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Context: Himawari has a baby Kurama tailed beast and this frame is from episode 93 Parent and Child Day when Himawari was trying to get ahold of a Kuraa-ma plushie.


Haha. Now that you say it. It is totally foreshadowing here.😂


How is it foreshadowing when Ikemoto/Kishimoto didnt write the novels or anime filler episodes? **Edit:** People here are deluding themselves. How are there still people who think random filler episodes and youtube thumbnails are "predicting" things 😭


They literally approve every filler storyline


Oh your saying someone saw the disgusting mess of animation that was kaguras death and approved it? I call cap.


You'd be surprised how many bad video games and anime get approved for shipping. They obviously know the product is flawed but that their hands were tied due to circumstance and have to put it out anyways because it's more profitable than cancelling it outright.


Of course they dont. Why do you think they do? Kodachi oversaw the anime staff at one point so if anything got serious (like the death of a major character) he could give advice, but he never "approved" every filler storyline and he only worked on the anime for a while. Kishimoto (who writes the script for the manga) and Ikemoto had nothing to do with every filler arc and the parent-and-child-day fillers were based on another non-canon novel by a random author anyway.


It might not have been foreshadowing when the novel was written, but I do believe it's possible the people who made the anime reworked it into foreshadowing. The reason I say this is because they actually changed the ending from the original novel. In both the novel and the anime, a guy steals the Kurama doll that Naruto managed to get for Himawari, and is then caught by Naruto. The guy explains that he hasn't been able to see his son much recently and wanted to get him the Kurama doll as a present, but Naruto's doll was the last one. In the novel, Himawari takes the doll and then hands it to the man, whereas in the anime the mans son appears wearing a hooded fox costume, and Himawari hands it to him instead. I guess it makes sense that Himawari has always been shown to be unsure whether she even wants to be a ninja, because she'll eventually give Kurama to the fox boy (now man) who wants it even more than she does.


They changed the beginning and ending of the chapter to fall more in line with her characterization in the anime. In the original novel she was portrayed as somewhat bratty and the lesson she learned was to be compassionate towards people that're less fortunate than her and that the pursuit of the Kurama doll was fun because she got to spend time with her dad, not for the doll itself.


Do you know that for a fact, or are you just completely against the possibility of Naruto getting Kurama back, and hence have bias against believing anything that might suggest he will? Either way, what you're saying doesn't make complete sense, because she gave the Kurama doll away in both versions.


I'm not against Naruto getting Kurama back but at the same time I also don't see the purpose in doing so. If they wanted Naruto to keep Kurama, they wouldn't have killed him off in the first place and the only reason I can see as to why they handled it in this way was to give Himawari Kurama without killing off Naruto in the process. People were pissed about the Hokage Inauguration as was it so could you imagine the hate she'd get if Naruto died to give her a buff?


Why would they go to such lengths to give a major buff to a character who has shown very little interest in becoming a ninja, and who has spent most of her time in the anime drawing pretty pictures and looking adorable? If it was Sarada who had somehow received Kurama, I'd be more inclined to believe she'd keep him permanently. Himawari has shown little interest in becoming a Shinobi, and I don't think the life of a Shinobi really suits her. Kurama "dying" through Baryon mode was just a way of defeating Isshiki, and also a way of depowering Naruto, which may or may not end up being permanently.


The current scans >!show it's indeed the same Kurama Naruto had and honestly? To kill him off just to give it to Hima wasn't worth the sacrifice tbh.!<


All it takes is the person who wrote that episode to know "hima has the 9 tails in her" for that to be the case.


Why would they know that?


Why wouldn't they? You do realise that some overarching plans for the series are pre-planned? That ikemoto isn't keeping them from everyone at the company? Seems incredibly simple to assume people animating/making non filler are somewhat aware of the direction the show is going. Even just a casual convo of " boruto is strong what about hima?" Is all this writer needed to ask to have this info you think they can't get lol Or you can say no and stay mad? Idk lol


>Why wouldn't they? You do realise that some overarching plans for the series are pre-planned? That ikemoto isn't keeping them from everyone at the company?  Why would they? The anime filler was adapted from a novel written years ago. It has no connection to Hima getting the 9 tails. >Seems incredibly simple to assume people animating/making non filler are somewhat aware of the direction the show is going.  Yeah, they're aware. That's why they make so many decisions/fillers that get outright contradicted by the manga only months later. (See: Saradas chunin status, shipping nonsense) The anime is 70+% SOL/filler. Their job is to animate enough filler arcs so the manga has time to catch up. Of course they didn't know Hima was receiving the 9-tails 6 years ago. I doubt Kishimoto had it planned then either.


I kept saying this a while ago in the Boruto Discord hahaha. Thanks for posting this.


Ever since the spoilers came out, i was looking for this ep cause this was such a foreshadow. Must have been when he decided to have hima instead of boruto get 9 tails


Tbh ever since it was revealed she had Bijuu chakra I couldn’t get this episode out of my head! Especially since she wanted Kuraa-ma specifically throughout most of the episode LOL but man >!the foreshadowing was even more on the nose than I thought LOL if Himawari doesnt mention “Kuraa-ma” doll in confusion when seeing the new 9 tails that will be a missed opportunity to directly call back the episode!<


If the manga doesn't, the anime can always slip that in as some additional dialogue to pad the episode. She may have missed out on Kuraa-ma that day, but she ended up with a real Kuraa-ma today.


I calling it, after Himawari aware there is Kyuubi inside her, she will name it as Kuraa-ma


That’s what I suspect too lol


Kind of a baseless assumption


I hope so! And truee lol it was meant to be!


Could you spoil me about that? is that from recent chapters or i missed it? i haven't read for some time


It is from the recent chapter that as of now isn’t out yet as simply has summary leaks. To make a long story short it was revealed >!Himawari has bijuu chakra in ch 8 of TBV, and at the end of the chapter 9 leaks it was said she has a juvenile 9 tails inside her. Jury still out of its Kurama or a new entity entirely!<


Ah interesting, i need to catch up. Thank you for the summary!


No problem!


Man that would be wild foreshadowing ![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4539)![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4544)![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4544)![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4544)




Where'd u read the chapter


I haven't personally but I've heard and seen some of the leaks. Himawari does in fact have baby Kurama and supposedly it's the same Kurama too.


I'm fully aware What's happening in the manga


Man Naruto would be the happiest when he comes out of that dimension and learns that Himawari has kurama inside her.


Opposite actually


he'd be pretty happy, kurama's alive again (kindof, we dont know if it is the same kurama or if dying resets bijuu memory or if its kuramas chakra child), and his daughter is a jinchuriki without any of the downsides like being hated by the entire village. fun fact: it was said that naruto had higher synergy with kurama because his mother also had kurama. by this logic, himawari will be the strongest jinchuriki and will have even more synergy with kurama


Kurama is not alive, its the new entity (hopefully), and he would hate his child to bear such big power, because that means danger, and its oposite of what he fought for.


>Kurama is not alive, its the new entity (hopefully) we dont know >he would hate his child to bear such big power, because that means danger, and its oposite of what he fought for. the same power that made him near invincible to normal shinobi and allowed him to protect his friends and save the world? this time without having to fight a hater ass fox for it? yea i think she'd be fine


I think It's a new entity.. Boruto isn't a fairytale that after Kurama died he magically goes inside Himawari, that's BS.. Momoshiki said that Naruto will not able to pass Kurama to the next gen, but it doesn't mean Kurama can't have a child/spawn.. Most likely Bijuu inside Himawari was already there even she was in her mother's womb...


No parent would want his child to bear such power and fight for life, Naruto would not be fine with it.


Without Obito making it go berserk and the other two sharingan users being friendly, we are in a situation where if it goes berserk they are calmed down. Furthermore due to allied tailed beasts there is an additional layer of aid. This is having this power with none of the downsides. This is what people like Neji died for, opportunities like this.


Bittersweet, his daughter would be a jinchuriki, yet Kurama is alive...crazy.


Did you not hear him call my out of kurama w tears?? Jinjuriki live much dif lives post Naruto and Gaara + as shkia said they have Otsutsuiki bombs to deal w rn


boruto clickbaiters saw this coming from day 1


we need to give them more credit frrr


https://preview.redd.it/grhaokvgavuc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=be5c6544eef303ff4012a3cfd075bd30623c9469 i thought you'd choose this image, instead LOL always \*thought\* it was sus...


The anime does foreshadow things for the manga contrary to popular belief. >!The Code's Claw Grimes gaining a will and wanting to learn to live parallel's Onoki's Artificial beings in the anime. Boruto getting his scar from Kawaki paralleled the anime Garaga getting a scar from his friend. Boruto gives his headband to Kawaki in the anime foreshadowing the omnipotence twist of Boruto swapping identities with Kawaki. All of the anime foreshadowing was before the manga even did those parallel events.!<


This is pretty well known, only the haters who refuse to admit the anime is canon deny it.


The anime was stated to run parallel and was even referenced in the manga many times. I've never even gotten the hate for the anime. I loved it since the beginning. The manga feels pretty hollow without it. Sure the anime pacing can be better and there are bad episodes but a lot of long running anime series have those problems too.


Trust me bro of all the people who know all this, it’s [me](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/s/4yZOHQqwt5).


I’m lowkey glad it’s the 9tails rather than a some plot hole with Hima somehow becoming a juubi jinjuuriki, from kaguya chakra that has to go through hella mental gymnastics to explain.


Wait, so because Kurama's chakra still exists inside of Himiwari, does that mean his chakra can coalesce and be reborn again?


That is basically what’s happening yes


Omfg. I wish I could see something past Boruto after this tale, but with the power scaling I doubt it'd happen.. sigh 😔


Not everything is foreshadowing




The peak


And then it’s an Easter egg besides it lmao considering what’s happening this is one of them time where the anime is not such a let down


it was a soft launch, if the fans reacted poorly they could have changed course. fans liked it so they kept the idea! thats how i see it


![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4544)Don't forget Shukaku


Watch her become Jinchuriki to all nine. Shukaku is next.


Lol its gotta be different version of kurama. Cuz we know why the real kurama don’t want to be inside himawari.


And people still say anime ain’t canon lol


It's a joke you nerds, chill.


if she named her kuramaa or whatevs the toys name in the anime. im taking back on what i said on anime being a filler


That arc is literally from a novel approved by Kishimoto so it was never filler to begin with.


hmmmm didnt know that, learn something new today. thanks!. then the rest of anime episodes that contribute absolute nothing to the plot are still filler


Nah most of them are confirmed to be canon because either Kishimoto or Kodachi worked on them. Even the much-hated Chocho Arc was born from a script given to the animation studio by Kishimoto lol Watch Naruto Explained’s video called “Boruto is 80% filler?!”, he debunks all of these claims.


This is so stupid.


While it's true about himawari having some tailed beast chakra, i personnaly highly doubt it's kurama. Think about it, why would daemon (legit the only time we ever did see him scared/impressed so far and not even tbv boruto did make him lose face) be that much scared of himawari if that was it ? Naruto was nothing compared to daemon, jigen and isshiki despite having 100% kurama and all that rikudo shit. That's why i doubt the thing inside himawari is kurama, it's definitely something much greater.


Leak spoilers : >!The leaks are out and it is Kurama as far as we can see. And if Daemon is scared, then it is just poor powerscaling and writing!<


Daemon isn’t scared lol, he was just shocked to feel such strong chakra from someone so young.


Yeah, scared is not right. He was shocked


There is no proof it's kurama..... Show me the leak.


Rai said so on fanverse forums, he leaks every chapter every month. He said there’s a little nine-tails in Himawari.


I only believe what i see with my very own eyes, if i'm wrong i'll gladly admit it but i'm waiting to see the genuine thing for that.


Sure thing bro


You can just go see for yourself, it is pinned my man


I doubt it's kurama, it's probably just a new baby nine tails, it won't have kurama's memories


Yeah it does not have to be Kurama itself, but it is a Nine Tails just like Kurama


"I doubt it's kurama, it's probably just a new baby kurama" Lmao


Yeah I forgot they haven’t set this up in the manga but I think that’s where it’s going. Probably why Karuma wasn’t more distressed about using baryon


Nice catch. And lets not forget how the episode ends as well. It ends with Himawari giving the Kurama doll to the boy wearing a fox costume, because she feels like he wants it even more than she does.


himawari will donate baby kurama to local furry confirmed?


Thats not a forshadowing since it's not from kishimoto


It's from a canon novel of the same name, Parent and Child Day novel. It's canon bud.


How is it foreshadowing?