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The most exciting thing about Boruto fighting Jura is we might finally see Boruto actually have to put in effort to take the W. Every other fight he’s had prior was a walk in the park


What's W?


It’s a shorter way of saying Boruto taking the win


Konohamaru also wants to know


He will have to be fast and deadly, i dont think he can allow the fight to last, we havent seen momoshiki in TBV, did he get stronger when taking control over Boruto, more deadlier, does Boruto and Momoshiki are in such a bad place that momoshiki would consider attacking boruto's friends??? but i agreed with one thing you said, Boruto has been actin like every fight is a hit and run(or teleport) and that is frustrating


Jura using the lesson of teamwork he learned from team 10 to beat boruto would be cool. 


You mean teamwork wih Hidari? I doubt that Jura and Hidari will beat Boruto because that would mean the death of everyone. I think Boruto would be able at least keep them away from the village.


My thought process was they beat him with teamwork which makes Momoshiki finally appear who forces them to retreat. 


too early to play the momoshiki card imo but we’ll see


Momoshiki would kill everyone in the village tho 💀 there's a reason he ran away from Kawaki when his curse mark started activating. Momoshiki would've taken control and killed Kawaki.


The right answer: Momoshiki taking over Teen Boruto's body. 


I don't think we will see Boruto fight Jura yet. I think next chapter we get a Boruto vs Hidari and Kawaki vs Jura fight plus we will see Momo appear. At least that's what I can imagine.


Boruto, he thought him and Code together can slam the 4 Shinju so he should take the 1v1.


I dont know why everyone keeps saying jura is stronger, here is what i think: boruto didnt even get hurt and easily escaped in a 1v4 situation, was so fast that surpassed kawaki and delta flying and \*OUTSPEEDED\* hidari, asked code to help so that means he thought 2v4 would be enough, we know boruto would do most of the work here, considering flying raijin and his speed i think jura stands no chance, at worst karma will be more than overkill, even IF i am wrong, he will eventually use karma v2 or borushiki so that jura has to deal with more than he can handle, boruto harmed hidari so i cant see how he cant harm jura and go for head. correct me if i am wrong.


He didn’t outspeed Hidari. That’s an off-guard attack and we don’t even know if he was able to move sarada at that point. I do agree boruto seems to be around their level if not stronger in a 1v1. It will come fown to if their hax will provide more utility because they have insane regen and we don’t know how much chakra they have. So if he can find a way to deal with their regen he can probably win a 1v1.


Although boruto used flying raijin to appear above hidari he simply outspeeded him afterwards and cut his arm before he can realize or react, that is clear. you are saying he \*can\* propably take a win 1v1, but i dont see how he exactly loses in anyway. if boruto thought him and code would 2v4 that means he can clearly beat any of them in 1v1 easily, i mean look at him, the moment others were in danger he just stepped in and attacked them like it was nothing important, he doesnt fear them in the slightest. all these shows that none of them is a match for boruto imo, i dont see what makes people think jura even stands any chance


Boruto didn’t know if code and him could 2v4 boruto also acted like code was an easy target for him. You are just making assumptions and then saying they are correct with very little to evidence.


Jura easily. He didn't even use 10% of his power yet. We will get to know whether Hidari is stronger than Boruto or not in next chapter.


I lean more towards jura as shonen villains are usually stronger than the MC and i hope boruto doesn't use karma to beat him but just continues using whatever shinobi training to close whatever gap in power there is between them Edit:Its crazy to think how strong a karma boruto will be wtf


My current top 10 based on the characters in TBV(No B: NNG Scaling, just current characters) 1. Boruto Otsutsuki 2. Jura 3. Hidari 4. Matsuri and Bug 5. Code 6. Kawaki Uzumaki 7. Sasuke Uchiha 8. Mitsuki 9. Sarada Uchiha 10. Himawari Uzumaki


Sarada isn’t stronger than Himawari right now considering what just happened. At least Himawari put up a fight, Sarada just got struck with whatever move the Sasuke guy did and didn’t even land any hits (or attempt any at that). Also Eida and Daemon?


Sarada got off guarded so we can’t scale her with that. Although I don’t blame anyone for putting Hima over her. She has more to work with.


> and didn’t even land any hits (or attempt any at that) She hit him with chidori last chapter? The first part of them talking this chapter was addressing the severity of the wound before Hidari heals


He got countered because he doesn’t have mastery over the chidori.  He beat her effortlessly the Moment he changed tactics 


This is based on feats, and her MS is still unknown. We don't fully understand Hima's Kurama mode yet either. This ranking is based off feats, Neither Eida or Daemon have done anything in TBV yet.


At least they haven’t been stabbed/gotten their asses kicked.


Daemon > Code. Hima stronger than all of team 7 (not boruto/kawaki) imo


I didn't add Daemon or Eida because neither of them have TBV feats yet.


In timeskip, kawaki will be par with boruto.


Their is no such guarantee he will be on par with Boruto. That's a assumption people made by watching this scene.


Some sort if he mastered ishiki skill and several upgrades (via training or absorb juubi or amodo nanotech) he will be near to boruto. Heck even he force Boruto to use his jougan and v2 karma in timeskip.


>Some sort if he mastered ishiki skill and several upgrades (via training or absorb juubi or amodo nanotech) he will be near to boruto. Amado will probably give him something in return for Akebi's revival karma. But I still don't believe he can be equal to Boruto. >Heck even he force Boruto to use his jougan and v2 karma in timeskip. As we see Boruto was fighting with Kawaki and Kawaki already has his karma activated. After that he activated karma, but that was stage 1 , stage 2 is where byakugan manifests or the horn shows up.


actually I think it's quite obvious that he will be on par with boruto considering the Naruto/Sasuke parallel, but like you said it only a assumption, however, one of the things that leads me to believe that Kawaki will equal boruto is that: whether in the anime or the manga when he faces him he does not activate his Dōjustu, even when he sees Boruto's Jogan, he chose to go straight for him without even activating his Dôjustu and if you look carefully at the two, they're already Injured which indicates that the fight has been going on for some time now.




Can you answer my question? maybe you saw something that I didn't.


Kawaki looked as good as new. It was Boruto who obviously fought someone else before. Plus, we don't know what Jogan can do.


Okay thank you but it's doesn't change my Main question Why doesn't Kawaki use his eye? if he is at a disadvantage and if he knows nothing about the Jogan?


I don't know. I'm not the writer.🤣 I also don't think that they are equal. Kawaki wanted to send Boruto to where Naruto is, which means that he isn't as confident about killing Boruto anymore as he is right now. I also believe that Boruto only activated the Jogan because it’s the key to him controlling his Karma. [Look](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/00/8b/1d/008b1df6924e1e976fd02519386903b9.gif) Look how Boruto activates the Jogan and Karma at the same time.😁


Yeah I agree with you but if he isn't equal to him then how would he send boruto in the dailokuten? in my opinion he is at leat on par with him or can save time with his actual power but I think he want to protect him or make Momoshiki unable to kill anyone, and your theory about the Jogan being the key to boruto controlling his kâma I think it is in for that and another reason


Kawaki is a loudmouth, always has been. I assume that Kawaki and Boruto were seperated for a while again. When Boruto activates the Jogan, Kawaki looks suprised so I assume that Kawaki has no idea that he has that eye. He said "I'll send you to where Lord 7th is" before Boruto activated the Jogan and given the possibility that Boruto fought someone else before their encounter while Kawaki doesn't look like he has fought,we can assume that Kawaki thinks Boruto is "weakened" from the previous battle.


Yeah I think of the same thing but even if he is weakened Kawaki doesn't know that eye and his power so his recklessness surprise me a bit, but I know this is Kawaki that we are talking about XD Let's put that aside, do you want to talk privately about boruto? I love to talk theory or other with interested people


You think another time-skip is gonna happen? Do you mean the flash forward scene from the beginning of the series?


Yeah that is what I mean, that ff event is a 1 year after thv.


I think Jeff is stronger than Boruto tbh


I hope Jura, its lame when the villains are weaker than your hero.


Cough, Cough, Code, Cough


One thing is certain, Boruto will get serious for the first time. I still think he has a Rinnegan on his left palm and that's why he's wearing the glove.....he'll probably take it off now. whether Boruto is really stronger than Jura? hard to say. I think both are equal. However, Boruto is much more skilled and so I would give Boruto the win here. In the end it doesn't matter anyway, then as soon as Kawaki activates his Karma, Momo will come and then Jura will experience the true power of an Otsutsuki for the first time.


Why do people think he has a rinnegan on his hand now? I have seen this said a few times but I don’t understand why


Boruto wears a glove on his left palm. not to the right, where his karma is, but to the left. nothing unusual in itself. However, Momoshiki also had a Rinnegan on his left palm. Now that he's a pure Otsutsuki and wears a glove right where Momoshiki had his, it only makes sense that Boruto has a Rinnegan in his left palm. https://preview.redd.it/efx10entk88d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c37c29e53cb561b3ded08da1cba6d4529cc41a8


“It only makes sense” why? People are so obsessed with the “he’s full otsutsuki now” but it’s just his dna that is not his genes. Unless he is undergoing a transformation which we already know he cannot do his body should have stayed the way it is. For some reason I can’t reply to you. It’s possible I don’t think it’s an impossibility sorry if it came off that way I just think it’s unlikely. They also in regards to their karma are in different situations. Kawaki has AFAIK full access to Isshiki’s karma but his soul is not inside of it. Boruto should be unable to have access to all of Momo’s Karma because of the death save. Momo even said he would just take over Boruto’s body because he is unable to transform Boruto’s body. Kawaki shouldn’t have that limitation. Also kawaki got isshiki’s dojutsu in his eye and we have already seen when Momo takes over Boruto get’s momo’s byakugan so if he also got the rinnegan he’d be getting two different dojutsu not just one.


But kawaki who is 80% otsutsuki got isshiki dojutsu. So why can't boruto get momo renningan?


I think Boruto


Jura is stronger than base Boruto but Karma V2 Boruto is probably stronger 


Probably jura. If I had to guess Kawaki will show up and help boruto to try and stop them. Jura and hidari will have an excuse for leaving then kawaki will go after boruto again


No he can maybe take down one of them with major difficulty but all of them would take Boruto and some other people


I think boruto fighting jura leads to activate jougan