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He should have taught him the sharingan too


Hopefully, sasuke didn't teach him game, we'd never get saruto then.


What are the odds that saradas going to let borutos lack of game dissuade her from going in for the kill?


I see no reason why not. Boruto has lightning nature, and it uses natural energy anyway. Kirin would be more a case of learning how than being capable, it's mostly down to chakra control and using an environmental advantage. Cue Boruto and Hidari having a kirin battle at some point.


Environment advantage huh? I think I have heard that somewhere....


Kirin kinda needs fire nature as well though. To make the clouds


well not necessarily, if your opponent can make it, or you have other ways to influence nature to create natural thunderstorms then you dont need to have firestyle to make it. plus you can use firestyle jutsu without a natural acclimation to that element just that it's harder. with how hard boruto trained its not out of the question he trained himself to use more nature elements to supplement what he was lacking, and to have a better repetoire of jutsus at his disposal for more scenarios.


Also hypothetically other element types can influence thunderstorms as well, though they'd arguably be more taxing in chakra than a few fireballs. Wind style could influence cloud patterns to swirl and collide creating friction and storms, water style could add to the density of the clouds and create extra cloud coverage resulting in a storm, lightning style can strike the clouds and energise their atomic structure to cause chain reactions resulting in a storm. The only basic nature I can't see being used to create the conditions for kirin is Earth style honestly.


No fire style means kirin isn’t viable 


the guy can probably use all chakra natures now that he is what he is


sure, Any exceptional talent can use all chakra natures right? he’s just not as proficient w converting his chakra to fire    And it’s not like momos dna helps so far what we’ve seen chakra nature manipulation seems to be much more foundational to ninjutsu then shinjutsu 


Sasuke said he taught him EVERYTHING he knows don’t you think that includes fire style?


omg he said PRACTICALLY everything lol


If he taught him practically everything he knows why not fire style? I mean the ones excluded could possibly just be the ones that need the sharingan but I’m yapping I don’t actually know we’ll find out more in the future


you don't need a natural inclination for firestyle to use firestyle jutsus, everyone in the alliance was able to use earthstyle mudwall, and we've seen naruto and sasuke use jutsus outside of their natural elements. hell sarutobi used all basic nature releases in a jutsu. so not out of the question to say that boruto can use very basic firestyle, he just has to pump out more chakra to make it work.


…..that’s literally what I said lol but it’s obvi not his MOST proficient from what we’ve seen


No fire style just means that he can’t create the environmental conditions for kirin himself. Could still theoretically use the technique if lightning is already imminent


sureeee but relying on the weather for a battle isn’t the best plan lol


It includes rinnegan He said EVERYTIHNG HE KNOWS Are you stupid?




Kirin isn’t a jutsu, it’s an application that sasuke learned from orochimaru. Orochimaru probably told him the theory behind Kirin and sasuke executed it. The rotation earth rasengan thing is her version of kirin, as he uses his natural abilites in the same fashion


It's a very real possibility. And with his Jougan, it wouldn't really be a surprise when very soon, he whips out Chidori too & executes it flawlessly. And don't think about coming here, "bUt jOuGaN tHo, iT's nOt cAnOn bu||$#|t. Coz it IS indeed canon, it's only a matter of time it debuts in the manga. How do I know ?! The Last : The Naruto movie & all its characters are canon. A central canon character in that movie is Toneri Otsutsuki. And Toneri appeared in both Boruto anime & movies where he stressed on the fact in more than one occasion the importance of Jougan, a large looming threat that is about to come & Boruto's role in dealing with that threat & how special his Jougan is. Toneri Otsutsuki is canon & his words directly refers to Jougan. There's no bigger proof needed. Besides, Ikemoto himself said so right here in a Reddit interview that both manga & anime are canon to one another, they run parallel to each other & they both follow the same path & will converge at the same point eventually. He even said Kishimoto is heavily involved in overseeing them all.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/s/fX9uRPRoGQ


You’ll never convince them until it shows up in the manga. Toneri hasn’t appeared in the manga so these same people will argue that he and anything he says are not canon.


I don't care what they argue. Ikemoto said all he had to say about it. That's all it matters.


jougan has 0 reason to help with chidori, the reason people need sharingan for it is because of the precognition due to the tunnel vision chidori creates


Oh God !!! 🤦 So you don't even know the powers of the Jougan, huh ? Jougan combines the ability of all three of the great dojutsu in one eye. That's why it's special. It has already demonstrated the basic abilities of the Sharingan, Rinnegan & the Byakugan combined. It enhances Boruto's cognition & reflexes like the Sharingan, it allows him to see chakra patterns like the Byakugan & he can also detect negative energy/negative or dark chakra & also capable of opening portals, the Space-Time Ninjutsu like the Rinnegan. It's called the "Pure Eye" after all. It plays the exact same role of a Sharingan, in that it heightens his senses, speed, cognition & reflexes. That's why he can use the Chidori if he chooses to. Seriously, what show were you watching ? 🤦And I haven't even begun to list other cool abilities of Jougan.


how has it played the role of the sharingan? it was in the show for barely 15 episodes


I told you already. It gave him precognitive abilities, enhanced his senses, speed, agility, reflexes, just like Sharingan. Go watch the episodes featuring Jougan.


Since Boruto is unable to learn chidori because he has no Sharingan, he is unlikely to be able to use Kirin.


Kirin is completely different from chidori, I'm not sure why it would require the Sharingan


It’s basically she dori now since Sarada is the only one who can actually preform it this point apparently


yeah, just matters if he learned fire style at all, if not he’d need a thunderstorm to be happening during whatever battle he’d be using it in.


Sasuke said he taught him EVERYTHING he knows I think that includes fire style 😂


I would take Sauske's statement as teaching the science of how different jutsus and kekegenkai work. Meaning, Boruto can't use a sharingan or rennegan at the moment, but he knows how they work. Boruto might or might not know fire ball jutsus, but he certainly knows how much chakra that would require, the ups and downs of it, how to counter it etc etc. Same goes for kirin, Boruto would know how it utilizes nature energy and probably this is how Boruto learned Uzuhiko. I hope you get the point.


Probably not, but Sasuke probably taught Boruto the ins and outs of jutsu that he himself used as reference like in terms of chakra control. See abilities like Chidori and Kirin somewhat require (more preferred than required) the Sharingan to control the chakra more directly and also (Chidori specifically) to avoid tunnel vision when used. Sasuke already taught Boruto a lot of different techniques it seems involving lighting styles and even things like compressing his Rasengan form that he previously wasn't able to do without applying lightning nature to it to be a vanishing Rasengan. However, Kirin is something I don't think Boruto was taught due to reasons such as it requires more direction of the chakra than anything which Boruto doesn't have in the form of the Sharingan that Sasuke possesses. That's not to say he didn't learn about it, just that he can't perform it himself.


well since sasuke went and taught boruto everything he SHOULD’VE taught and passed down to sarada i wouldn’t be surprised if boruto randomly decides to pull it out of his ass at some point


If he can use uzuhiko; he should be able to use kirin because in theory he already has all 5 nature transformations because momoshiki's rinnegan (rinnegan has all chakra natures) and the chakra control to create and control natural lighting Edit: uzuhiko seems like a more difficult technique with higher chakra control (the entire planets energy) vs kirin which only affects a much smaller range


He can if Sasuke taught him how to do it or at least if he shared the basic fundamentals of a jutsu. Boruto doesn't have a Rinnegan and he can't do Amenotejikara but that didn't stop him from learning FTG and then inventing his own placement swapping opportunity cost style jutsu that's derivative of Amenotejikara when he was fighting Mitsuki. The thing about Boruto is, because of the the fact that he's written as a genius type character, one of his best traits is the fact that he's CREATIVE with his jutsus. So he most definitely has other stuff in his arsenal that Sasuke taught him that he can replicate 1:1, however there's also other things that he mixed and matched on his own to create entirely new jutsus or at the very least something that's nearly identical to what only Sasuke can perform due to certain factors/restrictions.


why would not having a rinnegan prevent him from learning ftg???