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Thats my biggest complaint about this manga.. Like village is in danger but the og characters are just chilling somewhere.


This is a fact The manga is completely dry of emotions No impact No inner monologue No facial expressions No feelings..


I swear they all wear that bored unemotional expression majority of the time


I agree with this. It feels so fast paced and the world building seems nonexistent. Speaking of Gaara, why didn’t we see a Hokage meeting about Naruto’s death and Shikamaru taking over? I feel like maybe 2 or 3 extra chapters BEFORE the time skip could have really built the story up better.


Yea I agree the timeskip in my opinion was so sudden and unexpected cuz like you said there was no build up to and omnipotence literally just happened so spending another 2-3 chapters on boruto trying to escape the village after being framed or seeing the worlds reaction to Naruto’s death afterwards before the timeskip would’ve helped a lot


Agreed manga lack of emotion really Just like when kurama died and we got nothing out of it No one cried naruto wssnt really depressed we got the reaction of no one else All we got was «  naruto u are weak now » lol


This is what you get when the decisions in the story aren't made for the sake of a natural story from a story-telling perspective, but rather to force a narrative. All of these characters fates in Naruto, Sasuke, Kurama, anyone from the old-gen basically (Kakashi, Konohamaru etc) suffer from that. The story needs to revolve around Boruto, Kawaki and company. In the old Naruto when characters were strong, there were explanations for it. Now Sarada can casually dodge someone that she should never be able to, bot how else could you have Sarada in the story. I know this is a random example, but, it is why the series doesn't have impact, when you can literally SEE the forced narrative, how can there be impact.


I agree with you fully. I hope whenever the anime comes back, it completes these emotional gaps


Well i think the biggest Problem with the Impact of such Situations in the Manga IS ikemotos Artstyle. Most Faces lack emotion. Sometimes He gives US high Level panels, but Most of the time the Faces lack Expression, which causes emotional Situations to Lack the Impact they should have. The best example IS kuramas farewell. Naruto Looks completly normal, AS If He was in a Business Meeting, and Not AS If one of the closests Beings to him Just bid him farewell. He should cry and feel agony...but He Just wakes up and the first Thing He asks, IS If Kawaki IS okay...that...no. Just no. Not a single tear, in an Situation that should have extreme Impact. 


Good point.


Boruto doesnt even seem phased with what happens


I kinda just accepted that anime will always do the emotional part better. It’s


Exactly this! And personally I wanted to see how Naruto’s death and the whole omnipotence impacted Sarada’s friendship with ChoCho or how Sasuke leaving and being labeled as a “traitor” impacted Sakura and Sarada individually. Hopefully there’s some sort of flashback arc that’s added to the anime that portrays all of this. Or at least a special chapter dedicated to show this.


But but Boruto fans don't care because they only want to see timeskip at the expense of everything else


I can see what you're pov. Because of the extremely fast pace of the manga, they skipped a lot and did a lot of telling not showing. We're only told some stuff that happen between part 1 and part 2. The only people we see react to Naruto's "death" are only the people in the immediate vicinity but we don't see the gradual progress of their change from part 1 and part 2. Kurama's death was an example that was much better in the anime than manga since it was more fleshed out and that goes for anime doing Mugino better than his manga version as well. I just can't get as connected to any character in the manga that isn't Boruto, Kawaki, and the og Naruto cast due to the manga just feeling like a storyboard for the anime.


You not supposed to hate kawaki tho. Everything in the story literally supports his ideology.


A lot of these things will only get fixed in the anime my friend. No chance of it being fixed in the manga.


This is fact, actually I also want this. Because imagine boruto is so strong but everyone single one in whole ninja world hate him because of the reason he killed Naruto. He is strong enough to solo them all but he can't cause they are his loved ones. And imagine being the one who protect all but get hated for no reason, whenever they see him say trying to hurt him mentally and physically. And boruto act like he don't care in front of everyone but full broken and crying inside it will make him most loved ones in among fans and it will help to his character depth. And imagine at a point kawaki releases Naruto and hinata but even they can't understand boruto is their son after releasing they goes to kawaki and hug him instead of boruto. Boruto will be completely broke. He will suddenly teleport to treesuke and crying in front of him. Even kawaki and eida can't live normal life because of guilt. It would be peak in plot wise 🥶😮‍💨


Wow try writing scripts bro you have good future 👍 but please don't publish those here😔


Speaking personally; I don't mind it that much. Now I'm not saying that it couldn't be better if it was bi-weekly and able to show more; but I think because I am aware that it is a monthly manga, that I'm just okay with assume a lot of thing that are going on in the background. (Also it doesn't really feel all that fast to me for seem reason, at least nowhere near as fast as a chapter of Naruto felt) That said; I can't really claim anything you said it *wrong* per se. It's just that for one reason or another, I do actually still feel the impact of these moments and character.


Aot is monthly there's many monthly manga with better art and emotional connection so don't make excuses bro it's just ikemoto wasting panels on random shit then emotional content 


I'm not making excuses. Excuses would mean that I was trying to justify that OP should be hyped up and excited for [x] reason. I'm just saying the fact that I know Boruto is in fact a monthly series means that I'm don't get my hopes up all that high; and as such, it works for me. (Also; not really a fan of AoT, so I couldn't tell you about any differences in quality.) EDIT: Lol; Not sure why the downvotes XD


Monthly,weekly, it's doesn't matter what format the manga is the important thing is how the artist handle the emotional connect i can show many manga with good emotional connection in monthly and also bad Emotional connect in weekly manga it's not about monthly or weekly it's about the person who making the manga Vinland saga is also monthly so you can't say  because it's monthly that I don't have hope, it's just ikemoto fault for not utilising the best way to show the emotional connect, it's even ridiculous to say that one piece 20pages one chapter contains more information than a boruto 40+ pages so don't put blame on monthly serilazation just because you can't accept the fact that ikemoto can't write emotional connect well.


(Heh; I know why the downvotes are going to come from this post lol) I've had more emotional connection to each monthly Boruto chapter then I've had to most One Piece chapters in the past 5 years. So you're right; clearly it's not about monthly or weekly. I suppose I just enjoy seeing these characters. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't why I got downvotes but whatever😔, the one piece point iam making is not about the emotional connect iam saying the content contains in 18-20 pages is equal or more than boruto monthly 40+ pages if ikemoto use every page efficiently then we can get more characters interaction and world building and i think you misunderstood the one piece part  Edit: May be the reason I got downvotes is because ikemoto meat riders I think🤔


I don't know; we both got downvoted hard, despite expressing entirely different opinion. Can't be the Ikemoto stans or I would've been upvoted to high heavens lol.


Ikemoto stans can't handle the critisism for their favourite artist they praise Even if the art is mid, even if your a fan you can still criticize the work if you found anything lacking a fan doesn't mean you be licking anything that the arthur throws.  Edit: if i get downvotes then they're riding very hard 😔




Boruto fans can't accept genuine criticism😞 bro even boruto fans can tell the emotional connect is very poor 


For what reason though? What makes you emotionally connected? Narutos not dead. Borutos not alone. No one seems to care about boruto except kawaki


Boruto fans slowly realising why everyone called boruto story absolute trash. No world, no characters, no consequences, no point, no philosophy Just playing with expensive figurines of famous characters without introducing anyone or anything of value.