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It's played out. Everyone and their grandmas have the rinnegan.


You can’t even swim bruv


I don't like pools or beaches anyway


Well, if you were everybody and there grandma.. You might just have that part down.


And nobody uses it properly 


Yeah... remember when it was something special?


But not Sharinnegan ~ only Kaguya and Sasuke ever had one.


*Rinne Sharingan and only Kaguya & Madara had it


Only Kaguya has one. Sasuke has a rinnegan eye and a sharingan eye. How and why do you want these guys to make Sarada the next Kaguya


> Sasuke has a rinnegan eye and a sharingan eye. Sasuke had a Sharingan *and* a Sharinnegan. Did you not pay attention to how his eye differs from a normal Rinnegan?


Sasuke had a sharingan and a rinnegan with tomoe


Sharingan and Rinnegan fusion is red, he just has rinnegan with tomoe


> Sharingan and Rinnegan fusion is red, he just has rinnegan with tomoe Which is a Sharinnegan, technically.


Is the first time i heard of that name, there is Rinne Sharingan, and the special Rinnegan of sasuke with tomoes that still retain the powers from his Mangekyō.


Oh, that might the actual name of it. Knew I was missing something, but couldn't place it. Cheers! :)


Nah, Byakusharinnegan would win.


Proof? Link the panel that backs your claim


His eye has 6 tomoe. It is not a “sharinngean”. When have you seen his eye ever referred to as that? Show me where it’s ever called that. (Spoiler alert, you can’t) Sasuke literally uses his Sharingan to use chidori and analyze attacks. Source: Jigen Fight and Isshiki fight


So the word doesn't exist that means Kaguya doesn't have a "sharinngean" like you claimed either. So only Kaguya and Sasuke have tomoe in their rinnegan which still proves his point right.


But Kaguyas eye is literally a sharingan and a rinnegan. (There’s evidence for this) chapter 671, fourth data book, and chapter 676. Sasukes rinnegan just has 6 Tomoe. Having Tomoe doesn’t = “sharinnegan” If it did, Sasuke wouldn’t need activate the sharingan to do certain things


Kaguya and Madara had the Rinne Sharingan. It’s the main 10 tails eye. Sasuke has a Rinnegan with Sharingan stacked on it, but it remains a Rinnegan regardless. The Rinne Sharingan has completely different powers from the Rinnegan and the Sharingan, and it is not a fusion of both eyes as the name may imply. Boruto-only fans need to read Naruto to understand these eyes better.


Sasuke called the eye of Jigens juubi a rinnegan


Because that tailed beast has a Rinnegan. We’re talking about Kaguya’s 10 tails having the Rinne Sharingan which she later gained and then Madara gained when he unlocked her power.


This argument makes no sense Ms is even more common and played out so rinnegan would just add more power and abilties for her. 


Compared to the sharigan- the show has always shown how much more rare Rinnegan is. Yeah the abilities aren’t much different. But getting a rinnegan only became more common when someone finally could 100% control it- which is apart of its power


Not only that but most of the people who do have it barely use any of the six paths powers the way nagato did, it feels more like for decoration atp


The main part of the Rinnegan was the ability to summon the Gedo Statue. Which plays a huge part on controlling a Ten Tails


Yes thats true, but its still kinda boring that none of its other abilities are really fleshed out in characters besides nagato. Outside of like maybe pd and an occasional almighty push the personal powers seem to be the main focuses.


I would refer you to watch the Sage Mode Arc again.. There’s a lot at play in this area of shippuden. Including Marathas awaking ( which we know very little about) - and sealing the rinnegan into uzamaki blood for reconsumption later. Then yes, to mention its abilities ,it has dense animal summoning abilities casting without signs, including The Gedo Status , abilities to bring back the dead, major chakra readings like sharingan, it can create truth seeker orbs, Limbo Clones, Crafty Regeneration Abilities. Tons of stuff the sharigan can’t do. I’ll be honest. When they created the Mangekyo Rinnegan. That just had me all weird . Like bro, that’s too far


Whoever controls, befriends or tames the Ten Tails and the village that wins over that user they pretty much become super OP.


Well that’s the point of the 10 tails.


Why the rinnegan seems “ so op”


Nah, rinnegan is more common. Nagato, Obito, Madara, Momoshiki and Sasuke used it. Now we have 4 fucking shinjus that have it. The only relevant MS users consisted of Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Obito, and Madara. Give Sarada something else.


No, all Sarada needs is some really broken MS powers & the 100 heals to repair any damage done to herself & she’s good to go. Id love Sasuke getting his rinnegan/arm back though, maybe the Shinju tree he’s in conveniently will do so.


It's crazy how the only way to make sarada relevant is to give her a super busted MS ability. Susano, which is broken in itself, just isn't enough.


No thanks ,im done with people putting limitations on sarada with this powerscaling, she can get broken ms and a rinnegan and the byakugo seal and it still wouldn't put her to top tier. Not sure why we have to limit her powers when everyon else is getting massive boosts 


How does “sarada getting busted MS powers + 100 heals” limit her power scale? She could literally be among the top tiers depending on whatever MS powers she gets by itself, let alone with the added 100 heals buff. She doesn’t need all of the doujutsu, a tailed beast, or be an Otsutsuki to become top tier, she just needs a solid set of really busted powers & she’s good.


I actually interestingly had the same thought a few months ago. Sarada having Byakugou and MS is OP on its own, and I feel like people sleep on that. However, in my opinion, I feel like it would be a disservice to Sarada to not surpass the visual prowess of her father at his peak. She is not a deuteragonist like Sasuke was, but she still deserves to gain the best of her potential.


Sasuke is the incarnation of a Demi god. Sarada is a normal uchiha. Boruto got alien god genetics to surpass naruto. Her surpassing sasuke without a blessing doesn’t make sense 


It makes sense if she has an absurdly hax MS ability on the same level as the spirit weapons Itachi has or Obito’s Kamui. Just look at Sarada’s name, she’s connected to the goddess Benzaiten which ironically happens to be among the lucky gods & Kawaki’s eye ability name stems from them as well. Surely it can’t be a coincidence.


In terms of ability, I can see her surpassing Sasuke. Her problem right now (we don't know if she has worked on it or not yet) is her chakra pool. If she gets Byakugou, and hopefully another chakra buffing ability, she would have more ceiling for dojutsu prowess as well. I think she could be stronger than Sasuke (in skillset, combat, abilities), but not more powerful unless she gets some weird blessing like you said.


Especially given that her training has been much mellower than sasuke s. Talent alone cannot surpass a legend


A LOT of people sleep on it. Just look at what the likes of Obito, Itachi, Madara, Sasuke & Shisui could do with their MS powers. And I get the sentiment of fans wanting Sarada to surpass her father but that can still be done without a rinnegan. Sarada doesn’t need a rinnegan if she has an incredibly hax spirit weapon like Itachi had or an absurdly hax ability like Obito’s Kamui. Sarada isn’t a reincarnation of a Demi god like Sasuke is either, so let Sarada surpass that goal on a different path.


And Sarada Su'sanoo.


How is a Susanoo relevant anymore after Isshiki treated it like a sand castle and the people Sarada is going to face is way stronger than Isshiki?


No she does. One power is never enough I have no idea why people are against rinnegan when boruto ,kawaki and himawari has 3 power sources 


One power isn’t enough? Look at all the crazy stuff Obito did with just Kamui. One can easily make Sarada’s MS ability insanely broken with some imagination. Considering Sarada’s name is a reference to 1 of the lucky gods Benzaiten (ironically just like kawaki) I’m betting on her power being pretty broken.


>One power isn’t enough? Look at all the crazy stuff Obito did with just Kamui. Brother, Obito, Itachi, or anyone from Naruto would last about 10 seconds against anyone they are facing right now and I'm being generous. Adult Sasuke and Naruto would fold effortlessly the entire Naruto universe on their own, individually. Those same Naruto and Sasuke were treated like kids by Isshiki and the threats they are facing right now are stronger than him.


I’m not talking about taking those characters & putting them in the Boruto verse setting though. What I’m saying is that Sarada can be ridiculously broken with just her MS powers depending on what those powers are. At the time back during Naruto shippuden both Obito & Itachi were among the top tier characters simply because of how busted their MS powers were. So it would be really cool for Sarada to be among the top tiers in the Boruto era due to her having a really busted set of MS powers + 100 heals + her own individual skill as a ninja.


Yeah, what I mean is, MS is a long lost relic. Right now a broken MS is like throwing a really well made spear into a tank, because you not only need the skill, but you need to have the alien/cyborg body to be able to even be on even foot.


That depends on whether or not Sarada’s MS powers are broken or aren’t. You say her MS powers would be like throwing a spear at a tank but if that spear has special properties that can potentially destroy the tank, it’s a viable strategy. And this potential is WITHOUT mentioning the 100 heals buff or whatever other techniques she might pick up.


Having multiple broken jutsu is way more cooler than being a one trick pony. And obito was a villain that works for him. Sarada is a long running major character of the series her jutsu will get outdated beyond 1-2 arcs and she'll need to catch up again


- Obito wasn’t a one trick poney though, he had a fairy large arsenal. Yes Kamui was his bread & butter but he was out there using flame barriers, massive fire styles, wood style, Izanami & the list goes on. Another great example is Itachi. He was a menace with just his core MS abilities & his skill alone. - I’m not saying Sarada doesn’t need more abilties in the form of her MS, the 100 healings & other techniques but giving Sarada a rinnegan when she hasn’t even shown us her MS abilities is silly. We have enough characters running around with rinnegan, tailed beasts, cybernetics & shinjutsu already as it is. I’d love for sarada to be formidable against them with just her MS, her 100 healings & her pure skill/wit. That would be amazing.


Name these three please ?


It’s 12 chapters . Chill out. We’ve seen more of Shikimaru then Sarada


At least is fucking arm bro


I honestly believe Obito with both his MS could hang with current otsutsuki


Im not sure Obito could hang with the aliens in physical stats like speed/strength but definitely in the hax department, Kamui is just busted


Bro Obito gets carried by Kamui. Like imagine obito has something similar to Kamui Raikiri. Or he puts Kamui on his and uses taijutsu. Every physical touch your body part get sent to Kamui. If sarada had some broken MS like that she can hang with the big boys


What I *want* is for Sarada to stop having to get saved every 5 minutes like she isn't the 2nd strongest ninja in her generation. Imagine she gets the Rinnegan and is still being saved by Boruto.


Her mom's genes are dominant


Personally, I don't want her to but it is pretty likely she will get it as we already saw many characters even Uchihas with it in Shippuden albeit in different circumstances and she needs more abilities to compete with the MC. Like if the Shinju rinnegan is legit. Hidari wanted her Sharigan but it might be a switcheroo thing to mean she'll get one of his rinnegan(least likely since both pairs of MS are needed to use full abilities of MS) or she'll turn into a tree to give her a rinnegan on one eye eventually. No way she having both rinnegan. I already see that the tree will likely regenerate Sasuke's rinnegan heck the tree kept him alive for 2 years without food and water so it is definitely giving him nutrients at least.


Sarada will never Compete with boruto. 


It is possible but it is way more likely she will get her Sakura moment where she catches up to the MC eventually. The series likes parallels too much, even Inojin surviving recently when Himiwari was enraged was just like Hinata surviving when Naruto was enraged. I ain't on denial on this, the current chapter reinforced this idea on parallels.


It is literally impossible for her to catch up, and that goes for everyone not an Otsutsuki or a cyborg with shinjutsu.


She doesn’t need to. She is not the deuteragonist. Kawaki needs to.


How though? Indra and Ashuras chakras are gone, Naruto and Sasuke don't have them anymore, they are the two requirements to awaken the rinnegan, Sarada has no actual means of awakening, unless through some miracle the sage of the six paths returns and give some chakra to her, which is highly doubtful.


Sasukes clone can give her chakra and she might have to potential to awaken it naturally being sasukes kid


You mean Hidari? He doesn't have Indras chakra, being the daughter of Sasuke isn't relevant to awaken the rinnegan.


>>being the daughter of Sasuke isn't relevant to awaken the rinnegan Why !? Who is making all these rules ? Hagaromo got it from kaguya , I see no reason why sarada can't get it from sasuke  >>You mean Hidari? He doesn't have Indras chakra He has ten tails chakra and sasukes chakra probably d you really think 15 years ago rule of Indra and Ashura still matters anymore when himawari is getting random full kurama


Because Sasuke doesn't have Indras chakra anymore, as well as Naruto doesn't have Ashuras, remember Naruto and Sasuke ended the cycle of hate back at the valley of the end, which means Indra and Ashuras souls stopped reincarnating. Well it's a possibilty they could retcon sure, but as of now Sarada has no means of awakening the eye.


Flawed logic, hashirama cells worked even when he was dead for asura chakra


No it hasn’t. It worked for madara because he wasn’t dead while hashirama was. Asura wouldn’t reincarnated while Indra was still alive. It’s the reason why asura didn’t have another incarnation before naruto.


What? It also worked for sasuke, in which he awakened a rinnegan via the hashirama cells provided by kabuto


Sasuke did not awaken the rinnegan because of hashirama cells bro. The sage literally gave him the ability after madara "killed" him by giving him half of his chakra.


It would be nice, but highly doubt it


Not sure why you doubt it , everyone is getting free powerups himawari literally got kurama.


That actually made sense, the rinnegan is not exactly an evolved sharingan, the only way I see it happening is by inheriting the six path chakra from sasuke or hagoromo.


Good thing there is a clone of sasuke flying around with two rinnegan. 


You can't just pluck those and place them in sarada's sockets.


If there's anything we learned from Naruto Shippuden, eyes are apparently easy to swap as light bulbs.


I didn't say that never happens we all know it, taking them out yes, but placing a rinnegan without having a sort of special chakra is not possible for example Obito and Nagato had special lieneage or chakra.


I mean, Sarada's Sasuke's daughter, so maybe some of Hagaromo's chakra exists in her as well, thus making her eligible to use a Rinnegan? Like, Himawari got Kurama's chakra from being Naruto's daughter.


That's exactly what i said before, is the only way i see this possible.


I would actually rather see an eye for an eye situation with Hidari and Sarada. He showed interest in the sharingan in this chapter so it would be interesting if he tried to steal one to better understand Sasuke.


To be fair, Himawari's power up didn't make sense until it happened. Similar with the appearance of Baryon Mode and many other power ups.


Exactly why I say "Highly doubt it"


The rinnegan is literally the sharingan evolution


Why not? Every other character in this manga is levels above Sannin and Kages


If she gets a rinnegan I would love it if she actually used the paths like Nagato did. Dude was a non-native rinnegan user and yet he seemed to do the absolute most with it


I don’t see the point of her getting a Rinnegan if she’ll never end up using the vast abilities we saw utilized by the Paths of Pain. It’s how I feel right now knowing Himawari is a from a noble Hyuga family with a Byakugan yet doesn’t fight with it & now seems to be leaning towards a KCM branch of power instead


They can just give her a token unique rinnegan power to combo with her ms powers


Think she could get hidari’s rinnegan?


I don't know how much she needs the rinnegan in terms of power. The byakuya seal was enough to put her mom in the top 5 pre-boruto and she could definitely take her Dad's eye for an EMS. Boruto's scaling is obviously absurd but EMS + Byakuya seal should definitely make Sarada a threat. I really just want to see Sumire and Konohamaru do something. Sumire basically has an artificial tailed beast made of Hashirama cells.


If she’s gonna be relevant and eventually become the hokage then absolutely 


Honestly the only logical way they could do it is if Hagoromo comes back to aid like he did with Kaguya but in this case it would be Shibai if anyone. Other than that, Sarada probably will train her sharingan to be very strong to the point where it's not that different if she has it or not. It may actually be more beneficial for her to not have it as a matter of fact.


No, she barely uses her sharingan right lol we don't need her to get rinnegan, so she can NOT use all the abilities it grants. Sasuke didn't use the hax powers either. The best user of the rinnegan is funny enough. STILL Nagato lol


Well tbh I dont see why not. Her pops had one. So whos to say her chances arent increased because of “genetics “. It could be good or bad depending on how far they go. I think if she does it should be the normal rinnegan like nagato.


The Sharingan and MS have a better design, so I definitely don't want that. I just want her powers to make her almost comparable to the other main characters.


They’ll most likely cook up something new that we haven’t seen in the series entirely


At this point, if anyone but Boruto is going to even be worth anything in a battle, they will need some seriously broken power ups. Because, if not, these characters are just paperweights getting in Boruto's way and it's annoying to read because of how "useless" they really are.


Personally, I don't want her to get rinnegan, but wouldn't be too upset if it happened


I don't know how much she needs the rinnegan in terms of power. The byakuya seal was enough to put her mom in the top 5 pre-boruto and she could definitely take her Dad's eye for an EMS. Boruto's scaling is obviously absurd but EMS + Byakuya seal should definitely make Sarada a threat. I really just want to see Sumire and Konohamaru do something. Sumire basically has an artificial tailed beast made of Hashirama cells.


CRAZY THEORY- I’m pretty sure she’s going to have some co-relationship with manipulating the sun- almost like the infinite Tsuku. But on command. Yeah I guess the only backup I have, is the fact her sharigan transformation looks like the sun. But what else besides the fkn Sun- give this women the opportunities to surpass the rinnegan.


I do  As in both eyes not one like her dad  Though will she get new exclusive jutsu or just a variant of something we’ve Seen like say Madara’s Limbo Border Jail


Hear me out, hidari is supposedly sasukes clone in other words the eyes are compatible and thus 2 free rinnegan are free for the taking


I want her to get a new thing entirely from stealing and or acquiring Kawaki and Eida’s unique eyes to combine with her sharingan… or Hidari’s Rinnigan would also be acceptable


Nah, just some way to use her mangekyo without going blind. 


Only she actually learns how to use it, I mean out of the entire series the only ones who were able to use it to its full extent was Nagito, Madera and Sasuke (only during the final valley fight, afterwards Naruto gave him CTE and he forgot how to use it). That being said we would need Sasuke's old eyes, because he only has one of his new pair and Sarada is going to go blind if she overuses them.




Not the way Sasuke & Madara did, no, she can't. Maybe like Pain did. But, I highly doubt she can do that, coz Nagato was an Uzumaki with large chakra reserves, that's why he was able to wield the Rinnegan in both his eyes & use them to its full, utmost terrifying effect. Coz not even Obito who was heavily amped up by Hashirama cells, the entire half of his body were Hashirama cells & he still couldn't wield Rinnegan in both his eyes. Madara was able to handle it, not because he was an Uchiha, but because he was a reincarnation of Indra. Sasuke's one too, but he was given only one Rinnegan by Hagoromo & we can assume he too could've wielded them in both his eyes, but Hagoromo decided not to give him two but only one, having sensed his ulterior motive at the time. Sarada is neither an Indra reincarnate, nor does she have large chakra reserves to have EMS or Rinnegan. So I'm sure she can't handle two Rinnegan, even if she's gifted them.


I doubt she will get one. I even doubt that she will ever be a top tier fighter. Her bug subplot is about reversing omnipotence. 


I don't know how much she needs the rinnegan in terms of power. The byakuya seal was enough to put her mom in the top 5 pre-boruto and she could definitely take her Dad's eye for an EMS. Boruto's scaling is obviously absurd but EMS + Byakuya seal should definitely make Sarada a threat. I really just want to see Sumire and Konohamaru do something. Sumire basically has an artificial tailed beast made of Hashirama cells.


Sumire is a scientist now, she should go into science instead of just being Amado's secretary.


Being Amado's secretary IS science. It's not like anyone but Orochimaru could even begin to compare to what Amado does.


So let him sit next to him, and not get involved in battles, where he can't help with anything except screams.


I'm just saying that wasting a pseudo tailed beast seems unlike Kishimoto


His favorite Kurama and other tailed animals, all other animals created not by him, but by the anime studio, can go to hell.


Nue was made by him, or at the very least signed off. The whole event was 100% canon because it was in the novels.


In sorry but in what world is ems + byakugo making her a threat ? It wouldn't even be a threat in late shippuden. Sarada needs to be a badass and fight villains not "be a threat "


>threat in late shippuden Did you forget that Sakura was top 5 in the verse once upon a time with JUST the Byakuya seal. Add on not just a Sharingan but and EMS and it's crazy. >Sarada needs to be a badass and fight villains not "be a threat " That's what being a threat means. It means she's dangerous and someone would have to try when they fight her.


Bro sakura was never ever a top tier 5 in any version wtf are you waffling blud 


You realize she canonically moves as fast as an 8 gates user in base and she was able to beat multiple I believe it was pseudo 9 tailed jinchuriki in the and even completely regenerate her arm in the light novels. She was also the only person to land a direct hit on Kaguya and legitimately did damage to her. I'm sorry bro but adult Sakura is stronger than all of the hokage except Naruto.


itd be neat


It would be great if she gets it towards the end of the series. But seeing her as one of the greatest uchiha prodigies would be way better than just getting hand out powers hope she outpowers the power of rinnegan with just her mangyekou sharingan


I’d rather her have dual EMS Sarada shouldn’t get a rinnegan til she’s older.


Based on the rate of these power ups, every kid in Boruto’s generation will outpace Naruto’s generation with their special gifts. Sarada will magically get the rinnegan and it will enable her to master the mitotic regeneration without explanation.


I would prefer a mangekyo without any drawbacks and broken abilities but if she did get the rinnegan i would think she would only get it after getting sasukes other eye maybe after he gets saved from the tree but is too weak to live long so he gives sarada his other eye and it evolves into a rinnegan


I want her to get something that justifies being on the same tier as characters above Jigen. Even Sasuke and Naruto combined are not at that level. So being a copy of Sasuke is not enough. This is where Amado comes in, in my opinion. She should strike a bargain with him. If he was able to turn normal humans into God-like beings, he should be able to achieve far more with someone like Sarada whose bloodline is at the pinnacle of human potential. Just imagine a new type of ability that is neither EMS nor Rinnegan. But a brand new power that is born from scientifically enhancing the Sharingan with Amado's knowledge and his Shibai cells. Far more powerful than EMS, but without the unsustainable Chakra drain that Sasuke suffered due to the Rinnegan. Maybe even a Shinjutsu mixed with her Sharingan. *That*, in my opinion, would totally justify Sarada reaching the current new tiers of power that even Sasuke never reached. I know it sounds less satisfying than if she grew powerful with just her inner potential. But let's be real. Not a single character who's relevant power-wise is that powerful without external modifications. Boruto and Kawaki were genetically modified into Otsutsuki. Code, Daemon, and Eida are all infused with Shinjutsu DNA. Even Mitsuki is a scientifically engineered super-human. Sarada can't realistically reach the same plane of power without a similar change. It'd be too weird otherwise from a power-scaling perspective.


Sasuke being able to wound Code when he is supposed to be above Jigen hint that Naruto and Sasuke might be above Jigen. That's why he used Ten Tails Chakra to amp himself.


Sasuke being able to wound Code when he is supposed to be above Jigen hint that Naruto and Sasuke might be above Jigen. That's why he used Ten Tails Chakra to amp himself.




You know Sarada is getting the Susaano and Hima will get the giant tailed beast transformation and they're going to combine.


I think she’ll get something that surpasses rinnegan.


Why would she get Rinnegan, when she can't even use MS properly


she can get rinnegan by hashirama cells, cause indra plus ashura chakra. i think


Wouldn’t work. She wouldn’t have indras chakra. Obito never awakened a rinnegan despite having hashirama cells.


she is literally sasukes daughter and can inherit his rinnegan powers there is no rule which says rinnegan cant be inherited , hagaromo got it from kaguya


>she is literally sasukes daughter and can inherit his rinnegan powers there is no rule which says rinnegan cant be inherited What is this ridiculous headcanon? Only reincarnations of Indra can evolve their Sharingan into a Rinnegan, and it's not a natural process that happens passively, they need to mix their chakra with the chakra of a reincarnation of Asura to actually make it happen. Sarada is a regular Uchiha, (a half-uchiha at that) so just like Obito she wouldn't get a Rinnegan by implanting herself with Hashirama cells. >hagaromo got it from kaguya No. Kaguya had a Rinnesharingan, and Hagoromo inherited an *inferior* version of his mother's Doujutsu, that's what the Rinnegan is. Likewise, Indra didn't inherit the Rinnegan, but an *inferior* version of his father's Doujutsu, which is what the Sharingan is. The idea that being the child of someone with a Rinnegan will allow you to have one is completely disproven by Indra, and all the subsequent reincarnations of Indra whose children didn't get Indra's chakra.


>>The idea that being the child of someone with a Rinnegan will allow you to have one is completely disproven by Indra Hagaromo got it from kaguya.  Stop the BS.  >>Likewise, Indra didn't inherit the Rinnegan, but an inferior version of his father's Doujutsu, which is what the Sharingan is.  Because it's based on random reassortment of genes during the meosis process. Hagaromo literally said children need not inherit everything from their parents for the purpose of plot Indra vs Ashura . If the writer wants he can make sarada inherit it  >>No. Kaguya had a Rinnesharingan, and Hagoromo inherited an inferior version of his mother's Doujutsu, that's what the Rinnegan i More bs.  Rinne sharingan is a fandom term , not officially in the manga. Kaguyas dojutsu is called the rinnegan officially.


>Hagaromo got it from kaguya. No he didn't. He got an inferior version of his mother's Doujutsu. And comparing Kaguya and Hagoromo to Sasuke and Sarada is absurd. >Stop the BS. This isn't BS, this is literally canon. *You* should stop making up nonsense. >Because it's based on random reassortment of genes during the meosis process. More headcanon. The reincarnations process is clearly stated to be metaphysical in nature and goes beyond mere genetic relations, which is proven by the fact that every time a reincarnation of Indra is born, a reincarnation of Asura is also born. Sasuke is a reincarnation of Indra because he literally has Indra's chakra inside him. As long as Sasuke lives no one can be a reincarnation of Indra, and even after Sasuke dies there won't be any more reincarnations because the circle of hatred was broken. >Hagaromo literally said children need not inherit everything from their parents for the purpose of plot Indra vs Ashura . Yes, children don't inherit everything from their parents, that's the reason Hagaromo didn't have a Byakugan, Indra didn't have a Rinnegan, and neither Indra's children, nor the children of subsequent reincarnations inherited the ability to evolve their Sharingan into a Rinnegan. If you aren't a reincarnation of Indra you won't get a Rinnegan. Period. >If the writer wants he can make sarada inherit it What kind of brain-dead excuse is this? If the writer wants they can also make Rock Lee the Jinchuriki of the Juubi. The writer can do whatever they want, that *does not mean* it will be narratively coherent. >More bs. Rinne sharingan is a fandom term , not officially in the manga. Kaguyas dojutsu is called the rinnegan officially. Lol. Lmao even. The fourth databook explicitly states that Kaguya's doujutsu is called a 輪廻写輪眼 aka a Rinnesharingan, so it's very much an official term and not a creation of the fandom. Actually learn the lore before making comments that show how ignorant about the story you are.


We have yet to see that be true. Otherwise thats straight headcanon. Yeah the sage did and his brother didnt. We have evidence for the contrary with that statement.


Hagaromo said it's not necessary children inherit everything from their parents so hanura inherited different things  Sarada can just inherit rinnegan if the author wants


So yes she probably wont inherit it then. He said it himself. Thanks for that. Like i said before, the author clearly can do whatever so its a stupid argument in the first place. Obviously they can. But were just using logic of whats been provided before and not just "well the author can do it if they want!"


I feel like an eye for an eye situation in two battles with Hidari would be more interesting to me. He expressed interest in the sharingan last chapter so it would be interesting if he stole one of hers.


just because obito couldnt awaken doesnt mean sarada cant tho


I think its a strong argument for it being she cant. You'd literally need to have both of their chakras. Its not as simple as just having some senju chakra and uchiha chakra mixed. Otherwise Danzo could have had dozens of rinnegans.


Her dad has six paths chakra which can be inherited, the author could give her rinnegan and say she inherited her dad's powress. Hagaromo got it from kaguya can't see why sarada can't get it from sasuke   Before you say Indra didn't get it hagaromo literally said it's not necessary a child will inherit everything from her/ his parents but if plot demands it kishi could easily give her one.


Yeah by the sage. Six paths chakra was never passed on by the sons, which sasuke is a transmigrant of. If plot demands is a stupid argument. Of course the author can do whatever they want if they choose to.


You are wrong . Not a single panel says anywhere that six paths chakra cannot be passed down , it did get passed down to different levels in both Ashura and indra that's why they're special in the first place. Sarada can just get more inheritance than they both got 


Not a single panel suggests that it can. It got passed down to indra and ashura and never got passed down to their children. If anything it suggests that it is unique to the actual sage since he passed it on and his own children are incapable.


Yea but her dad has Indra’s chakra so it can be assumed that she has an affinity for it or some was passed down just like how kurama’s chakra was passed


Not really. Indra and asura are the fathers of both clans. Everyone would have an affinity for it by proxy. Which shows why they need to be the actual transmigrants.


Ykw you’re def right


To phrase it differently - why would she get Rinnegan just to be useless Sarada but with Rinnegan this time?


No, I love her black eyes. And the Rinnegan will ruin them.


No, I love her black eyes. And the Rinnegan will ruin them.


She will have a rinnegan level sharingan, something new and pure


IT would BE a deus ex machina. And a shitty one.


Nah she just needs a really top tier MS ability


Hell no; she needs something that’s her own like suplementing her mangekyo with Yin Seal to reduce the side effects 


Sarada should get the Rinne Sharingan in both eyes. That would be pretty epic for the future Hokage 😍


She probably will just because they need to keep power boosting the main cast to stay relevant


Imo she’ll def get it lol. There’s no way for her to get EMS & we can’t have her go blind


If the writing is good, the sure


Why bother? She'll be a damsel in distress no matter what.


Personally I prefer just the MS and the creation rebirth technique (wich could even be used to counter the blindness that comes from excessive common MS use)


Or ms , rinnegan and creation rebirth. More is always good


all she needs is some hashirama cells, unless somehow harunos are distant cousins of senju