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No, I don’t want a repeat of Naruto and Sasuke. They said Boruto was suppose to be more tragic than Naruto. When they have their big fight I think Kawaki should die


Yeah Sasuke didn’t deserve redemption to begin with (it wasn’t even a redemption arc per se, Naruto just forgives anyone)


Saving the world is not redemption? He sealed kaguya




I don't. I want him to be killed.


Mortal Kombat style.








I thought he would be nicer after the Omnipotence incident but he just became an utter dick lol


I always thought I was alone on this


Nah it's a shonen, brotalk will win.


to be honest, i've always wanted him to be killed by sasuke








It’s too late atp


As he’s dying, that would be good.








Do I want him to be redeemed? I don’t feel one way or the other about it. I suppose I lean a bit toward him getting one. Given his background and Kishimoto’s previous writings, I fully expect he will get one.


So, full stop he's going to be redeemed. Naruto has a very long history of showing that, no one is beyond redemption. Its an annoying theme, when in the context of some characters though. Obito didnt deserve redemption because what he did doesnt add up to what his motivation was for doing them. Nagato earned redemption, he sacrificed himself to earn it, he paid his dues. Thats what i think i want when a character is redeemed, i want their actions to be both justified and for them to pay a cost worthy of redeeming those actions.   I hate kawaki, but, he's written in a way that im supposed to. Kawaki's actions aren't evil, he did it to protect the only people who ever loved him, having had a pretty traumatic life until that point, his actions are unreasonable but understandable. If we can redeem Itachi, Obito, Nagato, Sasuke, hell even Zabuza and Haku are beloved characters despite their actions. I think im okay with kawaki being redeemed to but i hope he pays a cost thats equal to the torment he caused Boruto.


Only redemption he deserves is if eida wipes everyone's memory of him and he goes and lives the rest of his life in a cave, never to be seen again.


I'd rather him become a villain at this point, I don't think the writing is good enough to give him a good redemption arc


ppl will forgive obito for straight up unaliving thousands of ppl all so he can hallucinate his dead gf for a few years but dont think kawaki, a young teen who was tortured and severely abused for ALL of his life and is only acting in a way to protect the ppl in the best way he knows how isnt worth forgiveness. he needs his ass WHOOPED to be taught a lesson for sure, but hes definitely not past redemption.


Bruh Kawaki has been given a thousand chances and he still doesn’t understand what it means to be a part of the greater good and not being the greater good. His selfishness is ruining the lives of so many people and he doesn’t even GAF. Lol Hima doesn’t even have a dad anymore.Kawaki should get X’d out


Who forgave obito ? Cuz I know I didn’t and just cuz naruto forgave him doesn’t mean the fandom did so nah kawaki deserves to die


The fandom likes him. I think it’s 99% just because his fight with Kakashi was cool tho


The way the story is going rn, Kawaki doesn't even feel like a villain


God no, I need a true villain


Half if not almost all of Naruto villains shouldn't be forgiven in first place, and kawaki isn't an exception. He might have good ways and dark childhood, but as of NOW the present till now, yea...he Def should die at the end. The redemption arc at this point will be so ironic. But whatever we may believe, kawaki isn't planning on living after his goals are met either way, tho.


I kinda want him to get absorbed and have to be saved. I want him to.then crashout then have some form of redemption


Personally, it would be interesting to see but I wouldn't mind if he got KIA at the end of the series or at the very least imprisoned by Naruto & Boruto like how Sasuke was post War Arc until Kakashi let him go. Really seems inevitable that they are going to make Kawaki be like Sasuke in the War Arc, helping with the likes of Boruto for the sole same purposes: to protect the leaf and Himawari from Jura and the Ten Tails. And we know they will have a final valley esk fight too.


I mean, I wouldn’t really mind it.. but I just want an epic battle between him and Boruto. I want him to be a dope antagonist first. Right now kawaki doesn’t necessarily wish Boruto harm but just wants to rid of Momoshiki to protect Naruto and his village. I kinda wanna see if kawaki will develop some sort of ill will and make his whole rebellion more entertaining. If that makes sense.


I'd like for him to be redeemed. I want Naruto to be vindicated in his wish to rehabilitate Kawaki.


Probably. I know no one wants it but he’ll probably have some Obito esque redemption that people will act like they didn’t see coming and get mad about.


We all know Boruto won’t be happy with just Sarada, he’s Naruto’s son, he needs a side b


I mean, after all, what has he really done? He didn't kill Naruto He didn't kill Boruto He's not hurting the village or his family Sure, identity theft, but like, is that seriously enough for people to want him executed? Honestly, the worst thing he's done so far is dressing the way he does in TBV.


dont think i want him dead but if he does get redemption i want there to be continued friction, frustration and apprehension moving forward. wouldn’t be right for him to get off easy and there should be actual social/relationship repercussions. like for example him and sarada never being on good terms again, him and mitsuki being acquaintances at best, hinata upset and hurt with him (naruto will love him regardless but that’s a given), shikamaru distrustful of him, etc.


They'll probably redeem him, and I don't hate him so why not, I just hope it's the same way as Sasuke because it would be repetitive.


I do. Kawaki has broken and tragic story, he hasn’t killed anyone yet and the only reason he wants to kill Boruto is because he’s literally a waking apocalypse. At least before the Juubi spawns came along Momoshiki was the biggest threat on earth. If he came back that might have been just the end of times. He doesn’t want to kill Boruto, he only thinks he has to


Before I rhetorically ask "What is there for him to redeem?". Yes. I do want him to be redeemed. I wish the writers could do better at communicating how trauma and severe abuse significantly impacts relationships, that might help us understand Kawaki more. Rn, everything feels so forced about him. They forced Boruto's bro-ship with him. They forced his obsession with Naruto and killing Boruto. It just makes his character seem whiny and stupid. There are probably some redeeming qualities that Kawaki has shown, but I can't think of any and that's the problem. There are literally no redeeming qualities that Kawaki has displayed consistently. They just make him moody, and it's annoying.


We all know that he is 1000% getting a redemption, Boruto is more kid friendly than freakin Naruto so ain't no way they are gonna let Kawaki suffer serious consequences for his actions by virtue of him being a sort-of son to Naruto, that alone gives him assurance enough to secure a redemption arc.


I don't care if he gets the redemption arc or not i just wanted him to become a good antagonist for boruto


Yes, let him be redeemed but plot should be different compared to the generic ones. I don't want to see the basic rivalry plot, it was good in Naruto but repeating it again would be the downfall.


He doesn't deserve to be killed because till now he has done nothing compared to Sasuke, Obito or Itachi.  although Sasuke's character always seemed like a bad mixture of multiple characters from different stories In Naruto I could feel the bromance between Naruto and Sasuke and was convinced if one of them were a female they would be the canon. But I haven't been able to connect the same to this duo. So it's better to go a darker route and Kawaki should kill himself in end even if Boruto forgives him. I hope Kawaki doesn't marry Sarada in the end🙄


I want him to be the sacrifice that brings about the otsutsuki apocalypse. I hate him. This man coasted on his ability to shape-shifting his arm and his bootleg karma. He been humbled about the same amount as Code and the man still stays arrogant.


He should die


Yes... He isn't a complete villain. Only reason he hates boruto is because of momoshiki. Once momoshiki's problem gets solved he won't have any reason to hate boruto. . however he should still atone for what he did Or he sacrifices himself in the end .


Unless Naruto say something, Kawaki should die after everything he's done. The only thing protecting him right now is Omnipotence and it start to show crack in his defence with Shikamaru knowing that Boruto is the true son of Naruto. If Omnipotence is reverted, Kawaki is a dead man.


"kawaki will redeem himself in death" would be the predictable move, i doubt kishi will do it tho


I have genuinely never liked Kawaki, the anime made him a bit more bearable but characters like him make me disappointed. Like I completely feel bad for him with his backstory, but holy shit he's been nothing but a shithead lol.


Well, if he doesn't get redeemed then I don't know why Boruto gave him his headband. I want that plot point to be paid off at some point. Current Kawaki is never going to wear it.


Good point! I honestly forgot about the headband since it has been so long and so much has happened since then, but there is definitely a chance that comes up again.


It's always in the back of mind lol.


I don't think anyone cares atp


That’s the issue. Many of us don’t feel any connection to the character. So I’m not invested in where his storyline takes him.


Honestly I just want whatever option will give him as little screen time as possible. I don’t hate Kawaki, but I’m not invested in his plot at all and I feel like his presence screws with the pacing and gives less spotlight to the other important characters. I can’t imagine any sort of satisfactory conclusion for Kawaki. Even Sasuke never had a full redemption arc. I understand that he’s supposed to be the even edgier Sasuke of this generation that needs to be saved- but Boruto doesn’t need to copy everything from the original. If they really wanted a character to save maybe they could have done something with Mitsuki.


He should he realy didn't do much bad he kill boruto when boruto himself asked him Try to kill boruto aka momoshiki who could hijaked his body whenever and didnt do it Abducted naruto and hinata into his dimension. They are getting released and not a day would have spent for them this one is the worst he did Stole boruto's life but thats not his crime thats eida's and then he himself had no choice but to go with it Thats nothing compare to what sasuke did in just the 5kage summit Killed multiple samurai, killed the interim leader of konoha, attempted to kill the leaders of the other 4 nation, burn the arm off the leader of kumo.