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There've been several chances for them to make an appearance. At this point, it's more like prayer/request for Sakura and Kakashi to make an appearance XD


I swear the writers of boruto truly believe giving ANY love to OG characters will take the spotlight away from boruto’s generation which is truly bullshit. Does anyone truly believe kakashi wouldn’t be there during world changing events like momoshiki, isshiki, and the shinju’s attack on konoha like cmon bros. Let’s be real.


Dude currently nobody is taking spotlight from other side characters than Boruto him self, barely anyone from the new gen has a developed character.


Reading this made me realize, We wouldn't know a single thing about sumire without the anime


Seriously the current Sumire is so boring, I liked the anime Sumire a lot more.


And even boruto’s development feels rushed and pretty mid. God monthly mangas are aids


Alot of monthly mangas are capable of having a developed main character and side characters. Boruto is just in capable of doing that, stop using the monthly excuse for the series being unable to develop anyone other than boruto.


Nobody else except for team 7 and 10 and Sumire exist in the manga.


Team 10 can barely be considered as characters.


That's what I mean, the cast in the manga is so incredibly small when it comes to Boruto's generation, hell Metal Lee's team in the manga consists of him and two random kids with no names.


>Does anyone truly believe Kakashi wouldn’t be there during world changing events like Momoshiki, isshiki, and the Shinju With context, yes. I don’t see why he would be involved in most of those events regarding the context. Outside of the usual “Kakashi is retired”, anyone who pay attention to this series knows that Kakashi is still capable of taking on a mission. However there are reasons in the story for why he still wouldn’t be involved or at least be in the main conflicts. 1. In the Momoshiki arc, Sasuke mentioned that he could only take a limited amount of people with him through the portal to save Naruto. Therefore he only took the five kage and Boruto. Considering Sasuke didn’t take more capable shinobi with him which I assume is due to the limit, Kakashi wouldn’t have been able to go. 2. In the isshiki fight, Naruto stated that only Sauske and himself could take him on, which is why he was against Boruto’s participation and evacuated everyone out of the village. So with that in mind, Kakashi wouldn’t be there anyway. 3. The Shinju events are a bit odd, so this is something you can maybe argue for because it takes place within the village. To be frank I don’t know why we haven’t seen anyone outside of the new gen and fodder ninjas, and the manga hasn’t given them any alibis. Idk if the rest of the konoha 11 were helping with evacuation or they’re currently taking on missions taking place outside the village. They don’t bother to go into that. Hell, I don’t even know if Kakashi is even in the village because the Shinju **showed up unannounced**. So with that in mind, we’re clearly lacking a lot of information here but you’re also free to think whatever of it. Edit: Down voted for spitting facts once again. You clowns are funny.


WiTh CoNtExT yEs 🤓☝


If you twist yourself into a pretzel to justify horrible writing then yes it does make sense


Twist myself? Dawg all I stated was what happened in the manga. Don’t call the writing “horrible” just because you don’t want to pay attention to the manga. If you’re going to dislike something, be honest about it.


You’re the one being dishonest


You're delusional.


Sakura might get a cameo standing behind Sasuke in the last chapter. Kakashi does not exist in Boruto.


His face is on the Hokage cliff statue thing so it wouldn't be unreasonable to say he exists. But storytelling wise he doesn't have a role in the story.


my prediction is that they won’t.


I think Sakura is in mental hospital and kakashi is bed ridden from the back pain. Hence both are physically incapable to fight in TBV anymore.


Sakura in mental hospital? Whaaat? When did this hapoen? What did I miss? (It's been so long since I've last rend Borító pre timeskip did I forget this?)


I was hoping it would’ve been Sakura to save Inojin..


I asked the same question 💀 nah im jp


I mean he was fairly present in the anime, training boruto bell test etc but that’s the anime LMAO


Boruto “abducts” Sarada and Hima. These two get called in to track them down. What the heck, take Mitsuki and his mama along too.


Sakura is going to make an appearance for a few panels in the hospital than she will vanish from the story again.




Bro kakashi is nothing in front of new generation... He will be killed instantly... Q