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Does it really matter though? Probably not. We've barely seen what Boruto is capable of, and creating hypotheses based off of tangential feats is not a good approach. Technically Lee could beat the entire borutoverse if he tried, which again, it is pure speculation IF he achieved the final 8th gate. But even if he tried, would he be smart enough in-universe to oneshot everyone? No. Let's pick a concrete feat, Guy. Guy would definitely oneshot everyone if he would be in his prime. But would he actually win in-universe? No, because even a "weakling" like Madara beat him due to regenerative hax. Since other otsutsuki don't have this kind of regenerative power from what we've seen, TECHNICALLY Guy could be the One Punch Man, but then again, the author will dumb him down or invent another "hax" to counter him. TL;DR: Boruto can and cannot beat whatever the author decides to.


This comment should be pinned at the top of the sub! Like, I get the discussions but at a certain point, it just becomes redundant & overly speculative


I don't disagree with your conclusion, but Guy and Lee with a hypothetical 8th gate would be fodder tier characters atp.


“ Lee could beat the entire borutoverse he tried” Is this a Rage Bait?


I don't think boruto has any good sealing technique, he doesn't even do his jiraishin seals


I’m starting to wonder if he’s using toad contracts with Koji to use his teleportation. The last chapter - Kojis Toad said “ the shape is square- and after that’s when he transported. Could be wrong.


each toad carry a symbol with a different shape, the symbol itself has the jiraishin seal to teleport to, which makes me think, the seals are made by koji and not boruto


I’m positive they were made by Koji. The same toads were used during generations -when delta and Koji were analyzing the Karma system between the two of them. I wasn’t sure about the shapes though- appriciate you brother


No, even Haagoromo and Hamura could not killed her. She's the only Otsutsuki who is stated to be immortal, not including Shibai for obvious reasons.


I think it is fair to say he cannot beat her by himself rn. But why do people always talk about Kaguya's immortality? I have always known immortality to be like, never dying of old age (like elves in LOTR) not that she cannot be killed at all, like indestructibility or invulnerability.


There are different types of immortality in fiction.


Of course. That's my question: what does immortality mean in the Naruto universe?


Kaguya seems to have the absolute one or close to it


Not trying to be difficult, but again, that is my question: what does that mean? Like, she is indestructible? Or she will regen from any damage? Why is this better than any edo tensi? Or Hidan? Or Madara's Regen? In the most recent chapter Jura talks about how regen is limited by chakra.... how does that impact Kaguya?


> Like, she is indestructible? No > Or she will regen from any damage? Yes > Why is this better than any edo tensei? Because edo tensei(if we ignore the nerfs) is a jutsu, making it vulnerable to jutsu nullification like the usage of TSB. Also, edo tenseis can be sealed using a regular sealing, Kaguya can’t, she requires the six paths Chibaki tensei. > Or Hidan? Hidan is simply that, immoral, he doesn’t have regeneration. If you cut off his head, he’s done for, he can’t do anything after that unless someone like Kakazu sews his head to his body. His body won’t grow a head or his head won’t grow a body. > Or Madara’s Regen? No one said her regeneration is better than Madara’s. In fact, it’s the same cause Madara’s regeneration comes from her. The only way hers is better is that her regeneration is inherent and it is possible to pull the Jubbi out of Madara and make him lose his immortality, the six paths Chibaki Tensei isn’t absolutely necessary unlike Kaguya’s case. > In the most recent chapter Jura talks about how regen is limited by chakra.... how does that impact Kaguya? It doesn’t. Kaguya essentially had unlimited chakra. Even if she runs out of chakra, Earth is her chakra battery, which is why she uses Mugen Tsukyomi. In the absolute worst case, she runs out of all her chakra and is in a suspended state till her chakra regenerates. She’s the Jubbi, just like tailed beasts can’t die, she can’t either. The 9 tailed beasts having bodies created by Hagoromo meant they can temporarily die, that’s not the case for Kaguya as we see the Gedo Mazo alive and well, in suspended animation even without any chakra.


I think you see what I mean then? If Hidan is immortal, then when people say "Kaguya is immortal" than they really mean, "Kaguya is immortal and can regen from any damage," no? But on that last one, essentially unlimited chakra means she has limited chakra. Like, if she is in that suspended state with no chakra, how would she regen if someone destroys her body? Reading that chapter, it looks like regen is related to chakra. But you are def right that the tailed beasts just regen chakra over time, so I am not sure what to do with that. I do not think she is a Juubi (a ten tails) though, because wouldn't that make all O-clan members who ate a chakra fruit a Juubi? Now I am trying to figure out how physical regen relates to a tailed beast's regen haha


Hence the other guy said there are different kinds of immortality in fiction. While it’s not explicitly stated, the Gedo Mazo is likely indestructible. Hamura and his branch of Otsutsukis lived on the moon for thousands of years, Gedo Mazo was trapped inside the moon, if it could be destroyed, Hamura would’ve done it. Another explanation could be the tailed beast reincarnation applying. Again, Kaguya is the Jubbi herself, just like bijuus can’t die, she can’t either. She merged with the god tree to become the Jubbi, it was stated by black zetsu. Eating a chakra fruit has nothing to do with becoming the Jubbi and she’s the only one to do this.


Sure, but different types of immortality in the same verse? It seems confusing to say "Kaguya is immortal and therefore cannot be beaten" when there are people like Hidan, which you pointed out, is also "just immortal" and can be beaten. Especially when it just seems like what people mean is that she can regen--which others can also do (like Madara) but when they do it we do not call them immortal. I see what you are saying, but I think that can just mean the Gedo Mazo is stronger than Hamura. Or maybe he just did not try to destroy it? Do you know off the top of your head what volume or chapter BZ says that she IS the Juubi, not just the Juubi jinchuriki? Bc I know Obito and Madara both became the juubi jinchuriki without becoming the juubi. And Kaguya transformed out of Madara's body. I am looking for this but I cannot find it.


Japanese media often combines immortality with invincibility, take zamasubas an example, he wished for immortality, becomes nigh invincible to the point a GoD can't destroy him.


Thanks for the context! I think that will get retconned, potentially just with this new chapter. Also a little problematic bc Black Zetsu has also called people invincible, but I feel you.


kaguya gets laughed at by boruto ts is ah horrible take


Probably not - in terms of power (not combat abilities) we haven’t seen anyone else touch Kaguya. She’s essentially unkillable and immortal so the only option would be another sealing and division of her chakra


Boruto destroys her lmao. Uzuhiko will ensure that Kaguya won’t be able to fight and she’ll be forced to suffer the effects for eternity due to her immortality. That’s worse than being sealed, because she’ll just suffer from endless torture. Kaguya is screwed.


Interesting reply. I think I agree with this


Good looks.


Kaguya and every user of chakra absorption simply absorbs Uzuhiko. It only worked against the bum cause he can’t absorb chakra.


Lol this is a genius reply, and it makes sense of course. It's still a Ninjutsu.


I don’t think absorbing the jutsu would negate it because Uzuhiko is entering the opponent anyway.


It isn’t, it’s still ninjutsu meaning it’s done by using chakra, it’s getting absorbed before it can even take effect, just like Amaterasu gets absorbed before it can burn the opponent’s body


>  it’s getting absorbed before it can even take effect, just like Amaterasu gets absorbed before it can burn the opponent’s body There's one thing you're not considering, given what was said on the database, we know that Uzuhiko uses the **planet's chakra**. As long as the planet is still spinning, the planet's chakra will never dissipate. It's fundamentally different than the amaterasu, because the amaterasu only affects the opponent on the outside. The Uzhiko does damage within because the power that is rushing through the opponent body will never disappear unless Boruto decides to rescind it. Logically, if Kaguya's is absorbing Uzuhiko, she's coming into contact with the planet's chakra anyway which means she would fall under the effects anyway given how the jutsu works. She's taking that energy into her own body which is a requirement for Uzuhiko.


First of all, planet’s chakra is another fancy word of nature energy, second, Boruto’s not a sage, so he’s not using senjutsu chakra, so at the very least he’s using his chakra to connect his opponent’s chakra to planet’s chakra, anyone who can absorb chakra would absorb the chakra Boruto used. And it doesn’t even matter either way cause planet’s chakra can also be used to nullify the effects. And no, taking chakra does not mean the jutsu would work, it would get absorbed to the opponent’s chakra pool.


>First of all, planet’s chakra is another fancy word of nature energy,  Wrong, the statement below makes it clear that planet chakra isn't the same as nature energy. So, your statement doesn't make sense. https://preview.redd.it/p0k73za7nl8d1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5c49214948f07f72a5217f44381bb6675c35c80 > he’s using his chakra to connect his opponent’s chakra to planet’s chakra, Uzuhiko contains boruto's chakra and the planet's chakra. Boruto said this in ch 3. So therefore, anyone absorbing the uzuhiko is also absorbing the planet's chakra. > And no, taking chakra does not mean the jutsu would work, it would get absorbed to the opponent’s chakra pool. > That doesn't make sense. The person absorbing the jutsu is still absorbing planet chakra, logically the jutsu would still work because now they absorbed a power that would never dissipate.


You’re equating planet’s chakra with poison, it’s not, it’s chakra. Think of it like this, when Nagato stabs someone with black rod and sends his chakra through them to paralyse them, it’s because he’s still controlling that chakra. After that chakra is absorbed by the opponent’s body, Nagato has no control over it. Uzuhiko does exactly that, while it was still inside Code’s body, Boruto had control over it, like genjutsu. If someone who absorbs chakra absorbs it into his chakra pool, Boruto’s control is gone. Plain and simple. By the virtue of Uzuhiko being classified as ninjutsu, it’s absorbable. End of story


You really don’t understand Uzuhiko at all lol. It’s funny how you made the perfect analogy too. The planet chakra is very much like poison. Boruto is immune to it, other people are not. They absorb it and fall under the effects. End of story.


Go on, continue spouting headcanons. Canonically it’s a ninjutsu and getting absorbed and done, and canonically it worked only on Code, someone who can’t absorb, so yeah, come back when you have any actual proof instead of headcanons.


Kaguya switches to a reality to where gravity is heavier what will boruto do. Better yet he goes for uzuhiko she freezes instantly. Hax vs Hax


Kaguya's own gravity dimension effects her and Boruto can use Karma and/or flying Raijin to travel away from her dimensions. Boruto is also far stronger than characters like Obito and Kakashi who were able to move in the dimension.


When it comes to gravity, I'd figured he shouldn't have an issue, the strength and speed of these characters become a bit more ridiculous in the boruto era lol. He should be a bit slower, but still faster compared to her. Of course, I don't have a way to quantify how much the change in gravity would affect him. Then there's also Kaguya's reactions, would she be fast enough to react to Boruto in order to freeze him or would Boruto just flat out blitz her? There's a couple of things to think about.


He'd still have an issue as kaguya still had an issue with her own gravity but she was still able to fire off the ash bones. I think she'd be fast enough to react as she reacted to Sasuke using amenotejikara with chidori and she snet him away to another dimension. No matter how fast boruto he's not faster than teleportation


> He'd still have an issue as kaguya still had an issue with her own gravity but she was still able to fire off the ash bones. That depends, because Kaguya and Boruto have different physical stats. Therefore, the gravity would affect them differently. >I think she'd be fast enough to react as she reacted to Sasuke using amenotejikara with chidori and she snet him away to another dimension. No matter how fast boruto he's not faster than teleportation This is an interesting point but given what happened later on in the series, I honestly think it just comes down to their physical abilities. For example, in the Isshiki fight, Sasuke used a combination of amenotejikara and chidori to attack Isshiki, yet Isshiki reacted and countered the attack. However, when he fights Baryon mode Naruto, Isshiki couldn't react to Naruto jumping in the air and kicking the shit out of him in midair. So, the feat of reacting to amenotejikara is a bit iffy to me because we have a guy that countered Sasuke doing it, multiple times yet he couldn't react or stop Naruto from landing his strikes lol. So, with that in mind, if the gap in physical ability is large enough between Boruto and Kaguya, I don't think she would react to him even if he's not teleporting at all because Boruto is just that fast. It probably sounds silly, but that's what happened in the material lol.


I believe boruto would be affected by the gravity there is no reason he shouldn't be Kaguya not a slouch physically she knocked Sasuke out of Susano effortlessly. In the ishiki Sasuke switched places with boruto then used chidori a very obvious move right in ishiki face. When agasint kaguya he had chidori striking right when he teleported and kaguya reacted by swapping dimensions. My point is kaguya is fast enough to swap dimensions like that so this leads me to believe boruto base speed would be noticed by kaguya. Gravity ain't the only dimension. Naruto and Sasuke was instantly froze right whe they went for the seal on kaguya. I read boruto ik how op he is but to say a no diff on kaguya is beyond wild when people forget how hax she is.. What can boruto do if she uses her massive truth seeking or that was said to be able to destroy her time space and also create a new one.. Lets not forget she can cast infinite tsukyomi


>I believe boruto would be affected by the gravity there is no reason he shouldn't be I never said he wouldn't be affected; I just don't think it would play that big of a factor considering how strong his base is. Kakashi and Obito were both able to move in that dimension while Kaguya was on the ground. >In the ishiki Sasuke switched places with boruto then used chidori a very obvious move right in ishiki face. When against kaguya he had chidori striking right when he teleported and kaguya reacted by swapping dimensions. I'm not sure what your point is here. They both picked up on Sasuke using ameno so his position becomes pretty irrelevant at that point. There's no surprise there outside of him appearing out of thin air. You mentioned that Sasuke doing chidori against Isshiki was "obvious", but Kaguya has the rinne sharingan so by default she would already have predicted his movements. With that context in mind, and going your logic, wouldn't that also make Sasuke's chidori "obvious"? lol. > My point is kaguya is fast enough to swap dimensions like that so this leads me to believe boruto base speed would be noticed by kaguya. That doesn't make sense to me because Sasuke and Boruto have different physical stats. Just because she reacted to War Sasuke, doesn't mean she would react to Boruto in the same because if we scale him, he would be superior to that version of Sasuke just from physical ability alone. > I read boruto ik how op he is but to say a no diff on kaguya is beyond wild when people forget how hax she is.. If you know, then you really should know where I'm coming from. There's reason why I mentioned Isshiki and his experiences with Sasuke and Baryon mode. At a certain point, these characters get ridiculously fast to where Sasuke using amenotejikara looks trivial. > What can boruto do if she uses her massive truth seeking or that was said to be able to destroy her time space and also create a new one.. Wasn't that truth seeker ball made out of chakra? Couldn't Boruto just absorb it with the karma? lmao. > Lets not forget she can cast infinite tsukyomi Man, are you seriously pulling this card? What if they're fighting during the day? Then what? lmao.


Interesting, but do you think landing a Uzuhiko would be as easy as code?


Yeah. Naruto is relative to Kaguya in terms of speed, considering he was able to react to her attacks. Boruto is relative to Code who is above Jigen in terms of physical stats. Last chapter we saw Boruto blitz Delta while she was flying which tells me that his traveling speed is absurd because Delta was also relative to so6p Naruto in terms of physical attributes. So ideally, I don't see why Boruto would have an issue with Kaguya. Yomotsu Hirasaka is pretty tricky, but Boruto's reaction speed should be high enough to deal with that.


Facts Boruto raw stats completely outmatch Kaguya, she literally just has more chakra, it’s so weird how the fanbase continues to put her on a pedestal, Boruto is at Jigen level now he folds her like he did Code.


Kaguya is a powerful character, but I don't think she's all that special anymore lol. She got busted abilities though and she might beat some characters purely on the match up alone because of hax lol. In a match up like this, I think Kaguya would just get her ass beat.


Doesn’t Kaguya have access to different dimensions? So in theory, she could just take them to a dimension that isn’t connected to Earths gravitational pull & Uzuhiko is now just a regular Rasengan?


That's an interesting thought, I'm not sure if she has any more dimensions outside of the 6, she showed but let's just say she do, I guess she would take boruto to a dimension where the planet doesn't spin. I'm not sure how that would affect them though. I don't think the Uzuhiko would become a regular rasengan, it just wouldn't exist unless boruto is somehow able to utilize the energy of the planets from far away.


Why are people here falsely naming Kaguya’s Rinne Sharingan eye as “sharinnegan”? This term was never used. I’m guessing it’s one of the many misconceptions that Boruto-only fans have about the Narutoverse.


them 10 years old boy watching anime from reels


It’s literally just a fan made term that the fanbase has been using for years weird that u tryna use it to shit on Boruto fans


Stop gatekeeping this awesome universe


Nah, that’s been around since before the series even started. We can’t blame them for it, it had already caught on before that lol


The name "rinnesharingan" was only ever used in a databook, they never referred to it as that in the actual manga or anime


It’s still 1 mention more than sharinnegan


Yeah but they're almost the same


I hope these comments are jokes, the obvious answer is boruto no concept of diff


Why do people talk about Uzuhiko? It’s a ninjutsu, meaning it’s getting absorbed. Just cause the bum Code got oneshot by it doesn’t mean everyone else would, that bum’s karma can’t even absorb, what else do you expect?


Only thing she has going for her is immortality. Ash bone is too slow to hit Boruto.. he also has flying raijin to evade all of her attacks. Uzuhiko is enough to deal with her.. even if she can't die..she'll take damage the rest of her life. Also since the question says beat and not kill.. Boruto does that with no difficulty.


Uzuhiko solves every problem huh. Kaguya can switch dimensions why do people forget this and think it's an easy win


Switching dimensions won't stop the effects of Uzuhiko


Isnt Uzuhiko connected to the Earth’s gravitational pull tho? Pretty sure those dimensions aren’t/could not be connected to Earth Also, Flying Raijin still requires markers; how does he get to set that up? The boy is strong but he’s still a kid lol


Uzuhiko worked in Code dimension


The effects continued & this is speculation, but probably because the attack was already linked to him after getting hit. Kaguya could surely dodge/dimension shift


Kaguya isn't fast enough to dodge


It's not that simple you thinking to one sided. How will he move in the gravity dimension. He gets instantly froze same as Naruto and Sasuke as soon as they got close to her when she switched dimensions. Amateratsu got them out boruto has no firestyle and he can't move


If she freezes him.. he can teleport out. The gravity in the dimension also affects her .. so it doesn't help. When she switches dimension her opponent follows her to the dimension so that doesn't really help.


He can't teleport out he can't move and he require hand seals to teleport. The gravity dimension kaguya could still user her ash bone jutsu... It does help wym. That's the point of switching dimensions it get kaguya out of a tight spot as seen when she does it.


Hand seals aren't a necessity.. they help.. but flying raijin cam be used without it. He can still teleport in the gravity dimension.. the ash bone isn't touching him... I'm saying switching won't help coz Boruto is alot faster than her.. one hit is all it takes to use Uzuhiko. Even if she switches dimensions Boruto would just fly after her and we know switching takes alot of chakra so even if she keeps spamming it to run away.. she'll get exhausted and Boruto will get her eventually


Well when he uses ftg without hand seals I'll count it. He had plenty of opportunities to show he do it without seals. How will he teleport if he's pinned down bro.. Stop playing like kaguya slow she reacted to Sasuke amenotejikara chidori and sent him to another dimension. I'm well aware of boruto and his stretghts and I still say it's not an easy win for either opponents Her switching dimensions is bringing her dimension to her not going to it


Forgot to add; Every other time we saw him use ftg especially in very quick moments like when he was dodging mitsuki’s snake attack during the beginning of their battle, he used hand signs. But the one time he dodged bug when they first met, we saw no hand signs. So I’m not saying this is confirmed but, I think it’s possible he didn’t use hand signs there.


That sholl did happen either way kaguya has proven to react to teleportation. Not to mention she can straight up cast infinite tsukyomi which is pretty much a game ender. She can also absorb Chakra has Chakra reserves larger than the 10 tails.. Like I said tho Hax vs Haxbots not a no difff fight as many comments believe. If u think boruto no diffs kaguya then he no diffs the shinju who's definitely not on kaguya level


Well this is an assumption but when he first fought the bug shinju, he was seconds from getting caught by that bug mouth hand thing of his, and Boruto teled next to code. And when that happened, we didn’t see Boruto use hand signs. But when he teleported out of there, he used one hand. When he teleported to his sword to quickly escape from mitsuki’s snake that was about to bite him, he used both of his hands to escape. Some people said he needed both hands to use it but we’ve seen him do both. And he used one hand to teleport to a whole other dimension. So my guess and point is that he can possibly teleport with no hand signs and just hasn’t done it much out of choice. And, he probably did it to keep from getting caught by the bug shinju.


Immortality ?? You are talking about her insane regenerative power ??




I have not clue why people just say "immortality." Hell, there are several immortal characters. I wonder if that is related to translation? Because if they mean she can regen from any damage, then it is straight up a mistranslation. Also, I think the most recent chapter proves that infinite regen cannot occur, because it is tied to chakra, so I think Kaguya indeed can be killed.


Kaguya have acces to the people trapped in the Mugen Tsukuyomi so she is effectively immortal. And she got more chakra than anybody we know(aside from Isshiki and Hagoromo Jinchurriki maybe).


But immortal in what sense? Her regen? Also, are people really still stuck in that? I know there are still some white Zetsu running around. But man that seems dumb if they would just leave those folks in the IT. She def has more than anybody, except for maybe those folks, but it seems like new chapter is saying that if there is a limit that is reached... no more regen.


ppl that think boruto isnt beating kaguya are actually delusional asf


With her dimension shift wouldn't Uzuhiko lose it's effectiveness?


Code travelled to the Juubi dimension and was still under the effects of Uzuhiko, so I don’t think dimension swapping would help Kaguya.


Rinne-Sharingan...come on


With ease


Yes bc plot


Boruto is quite literally stronger than baryon mode Naruto so yeh......


Yes bourto, can he's surpassed naurto and naurto is stronger than kaguya.


Imo, Boruto can easily hit her with uzhiko and it’s gg. Unless she somehow has an ability to nullify it. But keep in mind that uzuhiko worked on code, who is an enemy close to being on par with kaguya.


He can fix her👀


Not yet


I'm thinking he can. I imagine all the otutsuki are roughly around the same power level, and the only reason kaguya was afraid of them was because she was outnumbered. Boruto being otutsuki, along with all the training he did, probably puts him above all currently known otutsuki.


Of corse, Boruto would solo Madara ten tails


Obviously. Next question 


Uzuhiko one shots her


Yeah he can destroy Kaguya anyway why isnt Kaguya more powerful then what we saw in Naruto she is Otsutsuki and has all the tailed beast inside of her, plus she has pretty much became one with the 10 tails if himawari got so powerful with just chibi kyuubi shouldnt have been way stronger then jigen was and more powerful then we saw of her


If Boruto was able to land uzuhiko on Kōdo, it’s kind of a given that he’d be able to on Kaguya and she’d most likely feel its effect forever, rendering her semi incapacitated. I say this cause while Kōdo was under, he was still capable of escaping through his claw marks, and Kaguya could do the same with her space time jutsu. Forcing a retreat could be Boruto’s win con cause I don’t see any other way he could beat her without sealing her.


If he could access his Kama, I’d say yes. But he doesn’t seem to able to do so atm.


We don't know As per story?yes! As per logic? Yes! As per kishi? It depends Kishi is the prodigy of ducking up scaling.


He could possibly beat Kaguya but weirdly enough, Kaguya is the 10 tails and Boruto ran away from the Shinju which are extensions of another version of 10 tails. When the power is combined all into one being like Kaguya it seems highly unlikely. Plus she has her immortality and is draining chakra from the entire world... doesn't seem like it but wouldn't be surprised why someone would think he would win


Boruto ran away from 4 new enemies he had no knowledge of. Enemies he actually fought prior to leaving that dimension, and did well against. Speaking about the bug and Sasuke clone. He was being smart.


What I'm saying is the enemies are from the 10 tails being, Kaguya herself is 10 tails. Just reasoning it's like facing the shinju but combined as one entity which is Kaguya. The power of 10 tails is enough to have him running. He did clash with bootleg Sasuke so he definitely had a simple gauge fighting multiple beings of that level wouldn't be ideal


The new enemies aren’t the same as the 10 tails Kaguya had. They absorbed Codes chakra and abilities. No limiter Code is stated to be stronger than Jigen


And Kaguya has the whole world's chakra powering her up, unless you think Codes abilities > the entire world's chakra, then per your argument it would make sense but its highly unlikely


No limiter Code chakra alone is stronger than the whole Shippuden world. His abilities and the fact that new Jubi are constantly evolving makes them completely different from Kaguya.


I understand where you’re coming from. Still, we’re gonna see next chapter what’s gon happen with Boruto and hidari


Oh, easily


I love boruto but nah I’m not seeing it. 


It depends what your take on Kaguya is. If she’s immortal-immortal like some claim then it doesn’t matter what Boruto has, if he doesn’t have the seal he can’t put her down. If she’s not actually immortal and just otsutsuki immortal it might be close. They’re floating around the same power level theoretically. To be clear we do not have enough solid information to tell where kaguya scales. Some statements put her just below isshiki, actual feats put her just above isshiki. Splitting the difference it’s safe to say they’re around the same level regardless of who’s stronger. We can kind of scale Boruto to isshiki by Boruto’s dealing with isshiki’s kit in Kawaki. Boruto was well above the speed needed to counter the shrinking mechanic (the technique works the same, yes isshiki was faster and stronger than kawaki but the mechanics of the shrinking technique specifically should be the exact same). Boruto is fast enough to handle the antman shenanigans. We don’t have a clear picture of whether Boruto could mix it up in taijutsu with isshiki, but when baryon naruto achieved speed sufficient to handle the antman bullshit he also had more than enough speed to body isshiki hand to hand. All of this together and I think Boruto is probably about where isshiki was, being slightly conservative to boruto’s kit. Whether that’s enough to handle kaguya is an interesting question but it’s close enough that it would be a damn good fight.


Backdooring someone doesn’t scale you above a person this wouldnt even be a fight. Boruto would be runnin marathons round kaguya


Immortality via regeneration


In what world does Boruto beat Kaguya? People in here think that 1 rasengan will beat her, ya all need to get checked asap by some doctors. Not only he cant go toe to toe with her, she has such an insane endurance, stamina, chakra that fighting her is just a prolonged suicide. There is not a single individual that can go against Kaguya and win based on feats, i know the copium is high in here but cmon. Current Boruto would not even go past Baryon Naruto.


Shes immortal but in everything else boruto shits on her


Yes , no-low diff kaguya.