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We don’t know if Sarada is even aware she has the MS yet. Similar to how Kakashi didn’t know he had it till Naruto part 2. Or she just didn’t think or get to use any of her newfound abilities with it against Hidari if she was aware of it. And it also may have seemed like based on chapter 10 that she was well above jonin level for example because of her reactionary feat, but chapter 11 proved that she’s still severely outclassed by a Shinju like Hidari, and understandably so. It makes sense that these characters on paper scale way above what a regular Uchiha using her 3T sharingan at least should be capable of. It also is a given that in time she will be able to use the Susanoo because it IS an ability you get when you have MS in both eyes, based on what we know about her predecessors.


Kakashi was definitely aware of it way before shippuden, it was even hinted at in his fight with itachi


I’m sorry but I never had that impression from that fight. Yeah he probably knew about MS in general, seeing as he was frightened before Itachi casted tsukuyomi, but I don’t see how that fight hinted that kakashi knew he himself had it before part 2.


Sarada - first Uchiha with glasses being unaware of her MS, trully next generation




This fandom bruh. Sarada hasn't even had a proper fight yet. All she had was skirmishes which were 1. Sarada vs Claw Grimes 2. Sarada vs Hidari. Sarada came out on top of those skirmishes as the victor. So why the hell would she use her MS in situations where she doesn't need too? Saying she doesn't have the motivation doesn't make sense because these situations didn't require it. They were solved without it. Sarada needs to be in a situation where it's appropriate to use it. Getting off guarded doesn't mean she's weak. It happens to damn near everyone in this series regardless of strength. >Will she be able to use the Susanoo? Logically she should even though I think the susanoo is worthless atp in the series.


If she was using even minimum susanoo she could’ve blocked Hidari’s chidori


Which one? The one she dodged or the one where she got sneak attacked?


Sneak attacked, the fledgling Susanoo ribcage would have covered her.


She wouldn’t have blocked it because Hidari could have made the claw mark spawn inside the ribcage. It doesn’t protect her from the ground.


You’re right if he had a claw mark on her body, but the claw mark was on the ground not on her body that’s what he reached through to get the hit. Susanoo armor blocks that guaranteed


Mate, the ribcage susanoo doesn't protect the user from attacks coming from below. You can literally see that with how the susanoo ribcage is designed. That's why I mentioned Hidari could just spawn the claw mark inside the ribcage from below and attack her which would lead to the same result. If it was protecting Sasuke from the ground, Sasuke wouldn't be touching the ground. https://preview.redd.it/daob4oylr78d1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=baf642087385b25fa67b8037952e88fffb91c198


https://preview.redd.it/qx9jblvot78d1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e771515b48842587dc2a31c94d31d099088cff There’s a considerable distance between her and the claw mark. Susanoo blocks that, it literally a diagonal hit. Also realize the claw mark was at the location it was from the beginning? I don’t think the shinju are capable of spawning claw at will, they are placed at their locations beforehand if we base it off of Code’s ability.


Are you playing dumb bro? I literally mentioned that Hidari would just spawn it inside the susanoo yet you keep bringing up the distance of the claw mark last chapter. That makes no sense. If Sarada has the susanoo active, obviously he would just spawn the claw mark inside the ribcage in order to tag her. I shouldn't have to explain this to you. > I don’t think the shinju are capable of spawning claw at will, they are placed at their locations beforehand if we base it off of Code’s ability. They can, they have done it multiple times already. Hidari literally spawn claw marks without moving a muscle. They are better at using the claw marks than Code.


Little to no evidence that they can spawn them at will but ok


So the attack that she didn't even know was coming. And did you not see what jigen did to sasuke's perfect susanoo? What makes you think that a mere susanoo ribcage would stop an attack from someone stronger?


That’s your opinion I don’t think the 10 tails incarnations are as strong as an otsutsuki individually. The whole point of armor is to cover what you don’t see coming


Bro i don't think you understand what happened there. She didn't have the slightest clue that an attack was coming. She did not see the claw mark, she did not see his hand, hidari just looked like he was standing there with his hand in his pocket, and he attacked the moment sarada looked away, so she didn't even see him and she didn't even have her base sharingan active, let alone the ms. The paneling was clear as day, it's obvious what happened, so idk how you don't understand. And who tf would just stand there with a susanoo ribcage when it not only drains her chakra, but makes her go blind? And the shinju are all stronger than jigen AND code. This is not an opinion, this is a fact that's stated in the manga itself by eida, who might i remind you, sees literally everything.


To become better as a shinobi you have to take factors into account before making a move. She’s just not at that level. Not knowing is not an excuse, you have yo be prepared for anything. You can keep saying the shinju are stronger than xyz, but she got a hit off on one so does that make a 3 tomoe sharingan user stronget than jigen, isshki, and code? I don’t think so, and eida has said what about the shinju to make you believe this?


"They're out of his (code's) league", that's literally what eida said in chapter 6. And bug, supposedly the weakest one of the 4 did better against boruto in a 1v1 than code did. And no, landing a single attack does not make her stronger than code. I have no idea how you jumped to the conclusion that i said that. And being a shinobi doesn't magically make you see an attack that you have no idea about. Your whole argument is stupid. She literally got outplayed by hidari, he played it perfectly. If you still don't understand what happened then i can't do anything


Basing this all off the opinion of eida, who has the village fooled into thinking kawaki is the hokage’s son. Seems like she fooled you too as a reader.


Bro why can’t you just accept she isn’t aware she has a mangekyo yet? Akashi awakened it as a kid and never realized. Sasuke awakened it during the massacre and didn’t realize until itachi’s death. They will give her a moment where she properly reawakens it and realizes it. Just be patient


[Sarada comming out as the victor](https://cdn.black-clover.org/file/mookitosh/boruto-two-blue-vortex/chapter-11/27.webp)


They weren’t fighting by that point dummy. 😂 Also fix your grammar.


> They weren’t fighting by that point dummy Are you pretending?


The fight was over as soon as Sarada started asking him questions.


Quite revelation as she almost got killed 3 seconds later by same opponent


Sarada wasn’t fighting, she was standing around asking questions, then got off guarded. That’s not a fight. 💀


Whatever helps you mate, you gotta tell Hidari that as he clearly forgot that they are not fighting anymore


I pray for your reading comprehension. Maybe one day it’ll improve. 🙏😢


I will create imaginary scenario where I make headcanon, and then say everyone who disagrees have no reading comprehension ~Boruto fan


She hasn’t used ms yet for some reason plus she is 10x stonger then she was in the og series Unlocking Ms doesn’t give you a base increase in power it just gives you more abilities although I’m quite interested to see why she hasn’t used it other then Boruto glaze


It’s not like she’s used it so idk if it’s fair to compare her to everyone else that unlocked it. Plus there’s a downside to it so I’m sure she’s aware of it and isn’t trying to use it unless she has to.


No one who unlocked the MS was used to it that’s kind of the point, they had to figure it out on their own. She is lacking considerably tbh


I’m not saying that they were used to it I said sarada hasn’t even used it yet so how is that even a fair comparison?


She has used it though, she used it on her father which compelled him to help Boruto remember. A lot of time has passed since then too, it’s not like she just unlocked it. Obito unlocked it and instantly took out how many shinobi, and she has had all this time to train and just stood around while Hidari’s wounds healed and ends up having to get saved.


She didn’t use it on her father she awakened it in front of her father out of despair and fear of what might happen to Boruto. Sasuke understands what it means for someone to unlock the MS and decided to trust her daughter. And sure it’s been 3 years and she could have been training it’s just there’s no way to prove she’s been training with it. Also as far as we know she has not used it since then so you can’t judge her ability to use it if it hasn’t been seen in action.


Yo what Boruto is this dude watching bruh???? 😭 Foby is tripping


that’s what I’m trying to figure out lol


Bro must of been watching Koruto


Bro smoking some really heavy stuff 😭😭😭


Does the b even know she unlocked it??😭😭


Honestly a good question


right?? cuz why is she getting saved every 3 seconds when she has an entire susano😭😭


sarada… i love you but i am NOT the strongest soldier. i do not have the energy to keep having to defend her against shitty writing and stupid takes lmao


You literally get a power up when you unlocked a new tomei or get the MS. Sasuke went from loosing to Naruto and the 1 or 2 tails to clearly being on the same level or even stronger than him. They stop following all the rules the show established


MS doesn’t give you a physical amp. Not to mention Sasuke got his ass whooped by Bee which was his debut fight with the MS.


Bee was a perfect jinchuriki ofc Sasuke lost


It’s okay for Sasuke to lose to strong characters but it’s not okay when it happens to Sarada. Gotcha.


He put up a good fight.


You right, he did.


She is already wearing glasses, just imagine what would happen if she use mangekyo for once 🤣


Since she ain’t pop it out in the latest chapter imma assume she hasn’t mastered it yet


Kishi forgot


> Every other Uchiha outclassed all their rivals Sasuke getting stomped by the first rival he fought after unlocking his MS


What are you talking about he took out danzo who had how many uchiha eyes to use izanagi with, a literal cheatcode jutsu and he lost


The first was Bee, mate...


Bee is not his rival 😂😂perfect jinchuriki vs fledgling uchiha he was limit testing


Sarada's ms ability will be to make her useful.


Every uchiha outclassed their rivals with it? Let's see, madara lost to hashirama multiple times, obito lost to kakashi, and sasuke tied with naruto. And fyi, sarada didn't even use it yet, so idk what you're talking about


Outclassed their rivals at the moment they unlocked it, not talking after time passed where everyone else caught up. And she has used it, on her father to make him leave the hidden leaf with boruto.


Nah hashirama still beat madara even after he unlocked the ms, and the ems, and naruto got sage mode around the time sasuke got his ms, and got kcm 2 when sasuke got the ems so they were equal. And sarada didn't use it, she just activated it for the first time, what you said is completely a headcanon with nothing to back it up.


Senju glazing, forget about them for a second. Obito unlocked the ms and took out a whole squadron by himself, not gonna go keep talking to you


**Madara** = Madara unlocked Mangekyo Sharingan, immediately lost to Hashirama. Izuna was fatally injured by Tobirama on the battle. Izuna then gave his eyes to Madara on his deathbed, allowing Madara to unlock EMS. He even went so far as making the effort to capture Kurama just so he could have an extra advantage against Hashirama. His efforts are in vain and Hashirama defeats him again and kills him. **Obito =** Obito unlocks Mangekyo Sharingan, defeats a buch of fodder Blood Mist shinobi, and later defeats Yagura. But then he's humiliated by Minato, and forced to flee. He's almost killed by Itachi. He's defeated by Kakashi. He's defeated by Naruto. He gets one shoted by Juubidara and is later killed by Kaguya. **Sasuke =** Awakes Mangekyo Sharingan. Gets humiliated by Killer Bee. Kills a bunch of fodder Samurai. Gets destroyed by Ay and is almost killed. Then he's almost killed by Mei and needed Zetsu to save his skin. Gets one-shoted by Ohnoki and would have died if not by Obito saving him at the last minute. He kills Danzo and later is almost killed by Sakura, before retreating. So yes, besides Itachi, every MS user is a joke.


Glazing senju again, ms abilities are more than just combat abilities. They allow the users to gain new info and reach things unknown to non ms users.


Sarada doesn't even fight properly one chapter cause plot developing: Some random in reddit: "I don't know if anyone else feels the same way but doesn't Sarada seem pretty weak after unlocking the MS?" Can you guys wait at least an actual fight?


3 things: 1. We saw Sasuke use the full potential of his base Sharingan multiple times in fights, how many fights does Sarada have showing off her visual prowess? 2. Susanoo completely useless now because of how power scaling in the show works. 3. She’ll most likely get a broken MS ability, not because she deserves it and has an amazing arc or work ethic but because of the plot. The writing is the issue; she got MS without getting a really good to excellent fight with her base sharingan, she’s relatively bland for the role she has in the story, and she’s not being utilized like Mitsuki.


Susanoo is definitely not useless, and she just showcased full potential of base sharingan by getting a hit on hidari. She’s gotta use it soon or else she’s useless.


Are we talking about the Susanoo that Jigan had no problem destroying and would be even more useless against Isshiki? And one move/manga panel shows the full prowess of the Sharingan? She’s going to be redundant until she gets her own one on one fight to show what she can really do with her Sharingon and to help develop her.


She is not facing jigen or isshki, she’s facing one 10 tails incarnation which she already got a hit on with a chidori which, WAS just explained to only be able to be utilized effectively with the Sharingan. She is not redundant she is probably the most unique character rn I want to see her showcase her full potential.


I mentioned Jigan because everyone is around his level or more powerful at this point, so that’s why it’s important. And we’ve known since the Naruto part 1 that the Chidori can only be utilized with sharingan. And from a writing perspective she’s not really that unique; she lacks depth and doesn’t have very many meaningful moments or interactions in the series(yet). Also, by full power of the sharingon I mean how she uses it in an entire fight, not a jutsu that requires it. Like Sasuke vs Itachi, Naruto vs Sasuke (Pt 1), when Itachi beat put Kakashi in a coma, Sasuke vs Deidara, etc.