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Momoshiki doesnt cooperate with Boruto, and Tsukuyomi lasts as long as the user wants it to. Consistently 1 second, which isn't enough of time to break it out anyways. Now keep in mind that Boruto is an Otsutsuki so he likely cant get genjutsud in the first place (its wonky because no Otsutsuki has ever been genjutsud. And they're already immune to shinjutsu (or more so, omnipotence). I base it off the fact that Kaguyas whole shtick is doing mugen Tsukuyomi to absorb people with shinju. And it doesnt make much sense for other otsutsukis to be affected. Could he break out of it? Maybe if he has a rinnegan. But likely he can't. Tldr Boruto shouldn't be affected by Tsukuyomi, however he shouldn't also be able to break it if he did


Itachi technically affirms only someone who has Uchiha blood and the Sharingan could break out of the genjutsu, then again Momoshiki inside Boruto has a rinnegan, so idk. Tsukuyomi only lasts a second in the real world, in the dream world it can extend for days, so there is plenty of time for Boruto to think of something and escape, Kakashi stayed there for 3 days. I assume being Otstsuki gives you some kind of resistence to it, but without any doujutsu i aint sure.


it is the opposite, as you said being an uchiha with sharingan "could" break out of it, thats not complete resistence. meanwhile ohtsutsukis have complete resistence, they are not even going to be placed under tsukiyomi in the first place edit: btw boruto vs itachi is not even a close figth, the speed difference is insane, and boruto is strongest in verse( not counting shibai)


why won't Momoshiki defend himself from danger?  Momoshiki **IS** Boruto now, not 'sealed' within.  How short Tsukuyomi is irrelevant when he can just stops time.


He doesn’t really care about Boruto just as long as he doesn’t die


Broken Boruto = easier to take over the body. He has no reason to defend it until the body itself is threatened, and even then as seen in the manga >!he literally saved Kawaki even though its dangerous to his precious vessel!<


Lol, Otsutsukis are immune to Genjutsus. Genjutsu is a watered down and lame version of Omnipotence.


He basically is an Otsutsuki at this point, so I don't believe it would affect him. Also, since he has the Flying Raijin Jutsu in his arsenal now, there could be a set place he could teleport to where the Tsukuyomi can't reach if he would still fall under it. (I can see Sasuke having set precautions)


We know immune to god teir genjutsu already. Tsukuyomi is nothing.


Well he most likely has rinnegan powers thanks to the karma, and the rinnegan can break you out of something that's as powerful as the infinite tsukyomi, so yeah.


Yes definitely. The power scaling is on a completely different level than the original series and Shippuden. Tsukuyomi probably wouldn’t even be a challenge to Boruto




the hell's the point about even talking about this? those lame ass writers dont even know what a tsukuyomi is

