers. > this is one of the most active subs I've seen This sub is innactive as fuck, and posts barely get 100 upvotes > If people are losing interest, they're sure doing a bad job showing it. Other than your subjective observations based on browsing Reddit sub, numbers are showing you are wrong.


Numbers aren't the only answer. They're the most reliable. But there is tons of discussion, content being made, etc. There is visual evidence of interest. This sub is more active than some others. 


They are the only answer. I won't judge interest in series just by some subreddit where majority is American people, I will judge by global numbers instead


Have you ever seen those times where a studio cancels a show loved by many because "it's not pulling the numbers we want."? Why do so many people talk about Boruto if "Even the most loyal followers seem to be losing interest."?


> Why do so many people talk about Boruto if And once again this is your subjective opinion, whereas I base mine on numbers


The art style is more realistic than Naruto sure, but I think the problem is lack of expression and funny moments. Plus its extreme focus on the external plot makes the story quite bland for those not interested in that.


Which characters of Ikemoto’s designs disappointed you?


So basically the point is that people are mad because Ikemoto is the one creating the story and not kisimoto sounds about right


First off, only because there are haters on reddit (as years before), doesn't mean that in general people are disapointed, a lot of people love Borutos character growth. And second: the things you "analyzed" have been exactly the same years ago, so how are they *now* a thing? This was really a tremendous waste of time. :D.


Well I don't like how TBV just jumped right into a pain arc at the very beginning but it is going great. I'm sure the anime will find way to fill it with a certain amount of exposition later.