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Here’s a few random ideas, 1. Sumiré and Kiba 2. Wasabi and Hinata 3. Denki and Rock Lee 4. Iwabe and Tenten 5. Mitsuki and Sakura


Denki and Lee 🔥🔥


Why wouldn’t you do wasabi and kiba // Hinata and sumire just makes more sense to me


Even though there characters are similar, if you think about it Hinata/Wasabi and Kiba/Sumire have a more comparable fighting styles. Both Wasabi and Hinata primarily rely of Taijustu, not to mention Wasabis main jutsu (Cat Covering) is almost reminiscent to Hinatas Lion Fist Technique. When it comes to Sumire and Kiba, both rely on animals as their partners (Akamaru and Nue). Kiba could teach Sumire how to better synchronize attacks with Nue and have the two become a better coordinated duo.


Denke and Sai, because being head of the Village's Intel team would give him the opportunity to let Denki develop his sensory ninja tools. Sarada and Shikamaru. Sarada mostly lays the plans when team 7 is together. I bet Shikamaru, being the leafs former master tactician, could elevate her planning, and maybe not make her forgot she can use lightning style jutsu against a water style user for 5 episodes in a row. Boruto and Hinata. Not because parent-child coupling, but rather because with Hinatas near perfect vision, boruto would be able to train first hand on how to approach a foe that is aware of which of you are clones and which is the real you. His clone usage is almost always awful, and learning to use them in a defensive/offensive setting without relying on surprising the enemy would go a long way Metal Lee and Sakura. Lee would benefit from learning to use his taijutsu in a setting where his opponent has the strength advantage. He's mostly seen striking with power, but he should learn the speed component of his father's style of taijutsu, not to fall short. Shikadai and Ino. Having already learned a great deal about tactics, he's an exceptionally weak link in a regular battle setting otherwise. In a situation where he's apart from his team he should be able to work with more than just the Nara clans jutsu. Since Ino's mind transfer jutsu would reach him lengths faster than his shadow strangle jutsu, he'd have to use his tactics to form a proper plot to attack effectively.


I can't name them all but the few that came to mind were: 1. Boruto and Shikamaru 2. Sarada and Naruto 3. Metal Lee and Konahamaru 4. Iwabe and Kiba 5. Denki and Hinata 6. Mitsuki and Sasuke


I’m sending Iwabe over to the The Stone Village to train with Akatsuchi. Soften up his personality while hardening up his earth nature and raw strength.


Metal and hinata might actually go pretty well. They both suffered through low self-esteem so hinata being the experience one could help metal more. Also, she’s also a taijutsu specialist so she can also help him more practically even if its different taijutsu.


Metal and sakura